private void FullHotNewsGetGroup(string lang, int groupcate) { NewsGroupBSO newsGroupBSO = new NewsGroupBSO(); DataTable table = newsGroupBSO.GetNewsGroupHot(lang, Convert.ToInt32(hddRecord.Value), groupcate); rptListHotReport.DataSource = table; rptListHotReport.DataBind(); }
private void GetNewsbyGroup(string lang, string groupCate) { var newsGroupBso = new NewsGroupBSO(); var table = newsGroupBso.GetNewsGroupHot(lang, Convert.ToInt32(hddRecord.Value), "1", Convert.ToInt32(groupCate)); rptNews.DataSource = table; rptNews.DataBind(); }
//private void ViewNewsResult(string keyword) //{ // NewsGroupBSO newsBSO = new NewsGroupBSO(); // DataTable table = newsBSO.GetNewsGroupAll(Language.language); // DataView dataView = new DataView(table); // string sqlSearch = ""; // sqlSearch = "(Title like '%" + keyword + "%' or ShortDescribe like '%" + keyword + "%') And Status =1 And IsApproval=1"; // dataView.RowFilter = sqlSearch; // DataListCateNews.DataSource = dataView; // DataListCateNews.DataBind(); //} private void ViewNewsResult(string keyword) { NewsGroupBSO newsBSO = new NewsGroupBSO(); DataTable table = newsBSO.GetNewsGroupAll(Language.language); DataView dataView = new DataView(table); if (keyword.Trim() != "") { keyword = keyword.Replace("'", ""); string[] _keyws = keyword.Split('_'); if (_keyws != null) { if (_keyws.Length > 0) { string _finter = ""; foreach (string _key in _keyws) { _finter += " AND (Title like N'%" + _key + "%'"; _finter += " or ShortDescribe like N'%" + _key + "%'" + ")"; } _finter += " And Status =1 And IsApproval=1 " + " AND Language = '" + Language.language + "'"; DataTable _tb = newsBSO.NewsGroupSearch(_finter); if (_tb != null) { if (_tb.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (string _key1 in _keyws) { foreach (DataRow _dr in _tb.Rows) { if (_dr["Title"].ToString().Contains(_key1)) { _dr["Title"] = _dr["Title"].ToString().Replace(_key1, "<font color ='Red'>" + _key1 + "</font>"); } if (_dr["ShortDescribe"] != null && _dr["ShortDescribe"] != DBNull.Value) { if (_dr["ShortDescribe"].ToString().Contains(_key1)) { _dr["ShortDescribe"] = HtmlRemoval.StripTagsCharArray(HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(_dr["ShortDescribe"].ToString())); _dr["ShortDescribe"] = _dr["ShortDescribe"].ToString().Replace(_key1, "<font color ='Red'>" + _key1 + "</font>"); } } } } } } DataListCateNews.DataSource = _tb; DataListCateNews.DataBind(); } } } }
private void ViewNewsGroupDetail(int Id) { CateNewsGroupBSO cateNewsgroupBSO = new CateNewsGroupBSO(); NewsGroupBSO newsgroupBSO = new NewsGroupBSO(); NewsGroup newsgroup = newsgroupBSO.GetNewsGroupById(Id); if (newsgroup == null) Response.Redirect("~/Default.aspx"); ltlTitle.Text = newsgroup.Title; LabelDate.Text = newsgroup.PostDate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");// Convert.ToString(newsgroup.PostDate); ltlDescribe.Text = newsgroup.ShortDescribe; FullDescirbe.Text = newsgroup.FullDescribe; LabelAuthor.Text = newsgroup.Author; txtNewsGroupID.Value = Convert.ToString(newsgroup.NewsGroupID); //if (newsgroup.ImageThumb != "") // ltlImageThumb.Text = @"<img src='"+ResolveUrl("~/")+"Admin/Upload/NewsGroup/NewsGroupThumb/" + newsgroup.ImageThumb + "' align='left' class='border_image' width='250' >"; //Page.Title = newsgroup.Title; if (newsgroup.FileName != "") ltlFile.Text = @"<a href='" + ResolveUrl("~/") + "Admin/Upload/NewsGroup/Files/" + newsgroup.FileName + "'><img src='" + ResolveUrl("~/") + "images/icon_file.png' width='30' class='icon_bullet'/> Tải File đính kèm</a>"; newsgroupBSO.NewsGroupClickUpdate(Id); NewsGroupFollow(newsgroup.NewsGroupID, newsgroup.CateNewsID); CateNewsBSO catenewsBSO = new CateNewsBSO(); CateNews catenews = catenewsBSO.GetCateNewsById(newsgroup.CateNewsID); //HyperLinkCate.NavigateUrl = "~/Default.aspx?go=cate&Id=" + catenews.CateNewsID; title_name.Text = "<a href='" + ResolveUrl("~/") + "Category/" + catenews.GroupCate + "/" + catenews.CateNewsID + "/" + GetString(catenews.CateNewsName) + ".aspx'>" + catenews.CateNewsName + "</a>"; string cate = "<a href='" + ResolveUrl("~/") + "FullNews/" + catenews.GroupCate + "/" + GetString(cateNewsgroupBSO.GetCateNewsGroupByGroupCate(catenews.GroupCate).CateNewsGroupName) + ".aspx' class='content_Text_Cat'>"; string s1 = ""; while (catenews.ParentNewsID != 0) { int pId = catenews.ParentNewsID; catenews = catenewsBSO.GetCateNewsById(pId); s1 = "<img src='" + ResolveUrl("~/") + "images/icon_arrows1.png'><a href='" + ResolveUrl("~/") + "Category/" + catenews.GroupCate + "/" + catenews.CateNewsID + "/" + GetString(catenews.CateNewsName) + ".aspx'' class='content_Text_Cat'>" + catenews.CateNewsName + "</a> <img src='" + ResolveUrl("~/") + "images/icon_arrows1.png'> " + s1; } cate += cateNewsgroupBSO.GetCateNewsGroupByGroupCate(catenews.GroupCate).CateNewsGroupName.ToUpper(); //Sửa lại cate += "</a> <img src='" + ResolveUrl("~/") + "images/icon_arrows1.png'>"; cate += s1; title_cate.Text = "<a href='" + ResolveUrl("~/") + "Default.aspx' class='content_Text_Cat'>" + String.Format(Resources.resource.Home) + "</a> <img src='" + ResolveUrl("~/") + "images/icon_arrows1.png'> "; title_cate.Text += cate; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["error"])) error.Text = "<div class='error_register_text'>" + String.Format(Resources.resource.ThanksComment) + "</div>"; if (!newsgroup.IsComment) { CommentPanel.Visible = false; } else { CommentPanel.Visible = true; GetNewsCommentById(Id); } Page.Title = GetString(newsgroup.Title); }
protected void LoadNews(string lang) { var newsBso = new NewsGroupBSO(); var dt = newsBso.NewsGroupMainHomeModule(lang); //if (dt.Rows.Count % 3 == 0) //{ rptNews.DataSource = dt; rptNews.DataBind(); //} }
private void ViewAnnounce() { string strCate = CateParentIDArray(0); NewsGroupBSO newsGroupBSO = new NewsGroupBSO(); DataTable table = newsGroupBSO.GetNewsGroupByCateIsHomeAll(10, strCate, "1", 5); GridView1.DataSource = table; GridView1.DataBind(); }
private void ViewNewsHot(int groupcate) { NewsGroupBSO newsGroupBSO = new NewsGroupBSO(); DataTable table = newsGroupBSO.GetNewsGroupHot(Language.lang, 5, "1", groupcate); DataListCateNews.DataSource = table; DataListCateNews.DataBind(); DataListNewsHot.DataSource = table; DataListNewsHot.DataBind(); }
private void ViewNews(int Id) { NewsGroupBSO newsGroupBSO = new NewsGroupBSO(); NewsGroup newsGroup = newsGroupBSO.GetNewsGroupById(Id); if (newsGroup != null) { ltlTitle.Text = newsGroup.Title; LabelDate.Text = newsGroup.PostDate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");// Convert.ToString(newsGroup.PostDate); ltlDescribe.Text = newsGroup.ShortDescribe; FullDescirbe.Text = newsGroup.FullDescribe; LabelAuthor.Text = newsGroup.Author; if (newsGroup.ImageThumb != "") ltlImageThumb.Text = @"<img src='" + ResolveUrl("~/") + "Upload/NewsGroup/NewsGroupThumb/" + newsGroup.ImageThumb + "' align='left' class='border_image' width='250' >"; } }
protected void DataList1_ItemDataBound(object sender, DataListItemEventArgs e) { DataList dtl2 = (DataList)e.Item.FindControl("DataList2"); int cateId; int.TryParse(DataBinder.Eval(e.Item.DataItem, "CateNewsID").ToString(), out cateId); // int cateId = ((int)e.Item).CateNewsID; string strCate = GetCateParentIDArrayByID(cateId, Convert.ToInt32(hddGroupCate.Value)); NewsGroupBSO newsGroupBSO = new NewsGroupBSO(); DataTable table = newsGroupBSO.GetNewsGroupByCateHomeList(strCate, 5, "1", Convert.ToInt32(hddGroupCate.Value)); DataView view = new DataView(table); view.Sort = "PostDate Desc"; table = view.ToTable(); dtl2.DataSource = table; dtl2.DataBind(); }
private void ViewNewsGroup(int group) { var newsGroupBSO = new NewsGroupBSO(); var table = new DataTable(); if (!Session["Admin_UserName"].Equals("administrator")) { var strCate = GetCateParentIDArrayByID(group); if (strCate != "") table = newsGroupBSO.GetNewsGroupAll(Language.language, group, strCate); } else { if (ddlCateNewsSearch.SelectedValue == "0") table = newsGroupBSO.GetNewsGroupAll(Language.language, group); else { var cId = Convert.ToInt32(ddlCateNewsSearch.SelectedValue); table = newsGroupBSO.NewsGroupSearch(txtKeyword.Text, cId, Language.language); } } var commonBSO = new commonBSO(); commonBSO.FillToGridView(grvNewsGroup, table); }
protected void btn_disable_approval_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (NewsGroupID() != "") { NewsGroupBSO newsGroupBSO = new NewsGroupBSO(); newsGroupBSO.UpdateNewsGroupApproval(NewsGroupID(), "0", Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString(), DateTime.Now); } ViewNewsGroup(Convert.ToInt32(hddGroup.Value)); }
protected void btn_disable_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (NewsGroupID() != "") { NewsGroupBSO newsGroupBSO = new NewsGroupBSO(); newsGroupBSO.UpdateNewsGroup(NewsGroupID(), "0"); } ViewNewsGroup(Convert.ToInt32(hddGroup.Value)); }
protected void grvNewsGroup_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e) { var id = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument.ToString()); var nName = e.CommandName.ToLower(); var adminBSO = new AdminBSO(); var admin = new ETO.Admin(); switch (nName) { case "_view": break; case "_edit": admin = adminBSO.GetAdminById(Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString()); if (Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString().Equals("administrator") || adminBSO.CheckPermission(Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString(), "Edit") || adminBSO.CheckPermission(Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString(), "Write")) { Response.Redirect("~/Admin/editnewsgroup/" + hddGroup.Value + "/" + id + "/Default.aspx"); } else { // Response.Redirect("~/Homepage.aspx?dll=listnewsGroup"); } break; case "_move": admin = adminBSO.GetAdminById(Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString()); if (Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString().Equals("administrator") || adminBSO.CheckPermission(Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString(), "Edit") || adminBSO.CheckPermission(Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString(), "Write")) { Response.Redirect("~/Admin/editnewsgroupmove/" + hddGroup.Value + "/" + id + "/Default.aspx"); } else { // Response.Redirect("~/Homepage.aspx?dll=listnewsGroup"); } break; case "_delete": admin = adminBSO.GetAdminById(Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString()); if (Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString().Equals("administrator") || adminBSO.CheckPermission(Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString(), "Edit") || adminBSO.CheckPermission(Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString(), "Write")) { NewsGroupBSO newsGroupBSO = new NewsGroupBSO(); newsGroupBSO.DeleteNewsGroup(id); ViewNewsGroup(Convert.ToInt32(hddGroup.Value)); } else { // Response.Redirect("~/Homepage.aspx?dll=listnewsGroup"); } break; } }
protected void btn_enable_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) { if (NewsGroupID() != "") { var newsGroupBSO = new NewsGroupBSO(); newsGroupBSO.UpdateNewsGroup(NewsGroupID(), "1"); } ViewNewsGroup(Convert.ToInt32(hddGroup.Value)); }
private void GetNewsGroupByCate(int cId) { CateNewsGroupBSO cateNewsgroupBSO = new CateNewsGroupBSO(); NewsGroupBSO newsGroupBSO = new NewsGroupBSO(); DataTable table = newsGroupBSO.GetNewsGroupByCate(cId, Language.language, "1"); DataView view = new DataView(table); view.Sort = "PostDate Desc"; table = view.ToTable(); DataTable tableClone = table.Clone(); DataTable tblClone = table.Clone(); for (int j = 0; j < table.Rows.Count; j++) { if (j < 10) tableClone.ImportRow(table.Rows[j]); else if (j < 20) { tblClone.ImportRow(table.Rows[j]); Label1.Text = "<div class='gt_title'> <div class='title_article_top'>Các tin khác</div></div>"; } else break; } if (table.Rows.Count > 0) { DataListCateNews.Visible = true; DataListCateNews.DataSource = tableClone; DataListCateNews.DataBind(); CateNewsPanel.Visible = true; Repeater1.DataSource = tblClone; Repeater1.DataBind(); } else { DataListCateNews.Visible = false; CateNewsPanel.Visible = false; } CateNewsBSO catenewsBSO = new CateNewsBSO(); CateNews catenews = catenewsBSO.GetCateNewsById(cId); //HyperLinkCate.NavigateUrl = "~/Default.aspx?go=cate&Id=" + catenews.CateNewsID; title_name.Text = catenews.CateNewsName; // Label1.Text = "<div class='gt_title'> <div class='title_article_top'>" + Literal1.Text + "</div><div class='title_article_bg'></div></div>"; string cate = "<a href='" + ResolveUrl("~/") + "FullNews/" + catenews.GroupCate + "/" + GetString(cateNewsgroupBSO.GetCateNewsGroupByGroupCate(catenews.GroupCate).CateNewsGroupName) + "/default.aspx' class='content_Text_Cat'>"; string s1 = ""; while (catenews.ParentNewsID != 0) { int pId = catenews.ParentNewsID; catenews = catenewsBSO.GetCateNewsById(pId); s1 = "<a href='" + ResolveUrl("~/") + "Category/" + catenews.GroupCate + "/" + catenews.CateNewsID + "/" + GetString(catenews.CateNewsName) + "/default.aspx' class='content_Text_Cat'>" + catenews.CateNewsName + "</a> <img src='" + ResolveUrl("~/") + "images/icon_arrows1.png'> " + s1; } cate += cateNewsgroupBSO.GetCateNewsGroupByGroupCate(catenews.GroupCate).CateNewsGroupName.ToUpper(); //Sửa lại cate += "</a> <img src='" + ResolveUrl("~/") + "images/icon_arrows1.png'>"; cate += s1; title_cate.Text = "<a href='" + ResolveUrl("~/") + "Default.aspx' class='content_Text_Cat'>" + Resources.resource.Home + "</a> <img src='" + ResolveUrl("~/") + "images/icon_arrows1.png'> "; title_cate.Text += cate; Page.Title = GetString(cateNewsgroupBSO.GetCateNewsGroupByGroupCate(catenews.GroupCate).CateNewsGroupName); }
protected void Send_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ccJoin.ValidateCaptcha(txtCapcha.Text.Trim()); if (!ccJoin.UserValidated) { ErrorMess.Visible = true; txtCapcha.Focus(); lblError.Text = "Mã bảo mật chưa chính xác"; return; } else { NewsComment newsComment = ReceiveHtml(); NewsCommentBSO newsCommentBSO = new NewsCommentBSO(); newsCommentBSO.CreateNewsComment(newsComment); ConfigBSO configBSO = new ConfigBSO(); Config config = configBSO.GetAllConfig(Language.language); string strBody = "Thông tin nhận xét đánh giá về bài viết trên trang Website " + config.WebName + " (" + config.WebDomain + ") : <br>"; strBody += "<b>Tiêu đề: </b> " + newsComment.Title + "<br>"; strBody += "<b>Họ tên khách hàng : </b> " + newsComment.FullName + "<br>"; strBody += "<b>Email : </b> " + newsComment.Email + "<br>"; strBody += "<b>Mã bài viết : </b> " + newsComment.NewsID + "<br>"; strBody += "<b>Nội dung : </b> <br>" + newsComment.Content + "<br>"; NewsGroupBSO newsBSO = new NewsGroupBSO(); NewsGroup news = newsBSO.GetNewsGroupById(newsComment.NewsID); strBody += "<b>Tiêu đề bài viết : </b> <a href='" + config.WebDomain + "/newsg/" + hddGroupCate.Value + "/" + newsComment.NewsID + "/" + GetString(news.Title) + "/default.aspx'>" + news.Title + "</a><br>"; MailBSO mailBSO = new MailBSO(); mailBSO.EmailFrom = newsComment.Email; mailBSO.EmailFrom = config.Email_from; string strObj = "Thông tin nhận xét về bài viết trên trang Web " + config.WebName + " (" + config.WebDomain + ") - Ngày " + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd:MM:yyyy"); mailBSO.SendMail(config.Email_to, strObj, strBody); int Id = Convert.ToInt32(txtNewsGroupID.Value); Response.Redirect("~/newsg/" + hddGroupCate.Value + "/" + Id + "/2//default.aspx"); } }
private void NewsGroupFollow(int Id, int cId) { NewsGroupBSO newsgroupBSO = new NewsGroupBSO(); DataTable table = newsgroupBSO.NewsGroupFollow(Id, cId, 10, "1"); if (table.Rows.Count > 0) Label1.Text = "<div class='title_article_top'>" + String.Format(Resources.Resource.OtherNews) + "</div>"; else Label1.Text = ""; DataView view = new DataView(table); view.Sort = "PostDate Desc"; table = view.ToTable(); DataListNews.DataSource = table; DataListNews.DataBind(); }
protected void Send_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { NewsComment newsComment = ReceiveHtml(); NewsCommentBSO newsCommentBSO = new NewsCommentBSO(); newsCommentBSO.CreateNewsComment(newsComment); ConfigBSO configBSO = new ConfigBSO(); Config config = configBSO.GetAllConfig(Language.language); string strBody = "Thông tin nhận xét đánh giá về bài viết trên trang Website " + config.WebName + " (" + config.WebDomain + ") : <br>"; strBody += "<b>Tiêu đề: </b> " + newsComment.Title + "<br>"; strBody += "<b>Họ tên khách hàng : </b> " + newsComment.FullName + "<br>"; strBody += "<b>Email : </b> " + newsComment.Email + "<br>"; strBody += "<b>Mã bài viết : </b> " + newsComment.NewsID + "<br>"; strBody += "<b>Nội dung : </b> <br>" + newsComment.Content + "<br>"; NewsGroupBSO newsBSO = new NewsGroupBSO(); NewsGroup news = newsBSO.GetNewsGroupById(newsComment.NewsID); strBody += "<b>Tiêu đề bài viết : </b> <a href='" + config.WebDomain + "/News/" + hddGroupCate.Value + "/" + newsComment.NewsID + "/" + GetString(news.Title) + ".aspx'>" + news.Title + "</a><br>"; MailBSO mailBSO = new MailBSO(); mailBSO.EmailFrom = newsComment.Email; mailBSO.EmailFrom = config.Email_from; string strObj = "Thông tin nhận xét về bài viết trên trang Web " + config.WebName + " (" + config.WebDomain + ") - Ngày " + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd:MM:yyyy"); mailBSO.SendMail(config.Email_to, strObj, strBody); int Id = Convert.ToInt32(txtNewsGroupID.Value); Response.Redirect("~/News/" + hddGroupCate.Value + "/" + Id + "/2/Default.aspx"); }
protected void btn_delall_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (NewsGroupID() != "") { NewsGroupBSO newsGroupBSO = new NewsGroupBSO(); newsGroupBSO.DeleteNewsGroup(NewsGroupID()); } ViewNewsGroup(Convert.ToInt32(hddGroup.Value)); }
//#region ViewCateNews //private void ViewCateNews(int group) //{ // ddlCateNews.Items.Clear(); // CateNewsBSO catenewsBSO = new CateNewsBSO(); // DataTable table = catenewsBSO.GetCateGroupRoles(Language.language, group, Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString()); // commonBSO commonBSO = new commonBSO(); // commonBSO.FillToDropDown(ddlCateNews, table, "", "", "CateNewsName", "CateNewsID", ""); //} //#endregion #region initControl private void initControl(int Id) { AdminBSO adminBSO = new AdminBSO(); ETO.Admin admin = new ETO.Admin(); if (Id > 0) { btn_add.Visible = false; btn_edit.Visible = true; try { NewsGroup newsgroup = new NewsGroup(); NewsGroupBSO newsgroupBSO = new NewsGroupBSO(); newsgroup = newsgroupBSO.GetNewsGroupById(Id); hddNewsGroupID.Value = Convert.ToString(newsgroup.NewsGroupID); ddlCateNews.SelectedValue = Convert.ToString(newsgroup.CateNewsID); hddParentNewsID.Value = Convert.ToString(newsgroup.ParentNewsID); //rdbGroupCate.SelectedValue = Convert.ToString(newsgroup.GroupCate); //Thêm txtTitle.Text = newsgroup.Title; txtRadShort.Html = newsgroup.ShortDescribe; txtRadFull.Html = newsgroup.FullDescribe; hddImageThumb.Value = newsgroup.ImageThumb; hddImageLarge.Value = newsgroup.ImageLarge; hddFileName.Value = newsgroup.FileName; txtAuthor.Text = newsgroup.Author; txtRadDate.SelectedDate = newsgroup.PostDate; hddRelationTotal.Value = Convert.ToString(newsgroup.RelationTotal); rdbStatus.SelectedValue = Convert.ToString(newsgroup.Status); rdbIshot.SelectedValue = Convert.ToString(newsgroup.Ishot); rdbIshome.SelectedValue = Convert.ToString(newsgroup.Ishome); hddCommentTotal.Value = Convert.ToString(newsgroup.CommentTotal); hddIsView.Value = Convert.ToString(newsgroup.Isview); hddCreateUserName.Value = newsgroup.CreatedUserName; hddApprovalUserName.Value = newsgroup.ApprovalUserName; hddApprovalDate.Value = Convert.ToString(newsgroup.ApprovalDate); rdbComment.SelectedValue = Convert.ToString(newsgroup.IsComment); admin = adminBSO.GetAdminById(Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString()); if (Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString().Equals("administrator") || adminBSO.CheckPermission(Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString(), "Approval")) { rdbApproval.SelectedValue = Convert.ToString(newsgroup.IsApproval); rdbApproval.Enabled = true; } else { rdbApproval.SelectedValue = Convert.ToString(newsgroup.IsApproval); rdbApproval.Enabled = false; } hddGroup.Value = newsgroup.GroupCate.ToString(); BindToCateNews(newsgroup.GroupCate); ddlCateNewsGroup.SelectedValue = hddGroup.Value; ddlCateNews.SelectedValue = Convert.ToString(newsgroup.CateNewsID); rdbTypeNews.SelectedValue = Convert.ToString(newsgroup.TypeNews); } catch (Exception ex) { clientview.Text = ex.Message.ToString(); } } else { txtRadDate.SelectedDate = DateTime.Now; btn_add.Visible = true; btn_edit.Visible = false; if (Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString().Equals("administrator") || adminBSO.CheckPermission(Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString(), "Approval")) { rdbApproval.Enabled = true; } else { rdbApproval.Enabled = false; } } }
protected void btn_edit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { NewsGroup newsgroup = ReceiveHtml(); NewsGroupBSO newsgroupBSO = new NewsGroupBSO(); newsgroupBSO.UpdateNewsGroup(newsgroup); clientview.Text = String.Format(Resources.StringAdmin.UpdateSuccessful, "tin", newsgroup.Title); //ViewCateNews(Convert.ToInt32(hddGroup.Value)); } catch (Exception ex) { clientview.Text = ex.Message.ToString(); } }
protected void btn_edit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { NewsGroup newsgroup = ReceiveHtml(); NewsGroupBSO newsgroupBSO = new NewsGroupBSO(); newsgroupBSO.UpdateNewsGroup(newsgroup); clientview.Text = String.Format(Resources.StringAdmin.UpdateSuccessful, "tin", newsgroup.Title); Response.Redirect("~/Admin/Group/listnewsgroup/" + hddGroup.Value + "/Default.aspx"); } catch (Exception ex) { clientview.Text = ex.Message.ToString(); } }
private PageView BuildPageViewContents(int cId, int group) { PageView pageView = new PageView(); string strCate = CateParentIDArray(cId); NewsGroupBSO newsGroupBSO = new NewsGroupBSO(); DataTable table = newsGroupBSO.GetNewsGroupByCateAll(strCate, group); DataTable table1 = table.Clone(); DataTable table2 = table.Clone(); if (table.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++) { if (i == 0) table1.ImportRow(table.Rows[i]); else if (i > 0 && i < 10) table2.ImportRow(table.Rows[i]); else break; } DataRow dataRow = table1.Rows[0]; //HtmlTable HtmlTable htmlTable = new HtmlTable(); htmlTable.Style.Value = "tab_Border_doc"; htmlTable.CellPadding = 5; //Khoi tao 1 hang HtmlTableRow htmlRow = new HtmlTableRow(); //Them dieu khien vao Cot thu 1 HtmlTableCell htmlCell = new HtmlTableCell(); htmlCell.VAlign = "top"; htmlCell.Width = "100%"; htmlCell.Align = "justify"; Literal lit_img = new Literal(); if (dataRow["ImageThumb"].ToString() != "") lit_img.Text = @"<a href='" + ResolveUrl("~/") + "News/" + Convert.ToString(group) + "/" + dataRow["NewsGroupID"].ToString() + "/Default.aspx'><img src='" + ResolveUrl("~/") + "Admin/Upload/NewsGroup/NewsGroupThumb/" + dataRow["ImageThumb"].ToString() + "' vspace='1' align='left' border='1' style='border-color:#cdcdcd; margin-right:5px ' width='100'></a>"; else lit_img.Text = ""; HyperLink hyp = new HyperLink(); hyp.Text = dataRow["Title"].ToString(); hyp.NavigateUrl = "~/News/" + Convert.ToString(group) + "/" + dataRow["NewsGroupID"].ToString() + "/Default.aspx"; hyp.CssClass = "tab_title_news"; //Literal liter_br = new Literal(); //liter_br.Text = @"<br/>"; Label liter = new Label(); liter.Text = "<div style='text-align:justify;padding-top:5px;margin-bottom:0px;'>" + dataRow["ShortDescribe"].ToString() + "</div>"; liter.CssClass = "tab_desc_news"; htmlCell.Controls.Add(lit_img); htmlCell.Controls.Add(hyp); // htmlCell.Controls.Add(liter_br); htmlCell.Controls.Add(liter); //Them cot1 vao hang htmlRow.Cells.Add(htmlCell); //Thêm dòng 1 vào bảng htmlTable.Rows.Add(htmlRow); //Them hàng 2 htmlRow = new HtmlTableRow(); //Them dieu khien vao cot 2 htmlCell = new HtmlTableCell(); htmlCell.VAlign = "top"; BulletedList bullet = new BulletedList(); bullet.CssClass = "tab_bullet_link"; bullet.DisplayMode = BulletedListDisplayMode.HyperLink; bullet.BulletStyle = BulletStyle.NotSet; bullet.DataSource = table2; bullet.DataTextField = "Title"; bullet.DataValueField = "NewsGroupID"; bullet.DataBind(); foreach (ListItem items in bullet.Items) { items.Value = "~/News/" + Convert.ToString(group) + "/" + items.Value + "/Default.aspx"; } htmlCell.Controls.Add(bullet); //Them cot 2 vao hang htmlRow.Cells.Add(htmlCell); //Them hang vao bang htmlTable.Rows.Add(htmlRow); //Them bang vao pageview pageView.Controls.Add(htmlTable); } return pageView; }