Пример #1
        private void SendCmd_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // Validate KeyCode Length Should be 1 to 14 Characters
                string trimed_code    = Code_txt.Text.Trim();
                string Sel_Devicename = Device_cmb.SelectedItem as string;
                /* Fetch the Device ID from Devices */
                byte[] Deviceid = new byte[8];

                for (int i = 0; i <= Global.Allowed_DevicesList.Count - 1; i++)
                    if (Global.Allowed_DevicesList[i].Device_name.Equals(Sel_Devicename))
                        Global.Allowed_DevicesList[i].Device_Id.CopyTo(Deviceid, 0);

                bool IsDevice_Connected = false;
                for (int i = 0; i <= ServerClass.Devices_Buffer.Count - 1; i++)
                    if (ServerClass.Devices_Buffer[i].IsConnected && (ServerClass.Devices_Buffer[i].DeviceId.SequenceEqual(Deviceid))) // Device Has Connection
                        IsDevice_Connected = true;
                if (trimed_code == "")
                    // Error Related Port Number cannot be empty.
                    MessageBox.Show("Port number cannot be empty !!", "Warning", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning);
                else if (!IsDevice_Connected)
                    MessageBox.Show("Device Is not Connected !!", "Warning", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning);
                    /* Everything Is Ok I.e Valid port number, Device Has Connection */
                    CommandClass CmdObj = new CommandClass();
                    Deviceid.CopyTo(CmdObj.DeviceId, 0);
                    Global.Command_KeyCodePkt_TypeID.CopyTo(CmdObj.TypeId, 0);  // .CopyTo is the Best Method to copy the bytes

                    CmdObj.Status = false;                                      // Command- Status

                    CmdObj.Senttime = DateTime.Now;                             // Command-Sentime

                    CmdObj.SentCnt = 0;                                         // COmmand - SentCnt

                    byte[] databytes = InsertKeyCodeStringasbytes(trimed_code); // Prepared Command bytes

                    byte[] Final_bytes = GetFinalbytesOfCommand(Deviceid, Global.Command_KeyCodePkt_TypeID, databytes);

                    /* Initialize the CommandData Array */
                    CmdObj.CommandData = new byte[Final_bytes.Length];         // To Store Whole Command prepared byte[] array

                    Final_bytes.CopyTo(CmdObj.CommandData, 0);                 // Storing  Total Command bytes of CommandObj.

                    Global.Command_KeyCodePkt_TypeID.CopyTo(CmdObj.TypeId, 0); //Command-TypeID

            catch (Exception ex)
                DateTime now_time = DateTime.Now;
                string   time     = Convert.ToString(now_time);
                Global.AppendTexttoFile(Global.exception_filepath, "Exception Ocuured On SendSmd_Click Click:  " + ex.Message + time); // Logging the Execptions Ocuured

            // DeviceId Validation Whether It Is Connected Or Not.
        public void ProcessCommand_Buffer(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs elapsedEventArg)
            /* Timer to process Failed Commands Again */
                if (!Global.Is_Commandprocessing)
                    Global.Is_Commandprocessing = true;
                    if (Command_Buffer != null) // If Data Buffer has some data elements
                        while (Command_Buffer.Count > 0)
                            CommandClass Command = Command_Buffer.Take();                     // To Take the First Inserted Command

                            TimeSpan Difference = DateTime.Now - Command.Senttime;            // Diff B/w Sent time - Present Time
                            long     seconds    = (long)Difference.TotalSeconds;              // Convertig Differnce in to number of Seconds
                            if ((Command.Status) || (Command.SentCnt == Global.MaxResendCnt)) // i.e Command Response Recieved , Reached MaxResendCnt (3)
                                /* Remove the Command */
                            else if ((seconds > Global.ResendwaitTime) || (Command.SentCnt == 0)) /* Command Status Is False Then Only Process It. i.e We are Updatin Sentime when Setcnt=0;*/
                                Command.SentCnt  = (byte)Command.SentCnt + 1;
                                Command.Senttime = DateTime.Now;
                                bool IsDeviceConnected = false;
                                int  i;
                                for (i = 0; i <= Devices_Buffer.Count - 1; i++)
                                    if (Devices_Buffer[i].DeviceId.SequenceEqual(Command.DeviceId))
                                        if (Devices_Buffer[i].IsConnected == true) /* Device Is Connected */
                                            IsDeviceConnected = true;
                                if (IsDeviceConnected)                                                     /* So Device HAs Valid COnnection*/
                                    SendDatatoClient(Command.CommandData, Devices_Buffer[i].ClientStream); //
                                    /* Show Error Dailog or Log the Command to Failed Commands */
                                Command_Buffer.Add(Command);  // Adding Command Back to the Commands_Buffer at last
                                Command_Buffer.Add(Command);  // Adding Command Back to the Commands_Buffer at last
                    Global.Is_Commandprocessing = false;
                }// End of Is_CommandProcessing
            catch (Exception ex)
                DateTime now_time = DateTime.Now;
                string   time     = Convert.ToString(now_time);
                Global.AppendTexttoFile(Global.exception_filepath, "Exception Ocuured on ProcessCommand_Buffer:  " + ex.Message + time); // Logging the Execptions Ocuured
                Global.Is_Commandprocessing = false;