public void UpdateStudents(Student[] students)
     using (ClassAdministrationEntityContext context = new ClassAdministrationEntityContext(BUTEClassAdministrationService.Properties.Resources.connectionString))
         foreach (var student in students)
        public StudentViewModel(Semester selectedSemester, Course selectedCourse)
            modify = false;

            _student = new Student();

            Name = "";
            Neptun = "";
            Semester = selectedSemester;
            Course = selectedCourse;

            insertStudentWindow = new InsertStudentWindow();

            insertStudentWindow.DataContext = this;

        public void CreateStudents(Student[] students)
            using (ClassAdministrationEntityContext context = new ClassAdministrationEntityContext(BUTEClassAdministrationService.Properties.Resources.connectionString))
                foreach (var student in students)
                    // skip duplicates
                    if (context.StudentSet.Where(Student => Student.Neptun == student.Neptun).Any())

        public StudentViewModel(Student selectedStudent, Semester selectedSemester, Course selectedCourse)
            modify = true;

            ModifyableStudent = selectedStudent;

            _student = new Student();


            Semester = selectedSemester;
            Course = selectedCourse;

            insertStudentWindow = new InsertStudentWindow();

            insertStudentWindow.DataContext = this;

        public static IEnumerable<Student> ImportFromExcel(string filename, Semester semester)
            const String nameColumnName = "név";
            const String neptunColumnName = "neptun kód";

            int? nameColumnIndex = null;
            int? neptunColumnIndex = null;

            // open an Excel application
            Excel.Application excelApp = new Excel.Application();
            excelApp.Visible = false;

            // open the workbook in read-only mode
            Excel.Workbook workbook = excelApp.Workbooks.Open(filename, Type.Missing, true);
            Excel.Worksheet worksheet = excelApp.ActiveSheet;

            Excel.Range usedRange = worksheet.UsedRange;

            // scan through the first row to get the column indices
            for (int j = 1; j <= worksheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count; j++)
                Excel.Range cell = usedRange.Cells[1, j];
                if (cell.Value != null)
                    String cellValue = cell.Value.ToString();

                    if (cellValue.ToLower() == nameColumnName.ToLower())
                        nameColumnIndex = j;

                    if (cellValue.ToLower() == neptunColumnName.ToLower())
                        neptunColumnIndex = j;

            // throw exception if a required a column does not exist
            if (nameColumnIndex == null || neptunColumnIndex == null)
                throw new BUTEClassAdministrationException("Nem találhatók a szükséges oszlopok.");

            // use List as an IEnumerable implementation
            List<Student> students = new List<Student>();
            // scan through the rows from the second row
            // instantiate new student entities
            for (int i = 2; i <= usedRange.Rows.Count; i++)
                string name = usedRange.Cells[i, nameColumnIndex].Value.ToString();
                string neptun = usedRange.Cells[i, neptunColumnIndex].Value.ToString();

                Student student = new Student();
                student.Name = name;
                student.Neptun = neptun;
                student.Semester = semester;


            return students;
 public void clone(Student source)
     this.Name = source.Name;
     this.Neptun = source.Neptun;