/// <summary> /// Updates the target item record for changes in replacement status (e.g. after applying or reverting changes). /// </summary> /// <param name="propListItem">Target item</param> protected override void UpdateTargetItem(PropListItem propListItem) { // Determine index to test - if no individaul index, just grab first one from list. int propIndex = propListItem.index; if (propIndex < 0) { propIndex = propListItem.indexes[0]; } // All-building replacement and original probability (if any). BOBBuildingReplacement allBuildingReplacement = AllBuildingReplacement.instance.ActiveReplacement(currentBuilding, propIndex); if (allBuildingReplacement != null) { propListItem.allPrefab = allBuildingReplacement.replacementInfo; propListItem.allProb = allBuildingReplacement.probability; } else { // If no active current record, ensure that it's reset to null. propListItem.allPrefab = null; } // Building replacement and original probability (if any). BOBBuildingReplacement buildingReplacement = BuildingReplacement.instance.ActiveReplacement(currentBuilding, propIndex); if (buildingReplacement != null) { propListItem.replacementPrefab = buildingReplacement.replacementInfo; propListItem.replacementProb = buildingReplacement.probability; } else { // If no active current record, ensure that it's reset to null. propListItem.replacementPrefab = null; } // Individual replacement and original probability (if any). BOBBuildingReplacement individualReplacement = IndividualReplacement.instance.ActiveReplacement(currentBuilding, propIndex); if (individualReplacement != null) { propListItem.individualPrefab = individualReplacement.replacementInfo; propListItem.individualProb = individualReplacement.probability; } else { // If no active current record, ensure that it's reset to null. propListItem.individualPrefab = null; } }
/// <summary> /// Updates the target item record for changes in replacement status (e.g. after applying or reverting changes). /// </summary> /// <param name="propListItem">Target item</param> protected override void UpdateTargetItem(PropListItem propListItem) { if (propListItem is NetPropListItem netItem) { // Determine lane and index to test - just grab first one from list. int lane = netItem.lanes[0]; int propIndex = netItem.indexes[0]; // All-network replacement and original probability (if any). BOBNetReplacement allNetReplacement = AllNetworkReplacement.instance.ActiveReplacement(currentNet, lane, propIndex); if (allNetReplacement != null) { propListItem.allPrefab = allNetReplacement.replacementInfo; propListItem.allProb = allNetReplacement.probability; } else { // If no active current record, ensure that it's reset to null. propListItem.allPrefab = null; } // Individual network replacement and original probability (if any). BOBNetReplacement netReplacement = NetworkReplacement.instance.ActiveReplacement(currentNet, lane, propIndex); if (netReplacement != null) { propListItem.replacementPrefab = netReplacement.replacementInfo; propListItem.replacementProb = netReplacement.probability; } else { // If no active current record, ensure that it's reset to null. propListItem.replacementPrefab = null; } // Replacement pack replacement and original probability (if any). BOBNetReplacement packReplacement = PackReplacement.instance.ActiveReplacement(currentNet, lane, propIndex); if (packReplacement != null) { propListItem.packagePrefab = packReplacement.replacementInfo; } else { // If no active current record, ensure that it's reset to null. propListItem.packagePrefab = null; } } }
/// <summary> /// Generates and displays a building row. /// </summary> /// <param name="data">Object to list</param> /// <param name="isRowOdd">If the row is an odd-numbered row (for background banding)</param> public void Display(object data, bool isRowOdd) { // Perform initial setup for new rows. if (nameLabel == null) { isVisible = true; canFocus = true; isInteractive = true; width = parent.width; height = RowHeight; // Add object name label. nameLabel = AddUIComponent <UILabel>(); nameLabel.width = this.width - 10f; nameLabel.textScale = TextScale; // Add index text label. indexLabel = AddUIComponent <UILabel>(); indexLabel.width = IndexWidth; indexLabel.textScale = TextScale; indexLabel.relativePosition = new Vector2(IndexLabelX, PaddingY); } // Add line sprite if we need to (initially hidden). if (lineSprite == null) { lineSprite = AddUIComponent <UISprite>(); lineSprite.size = new Vector2(17f, 17f); lineSprite.relativePosition = new Vector2(3f, 3f); lineSprite.Hide(); } // Set initial label position. labelX = LeftMargin; // See if our attached data is a raw PropInfo (e.g an available prop item as opposed to a PropListItem replacment record). thisPrefab = data as PrefabInfo; if (thisPrefab == null) { // Hide any existing line sprites; it will be re-shown as necessary. if (lineSprite != null) { lineSprite.Hide(); // Adjust name label position to accomodate. labelX += PackageMargin; } // Text to display - StringBuilder due to the amount of manipulation we're doing. StringBuilder displayText = new StringBuilder(); // Not a raw PropInfo, so it should be a PropListItem replacement record. // Set local references. thisItem = data as PropListItem; index = thisItem.index; // See if this is a network prop. NetPropListItem thisNetItem = data as NetPropListItem; // Display index number if this is an individual reference. if (thisItem.index >= 0) { indexLabel.text = thisItem.index.ToString(); // Adjust name label position to accomodate. labelX += IndexWidth; } else { indexLabel.text = ""; } bool hasReplacement = false; // Check to see if there's a currently active individual replacement. if (thisItem.individualPrefab != null) { // A replacement is currently active - include it in the text. displayText.Append(PrefabLists.GetDisplayName(thisItem.individualPrefab.name)); // Append probability to the label, if we're showing it. if (thisItem.showProbs) { displayText.Append(" "); displayText.Append(thisItem.individualProb); displayText.Append("%"); } // Set flag. hasReplacement = true; } // If no current individual replacement, check to see if there's a currently active building/network replacement. else if (thisItem.replacementPrefab != null) { // A replacement is currently active - include it in the text. displayText.Append(PrefabLists.GetDisplayName(thisItem.replacementPrefab.name)); // Append probability to the label, if we're showing it. if (thisItem.showProbs) { displayText.Append(" "); displayText.Append(thisItem.replacementProb); displayText.Append("%"); } // Set flag. hasReplacement = true; // Show building replacement sprite. lineSprite.atlas = TextureUtils.LoadSpriteAtlas(thisNetItem == null ? "bob_single_building_small" : "bob_road_small"); lineSprite.spriteName = "normal"; lineSprite.tooltip = Translations.Translate(thisNetItem == null ? "BOB_SPR_SBL" : "BOB_SPR_SNT"); lineSprite.Show(); } // If no current building/network replacement, check to see if any all- replacement is currently active. else if (thisItem.allPrefab != null) { // An all- replacement is currently active; append name to the label. displayText.Append(PrefabLists.GetDisplayName(thisItem.allPrefab.name)); // Append probability if this is not a network item and we're showing probs. if (thisNetItem == null && thisItem.showProbs) { displayText.Append(" "); displayText.Append(thisItem.allProb); displayText.Append("%"); } // Set flag. hasReplacement = true; // Show all- replacement sprite. lineSprite.atlas = TextureUtils.LoadSpriteAtlas(thisNetItem == null ? "bob_buildings_small" : "bob_all_roads_small"); lineSprite.spriteName = "normal"; lineSprite.tooltip = Translations.Translate(thisNetItem == null ? "BOB_SPR_ABL" : "BOB_SPR_ANT"); lineSprite.Show(); } // If no other replacements, chek to see if any pack replacement is currently active else if (thisItem.packagePrefab != null) { // Yes; append name to the label. displayText.Append(PrefabLists.GetDisplayName(thisItem.packagePrefab.name)); // Set flag. hasReplacement = true; // Show package replacement sprite. lineSprite.atlas = TextureUtils.LoadSpriteAtlas("bob_prop_pack_small"); lineSprite.spriteName = "normal"; lineSprite.tooltip = Translations.Translate("BOB_SPR_PCK"); lineSprite.Show(); } // Do we have a replacement? if (hasReplacement) { // Yes; append "was" to the display name. displayText.Append("; "); displayText.Append(Translations.Translate("BOB_ROW_WAS")); displayText.Append(" "); } // Original prefab display name. displayText.Append(PrefabLists.GetDisplayName(thisItem.originalPrefab.name)); // Show original probability in brackets immediately afterwards. if (thisItem.showProbs) { displayText.Append(" ("); displayText.Append(thisItem.originalProb); displayText.Append("%)"); } // Set display text. nameLabel.text = displayText.ToString(); } else { // Attached data is a raw PropInfo; just display its (cleaned-up) name. nameLabel.text = PrefabLists.GetDisplayName(thisPrefab.name); } // Set label position nameLabel.relativePosition = new Vector2(labelX, PaddingY); // Set initial background as deselected state. Deselect(isRowOdd); }
/// <summary> /// Populates the target list with a list of map trees or props. /// </summary> protected override void TargetList() { // List of prefabs that have passed filtering. List <PropListItem> itemList = new List <PropListItem>(); // Local references. TreeManager treeManager = Singleton <TreeManager> .instance; TreeInstance[] trees = treeManager.m_trees.m_buffer; PropManager propManager = Singleton <PropManager> .instance; PropInstance[] props = propManager.m_props.m_buffer; // Iterate through each tree instance map. for (int index = 0; index < (IsTree ? trees.Length : props.Length); ++index) { // Create new list item, hiding probabilities. PropListItem propListItem = new PropListItem { showProbs = false }; if (IsTree) { // Local reference. TreeInstance tree = trees[index]; // Skip non-existent trees (those with no flags). if (tree.m_flags == (ushort)TreeInstance.Flags.None) { continue; } // Try to get any tree replacement. propListItem.originalPrefab = MapTreeReplacement.instance.GetOriginal(tree.Info); // DId we find a current replacment? if (propListItem.originalPrefab == null) { // No - set current item as the original tree. propListItem.originalPrefab = tree.Info; } else { // Yes - record current item as replacement. propListItem.replacementPrefab = tree.Info; } } else { // Props. PropInstance prop = props[index]; // Skip non-existent props (those with no flags). if (prop.m_flags == (ushort)PropInstance.Flags.None) { continue; } // Try to get any prop replacement. propListItem.originalPrefab = MapPropReplacement.instance.GetOriginal(prop.Info); // DId we find a current replacment? if (propListItem.originalPrefab == null) { // No - set current item as the original prop. propListItem.originalPrefab = prop.Info; } else { // Yes - record current item as replacement. propListItem.replacementPrefab = prop.Info; } } // Check to see if we were succesful - if not (e.g. we only want trees and this is a prop), continue on to next instance. if (propListItem.originalPrefab?.name == null) { continue; } // Map instances are always grouped, and we don't have lists of indexes - too many trees! propListItem.index = -1; // Are we grouping? if (propListItem.index == -1) { // Yes, grouping - initialise a flag to show if we've matched. bool matched = false; // Iterate through each item in our existing list of props. foreach (PropListItem item in itemList) { // Check to see if we already have this in the list - matching original prefab. if (item.originalPrefab == propListItem.originalPrefab) { // We've already got an identical grouped instance of this item - set the flag to indicate that we've match it. matched = true; // No point going any further through the list, since we've already found our match. break; } } // Did we get a match? if (matched) { // Yes - continue on to next tree (without adding this item separately to the list). continue; } } // Add this item to our list. itemList.Add(propListItem); } // Create return fastlist from our filtered list, ordering by name. targetList.m_rowsData = new FastList <object> { m_buffer = targetSearchStatus == (int)OrderBy.NameDescending ? itemList.OrderByDescending(item => item.DisplayName).ToArray() : itemList.OrderBy(item => item.DisplayName).ToArray(), m_size = itemList.Count }; targetList.Refresh(); // If the list is empty, show the 'no props' label; otherwise, hide it. if (targetList.m_rowsData.m_size == 0) { noPropsLabel.Show(); } else { noPropsLabel.Hide(); } }
/// <summary> /// Populates the target fastlist with a list of target-specific trees or props. /// </summary> protected override void TargetList() { System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch targetStopwatch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); targetStopwatch.Start(); // Clear current selection. targetList.selectedIndex = -1; // List of prefabs that have passed filtering. List <PropListItem> propList = new List <PropListItem>(); // Check to see if this building contains any props. if (currentBuilding.m_props == null || currentBuilding.m_props.Length == 0) { // No props - show 'no props' label and return an empty list. noPropsLabel.Show(); targetList.m_rowsData = new FastList <object>(); return; } // Iterate through each prop in building. for (int propIndex = 0; propIndex < currentBuilding.m_props.Length; ++propIndex) { // Create new list item. PropListItem propListItem = new PropListItem(); // Try to get relevant prefab (prop/tree), using finalProp. PrefabInfo finalInfo = IsTree ? (PrefabInfo)currentBuilding.m_props[propIndex]?.m_finalTree : (PrefabInfo)currentBuilding.m_props[propIndex]?.m_finalProp; // Check to see if we were succesful - if not (e.g. we only want trees and this is a prop), continue on to next building prop. if (finalInfo?.name == null) { continue; } // Grouped or individual? if (indCheck.isChecked) { // Individual - set index to the current building prop indexes. propListItem.index = propIndex; } else { // Grouped - set index to -1 and add to our list of indexes. propListItem.index = -1; propListItem.indexes.Add(propIndex); } // Get original (pre-replacement) tree/prop prefab and current probability (as default original probability). propListItem.originalPrefab = BuildingReplacement.instance.GetOriginal(currentBuilding, propIndex) ?? AllBuildingReplacement.instance.GetOriginal(currentBuilding, propIndex) ?? finalInfo; propListItem.originalProb = currentBuilding.m_props[propIndex].m_probability; propListItem.originalAngle = (currentBuilding.m_props[propIndex].m_radAngle * 180f) / Mathf.PI; // All-building replacement and original probability (if any). BOBBuildingReplacement allBuildingReplacement = AllBuildingReplacement.instance.ActiveReplacement(currentBuilding, propIndex); if (allBuildingReplacement != null) { propListItem.allPrefab = allBuildingReplacement.replacementInfo; propListItem.allProb = allBuildingReplacement.probability; } // Building replacement and original probability (if any). BOBBuildingReplacement buildingReplacement = BuildingReplacement.instance.ActiveReplacement(currentBuilding, propIndex); if (buildingReplacement != null) { propListItem.replacementPrefab = buildingReplacement.replacementInfo; propListItem.replacementProb = buildingReplacement.probability; } // Individual replacement and original probability (if any). BOBBuildingReplacement individualReplacement = IndividualReplacement.instance.ActiveReplacement(currentBuilding, propIndex); if (individualReplacement != null) { propListItem.individualPrefab = individualReplacement.replacementInfo; propListItem.individualProb = individualReplacement.probability; } // Are we grouping? if (propListItem.index == -1) { // Yes, grouping - initialise a flag to show if we've matched. bool matched = false; // Iterate through each item in our existing list of props. foreach (PropListItem item in propList) { // Check to see if we already have this in the list - matching original prefab, building replacement prefab, all-building replacement prefab, and probability. if (item.originalPrefab == propListItem.originalPrefab && item.individualPrefab == propListItem.individualPrefab && item.replacementPrefab == propListItem.replacementPrefab && propListItem.allPrefab == item.allPrefab) { // We've already got an identical grouped instance of this item - add this index and lane to the lists of indexes and lanes under that item and set the flag to indicate that we've done so. item.indexes.Add(propIndex); matched = true; // No point going any further through the list, since we've already found our match. break; } } // Did we get a match? if (matched) { // Yes - continue on to next building prop (without adding this item separately to the list). continue; } } // Add this item to our list. propList.Add(propListItem); } Logging.Message("basic target list setup time ", targetStopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString()); // Create return fastlist from our filtered list, ordering by name. targetList.m_rowsData = new FastList <object> { m_buffer = targetSearchStatus == (int)OrderBy.NameDescending ? propList.OrderByDescending(item => item.DisplayName).ToArray() : propList.OrderBy(item => item.DisplayName).ToArray(), m_size = propList.Count }; targetList.Refresh(); // If the list is empty, show the 'no props' label; otherwise, hide it. if (targetList.m_rowsData.m_size == 0) { noPropsLabel.Show(); } else { noPropsLabel.Hide(); } targetStopwatch.Stop(); Logging.Message("target list sort time ", targetStopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString()); }
/// <summary> /// Performs initial setup /// </summary> /// <param name="parentTransform">Parent transform</param> /// <param name="targetPrefabInfo">Currently selected target prefab</param> internal override void Setup(Transform parentTransform, PrefabInfo targetPrefabInfo) { System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch stopwatch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); stopwatch.Start(); // Set target reference. currentBuilding = targetPrefabInfo as BuildingInfo; // Base setup. base.Setup(parentTransform, targetPrefabInfo); Logging.Message("base setup time ", stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString()); // Add group checkbox. indCheck = UIControls.LabelledCheckBox(this, 155f, TitleHeight + Margin, Translations.Translate("BOB_PNL_IND"), 12f, 0.7f); // Does this building have sub-buildings? if (currentBuilding.m_subBuildings != null && currentBuilding.m_subBuildings.Length > 0) { // Yes - create lists of sub-buildings (names and infos). int numSubs = currentBuilding.m_subBuildings.Length; int numChoices = numSubs + 1; string[] subBuildingNames = new string[numChoices]; subBuildings = new BuildingInfo[numChoices]; subBuildingNames[0] = PrefabLists.GetDisplayName(currentBuilding.name); subBuildings[0] = currentBuilding; for (int i = 0; i < numSubs; ++i) { subBuildingNames[i + 1] = PrefabLists.GetDisplayName(currentBuilding.m_subBuildings[i].m_buildingInfo.name); subBuildings[i + 1] = currentBuilding.m_subBuildings[i].m_buildingInfo; } // Add sub-building menu. subBuildingMenu = UIControls.AddLabelledDropDown(this, 155f, indCheck.relativePosition.y + indCheck.height + (Margin / 2f), Translations.Translate("BOB_PNL_SUB"), 250f, 20f, 0.7f, 15, 4); subBuildingMenu.listBackground = "GenericPanelDark"; subBuildingMenu.items = subBuildingNames; subBuildingMenu.selectedIndex = 0; // Sub-building menu event handler. subBuildingMenu.eventSelectedIndexChanged += (control, index) => { // Set current building. currentBuilding = subBuildings[index]; // Reset current items. CurrentTargetItem = null; replacementPrefab = null; // Reset loaded lists. LoadedList(); TargetList(); }; } // Event handler for group checkbox. indCheck.eventCheckChanged += (control, isChecked) => { // Rebuild target list. TargetList(); // Clear selection. targetList.selectedIndex = -1; CurrentTargetItem = null; // Store current group state as most recent state. ModSettings.lastInd = isChecked; // Toggle replace all button visibility. if (isChecked) { replaceAllButton.Hide(); } else { replaceAllButton.Show(); } }; // Set grouped checkbox initial state according to preferences. switch (ModSettings.indDefault) { case 0: // Most recent state. indCheck.isChecked = ModSettings.lastInd; break; case 1: // Grouping off by default. indCheck.isChecked = false; break; case 2: // Grouping on by default. indCheck.isChecked = true; break; } // Populate target list and select target item. TargetList(); Logging.Message("building setup time ", stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString()); // Apply Harmony rendering patches. RenderOverlays.CurrentBuilding = selectedPrefab as BuildingInfo; Patcher.PatchBuildingOverlays(true); stopwatch.Stop(); Logging.Message("Harmony patching time ", stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString()); }