public void Bind(MenuItem menuItem)
            // set the colors for the labels
            //			lblTitle.TextColor = Themes.CellTheme.TextForegroundColor;
            //			lblTitle.HighlightedTextColor = Themes.CellTheme.TextHightlightColor;
            //			lblSubTitle.TextColor = Themes.CellTheme.TextSubForegroundColor;
            //			lblSubTitle.HighlightedTextColor = Themes.CellTheme.TextSubHighlightColor;
            //			// bind the data
            //			if (!menuItem.IsHeroItem) {
            //				lblTitle.Text = menuItem.Title;
            //				lblSubTitle.Text = menuItem.SubTitle;
            //				imgIcon.Image = UIImage.FromFile (menuItem.IconFileName);
            //			} else {
            //				lblSubTitle.Text = "";
            //				lblTitle.Text = "";
            //				lblTitle.Bounds = new RectangleF(0,0,this.Bounds.Width, this.Bounds.Height);
            //			}

            // update the view
 private void OnRowClicked(MenuItem item)
         RowClicked(this, new RowClickedEventArgs<MenuItem>(){ Item = item});
 // Public method, that allows the code to externally update
 // what we are rendering.
 public void Update(MenuItem menuItem)
     this._menuItem = menuItem;
     SetNeedsDisplay ();