private void PopulateLookups() { // cmbFilterStorageTypes.DataSource = StorageType.GetDataTableWithAll; BLL.Shelf shelf = new BLL.Shelf(); shelf.LoadForMergedView(); gridShelfDetails.DataSource = shelf.DefaultView; lkStorageTypes.Properties.DataSource = StorageType.AllStorageTypes; cmbStorageTypeFilter.Properties.DataSource = StorageType.AllStorageTypes; cmbStorageTypeFilter.EditValue = StorageType.BulkStore; ps.LoadAll(); gridPhysicalStore.DataSource = ps.DefaultView; psType.LoadAll(); gridWarehouse.DataSource = psType.DefaultView; lkPhysicalStoreType.DataSource = psType.DefaultView; lkWarehouse.Properties.DataSource = ps.DefaultView; lkEditWarehouse.DataSource = ps.DefaultView; cluster.LoadAll(); grdClusters.DataSource = cluster.DefaultView; lkCluster.DataSource = cluster.DefaultView; gridShelves.DataSource = Shelf.AllShelves; gridShelvesView.ExpandAllGroups(); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the items on shelf. /// </summary> /// <param name="selectedRackID">The selected rack ID.</param> /// <returns></returns> public static DataTable GetItemsOnShelf(int selectedRackID) { string query = HCMIS.Repository.Queries.Shelf.SelectGetItemsOnShelf(selectedRackID); Shelf s = new Shelf(); s.LoadFromRawSql(query); return s.DataTable; }
private void lkStorageType_EditValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { Shelf shlf = new Shelf(); shlf.LoadShelvesByStorageType(lkStorageType.EditValue.ToString()); lkRacks.Properties.DataSource = shlf.DefaultView; lkRacks.ItemIndex = 0; }
/// <summary> /// Gets the items on shelf. /// </summary> /// <param name="selectedRackID">The selected rack ID.</param> /// <returns></returns> public static DataTable GetItemsOnShelf(int selectedRackID) { string query = HCMIS.Repository.Queries.Shelf.SelectGetItemsOnShelf(selectedRackID); Shelf s = new Shelf(); s.LoadFromRawSql(query); return(s.DataTable); }
private void AddItem_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Shelf slf = new Shelf(); DataTable dtSlf = slf.GetShelves(); BLL.Program prog = new BLL.Program(); prog.GetParentPrograms(); cboPrograms.DataSource = prog.DefaultView; cboPrograms.SelectedIndex = -1; PopulateFields(); ResetForHub(); }
internal void LoadLabel() { Shelf shelf = new Shelf(); shelf.LoadByPrimaryKey(this.ShelfID); this.Label = shelf.ShelfCode; ShelfRowColumn src = new ShelfRowColumn(); src.LoadColumnsForShelf(this.ShelfID,this.Column); this.Label = this.Label; this.Label += "-" + src.Label; src.LoadRowForShelf(this.ShelfID, this.Row); this.Label += "-" + src.Label; }
/// <summary> /// Saves the pallet locations in shelf. /// </summary> /// <param name="rows">The rows.</param> /// <param name="cols">The cols.</param> public void SavePalletLocationsInShelf(int rows, int cols) { // preserve the id of this shelf int id = this.ID; ShelfRowColumn src = new ShelfRowColumn(); // check if the existing rows are null; if (this.IsColumnNull("Rows")) this.Rows = 0; if (this.IsColumnNull("Columns")) this.Columns = 0; this.Save(); bool isColumnsChanged = (this.Columns != cols); bool isRowsChanged = (this.Rows != rows); PalletLocation pl = new PalletLocation(); // Fix the row and columns if there are any new additions for (int i = this.Columns; i < cols; i++) { src.AddNew(); src.ShelfID = id; src.Type = "Column"; src.Index = i; src.Label = (i + 1).ToString(); src.Save(); } for (int i = this.Rows; i < rows; i++) { src.AddNew(); src.ShelfID = id; src.Type = "Row"; src.Index = i; src.Label = getChar(i).ToString(); src.Save(); } if (rows > this.Rows) { for (int i = this.Rows; i < rows; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) { pl.AddNew(); pl.Column = j; pl.Row = i; pl.StorageTypeID = this.ShelfStorageType; pl.ShelfID = id; pl.LoadLabel(); pl.IsFullSize = true; pl.IsExtended = false; pl.IsEnabled = true; pl.Width = this.Width; pl.Height = 1; pl.Length = 1; pl.AvailableVolume = 0; pl.UsedVolume = 0; pl.Save(); } } } else if (rows < this.Rows) { this.LoadFromRawSql(HCMIS.Repository.Queries.Shelf.DeleteSavePalletLocationsInShelf(rows, id)); this.LoadFromRawSql(HCMIS.Repository.Queries.Shelf.DeleteShelfRowColumnSavePalletLocationsInShelf(rows, id)); } // if we have lost it for //rows < this.Rows this.LoadByPrimaryKey(id); if (cols > this.Columns) { for (int i = this.Columns; i < cols; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < this.Rows; j++) { { pl.AddNew(); pl.Column = i; pl.Row = j; pl.StorageTypeID = this.ShelfStorageType; pl.ShelfID = id; pl.LoadLabel(); pl.IsFullSize = true; pl.IsExtended = false; pl.IsEnabled = true; pl.Width = this.Width; pl.Height = 1; pl.Length = 1; pl.AvailableVolume = 0; pl.UsedVolume = 0; pl.Save(); } } } } else if (cols < this.Columns) { this.LoadFromRawSql(HCMIS.Repository.Queries.Shelf.DeletePalletLocationSavePalletLocationsInShelf(cols, id)); this.LoadFromRawSql(HCMIS.Repository.Queries.Shelf.DeleteFromShelfRowColumnSavePalletLocationsInShelf(cols, id)); } this.FlushData(); this.LoadByPrimaryKey(id); this.Rows = rows; this.Columns = cols; this.Save(); if (isColumnsChanged) { FixLengthOfPalletLocations(); } if (isRowsChanged) { FixHeightOfPalletLocations(); } // make the approprait entry in the pick list locations if (this.ShelfStorageType.ToString() == StorageType.PickFace) { PickFace.FixPickFaceEntries(); } FixVolume(); //Find all Shelf pallet locations Shelf shelf = new Shelf(); shelf.LoadFromRawSql(HCMIS.Repository.Queries.Shelf.SelectSavePalletLocationsInShelf(id)); while (!shelf.EOF) { PalletLocation plc = new PalletLocation(); plc.LoadByPrimaryKey(shelf.ID); plc.Label = string.Format("{0}-{1}-{2}", this.ShelfCode, plc.Column + 1, getChar(plc.Row)); plc.Save(); shelf.MoveNext(); } }
/// <summary> /// Gets the free in. /// </summary> /// <param name="selectedRackID">The selected rack ID.</param> /// <returns></returns> public static DataView GetFreeIn(int selectedRackID) { Shelf slf = new Shelf(); slf.LoadByPrimaryKey(selectedRackID); string query = HCMIS.Repository.Queries.PalletLocation.SelectGetFreeIn(slf.ShelfStorageType, slf.ID); PalletLocation pl = new PalletLocation(); pl.LoadFromRawSql(query); return pl.DefaultView; }
private void lkStorageType_EditValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { int storageTypeID = Convert.ToInt32(lkStorageType.EditValue); Shelf shlf = new Shelf(); chartControl1.DataSource = shlf.GetUtilization(storageTypeID); }
private void xpButton12_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Shelf slf = new Shelf(); if(txtShelf.Text=="") { XtraMessageBox.Show("Please enter the bin code", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } if (_shelfId != 0) slf.LoadByPrimaryKey(_shelfId); else slf.AddNew(); slf.ShelfCode = txtShelf.Text; //slf.ShelfStorageType = int.Parse(cboType.SelectedItem.ToString()); slf.Save(); DataTable dtSlf = slf.GetShelves(); PopulateShelves(dtSlf.DefaultView); ResetLocations(); XtraMessageBox.Show("Bin Location Record Updated.", "Confirmation", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); }
/// <summary> /// Load the drop downs and tables /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void HospitalSettings_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Supplier sup = new Supplier(); sup.LoadAll(); PopulateSupplier(sup); Stores str = new Stores(); str.LoadAll(); PopulateStores(str); Shelf slf = new Shelf(); DataTable dtSlf = slf.GetShelves(); PopulateShelves(dtSlf.DefaultView); ReceivingUnits recUnit = new ReceivingUnits(); recUnit.LoadAll(); PopulateReceivingUnit(recUnit); DataTable dtdumin = new DataTable(); dtdumin.Columns.Add("Value"); dtdumin.Columns.Add("Month"); object[] objdumin01 = { 0.25, "1 Weeks" }; dtdumin.Rows.Add(objdumin01); object[] objdumin0 = { 0.5, "2 Weeks" }; dtdumin.Rows.Add(objdumin0); object[] objdumin1 = { 0.75, ("3 Weeks") }; dtdumin.Rows.Add(objdumin1); object[] objdumin2 = { 1, (1 + " Month") }; dtdumin.Rows.Add(objdumin2); object[] objdumin3 = { 2, (2 + " Month") }; dtdumin.Rows.Add(objdumin3); cboDUMin.DataSource = dtdumin; DataTable dtdumax = new DataTable(); dtdumax.Columns.Add("Value"); dtdumax.Columns.Add("Month"); object[] objdumax01 = { 0.25, "1 Weeks" }; dtdumax.Rows.Add(objdumax01); object[] objdumax010 = { 0.5, "2 Weeks" }; dtdumax.Rows.Add(objdumax010); object[] objdumax011 = { 0.75, ("3 Weeks") }; dtdumax.Rows.Add(objdumax011); object[] objdumax012 = { 1, (1 + " Month") }; dtdumax.Rows.Add(objdumax012); object[] objdumax013 = { 2, (2 + " Month") }; dtdumax.Rows.Add(objdumax013); cboDUMax.DataSource = dtdumax; }
/// <summary> /// Prepares the Item Policy Form /// Loads combo boxes and populates fields /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void ItemPolicy_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Shelf slf = new Shelf(); DataTable dtSlf = slf.GetShelves(); Programs prog = new Programs(); prog.GetParentPrograms(); cboPrograms.DataSource = prog.DefaultView; cboPrograms.SelectedIndex = -1; if(VisibilitySetting.HandleUnits ==2) { txtQuantityPerPack.Enabled = false; txtText.Enabled = false; listBox1.Visible = true; } else if (VisibilitySetting.HandleUnits == 3) { txtQuantityPerPack.Enabled = true; txtText.Enabled = true; listBox1.Visible = true; } else { txtQuantityPerPack.Enabled = true; txtText.Enabled = true; listBox1.Hide(); } PopulateFields(); }
private void OnFilterStorageTypeChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { // populate the shelf grid Shelf s = new Shelf(); if ( cmbStorageTypeFilter.EditValue != null && cmbStorageTypeFilter.EditValue.ToString() != "") { s.LoadForMergedView(cmbStorageTypeFilter.EditValue.ToString()); gridShelfDetails.DataSource = s.DefaultView; s.LoadShelvesByStorageType(cmbStorageTypeFilter.EditValue.ToString()); } else { s.LoadForMergedView(); s.LoadAllShelves(); } // populate the shelf combo box. cmbShelfCodes.Properties.DataSource = s.DefaultView; cmbShelfCodes.EditValue = null; }
private void OnFilterByShelfChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { Shelf s = new Shelf(); if (cmbShelfCodes.EditValue != null && cmbShelfCodes.EditValue.ToString() != "") { s.LoadForMergedViewByShelfID(Convert.ToInt32(cmbShelfCodes.EditValue)); gridShelfDetails.DataSource = s.DefaultView; } else { OnFilterStorageTypeChanged(new object(), new EventArgs()); } }
private void lkStorageTypes_EditValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataRow dr = gridViewPhysicalStores.GetFocusedDataRow(); int id = Convert.ToInt32(dr["ID"]); BLL.Shelf shelf = new Shelf(); shelf.LoadByPrimaryKey(id); if (shelf.RowCount > 0) { shelf.ShelfStorageType = Convert.ToInt32(lkStorageTypes.EditValue); shelf.Save(); } //BLL.PhysicalStore phStore = new PhysicalStore(); //phStore.LoadByPrimaryKey(id); //phStore.PhysicalStoreTypeID = Convert.ToInt32(lkStorageTypes.EditValue); //phStore.Save(); PopulateLookups(); }
private void LossAndAdjustment_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { colWriteOff.Visible = false; btnAdjustment.Visible = false; btnCommit.Visible = false; SetPermission(); BindQuarantine(); // load the item categories lkCategories.Properties.DataSource = BLL.CommodityType.GetAllTypes(); lkStore.SetupActivityEditor().SetDefaultActivity(); Shelf shelf = new Shelf(); shelf.LoadAllShelves(); //lkRacks.Properties.DataSource = shelf.DefaultView; Item itms = new Item(); gridItemList.DataSource = itms.GetAllItems(1); LossAndAdjustmentReason dr = new LossAndAdjustmentReason(); dr.LoadAll(); lkDisposalReasons1.DataSource = dr.DefaultView; lkDisposalReason2.DataSource = dr.DefaultView; lkDisposalReason2.NullText = "Select Reason"; newpalletlocationrepositoryItemGridLookUpEdit.NullText = "Select New Pallet Location"; if(!BLL.Settings.UseNewUserManagement) { // adjust the buttons according to previlages if (CurrentContext.LoggedInUser.UserType == UserType.Constants.FINANCE || CurrentContext.LoggedInUser.UserType == UserType.Constants.SUPER_ADMINISTRATOR) { colWriteOff.Visible = true; btnAdjustment.Visible = true; btnCommit.Visible = true; gridColAdjustments.Visible = true; } else { } } // set the default category lkCategories.ItemIndex = 0; lkCategories_EditValueChanged(null, null); }
private void cmbStorageType_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { layoutStackStored.Visibility = DevExpress.XtraLayout.Utils.LayoutVisibility.Never; gridPickfaceLocationsContainer.Visibility = DevExpress.XtraLayout.Utils.LayoutVisibility.Never; isStorageTypeChanged = true; if (cmbStorageType.SelectedValue.ToString() == StorageType.BulkStore) { layoutStackStored.Visibility = DevExpress.XtraLayout.Utils.LayoutVisibility.Always; gridPickfaceLocationsContainer.Text = "Preffered Pallet Locations"; // Bind it if possible. if (itemId != 0) { PalletLocation pl = new PalletLocation(); pl.LoadPreferredLocationsFor(itemId); lstPreferredPalletLocation.DataSource = pl.DefaultView; // lstPreferredPalletLocation.DataSource = ipr.DefaultView; gridPickfaceLocationsContainer.Visibility = DevExpress.XtraLayout.Utils.LayoutVisibility.Never; grpPrefferedLocation.Visibility = DevExpress.XtraLayout.Utils.LayoutVisibility.Always; // Bind Pickface Location DataTable dt = pf.GetPalletLocationsForItemLookup(itemId); DataRow drw = dt.NewRow(); //drw["ID"] = null; drw["Label"] = "No Pick Face Location Set"; dt.Rows.Add(drw); lkRepositoryPickFaces.DataSource = dt; //pf.PalletLocationForItem(itemId); pf.LoadPalletLocationForItemGrid(itemId); gridPickfaceLocations.DataSource = pf.DefaultView; } layoutControlItem10.Visibility = DevExpress.XtraLayout.Utils.LayoutVisibility.Always; } else { grpPrefferedLocation.Text = @"Fixed Locations"; grpPrefferedLocation.Visibility = DevExpress.XtraLayout.Utils.LayoutVisibility.Never; gridPickfaceLocationsContainer.Visibility = DevExpress.XtraLayout.Utils.LayoutVisibility.Never; } Shelf slf = new Shelf(); slf.LoadShelvesByStorageType(cmbStorageType.SelectedValue.ToString()); cmbRack.DataSource = slf.DefaultView; }
/// <summary> /// Saves the pallet locations in shelf. /// </summary> /// <param name="rows">The rows.</param> /// <param name="cols">The cols.</param> public void SavePalletLocationsInShelf(int rows, int cols) { // preserve the id of this shelf int id = this.ID; ShelfRowColumn src = new ShelfRowColumn(); // check if the existing rows are null; if (this.IsColumnNull("Rows")) { this.Rows = 0; } if (this.IsColumnNull("Columns")) { this.Columns = 0; } this.Save(); bool isColumnsChanged = (this.Columns != cols); bool isRowsChanged = (this.Rows != rows); PalletLocation pl = new PalletLocation(); // Fix the row and columns if there are any new additions for (int i = this.Columns; i < cols; i++) { src.AddNew(); src.ShelfID = id; src.Type = "Column"; src.Index = i; src.Label = (i + 1).ToString(); src.Save(); } for (int i = this.Rows; i < rows; i++) { src.AddNew(); src.ShelfID = id; src.Type = "Row"; src.Index = i; src.Label = getChar(i).ToString(); src.Save(); } if (rows > this.Rows) { for (int i = this.Rows; i < rows; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) { pl.AddNew(); pl.Column = j; pl.Row = i; pl.StorageTypeID = this.ShelfStorageType; pl.ShelfID = id; pl.LoadLabel(); pl.IsFullSize = true; pl.IsExtended = false; pl.IsEnabled = true; pl.Width = this.Width; pl.Height = 1; pl.Length = 1; pl.AvailableVolume = 0; pl.UsedVolume = 0; pl.Save(); } } } else if (rows < this.Rows) { this.LoadFromRawSql(HCMIS.Repository.Queries.Shelf.DeleteSavePalletLocationsInShelf(rows, id)); this.LoadFromRawSql(HCMIS.Repository.Queries.Shelf.DeleteShelfRowColumnSavePalletLocationsInShelf(rows, id)); } // if we have lost it for //rows < this.Rows this.LoadByPrimaryKey(id); if (cols > this.Columns) { for (int i = this.Columns; i < cols; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < this.Rows; j++) { { pl.AddNew(); pl.Column = i; pl.Row = j; pl.StorageTypeID = this.ShelfStorageType; pl.ShelfID = id; pl.LoadLabel(); pl.IsFullSize = true; pl.IsExtended = false; pl.IsEnabled = true; pl.Width = this.Width; pl.Height = 1; pl.Length = 1; pl.AvailableVolume = 0; pl.UsedVolume = 0; pl.Save(); } } } } else if (cols < this.Columns) { this.LoadFromRawSql(HCMIS.Repository.Queries.Shelf.DeletePalletLocationSavePalletLocationsInShelf(cols, id)); this.LoadFromRawSql(HCMIS.Repository.Queries.Shelf.DeleteFromShelfRowColumnSavePalletLocationsInShelf(cols, id)); } this.FlushData(); this.LoadByPrimaryKey(id); this.Rows = rows; this.Columns = cols; this.Save(); if (isColumnsChanged) { FixLengthOfPalletLocations(); } if (isRowsChanged) { FixHeightOfPalletLocations(); } // make the approprait entry in the pick list locations if (this.ShelfStorageType.ToString() == StorageType.PickFace) { PickFace.FixPickFaceEntries(); } FixVolume(); //Find all Shelf pallet locations Shelf shelf = new Shelf(); shelf.LoadFromRawSql(HCMIS.Repository.Queries.Shelf.SelectSavePalletLocationsInShelf(id)); while (!shelf.EOF) { PalletLocation plc = new PalletLocation(); plc.LoadByPrimaryKey(shelf.ID); plc.Label = string.Format("{0}-{1}-{2}", this.ShelfCode, plc.Column + 1, getChar(plc.Row)); plc.Save(); shelf.MoveNext(); } }
private bool IsPutawayValid() { // Check if there is any Empty Put away location Dictionary<int, string> keyed = new Dictionary<int, string>(); Boolean isValid = true; // Validate Non Palletized locations foreach (DataRow dr in _dtPutAwayNonPalletized.Rows) { dr.ClearErrors(); if (dr["PutAwayLocation"] == null || dr["PutAwayLocation"].ToString() == "") { dr.SetColumnError("PutAwayLocation", "Cannot be null"); isValid = false; } if (dr["Palletized Quantity"] == null || dr["Palletized Quantity"].ToString() == "") { dr.SetColumnError("Palletized Quantity", "Cannot be null"); isValid = false; } } //validate Palletized putaway foreach (DataRow dr in _dtPutAwayPalletized.Rows) { dr.ClearErrors(); if (dr["PutAwayLocation"] == null) { dr.SetColumnError("PutAwayLocation", "Cannot be null"); isValid = false; } else { //If it is not free, different pallets cannot be put on the same location. int putAwayLocation = int.Parse(dr["PutAwayLocation"].ToString()); BLL.PalletLocation pl = new PalletLocation(); pl.LoadByPrimaryKey(putAwayLocation); BLL.Shelf shelf = new Shelf(); shelf.LoadByPrimaryKey(pl.ShelfID); if (shelf.ShelfStorageType.ToString() != BLL.StorageType.Free) { try { keyed.Add(Convert.ToInt32(dr["PutAwayLocation"]), ""); } catch { dr.SetColumnError("PutAwayLocation", "Different Pallets put on the same Location"); isValid = false; } } else { ////If the location type is free. We allow consolidation DataRow[] rows = _dtPalletizedItemList.Select(string.Format("PalletNumber={0}", dr["PalletNumber"].ToString())); foreach (DataRow row in rows) { row["Consolidate"] = true; row["IsStoredInFreeStorageType"] = true; } } } } return isValid; }
private void gridBinLocationView_FocusedRowChanged(object sender, DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Base.FocusedRowChangedEventArgs e) { DataRow dr = gridBinLocationView.GetFocusedDataRow(); if (dr != null) { int selected = Convert.ToInt32(dr["ID"]); Shelf slf = new Shelf(); slf.LoadByPrimaryKey(selected); if (slf.RowCount > 0) { txtShelf.Text = slf.ShelfCode; if (!slf.IsColumnNull("StoreID")) cboStore.SelectedValue = slf.StoreID.ToString(); if (!slf.IsColumnNull("ShelfStorageType")) { cboType.SelectedValue = slf.ShelfStorageType; } shelfId = slf.ID; } btnLocationsave.Text = "Update"; } }
/// <summary> /// Update the form based on the selected shelf /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void listView1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (lstShelfs.SelectedItems.Count > 0) { int selected = Convert.ToInt32(lstShelfs.SelectedItems[0].Tag); Shelf slf = new Shelf(); slf.LoadByPrimaryKey(selected); txtShelf.Text = slf.ShelfCode; cboStore.SelectedValue = slf.StoreID.ToString(); if (slf.IsColumnNull("ShelfStorageType")) { slf.ShelfStorageType = 1; } cboType.SelectedValue = slf.ShelfStorageType; _shelfId = slf.ID; btnLocationsave.Text = "Update"; } }
private void HospitalSettings_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { SetPermissions(); Supplier sup = new Supplier(); sup.LoadAll(); PopulateSupplier(sup); PopulateStores(); Shelf slf = new Shelf(); DataTable dtSlf = slf.GetShelves(); PopulateShelves(dtSlf.DefaultView); LoadIssueLocations(); AdjustLabelsForHub(); }
private void lkStorageType2_EditValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { Shelf shlf = new Shelf(); int storageType = Convert.ToInt32(lkStorageType2.EditValue); shlf.LoadShelvesByStorageType(storageType.ToString()); lkRackID2.Properties.DataSource = shlf.DefaultView; if (shlf.RowCount > 0) { lkRackID2.EditValue = shlf.ID; //lookUpEdit1_EditValueChanged(new object(), new EventArgs()); } }
private void btnSaveShelf_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Shelf slf = new Shelf(); if (shelfId != 0) slf.LoadByPrimaryKey(shelfId); else slf.AddNew(); slf.ShelfCode = txtShelf.Text; slf.ShelfStorageType = int.Parse(cboType.SelectedItem.ToString()); slf.Save(); DataTable dtSlf = slf.GetShelves(); PopulateShelves(dtSlf.DefaultView); ResetLocations(); }
private void lkStorageType2_EditValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { Shelf shlf = new Shelf(); int storageType = Convert.ToInt32(lkStorageType2.EditValue); shlf.LoadShelvesByStorageType(storageType.ToString(),(int)lkPhysicalStore.EditValue); lkRackID2.Properties.DataSource = shlf.DefaultView; if (shlf.RowCount > 0) { lkRackID2.EditValue = shlf.ID; } else { gridItemMovementView.Columns.Clear(); gridItemDetailByLocation.DataSource = null; } }
/// <summary> /// Creates the default quaranteen. /// </summary> private static void CreateDefaultQuaranteen() { // create the quaranteen type shelf PhysicalStore ps = new PhysicalStore(); ps.LoadAll(); Shelf shlf = new Shelf(); shlf.AddNew(); shlf.ShelfCode = "A"; shlf.StoreID = ps.ID; shlf.ShelfStorageType = Convert.ToInt32(StorageType.Quaranteen); shlf.Width = shlf.Height = shlf.Length = 1; shlf.Save(); shlf.SavePalletLocationsInShelf(1, 1); shlf.SaveDimentions(1, 1, 1); }