Пример #1
        BTNode CreateNodeWithParent(Type nodeType, BTNode parent)
            BTNode     newNode  = CreateNode(nodeType);
            EditorData nodeData = new EditorData(newNode, parent);

            nodeData.rect.position = _editorData[parent.id].rect.position + new Vector2(0.0f, 100.0f);
Пример #2
        void ReplaceNode(EditorData nodeData, Type newType)
            BTNode oldNode = nodeData.node;
            BTNode newNode = CreateNode(newType);

            // Transfer editor data.
            newNode.id    = nodeData.id;
            nodeData.node = newNode;

            // Swap children, then delete old node.
            if (oldNode is BTDecorator && newNode is BTDecorator)
                ((BTDecorator)newNode).child = ((BTDecorator)oldNode).child;
                ((BTDecorator)oldNode).child = null;
            else if (oldNode is BTComposite && newNode is BTComposite)
                ((BTComposite)newNode).children = ((BTComposite)oldNode).children;
                ((BTComposite)oldNode).children = null;
            DeleteNode(oldNode, false);

            // Update parent's reference to the node.
            if (nodeData.parent)
                if (nodeData.parent is BTDecorator)
                    BTDecorator parentDecorator = (BTDecorator)nodeData.parent;
                    parentDecorator.child = nodeData.node;
                else if (nodeData.parent is BTComposite)
                    BTComposite parentCompositor = (BTComposite)nodeData.parent;
                    parentCompositor.children[nodeData.parentIndex] = nodeData.node;
                    Debug.LogError("Parent node is neither a Decorator nor a Compositor!");
                // Node is root node.
                _behaviorTree.root = nodeData.node;

            // Editor data will have changed, so we must rebuild
            // it before continuing with rendering the GUI.
Пример #3
        void CreateNodeWindow(EditorData nodeData, float width, float height)
            nodeData.rect.width  = width;
            nodeData.rect.height = height;

            Rect tempRect = nodeData.rect;

            tempRect.position += offset;
            Rect resultRect = GUI.Window(nodeData.id, tempRect, DrawNodeWindow, "");

            resultRect.position -= offset;

            // If the node was moved, save the change and mark the asset as dirty.
            if (resultRect != nodeData.rect)
                nodeData.rect = resultRect;
Пример #4
        void DrawNodeWindow(int id)
            // Get EditorNode
            EditorData nodeData = _editorData[id];
            BTNode     node     = nodeData.node;

            Type selectedType = CreateNodeTypeDropdown(node);

            if (selectedType != node.GetType())
                ReplaceNode(nodeData, selectedType);
                node = nodeData.node;

            if (node is BTComposite)
                BTComposite compositor = (BTComposite)node;

                Rect rect = new Rect(0, 20, _nodeWidth, 20);
                if (GUI.Button(rect, "Add Child"))
                    BTNode childNode = CreateNodeWithParent(typeof(BTActionBlank), compositor);
            else if (node is BTLeaf)
                if (node == null)
                    // Passing null to Editor.CreateEditor() causes the whole editor to hard crash,
                    // so we throw an exception to keep that from happening. node should never be
                    // null in this case, anyway, but if it is we don't want the whole editor to shut down.
                    throw new NullReferenceException();

                Editor editor = Editor.CreateEditor(node);

            // Drag window last because otherwise you can't click on things
Пример #5
        void DrawCompositor(BTComposite compositor)
            EditorData nodeData = _editorData[compositor.id];

            CreateNodeWindow(nodeData, _nodeWidth, _compositorHeight);

            for (int index = 0; index < compositor.children.Count; ++index)
                BTNode     child     = compositor.children[index];
                EditorData childData = _editorData[child.id];

                if (DrawPlusButton(nodeData, childData))
                    BTDecorator newChild = (BTDecorator)CreateNodeWithParent(typeof(BTInverter), compositor);
                    newChild.child             = child;
                    compositor.children[index] = newChild;

                    _editorData[newChild.id].parentIndex = index;

                    child = newChild;

                if (index > 0 &&
                    SwapCompositorChildren(compositor, index, index - 1);

                if (index < compositor.children.Count - 1 &&
                    SwapCompositorChildren(compositor, index, index + 1);

                DrawNodeCurve(nodeData.rect, childData.rect, index, compositor.children.Count);
Пример #6
        void SwapCompositorChildren(BTComposite compositor, int firstIndex, int secondIndex)
            // Retrieve nodes and editor data.
            BTNode     first     = compositor.children[firstIndex];
            EditorData childData = _editorData[first.id];

            BTNode     second     = compositor.children[secondIndex];
            EditorData secondData = _editorData[second.id];

            // Swap the order of the children in the array.
            compositor.children[secondIndex] = first;
            compositor.children[firstIndex]  = second;

            // Swap the positions of the two children's nodes.
            // TODO: Move the entire subtree under each node by the same amount.
            Vector2 tempPosition = secondData.rect.position;

            secondData.rect.position = childData.rect.position;
            childData.rect.position  = tempPosition;

            // Update EditorData indices.
            secondData.parentIndex = firstIndex;
            childData.parentIndex  = secondIndex;
Пример #7
        void DrawLeaf(BTLeaf leaf)
            EditorData nodeData = _editorData[leaf.id];

            CreateNodeWindow(nodeData, _nodeWidth, _leafHeight);
Пример #8
		void ReplaceNode( EditorData nodeData, Type newType )
			BTNode oldNode = nodeData.node;
			BTNode newNode = CreateNode( newType );

			// Transfer editor data.
			newNode.id = nodeData.id;
			nodeData.node = newNode;

			// Swap children, then delete old node.
			if ( oldNode is BTDecorator && newNode is BTDecorator )
				( (BTDecorator)newNode ).child = ( (BTDecorator)oldNode ).child;
				( (BTDecorator)oldNode ).child = null;
			else if ( oldNode is BTComposite && newNode is BTComposite )
				( (BTComposite)newNode ).children = ( (BTComposite)oldNode ).children;
				( (BTComposite)oldNode ).children = null;
			DeleteNode( oldNode, false );

			// Update parent's reference to the node.
			if ( nodeData.parent )
				if ( nodeData.parent is BTDecorator )
					BTDecorator parentDecorator = (BTDecorator)nodeData.parent;
					parentDecorator.child = nodeData.node;
				else if ( nodeData.parent is BTComposite )
					BTComposite parentCompositor = (BTComposite)nodeData.parent;
					parentCompositor.children[nodeData.parentIndex] = nodeData.node;
					Debug.LogError( "Parent node is neither a Decorator nor a Compositor!" );
				// Node is root node.
				_behaviorTree.root = nodeData.node;

			// Editor data will have changed, so we must rebuild
			// it before continuing with rendering the GUI.
Пример #9
		BTNode CreateNodeWithParent( Type nodeType, BTNode parent )
			BTNode newNode = CreateNode( nodeType );
			EditorData nodeData = new EditorData( newNode, parent );
			nodeData.rect.position = _editorData[parent.id].rect.position + new Vector2( 0.0f, 100.0f );
			_behaviorTree._editorData.Add( nodeData );
			return newNode;
Пример #10
		void CreateNodeWindow( EditorData nodeData, float width, float height )
			nodeData.rect.width = width;
			nodeData.rect.height = height;

			Rect tempRect = nodeData.rect;
			tempRect.position += offset;
			Rect resultRect = GUI.Window( nodeData.id, tempRect, DrawNodeWindow, "" );
			resultRect.position -= offset;

			// If the node was moved, save the change and mark the asset as dirty.
			if ( resultRect != nodeData.rect )
				nodeData.rect = resultRect;
				EditorUtility.SetDirty( _behaviorTree );
Пример #11
		bool DrawRightButton( EditorData child )
			float left = child.rect.x - 18;
			float top = child.rect.y + ( child.parentIndex == 0 ? 0 : 18 );
			Vector2 position = new Vector2( left, top );

			return DrawEditorButton( position, _rightIcon );
Пример #12
		bool DrawLeftButton( EditorData child )
			float left = child.rect.x - 18;
			float top = child.rect.y;
			return DrawEditorButton( new Vector2( left, top ), _leftIcon );
Пример #13
		bool DrawPlusButton( EditorData parent, EditorData child )
			float midX = ( ( parent.rect.x + _nodeWidth * 0.5f ) + ( child.rect.x + _nodeWidth * 0.5f ) ) * 0.5f;
			float midY = ( ( parent.rect.y + parent.rect.height ) + child.rect.y ) * 0.5f;

			return DrawEditorButton( new Vector2( midX + 2, midY - 8 ), _plusIcon );