World snapshot represents a discrete snapshot of the game world. Thus each snapshot holds the state of Terrain, entities etc for their corresponding GameTime.
Пример #1
        public void Initialize(World world, PhysicsControl physics)
            _physics = physics;
            var particles = new List<Vector2>();
            var velocities = new List<Vector2>();
            Particles = new Vector2[ParticleCount];
            Velocities = new Vector2[ParticleCount];
            _velocityBuffer = new Vector2[ParticleCount];
            const float initGridSize = 0.4f;
            for (var x = 0.0f; x < _width; x += initGridSize)
                for (var y = 0.0f; y < _height; y += initGridSize)
                    if (!world.StaticGeometry.IsWaterSpawn(x, y))

                    particles.Add(new Vector2(x, y));
                    velocities.Add(new Vector2(0,0));
                    _grid[(int)(particles.Last().X * GridMultiplier), (int)(particles.Last().Y * GridMultiplier)].Add(particles.Count-1);

            Particles = particles.ToArray();
            Velocities = velocities.ToArray();
            _velocityBuffer = Velocities.ToArray();
            ParticleCount = particles.Count;
            _w = new float[ParticleCount, ParticleCount];
Пример #2
        public Session(Ballz _game, World.World world, MatchSettings settings)
            World        = world;
            Terrain      = World.StaticGeometry;
            GameSettings = settings;

            Physics         = new Physics.PhysicsControl(_game);
            Physics.Enabled = false;

            GameRenderer         = new Renderer.GameRenderer(_game);
            GameRenderer.Enabled = false;
            GameRenderer.Visible = false;

            DebugRenderer         = new Renderer.DebugRenderer(_game);
            DebugRenderer.Enabled = false;
            DebugRenderer.Visible = false;

            SessionLogic         = new Logic.GameLogic(_game, this);
            SessionLogic.Enabled = false;

            Logic          = _game.Services.GetService <LogicControl>();
            Logic.Message += Physics.HandleMessage;
            Logic.Message += GameRenderer.HandleMessage;
            Logic.Message += SessionLogic.HandleMessage;
            Logic.Message += DebugRenderer.HandleMessage;

            Input = _game.Services.GetService <Input.InputTranslator>();

            Game = _game;
Пример #3
        public void DrawWaterDebug(World.World world)
            if (NOWATER || world.Water?.ParticleCount == 0)

            var blending = new BlendState();
            blending.AlphaSourceBlend = Blend.SourceAlpha;
            blending.AlphaDestinationBlend = Blend.InverseSourceAlpha;
            blending.ColorSourceBlend = Blend.SourceAlpha;
            blending.ColorDestinationBlend = Blend.InverseSourceAlpha;

            var water = world.Water;
            var particles = water.Particles;

            VertexPositionColor[] lines = new VertexPositionColor[particles.Length * 6];

            for(int i = 0; i < particles.Length; i++)
                var bottom = particles[i] + new Vector2(0, -DebugParticleSize);
                var right = particles[i] + new Vector2(-DebugParticleSize, DebugParticleSize);
                var left = particles[i] + new Vector2(DebugParticleSize, DebugParticleSize);
                lines[i * 6 + 0].Position = new Vector3(bottom, 0f);
                lines[i * 6 + 1].Position = new Vector3(right, 0f);
                lines[i * 6 + 2].Position = new Vector3(right, 0f);
                lines[i * 6 + 3].Position = new Vector3(left, 0f);
                lines[i * 6 + 4].Position = new Vector3(left, 0f);
                lines[i * 6 + 5].Position = new Vector3(bottom, 0f);

                lines[i * 6 + 0].Color = Color.White;
                lines[i * 6 + 1].Color = Color.White;
                lines[i * 6 + 2].Color = Color.White;
                lines[i * 6 + 3].Color = Color.White;
                lines[i * 6 + 4].Color = Color.White;
                lines[i * 6 + 5].Color = Color.White;

            Game.GraphicsDevice.RasterizerState = new RasterizerState
                CullMode = CullMode.None
            Game.GraphicsDevice.DrawUserPrimitives(PrimitiveType.LineList, lines, 0, particles.Length * 3);
Пример #4
        public void DrawWater(World.World world)
            if (NOWATER)

            var waterDomainScreenPos = WorldToScreen(Vector2.Zero);
            var oldRasterizerState = Game.GraphicsDevice.RasterizerState;
            Game.GraphicsDevice.RasterizerState = new RasterizerState
                CullMode = CullMode.None,
            var oldDepthState = Game.GraphicsDevice.DepthStencilState;
            Game.GraphicsDevice.DepthStencilState = new DepthStencilState
                DepthBufferEnable = false,
                DepthBufferWriteEnable = false
            Game.GraphicsDevice.DrawUserPrimitives(PrimitiveType.TriangleList, FullscreenQuad, 0, 2);
            Game.GraphicsDevice.DepthStencilState = oldDepthState;
            Game.GraphicsDevice.RasterizerState = oldRasterizerState;
Пример #5
        public void PrepareDrawWater(World.World world)
            if (NOWATER)

            var blending = BlendState.Additive;

            var water = world.Water;
            var particles = water.Particles;


            spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, blending);

            for (int i = 0; i < particles.Length; i++)
                var pos = WorldToScreen(particles[i]);
                spriteBatch.Draw(MetaBallTexture, position: pos, origin: new Vector2(MetaBallRadius, MetaBallRadius));


Пример #6
        public void Step(World worldState, float elapsedSeconds)
            if (GameSession.Renderer.WaterRenderer.NOWATER)

            if (++seldomCtr < 2)

            for (var i = 0; i < ParticleCount; ++i)
                Velocities[i].Y += -9.81f*elapsedSeconds;


            for (var i = 0; i < ParticleCount; ++i)
                Particles[i] = Particles[i] + Velocities[i]*elapsedSeconds;
                var x = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(Particles[i].X,_width-1));
                var y = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(Particles[i].Y,_height-1));

                if (x != Particles[i].X)
                    Velocities[i].X = -Velocities[i].X*0.5f;

                if (y != Particles[i].Y)
                    Velocities[i].Y = -Velocities[i].Y*0.5f;

                Particles[i].X = x;
                Particles[i].Y = y;

            for (var x = 0; x < _width*GridMultiplier; ++x)
                for (var y = 0; y < _height * GridMultiplier; ++y)

            for (var i = 0; i < ParticleCount; ++i)
                _grid[(int)(Particles[i].X * GridMultiplier), (int)(Particles[i].Y * GridMultiplier)].Add(i);
Пример #7
        public void Update(float elapsedSeconds, World.World worldState)
            if (!IsAlive)
                Ball.IsAiming = false;

                if (KeyPressed[InputMessage.MessageType.ControlsLeft])
                    Ball.Velocity = new Vector2(-2f, Ball.Velocity.Y);
                    Ball.AimDirection = new Vector2(-Math.Abs(Ball.AimDirection.X), Ball.AimDirection.Y);
                if (KeyPressed[InputMessage.MessageType.ControlsRight])
                    Ball.Velocity = new Vector2(2f, Ball.Velocity.Y);
                    Ball.AimDirection = new Vector2(Math.Abs(Ball.AimDirection.X), Ball.AimDirection.Y);

                // Up/Down keys rotate the aim vector
                if (KeyPressed[InputMessage.MessageType.ControlsUp])
                    var v = Ball.AimDirection;
                    // Rotate at 60°/s. Use sign of v.x to determine the direction, so that the up key always moves the crosshair upwards.
                    var radians = (v.X > 0 ? 1 : -1) * elapsedSeconds * 2 * (float)Math.PI * 60f / 360f;
                    Ball.AimDirection = v.Rotate(radians);
                if (KeyPressed[InputMessage.MessageType.ControlsDown])
                    var v = Ball.AimDirection;
                    // Rotate at 60°/s. Use sign of v.x to determine the direction, so that the up key always moves the crosshair upwards.
                    var radians = (v.X > 0 ? -1 : 1) * elapsedSeconds * 2 * (float)Math.PI * 60f / 360f;
                    Ball.AimDirection = v.Rotate(radians);

                    Ball.ShootCharge += elapsedSeconds * 0.7f;
                    if (Ball.ShootCharge > 1f)
                        Ball.ShootCharge = 1f;
                else if(Ball.ShootCharge > 0 )
                    worldState.Entities.Add(new Shot
                        ExplosionRadius = 1.0f,
                        HealthImpactAtDirectHit = 25,
                        IsInstantShot = false,
                        Position = Ball.Position + Ball.AimDirection * (Ball.Radius + 0.2f),
                        Velocity = Ball.AimDirection * Ball.ShootCharge * 30f,

                    Ball.ShootCharge = 0f;
                // Handle single-shot input events
                switch (controlInput)
                    case InputMessage.MessageType.ControlsJump:
                        Ball.Velocity = new Vector2(Ball.Velocity.X, 5f);
            controlInput = null;
Пример #8
        public override bool Update(float elapsedSeconds, World.World worldState)
            bool ballMadeAction = base.Update(elapsedSeconds, worldState);
                Vector2 upDir = Vector2.Normalize(Ball.Position - worldState.StaticGeometry.gravityPoint);
                Vector2 leftDir = new Vector2(-upDir.Y, upDir.X);
                if (KeyPressed[InputMessage.MessageType.ControlsLeft])
                    var speed = WalkingTime < SlowWalkTime ? WalkingSpeedSlow : WalkingSpeedNormal;
                    Ball.Velocity = new Vector2(Min(-speed, Ball.Velocity.X), Ball.Velocity.Y);

                    WalkingTime += elapsedSeconds;
                else if (KeyPressed[InputMessage.MessageType.ControlsRight])
                    var speed = WalkingTime < SlowWalkTime ? WalkingSpeedSlow : WalkingSpeedNormal;
                    Ball.Velocity = new Vector2(Max(speed, Ball.Velocity.X), Ball.Velocity.Y);

                    WalkingTime += elapsedSeconds;
                    WalkingTime = 0;

                if (Ball.Velocity.X > 0.01 && Ball.ViewRotation < 0.99)
                    Ball.ViewRotation += ViewRotationSpeed * elapsedSeconds;
                else if (Ball.Velocity.X < -0.01 && Ball.ViewRotation > -0.99)
                    Ball.ViewRotation -= ViewRotationSpeed * elapsedSeconds;
                else if (Abs(Ball.Velocity.X) < 0.01 && Abs(Ball.ViewRotation) > 0.01)
                    Ball.ViewRotation -= Math.Sign(Ball.ViewRotation) * ViewRotationSpeed * elapsedSeconds;

                Ball.ViewRotation = Max(-1, Min(Ball.ViewRotation, 1));

                // Up/Down keys rotate the aim vector
                if (KeyPressed[InputMessage.MessageType.ControlsUp])
                    var v = Ball.AimDirection;
                    // Rotate at 60°/s. Use sign of v.x to determine the direction, so that the up key always moves the crosshair upwards.
                    var radians = (v.X > 0 ? 1 : -1) * elapsedSeconds * 2 * (float)Math.PI * 60f / 360f;
                    Ball.AimDirection = v.Rotate(radians);

                if (KeyPressed[InputMessage.MessageType.ControlsDown])
                    var v = Ball.AimDirection;
                    // Rotate at 60°/s. Use sign of v.x to determine the direction, so that the up key always moves the crosshair upwards.
                    var radians = (v.X > 0 ? -1 : 1) * elapsedSeconds * 2 * (float)Math.PI * 60f / 360f;
                    Ball.AimDirection = v.Rotate(radians);

                    Ball.AimDirection = new Vector2(-Math.Abs(Ball.AimDirection.X), Ball.AimDirection.Y);
                else if(KeyPressed[InputMessage.MessageType.ControlsRight])
                    Ball.AimDirection = new Vector2(Math.Abs(Ball.AimDirection.X), Ball.AimDirection.Y);

                // Handle single-shot input events

            controlInput = null;

            return ballMadeAction;
Пример #9
        public override bool Update(float elapsedSeconds, World.World worldState)
            base.Update(elapsedSeconds, worldState);

            if (Ball.IsAlive)
                _shootCooldown -= elapsedSeconds;

                if (_shootCooldown <= 0f)
                    if (_currentTarget == null || _currentTarget.Disposed || _currentTarget.Health <= 0)
                        _currentTarget = (Ball)worldState.Entities
                            .FirstOrDefault(e => e is Ball
                                && ((Ball)e).Player != Ball.Player
                                && ((Ball)e).Health > 0);
                        _currentTarget =
                                    (curMin, x) => (x as Ball)?.Player != Ball.Player && (curMin == null || (Ball.Position - x.Position).LengthSquared() < (Ball.Position - curMin.Position).LengthSquared()) ? x : curMin) as Ball;

                    if (_currentTarget != null)
                        Ball.IsAiming = false;
                        Ball.IsCharging = false;
                        var curCharge = 0.01f;
                        float o = 0;
                        while (curCharge < 0.5f)
                            var g = 9.81f; // gravity
                            var v = curCharge * 25f; // velocity
                            var x = _currentTarget.Position.X - Ball.Position.X; // target x
                            var y = _currentTarget.Position.Y - Ball.Position.Y; // target y
                            var s = v * v * v * v - g * (g * (x * x) + 2 * y * (v * v)); //substitution

                            if (s < 0)
                                curCharge += 0.01f;
                            o = (float)Math.Atan2(v * v + Math.Sqrt(s), g * x); // launch angle
                            Ball.IsAiming = true;
                            Ball.IsCharging = true;

                        if (!Ball.IsAiming)
                            Ball.HoldingWeapon = "HandGun";
                            Ball.AimDirection = Vector2.Normalize(_currentTarget.Position - Ball.Position);
                            var muzzle = SpriteGraphicsEffect.CreateMuzzle(
                                Ball.Position + 2f * Ball.AimDirection,

                            var rayHit = Game.Match.Physics.Raycast(Ball.Position, Ball.Position + Ball.AimDirection * 1000f);
                            if (rayHit.HasHit)
                                const float explosionRadius = 0.3f;
                                const float damage = 25f;
                                Game.Match.World.StaticGeometry.SubtractCircle(rayHit.Position.X, rayHit.Position.Y, explosionRadius);
                                Ballz.The().Match.World.GraphicsEvents.Add(SpriteGraphicsEffect.CreateExplosion(Ballz.The().Match.GameTime, rayHit.Position, 0, 0.2f));
                                var theBall = rayHit.Entity as Ball;
                                if (theBall?.Health > 0)
                            _shootCooldown = PauseBetweenShots;
                            return true;
                        Ball.HoldingWeapon = "Bazooka";

                        Ball.AimDirection = Vector2.UnitX.Rotate(o);

                        if (Ball.ShootCharge > curCharge)
                            Shot newShot = new Shot
                                ExplosionRadius = 3.0f,
                                HealthDecreaseFromExplosionImpact = 25,
                                HealthDecreaseFromProjectileHit = 10,
                                ShotType = Shot.ShotType_T.Normal,
                                ExplosionDelay = 0.0f,
                                Recoil = 1.0f,
                                Position = Ball.Position + Ball.AimDirection * (Ball.Radius + 0.101f),
                                Velocity = Ball.AimDirection * curCharge * 25f,

                            Ball.PhysicsBody.ApplyForce(-10000 * Ball.ShootCharge * newShot.Recoil * Ball.AimDirection);

                            Ball.ShootCharge = 0f;
                            _shootCooldown = PauseBetweenShots;
                            return true;
                        Ball.IsAiming = false;
                    Ball.IsCharging = false;

            return false;