public static void InvokeBof(long[] beaconApis, string bofName, object args) { SetupAssemblyResolver(); var beaconConsole = (BeaconConsoleWriter.BeaconConsoleWriterDelegate)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer((IntPtr)(beaconApis[0]), typeof(BeaconConsoleWriter.BeaconConsoleWriterDelegate)); var initialiseChildBOFNETAppDomain = (InitialiseChildBOFNETAppDomain)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer((IntPtr)(beaconApis[1]), typeof(InitialiseChildBOFNETAppDomain)); var beaconUseToken = (BeaconUseToken)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer((IntPtr)(beaconApis[2]), typeof(BeaconUseToken)); var beaconRevertToken = (BeaconRevertToken)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer((IntPtr)(beaconApis[3]), typeof(BeaconRevertToken)); using (BeaconConsoleWriter bcw = new BeaconConsoleWriter(beaconConsole)) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(bofName)) { bcw.WriteLine($"[!] BOF name not supplied, don't know what to execute, bailing!"); return; } try { BeaconObject bo = CreateBeaconObject(bofName, bcw, initialiseChildBOFNETAppDomain, beaconUseToken, beaconRevertToken); if (args is string cmdLine) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmdLine)) { bo.Go(CommandLineToArgs(cmdLine)); } else { bo.Go(new string[] { }); } } else if (args is byte[] raw) { bo.Go(raw); } else { bcw.WriteLine($"[!] Unuspported argument type {args.GetType().FullName} when attempting to invoke BOF"); } } catch (TypeLoadException tle) { bcw.WriteLine(tle.Message); } catch (AmbiguousMatchException) { bcw.WriteLine($"[!] Multiple BOFs found with name {bofName}, use fully qualifed type including namespace"); return; } catch (ReflectionTypeLoadException rtle) { bcw.WriteLine($"[!] Failed to load a type during BOFNET execution with the folowing loader exceptions:"); foreach (Exception e in rtle.LoaderExceptions) { bcw.WriteLine($"{e}"); } return; } catch (Exception e) { bcw.WriteLine($"[!] BOFNET executed but threw an unhandled exception: {e}"); } } }
public static void InvokeBof(long consoleCallback, string bofName, object args) { if (firstInit) { AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve += Runtime.CurrentDomain_AssemblyResolve; LoadedAssemblies["BOFNET"] = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); firstInit = false; } BeaconConsoleWriter.BeaconConsoleWriterDelegate nativeDelagte = (BeaconConsoleWriter.BeaconConsoleWriterDelegate)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(new IntPtr(consoleCallback), typeof(BeaconConsoleWriter.BeaconConsoleWriterDelegate)); using (BeaconConsoleWriter bcw = new BeaconConsoleWriter(nativeDelagte)) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(bofName)) { bcw.WriteLine($"[!] BOF name not supplied, don't know what to execute, bailing!"); return; } try { BeaconObject bo = CreateBeaconObject(bofName, bcw); if (args is string cmdLine) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmdLine)) bo.Go(CommandLineToArgs(cmdLine)); else bo.Go(new string[] { }); } else if (args is byte[] raw) { bo.Go(raw); } else { bcw.WriteLine($"[!] Unuspported argument type {args.GetType().FullName} when attempting to invoke BOF"); } } catch (TypeLoadException tle) { bcw.WriteLine(tle.Message); } catch (AmbiguousMatchException) { bcw.WriteLine($"[!] Multiple BOFs found with name {bofName}, use fully qualifed type including namespace"); return; } catch (ReflectionTypeLoadException rtle) { bcw.WriteLine($"[!] Failed to load a type during BOFNET execution with the folowing loader exceptions:"); foreach (Exception e in rtle.LoaderExceptions) { bcw.WriteLine($"{e}"); } return; } catch (Exception e) { bcw.WriteLine($"[!] BOFNET executed but threw an unhandled exception: {e}"); } } }
private void DoTask(object args) { try { if (args is string[] stringArgs) { BeaconObject.Go(stringArgs); } }catch (Exception e) { BeaconConsole.WriteLine($"Job execution failed with exception:\n{e}"); } }
public static void InvokeBof(long consoleCallback, string bofName, object args) { if (firstInit) { AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve += Runtime.CurrentDomain_AssemblyResolve; LoadedAssemblies["BOFNET"] = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); firstInit = false; } BeaconConsoleWriter.BeaconConsoleWriterDelegate nativeDelagte = (BeaconConsoleWriter.BeaconConsoleWriterDelegate)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(new IntPtr(consoleCallback), typeof(BeaconConsoleWriter.BeaconConsoleWriterDelegate)); using (BeaconConsoleWriter bcw = new BeaconConsoleWriter(nativeDelagte)) { Type bofType; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(bofName)) { bcw.WriteLine($"[!] BOF name not supplied, don't know what to execute, bailing!"); return; } try { bofType = FindType(bofName); } catch (AmbiguousMatchException) { bcw.WriteLine($"[!] Multiple BOFs found with name {bofName}, use fully qualifed type including namespace"); return; } if (bofType == null) { bcw.WriteLine($"[!] Failed to find type {bofName} within BOFNET AppDomain, have you loaded the containing assembly yet?"); return; } BeaconObject bo = (BeaconObject)Activator.CreateInstance(bofType, new object[] { new DefaultBeaconApi(bcw) }); try { if (args is string cmdLine) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmdLine)) { bo.Go(CommandLineToArgs(cmdLine)); } else { bo.Go(new string[] { }); } } else if (args is byte[] raw) { bo.Go(raw); } else { bcw.WriteLine($"[!] Unuspported argument type {args.GetType().FullName} when attempting to invoke BOF"); } }catch (Exception e) { bcw.WriteLine($"[!] BOFNET executed but threw an unhandled exception: {e}"); } } }