void Choice_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter && InputTextBox("CHOICE").Text.StartsWith(".")) { shortcutString = InputTextBox("CHOICE").Text.Substring(2, InputTextBox("CHOICE").Text.Length - 2); InputTextBox("CHOICE").Text = InputTextBox("CHOICE").Text[1].ToString(); } else if ((e.KeyCode == Keys.OemPeriod || InputTextBox("CHOICE").Text.Length >= 2)) { return; } switch (InputTextBox("CHOICE").Text.ToUpper()) { case "1": frmSubMenu fStockMenu = new frmSubMenu(frmSubMenu.SubMenuType.Stock, ref sEngine); fStockMenu.shortcutString = shortcutString; fStockMenu.ShowDialog(); fStockMenu.Dispose(); break; case "2": frmSubMenu fReportMenu = new frmSubMenu(frmSubMenu.SubMenuType.Reports, ref sEngine); fReportMenu.shortcutString = shortcutString; fReportMenu.ShowDialog(); fReportMenu.Dispose(); break; case "3": frmSubMenu frmOrderMenu = new frmSubMenu(frmSubMenu.SubMenuType.Orders, ref sEngine); frmOrderMenu.shortcutString = shortcutString; frmOrderMenu.ShowDialog(); break; case "4": frmViewTillTransactions fvtt = new frmViewTillTransactions(ref sEngine); fvtt.ShowDialog(); break; case "5": frmSubMenu fSettingsMenu = new frmSubMenu(frmSubMenu.SubMenuType.Setup, ref sEngine); fSettingsMenu.ShowDialog(); break; case "Q": this.Close(); break; case "=": frmCollect fCollect = new frmCollect(ref sEngine); this.Visible = false; fCollect.ShowDialog(); this.Show(); break; case "6": frmWeeklySalesSummary fwss = new frmWeeklySalesSummary(ref sEngine); fwss.ShowDialog(); break; case "Z": if (MessageBox.Show("Insert the USB drive to back up to now.", "Backup", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel) == DialogResult.OK) { FileManagementEngine.BackupToUSBPen(sEngine.CompanyName); } break; case "U": frmUpdater fu = new frmUpdater(ref sEngine); fu.ShowDialog(); break; case "-1": sEngine.SendCommandToTill("OpenTillDrawer"); break; } if (InputTextBox("CHOICE").Text != "-") { InputTextBox("CHOICE").Text = ""; } this.shortcutString = null; }