void loadProject() { try { DataTable tbl = LibQLSX.Select("exec spGetAllProject"); TextUtils.PopulateCombo(cboProject, tbl, "ProjectName", "ProjectCode", ""); } catch { } }
void loadCombo() { DataTable dt = LibQLSX.Select("select * from C_Quotation with(nolock)"); cboBaoGia.Properties.DataSource = dt; cboBaoGia.Properties.DisplayMember = "Code"; cboBaoGia.Properties.ValueMember = "ID"; cboBaoGia1.Properties.DataSource = dt; cboBaoGia1.Properties.DisplayMember = "Code"; cboBaoGia1.Properties.ValueMember = "ID"; }
void loadData() { try { DataTable tbl = LibQLSX.Select("Select * from PayVouchers with(nolock)"); grdData.DataSource = tbl; } catch { grdData.DataSource = null; } }
private void frmSupplier_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { loadUserFind(); loadHangFind(); loadMaterialGroup(); if (Supplier.SupplierId != null) { txtAddress.Text = Supplier.Address; txtAgency.Text = Supplier.Agency; txtBankAccount.Text = Supplier.BankAcount; txtBankAccountName.Text = Supplier.BankAcountName; txtBankName.Text = Supplier.BankName; txtCode.Text = Supplier.SupplierCode; txtContactPerson.Text = Supplier.ContactPerson; txtContactPhone.Text = Supplier.ContactPhone; txtDiscount.Text = Supplier.Discount.ToString("n2"); txtEmail.Text = Supplier.Email; txtMST.Text = Supplier.MST; txtName.Text = Supplier.SupplierName; txtNote.Text = Supplier.Note; txtOffice.Text = Supplier.Office; txtPaymentTerm.Text = Supplier.PaymentTerm; txtPhone.Text = Supplier.Phone; txtProductProvided.Text = Supplier.ProductProvided; cboMaterialGroup.SelectedIndex = Supplier.MaterialGroup; cboStatus.SelectedIndex = Supplier.StatusDisable; //cboUser.EditValue = Supplier.UserId; _supplierId = Supplier.SupplierId; } else { cboStatus.SelectedIndex = 0; DataTable dt = LibQLSX.Select(" SELECT top 1 SupplierId ,SupplierCode FROM Suppliers where SupplierCode like 'ncc%' and SupplierCode not like '%-%' order by SupplierId desc"); string id = dt.Rows[0]["SupplierId"].ToString(); string code = dt.Rows[0]["SupplierCode"].ToString(); id = id.Substring(1, id.Length - 1); code = code.Substring(3, code.Length - 3); id = "S" + string.Format("{0:000000000}", TextUtils.ToInt(id) + 1); code = "NCC" + string.Format("{0:0000}", TextUtils.ToInt(code) + 1); txtCode.Text = code; _supplierId = id; } loadUserGrid(); loadHangGrid(); loadContractGrid(); loadMaterialGroupGrid(); }
private void loadGrid() { try { //DataTable tbl = LibQLSX.Select("Select a.*, Case when a.IsUse = 0 then N'Ngừng hoạt động' else N'Hoạt động' end StatusText from Departments a with(nolock)"); DataTable tbl = LibQLSX.Select("Select a.* from WorkingDiariesLocation a with(nolock)"); grdData.DataSource = tbl; } catch { } }
void loadYCMVT() { using (WaitDialogForm fWait = new WaitDialogForm("Vui lòng chờ trong giây lát...", "Đang load dữ liệu...")) { string sql = "select distinct ProposalCode,Year,Month,UserName,OrderCode from [dbo].[vRequirePartFull_Order] " + " where DateAboutE is not null and DateAboutF is not null " + " and ProposalCode is not null and DATEDIFF(day, DateAboutE, DateAboutF) > 1"; DataTable dt = LibQLSX.Select(sql); grdYC.DataSource = dt; } }
void loadPart() { using (WaitDialogForm fWait = new WaitDialogForm("Vui lòng chờ trong giây lát...", "Đang load dữ liệu...")) { string proposalCode = TextUtils.ToString(grvYC.GetFocusedRowCellValue(colCode)); string sql = "select *,DATEDIFF(day, DateAboutE, DateAboutF) as Period from [dbo].[vRequirePartFull_Order] where ProposalCode ='" + proposalCode + "'"; DataTable dt = LibQLSX.Select(sql); grdYCDetail.DataSource = dt; } }
void loadGrid() { string sql = string.Format("select *,case when Status = 1 then cast(1 as bit) else cast(0 as bit) end as Status1, N'Báo lỗi' as Error from CriteriaImport with(nolock) where ProductPartsImportId = '{0}' and CountError = {1} order by CriteriaIndex" , ProductPartsImport.ProductPartsImportId, TextUtils.ToInt(ProductPartsImport.CountError)); //DataTable dt = LibQLSX.Select("select *,case when Status = 1 then cast(1 as bit) else cast(0 as bit) end as Status1, N'Báo lỗi' as Error from CriteriaImport with(nolock) where ProductPartsImportId = '" + ProductPartsImport.ProductPartsImportId + "'order by CriteriaIndex"); DataTable dt = LibQLSX.Select(sql); _dtTemplate = dt.Clone(); _dtTemplate.Rows.Clear(); grdData.DataSource = dt; }
void loadProject() { try { //DataTable tbl = LibQLSX.Select("exec spGetAllProject"); DataTable tbl = LibQLSX.Select("select * from Project"); TextUtils.PopulateCombo(cboProject, tbl, "ProjectCode", "ProjectId", ""); } catch (Exception ex) { } }
void resetAll() { grvLink.FocusedRowHandle = -1; decimal totalNC = 0; string sql = "update C_QuotationDetail set TotalNC = 0 where C_QuotationID = " + C_QuotationID; LibQLSX.ExcuteSQL(sql); using (WaitDialogForm fWait = new WaitDialogForm("Vui lòng chờ trong giây lát...", "Đang xử lý...")) { for (int i = 0; i < grvLink.RowCount; i++) { int id = TextUtils.ToInt(grvLink.GetRowCellValue(i, colID)); if (id == 0) { return; } int costID = TextUtils.ToInt(grvLink.GetRowCellValue(i, colC_CostID)); int quotationDetailID = TextUtils.ToInt(grvLink.GetRowCellValue(i, colC_QuotationDetailID)); C_QuotationDetailModel quotationDetail = (C_QuotationDetailModel)C_QuotationDetailBO.Instance.FindByPK(quotationDetailID); C_CostModel cost = (C_CostModel)C_CostBO.Instance.FindByPK(costID); C_CostProductGroupLinkModel group = (C_CostProductGroupLinkModel)C_CostProductGroupLinkBO.Instance.FindByExpression(new Expression("C_CostID", cost.ID) .And(new Expression("C_ProductGroupID", quotationDetail.C_ProductGroupID)))[0]; decimal pricePerDay = TextUtils.ToDecimal(grvLink.GetRowCellValue(i, colPricePerDay)); decimal qty = TextUtils.ToDecimal(grvLink.GetRowCellValue(i, colQty)); C_CostQuotationItemLinkModel link = (C_CostQuotationItemLinkModel)C_CostQuotationItemLinkBO.Instance.FindByPK(id); link.PersonNumber = group.PersonNumber;// TextUtils.ToDecimal(drs[0]["PersonNumber"]); if (group.IsFix == 1) { link.NumberDay = group.NumberDay;// TextUtils.ToDecimal(drs[0]["NumberDay"]); } else { link.NumberDay = group.VtuPercent * quotationDetail.PriceVT / cost.Price; } link.TotalR = link.NumberDay * link.PersonNumber; if (cost.ID == 61)//phòng thiết kế { link.TotalR *= (1 + 0.3M * (quotationDetail.Qty - 1)) / quotationDetail.Qty; } link.Price = link.TotalR * cost.Price; C_CostQuotationItemLinkBO.Instance.Update(link); quotationDetail.TotalNC += link.Price; C_QuotationDetailBO.Instance.Update(quotationDetail); } IsSaved = true; } MessageBox.Show("Reset thành công.", TextUtils.Caption, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); }
private void btnXemTatCa_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string[] _paraName = new string[3]; object[] _paraValue = new object[3]; _paraName[0] = "@StartDate"; _paraValue[0] = TextUtils.ToDate2(dtpStartDate.EditValue); _paraName[1] = "@EndDate"; _paraValue[1] = TextUtils.ToDate2(dtpEndDate.EditValue); _paraName[2] = "@DepartmentId"; _paraValue[2] = TextUtils.ToString(cboDepartment.EditValue); DataTable Source = LibQLSX.LoadDataFromSP("spReport_NKCV_ForDate", "Source", _paraName, _paraValue); grdData.DataSource = Source; }
void saveDN(ProcessTransaction pt, int count, DataRow row) { int stt = TextUtils.ToInt(row["F1"]); decimal qty = TextUtils.ToDecimal(row["F7"]); C_QuotationDetail_SXModel item = new C_QuotationDetail_SXModel(); item.C_QuotationID = Quotation.ID; item.ParentID = 0; item.Qty = item.QtyT = qty; item.PriceVT = TextUtils.ToDecimal(row["F41"]); item.PriceVTTN = TextUtils.ToDecimal(row["F42"]); item.PriceVTPS = TextUtils.ToDecimal(row["F43"]); item.Manufacture = TextUtils.ToString(row["F4"]); item.ModuleCode = TextUtils.ToString(row["F3"]); item.ModuleName = TextUtils.ToString(row["F2"]); item.Origin = TextUtils.ToString(row["F5"]); item.C_ProductGroupID = TextUtils.ToInt(LibQLSX.ExcuteScalar("select ID from C_ProductGroup where Code = '" + TextUtils.ToString(row["F6"]) + "'")); item.ID = (int)pt.Insert(item); count++; row["ID"] = item.ID; DataRow[] drs = _dtData.Select("F1 like '" + stt + ".%'"); foreach (DataRow rowC in drs) { decimal qtyC = TextUtils.ToDecimal(rowC["F7"]); string groupCode = TextUtils.ToString(rowC["F6"]); int groupID = TextUtils.ToInt(LibQLSX.ExcuteScalar("select ID from C_ProductGroup where Code = '" + groupCode + "'")); C_QuotationDetail_SXModel itemC = new C_QuotationDetail_SXModel(); itemC.C_QuotationID = Quotation.ID; itemC.ParentID = item.ID; itemC.C_ProductGroupID = groupID; itemC.Qty = qtyC; itemC.QtyT = qtyC / item.Qty; itemC.PriceVT = TextUtils.ToDecimal(rowC["F41"]); itemC.PriceVTTN = TextUtils.ToDecimal(row["F42"]); itemC.PriceVTPS = TextUtils.ToDecimal(row["F43"]); itemC.ModuleName = TextUtils.ToString(rowC["F2"]); itemC.ModuleCode = TextUtils.ToString(rowC["F3"]); itemC.Manufacture = TextUtils.ToString(rowC["F4"]); itemC.Origin = TextUtils.ToString(rowC["F5"]); itemC.ID = (int)pt.Insert(itemC); rowC["ID"] = itemC.ID; count++; } }
private void btnAddVT_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { frmListMaterial frm = new frmListMaterial(); if (frm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { using (WaitDialogForm fWait = new WaitDialogForm("Vui lòng chờ trong giây lát...", "Đang thêm vật tư...")) { foreach (DataRow r in frm.dtAll.Rows) { string code = TextUtils.ToString(r["Code"]); if (code == "") { continue; } DataRow[] drs = _dtDMVT.Select("Code = '" + code + "'"); if (drs.Length > 0) { continue; } decimal tonKho = TextUtils.ToDecimal(r["TonKho"]); //string sqlM = "SELECT top 1 * FROM vGetPriceOfPart with(nolock)" // + " WHERE Price > 1 AND replace(replace([PartsCode],'/','#'),')','#') = '" // + code.Replace(" ", "").Replace("/", "#").Replace(")", "#") + "'" // + " ORDER BY DateAboutF DESC"; //DataTable dtPrice = LibQLSX.Select(sqlM); string sqlM = "exec spGetPriceOfPart '" + code.Replace(" ", "").Replace("/", "#").Replace(")", "#") + "'"; DataTable dtPrice = LibQLSX.Select(sqlM); DataRow dr = _dtDMVT.NewRow(); dr["Code"] = r["Code"].ToString(); dr["Name"] = r["Name"].ToString(); dr["Hang"] = r["Hang"].ToString(); dr["Unit"] = r["Unit"].ToString(); dr["QtyTon"] = tonKho; dr["SolutionID"] = TextUtils.ToInt(Solution.ID); if (dtPrice.Rows.Count > 0) { dr["Price"] = TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtPrice.Rows[0]["Price"]).ToString("n0"); } else { dr["Price"] = TextUtils.ToDecimal(r["Price"]).ToString("n0"); } dr["TotalPrice"] = TextUtils.ToDecimal(dr["Price"]).ToString("n0"); dr["Qty"] = 1; _dtDMVT.Rows.Add(dr); } } } }
void loadProductGroup() { DataTable tbl = LibQLSX.Select(@"SELECT * FROM C_ProductGroup WITH(NOLOCK) ORDER BY Code"); cboProductGroup.Properties.DataSource = tbl.Copy(); cboProductGroup.Properties.DisplayMember = "Code"; cboProductGroup.Properties.ValueMember = "ID"; repositoryItemSearchLookUpEdit1.DataSource = tbl.Copy(); repositoryItemSearchLookUpEdit1.DisplayMember = "Code"; repositoryItemSearchLookUpEdit1.ValueMember = "ID"; }
private void gửiMailBáoKhôngPhùHợpToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string subject; string to; string content; using (WaitDialogForm fWait = new WaitDialogForm("Vui lòng chờ trong giây lát...", "Đang load dữ liệu...")) { int id = TextUtils.ToInt(grvData.GetFocusedRowCellValue(colID)); ModulesModel product = (ModulesModel)ModulesBO.Instance.FindByAttribute("Code", grvData.GetFocusedRowCellValue(colModuleCode).ToString())[0]; string productCode = product.Code; string projectCode = TextUtils.ToString(grvData.GetFocusedRowCellValue(colProjectCode)); List <string> listEmail = getListMail(productCode); subject = string.Format("INVALID REPORT - {0} - {1}", grvData.GetFocusedRowCellValue(colCode).ToString(), productCode); DataTable dtProjectUser = LibQLSX.Select("SELECT p.ProjectCode, u.UserName FROM Project p INNER JOIN Users u ON p.UserId = u.UserId where p.ProjectCode='" + projectCode + "'"); string projectUser = dtProjectUser.Rows.Count > 0 ? TextUtils.ToString(dtProjectUser.Rows[0][1]) : ""; DataTable dtConfig = TextUtils.Select("select KeyValue from [ConfigSystem] where [KeyName]='KPH_To_TK_Email'"); content = dtConfig.Rows[0][0].ToString(); content = content.Replace("<ErrorCode>", "<b>" + grvData.GetFocusedRowCellValue(colCode).ToString() + "</b>") .Replace("<ProjectCode>", "<b>" + projectCode + "</b>") .Replace("<ProjectUser>", "<b>" + projectUser == "" ? "Không tìm thấy" : projectUser + "</b>") .Replace("<ProductCode>", "<b>" + productCode + "</b>") .Replace("<ProductName>", product.Name) .Replace("<UserFind>", grvData.GetFocusedRowCellValue(colUserFindText).ToString()) .Replace("<Description>", grvData.GetFocusedRowCellValue(colDes).ToString()) .Replace("<Ck>", NVCoKhi == "" ? "Không tìm thấy" : NVCoKhi) .Replace("<Dn>", NVDien == "" ? "Không tìm thấy" : NVDien) .Replace("<Dt>", NVDT == "" ? "Không tìm thấy" : NVDT); to = ""; foreach (string item in listEmail) { to += item.ToLower() + ";"; } } frmSendEmailAttach frm = new frmSendEmailAttach(); frm.Subject = subject; frm.CC = //"*****@*****.**"; "[email protected];[email protected];[email protected];[email protected];"; frm.To = to; frm.Content = content; if (frm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { MisMatchModel errorModel = (MisMatchModel)MisMatchBO.Instance.FindByPK(TextUtils.ToInt(grvData.GetFocusedRowCellValue(colID))); errorModel.ConfirmSendMailKCS = Global.AppFullName + " - " + Environment.MachineName + " đã gửi mail vào ngày: " + DateTime.Now; MisMatchBO.Instance.Update(errorModel); loadGrid(); } }
void loadProductGroup() { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt = LibQLSX.Select("select * from vC_CostProductGroupLink where C_CostID = " + CurrentCost.ID); _isGroup = true; if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) { dt = LibQLSX.Select("select *,ValuePercentKD = 0,ValuePercentSX = 0,NumberDay=0,PersonNumber=0,VtuPercent=0,IsFix = 0 from C_ProductGroup"); _isGroup = false; } grdLink.DataSource = dt; }
void loadData() { string sql = "SELECT vRequirePartFull.*, Groups.GroupCode + ' - ' + Groups.GroupName AS GroupName" + " FROM Parts LEFT OUTER JOIN" + " Groups ON Parts.GroupId = Groups.GroupId RIGHT OUTER JOIN" + " vRequirePartFull WITH (nolock) ON Parts.PartsCode = vRequirePartFull.PartsCode" + " where SupplierCode = '" + NCCcode + "'"; DataTable dt = LibQLSX.Select(sql); //DataTable dt = LibQLSX.Select("select * from vRequirePartFull with(nolock) where SupplierCode = '" + NCCcode + "'"); //grvData.BestFitColumns(); grdData.DataSource = dt; }
void loadData() { string sql = "select *,DATEDIFF(day, DateAboutE, DateCreate) as ChenhLech from vImportMaterial a with(nolock) where Year(DateCreate) = 2016 and OrderCode is not null order by OrderCode"; //string sql = "select *,DATEDIFF(day, DateCreate, DateCreateOrder) as ChenhLech from [dbo].[vRequirePartFull_Order] where DateAboutE is not null and ProposalCode is not null and year(DateCreate) = 2016"; //string sql = "select * from vImportMaterial a with(nolock) where Year(DateCreate) = 2016 and (a.TotalNG = 0) AND (a.Status >= 3) "; //string sql = "select * from vImportMaterial a with(nolock) where Year(DateCreate) = 2016 and (a.Status >= 3) "; DataTable dt = LibQLSX.Select(sql); grdData.DataSource = dt; grvData.BestFitColumns(); }
void loadProject() { try { DataTable tbl = LibQLSX.Select("exec spGetAllProject"); //DataTable tbl = TextUtils.Select("Select ProjectId, ProjectName, ProjectCode,DateFinishE from ProjectSyn with(nolock) order by ProjectCode"); TextUtils.PopulateCombo(cboProject, tbl, "ProjectName", "ProjectCode", ""); cboProject.Properties.View.BestFitColumns(); } catch (Exception ex) { } }
void loadCombo() { DataTable tbl = LibQLSX.Select(@"SELECT ID,Code,Name FROM C_CostGroup WITH(NOLOCK) ORDER BY Code"); if (tbl == null) { return; } //TextUtils.PopulateCombo(leParentCat, tbl.Copy(), "Code", "ID", "--Cấp lớn nhất--"); leParentCat.Properties.DataSource = tbl; leParentCat.Properties.ValueMember = "ID"; leParentCat.Properties.DisplayMember = "Code"; }
void loadGrid() { string sql = "select * from vProjectDirectionDetail where ProjectDirectionID = " + ProjectDirectionID; _dtData = LibQLSX.Select(sql); grdTong.DataSource = _dtData; grdCNC.DataSource = LibQLSX.Select(sql + " and ProjectDirectionTypeID = 1"); grdIN.DataSource = LibQLSX.Select(sql + " and ProjectDirectionTypeID = 2"); grdAL.DataSource = LibQLSX.Select(sql + " and ProjectDirectionTypeID = 3"); grdDT.DataSource = LibQLSX.Select(sql + " and ProjectDirectionTypeID = 4"); grdLR.DataSource = LibQLSX.Select(sql + " and ProjectDirectionTypeID > 4"); }
void loadUser() { DataTable dt = LibQLSX.Select("Select * from [vUser] WITH(NOLOCK)"); cboUser.Properties.DataSource = dt; cboUser.Properties.DisplayMember = "UserName"; cboUser.Properties.ValueMember = "UserId"; grvCboUser.BestFitColumns(); //repositoryItemSearchLookUpEdit1.DataSource = dt; //repositoryItemSearchLookUpEdit1.DisplayMember = "UserName"; //repositoryItemSearchLookUpEdit1.ValueMember = "UserId"; }
private void frmShowStaff_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { loadStaffGroupLink(); loadStaffGroup(); loadCombo(); loadGroupQLSX(); if (Model.ID != 0) { txtBankAccount.Text = Model.BankAccount; txtBHXH.Text = Model.BHXH; txtBHYT.Text = Model.BHYT; dtpBirthOfDate.EditValue = Model.BirthOfDate; txtCMTND.Text = Model.CMTND; txtCode.Text = Model.Code; cboDepartment.SelectedValue = Model.DepartmentID; txtEmail.Text = Model.Email; txtEmailCom.Text = Model.EmailCom; txtFullName.Text = Model.FullName; txtTelephone.Text = Model.HandPhone; txtHomeAddress.Text = Model.HomeAddress; txtJobDescription.Text = Model.JobDescription; txtLoginName.Text = Model.LoginName; txtMST.Text = Model.MST; txtPasswordHash.Text = MD5.DecryptPassword(Model.PasswordHash); txtPosition.Text = Model.Position; txtQualifications.Text = Model.Qualifications; cboSex.SelectedIndex = Model.Sex; dtpStartWorking.EditValue = Model.StartWorking; pictureBox1.ImageLocation = Model.ImagePath; cboStatus.SelectedIndex = Model.Status; lookUpEdit1.EditValue = Model.UserGroupID; if (Model.UserGroupSXID > 0) { cboGroup.EditValue = Model.UserGroupSXID; } else { cboGroup.EditValue = LibQLSX.ExcuteScalar("select top 1 UserGroup1ID from Users with(nolock) where Account = '" + Model.LoginName + "'"); } if (txtLoginName.Text != "") { chkHasUser.Checked = true; } } else { txtPasswordHash.Text = "123456"; } }
bool ValidateForm() { if (PaymentTable.ID == 0) { DataTable dt = LibQLSX.Select("select top 1 * from PaymentTable with(nolock) where Number = '" + txtNumber.Text.Trim() + "'"); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { MessageBox.Show("Bảng kê thanh toán này đã tồn tại!", TextUtils.Caption, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop); return(false); } } return(true); }
void loadLeader() { try { DataTable tblPerson = LibQLSX.Select("select * from vUser with(nolock) where Code is not null order by Code"); cboLeader.Properties.DataSource = tblPerson; cboLeader.Properties.DisplayMember = "UserName"; cboLeader.Properties.ValueMember = "UserId"; } catch { } }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (!checkValid()) { return; } DepartmentsModel dModel; string departmentId = ""; if (_isAdd) { dModel = new DepartmentsModel(); DataTable dt = LibQLSX.Select("SELECT top 1 DepartmentId FROM Departments order by DepartmentId desc"); departmentId = TextUtils.ToString(dt.Rows[0]["DepartmentId"]); string number = departmentId.Substring(1, 3); departmentId = "D" + string.Format("{0:000}", TextUtils.ToInt(number) + 1); } else { departmentId = TextUtils.ToString(grvData.GetRowCellValue(grvData.FocusedRowHandle, "DepartmentId")); dModel = (DepartmentsModel)DepartmentsBO.Instance.FindByAttribute("DepartmentId", departmentId)[0]; } dModel.DepartmentId = departmentId; dModel.DCode = txtCode.Text.Trim(); dModel.DName = txtName.Text.Trim(); dModel.IsUse = cboStatus.SelectedIndex; dModel.UserId = TextUtils.ToString(cboLeader.EditValue); if (_isAdd) { DepartmentsBO.Instance.InsertQLSX(dModel); } else { DepartmentsBO.Instance.UpdateQLSX(dModel); } loadGrid(); SetInterface(false); ClearInterface(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, TextUtils.Caption, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
void updateUser() { string filePath = ""; OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog(); ofd.Multiselect = false; if (ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { filePath = ofd.FileName; } else { return; } DataTable dt = TextUtils.ExcelToDatatableNoHeader(filePath, "Sheet2"); dt = dt.Select("F2 is not null and F2 <> ''").CopyToDataTable(); DataTable dtUser = LibQLSX.Select("select * from Users with(nolock)"); int count = 0; foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { try { string code = TextUtils.ToString(row["F2"]); if (code == "") { continue; } string userName = TextUtils.ToString(row["F3"]); DataRow[] drs = dtUser.Select("UserName = '******'"); if (drs.Length > 0) { string userId = TextUtils.ToString(drs[0]["UserId"]); TPA.Model.UsersModel user = (TPA.Model.UsersModel)TPA.Business.UsersBO.Instance.FindByAttribute("UserId", userId)[0]; user.Code = code; PartsBO.Instance.UpdateQLSX(user); count++; } } catch { } } MessageBox.Show(count.ToString()); }
void loadProject() { try { DataTable dt = LibQLSX.Select("select * from Project with(nolock)"); cboProject.Properties.DataSource = dt; cboProject.Properties.ValueMember = "ProjectId"; cboProject.Properties.DisplayMember = "ProjectCode"; //TextUtils.PopulateCombo(cboProject, tbl, "ProjectCode", "ProjectId", ""); } catch (Exception ex) { } }
void loadCost() { DataTable dtLink = new DataTable(); //if (CurrentQuotation.ID > 0) //{ dtLink = LibQLSX.Select("select *, Price1 = (case when C_CostID in (50,12,77,78,79) then Total/dbo.IsZero(Qty,1) else Price end) from vC_CostQuotationLink where C_QuotationID = " + CurrentQuotation.ID); //} //else //{ // dtLink = LibQLSX.Select("select * from C_Cost where IsWithProject = 1 or CostType = 1"); //} grdLink.DataSource = dtLink; }
private void frmPartsConfigLink_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { _dtPartsGeneral = LibQLSX.Select("select *,Cast(0 as bit) as [Check] from vPartsGeneral"); _dtListVT = LibQLSX.Select("select [PartsId],[PartsCode],[PartsName],[Unit],ManufacturerCode from [vParts] where PartsCode is not null or PartsCode <> ''"); loadVT(); _dtListVT.Columns.Add("Qty", typeof(decimal)); _dtListVT.Columns.Add("Check", typeof(bool)); loadVT1(); loadVTP1(_dtPartsGeneral); loadVTP2(_dtPartsGeneral); loadVTP3(_dtPartsGeneral); loadModule(); loadGroupModule(); }