protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)

            // setup ui

            // get list view
            var view = FindViewById <ListView>(Resource.Id.listView);

            // get data from intent
            float speed    = Intent.GetFloatExtra(SPEED_KEY, 0);
            float distance = Intent.GetFloatExtra(DISTANCE_KEY, 0);
            float angle    = Intent.GetFloatExtra(ANGLE_KEY, 0);

            // create list of data
            List <string> data = new List <string>();

            // get length that is a percentage of distance
            float increment = distance * DISTANCE_PERCENT;
            float x         = 0;

            while (x <= distance)
                // get elevation
                float y = BallisticTools.GetElevationAtDistance(speed, x, angle);
                // create string
                var entry = string.Format("( {0},  {1} )", x.ToString("n0"), y.ToString("n2"));
                // add to list

                // end
                if (x >= distance)

                // next distance mark
                x += increment;

                // cap distance
                if (x > distance)
                    x = distance;

            // plug in data to list view
            view.Adapter = new ArrayAdapter <string>(this, Android.Resource.Layout.SimpleListItem1, data);
Пример #2
        void NewData(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e)
            // get input
            bool tp1 = float.TryParse(speedField.Text, out speed);
            bool tp2 = float.TryParse(xField.Text, out x);
            bool tp3 = float.TryParse(yField.Text, out y);
            bool tp4 = float.TryParse(zeroField.Text, out zero);

            // put in array
            bool[] dataEntry = { tp1, tp2, tp3, tp4 };

            // calculate progress
            progressBar.SetProgress(0, false);

            foreach (bool b in dataEntry)
                if (b)
                    // update progress bar

            // try to calculate
            if (progressBar.Progress == 100)
                // get launch angle
                angle = BallisticTools.GetLaunchAngle(speed, x, y);
                // get hold
                double hold = BallisticTools.GetHold(angle, speed, x, y, zero);
                // display hold
                holdLabel.Text = string.Format("Hold {0} (m) Over", hold.ToString("n2"));

                // get flight time
                float flightTime = BallisticTools.GetFlightTime(angle, speed, x);
                // display flight time
                timeLabel.Text = string.Format("{0} (s) Flight Time", flightTime.ToString("n2"));