/// <summary> /// Moves the specified pick list ID. /// </summary> /// <param name="PickListID">The pick list ID.</param> public static void Move(int PickListID) { DataView dv = GetTransferReportForStore(); PalletLocation pl = new PalletLocation(); foreach (DataRowView dr in dv) { int amount = Convert.ToInt32(dr["packs"]); int palletLocationID = Convert.ToInt32(dr["PalletLocationID"]); ReceivePallet rp = new ReceivePallet(); ReceiveDoc rdoc = new ReceiveDoc(); rp.LoadByPrimaryKey(Convert.ToInt32(dr["ReceivePalletID"])); rdoc.LoadByPrimaryKey(rp.ReceiveID); amount *= rdoc.QtyPerPack; int qPalletLocationID = PalletLocation.GetTransferPalletLocation(Convert.ToInt32(dr["PhysicalStoreID"])); pl.LoadByPrimaryKey(qPalletLocationID); if (pl.IsColumnNull("PalletID")) { Pallet p = new Pallet(); p.AddNew(); p.StorageTypeID = Convert.ToInt32(StorageType.Quaranteen); p.Save(); pl.PalletID = p.ID; pl.Save(); } ReceivePallet rp2 = new ReceivePallet(); ReceiveDoc rd = new ReceiveDoc(); rd.LoadByPrimaryKey(rp.ReceiveID); rp2.AddNew(); rp2.PalletID = pl.PalletID; rp2.ReceiveID = rp.ReceiveID; // calculate the new balance BLL.ItemManufacturer im = new BLL.ItemManufacturer(); //im.LoadDefaultReceiving(rd.ItemID, Convert.ToInt32(dr["ManufacturerID"])); if (dr["BoxLevel"] == DBNull.Value) { dr["BoxLevel"] = 0; } im.LoadIMbyLevel(rd.ItemID, Convert.ToInt32(dr["ManufacturerID"]), Convert.ToInt32(dr["BoxLevel"])); int packqty = (amount / im.QuantityInBasicUnit); rp2.ReservedStock = 0; rp.ReservedStock -= amount; BLL.ReceivePallet.MoveBalance(rp, rp2, amount); //rp2.Balance = amount; //rp.Balance -= rp2.Balance; //rp.Save(); //rp2.Save(); pl.Confirmed = false; pl.Save(); if (rp.Balance == 0) { PalletLocation.GarbageCollection(); } } }
private void OnReplenishClicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { PalletLocation pl = new PalletLocation(); PickFace pf = new PickFace(); DataRow dr = gridPickFaceStockLevelView.GetFocusedDataRow(); DataRow dr2 = gridReplenishmentChoiceView.GetFocusedDataRow(); if (dr2 != null) { // check if the replenishment is from allowed location. // if (!Convert.ToBoolean(dr2["CanReplenish"])) { XtraMessageBox.Show("Please choose replenishment from the first to expire items", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } pl.LoadByPrimaryKey(_palletLocationID); pf.LoadByPrimaryKey(_pickFaceID); if (pf.IsColumnNull("Balance")) { pf.Balance = 0; } if (pl.IsColumnNull("PalletID")) { Pallet pallet = new Pallet(); pallet.AddNew(); pallet.StorageTypeID = Convert.ToInt32(StorageType.PickFace); pallet.Save(); pl.PalletID = pallet.ID; pl.Save(); } ReceivePallet rp = new ReceivePallet(); ReceivePallet rp2 = new ReceivePallet(); ReceiveDoc rd = new ReceiveDoc(); rp.LoadByPrimaryKey(Convert.ToInt32(dr2["ReceivePalletID"])); rp2.AddNew(); rp2.IsOriginalReceive = false; rp2.PalletID = pl.PalletID; rp2.ReceiveID = rp.ReceiveID; rp2.BoxSize = rp.BoxSize; // calculate the new balance BLL.ItemManufacturer im = new BLL.ItemManufacturer(); im.LoadIMbyLevel(_designatedItemID, Convert.ToInt32(dr2["ManufacturerID"]),Convert.ToInt32(dr2["BoxSize"])); if (rp.IsColumnNull("ReservedStock")) { rp.ReservedStock = 0; } //if (rp.Balance - rp.ReservedStock < im.QuantityInBasicUnit ) //{ // XtraMessageBox.Show("You cannot replenish the pick face from this location because the items are reserved for Issue. Please replenish from another receive.","Warning",MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.Warning); // return; //} BLL.ItemManufacturer imff = new BLL.ItemManufacturer(); imff.LoadOuterBoxForItemManufacturer(im.ItemID,im.ManufacturerID); if (imff.PackageLevel > im.PackageLevel && rp.Balance < imff.QuantityInBasicUnit) { rp2.Balance = rp.Balance; } else if (rp.Balance - rp.ReservedStock > im.QuantityInBasicUnit) { rp2.ReceivedQuantity = rp2.Balance = im.QuantityInBasicUnit; } else { rp2.Balance = rp.Balance; } rp2.ReservedStock = 0; rp.Balance -= rp2.Balance; if (rp.IsColumnNull("ReceivedQuantity")) { rp.ReceivedQuantity = rp.Balance + rp2.Balance; } rp.ReceivedQuantity -= rp2.Balance; rp.Save(); rp2.Save(); pl.Confirmed = false; pl.Save(); pf.Balance += Convert.ToInt32(rp2.Balance); pf.Save(); PalletLocation pl2 = new PalletLocation(); pl2.LoadLocationForPallet(rp.PalletID); rd.LoadByPrimaryKey(rp2.ReceiveID); // Now update the screen accordingly. dr["Balance"] = pf.Balance;// Convert.ToInt32(dr["Balance"]) + rp2.Balance; InternalTransfer it = new InternalTransfer(); it.AddNew(); it.ItemID = _designatedItemID; it.BoxLevel = im.PackageLevel; it.ExpireDate = rd.ExpDate; it.BatchNumber = rd.BatchNo; it.ManufacturerID = im.ManufacturerID; it.FromPalletLocationID = pl2.ID; it.ToPalletLocationID = _palletLocationID; it.IssuedDate = DateTimeHelper.ServerDateTime; it.QtyPerPack = im.QuantityInBasicUnit; it.Packs = 1; it.ReceiveDocID = rp.ReceiveID; it.QuantityInBU = it.Packs * it.QtyPerPack; it.Type = "PickFace"; it.Status = 0; it.Save(); BindPickFaceDetailAndReplenismehmnent(); XtraMessageBox.Show("Your Pick Face is updated, please print the replenishment list and confirm the stock movement", "Confirmation", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } }
//, string guid) private void SavePalletization(ReceiveDoc rec, DataRowView drow) { if ((rec.Quantity == 0 && !rec.IsColumnNull("ShortageReasonID") && rec.ShortageReasonID == ShortageReasons.Constants.NOT_RECEIVED) || (rec.Quantity == 0 && rec.IsColumnNull("ShortageReasonID"))) { HandleFullNotReceivedAndMultipleBatchPalletlization(rec,drow); return; } string guid; BLL.ReceivePallet rp = new ReceivePallet(); Pallet pallet = new Pallet(); PalletLocation pl = new PalletLocation(); ItemUnit itemUnit = new ItemUnit(); BLL.ItemManufacturer im = new BLL.ItemManufacturer(); guid = rec.GetColumn("GUID").ToString(); var isDamaged = Convert.ToBoolean(rec.GetColumn("IsDamaged")); //DataRow[] r = _dtPalletizedItemList.Select(string.Format("Index = '{0}'", i)); DataRow[] r = _dtPalletizedItemList.Select(string.Format("GUID = '{0}' AND IsDamaged = {1}", guid, isDamaged)); if (r.Length > 0) { foreach (DataRow rw in r) { rp.AddNew(); rp.IsOriginalReceive = true; if (Convert.ToBoolean(rw["Consolidate"])) { try { DataRow dr = _dtPutAwayPalletized.Select(string.Format("PalletNumber={0}", Convert.ToInt32(rw["PalletNumber"])))[0]; //Assuming we only need one. if (rw["IsStoredInFreeStorageType"] != null) { if (Convert.ToBoolean(rw["IsStoredInFreeStorageType"]) == true) { pl.LoadByPrimaryKey(Convert.ToInt32(dr["PutAwayLocation"])); } } } catch { pl.LoadByPalletNumber(Convert.ToInt32(rw["PalletNumber"])); } try { rp.PalletID = pl.PalletID; rp.PalletLocationID = pl.ID; } catch { rp.PalletID = GetPalletID(rw["PalletNumber"].ToString()); try { rp.PalletLocationID = PalletLocation.GetPalletLocationID(rp.PalletID); } catch { DataRow dr = _dtPutAwayPalletized.Select(string.Format("PalletNumber={0}", Convert.ToInt32(rw["PalletNumber"])))[0]; pl.LoadByPrimaryKey(Convert.ToInt32(dr["PutAwayLocation"])); pl.PalletID = rp.PalletID; pl.Save(); rp.PalletLocationID = pl.ID; } } //// if the putaway is on a pick face, increase the amount stored on the pick face //if (pl.StorageTypeID.ToString() == StorageType.PickFace) //{ // PickFace pf = new PickFace(); // pf.LoadPickFaceFor(rec.ItemID, Convert.ToInt32(cboStores.EditValue)); // if (pf.RowCount > 0) // { // if (pf.IsColumnNull("Balance")) // { // pf.Balance = 0; // } // pf.Balance += Convert.ToInt32(rp.Balance); // pf.Save(); // } //} } else { var palletNumber = Convert.ToInt32(rw["PalletNumber"]); DataRow dr = _dtPutAwayPalletized.Select(string.Format("PalletNumber={0}", palletNumber))[0]; //Assuming we only need one. pl.LoadByPrimaryKey(Convert.ToInt32(dr["PutAwayLocation"])); rp.PalletID = GetPalletID(rw["PalletNumber"].ToString()); pl.PalletID = rp.PalletID; rp.PalletLocationID = pl.ID; //PalletLocation.GetPalletLocationID(rp.PalletID); pl.Save(); } rp.ReservedStock = 0; im.LoadIMbyLevel(Convert.ToInt32(rw["ID"]), Convert.ToInt32(rw["Manufacturer"]), Convert.ToInt32(rw["BoxLevel"])); int qtyPerPack = im.QuantityInBasicUnit; if (rw["UnitID"] != DBNull.Value) { itemUnit.LoadByPrimaryKey(Convert.ToInt32(rw["UnitID"])); qtyPerPack = itemUnit.QtyPerUnit; } rp.ReceivedQuantity = rp.Balance = (Convert.ToDecimal(rw["Pack Qty"]) * Convert.ToDecimal(qtyPerPack)); rp.BoxSize = Convert.ToInt32(rw["BoxLevel"]); if (rec.IsColumnNull("PhysicalStoreID") && !rp.IsColumnNull("PalletLocationID")) { PalletLocation l = new PalletLocation(); l.LoadByPrimaryKey(rp.PalletLocationID); rec.PhysicalStoreID = (l.PhysicalStoreID); PhysicalStore physicalStore = new PhysicalStore(); physicalStore.LoadByPrimaryKey(l.PhysicalStoreID); rec.InventoryPeriodID = physicalStore.CurrentInventoryPeriodID; } if (Convert.ToBoolean(rw["Consolidate"])) { try { // if the putaway is on a pick face, increase the amount stored on the pick face if (pl.StorageTypeID.ToString() == StorageType.PickFace) { PickFace pf = new PickFace(); pf.LoadPickFaceFor(rec.ItemID, Convert.ToInt32(lkAccounts.EditValue)); if (pf.RowCount > 0) { if (pf.IsColumnNull("Balance")) { pf.Balance = 0; } pf.Balance += Convert.ToInt32(rp.Balance); pf.Save(); } } } catch { } } } } //r = _dtPutAwayNonPalletized.Select(string.Format("Index = '{0}'", i)); string filterQuery = _revDocRelatePalletGuid.ContainsKey(guid) ? string.Format("{0} AND IsDamaged = {1}", GetFilterByGuid(_revDocRelatePalletGuid[guid]), isDamaged) : string.Format("GUID = '{0}' AND IsDamaged = {1} ", guid, isDamaged); r = _dtPutAwayNonPalletized.Select(filterQuery); if (r.Length > 0) { // Save the palletization and the putaway here,// this was supposed to be out of here but it is easlier to implement here. foreach (DataRow rw in r) { pl.LoadByPrimaryKey(Convert.ToInt32(rw["PutAwayLocation"])); if (pl.IsColumnNull("PalletID")) { pallet.AddNew(); pallet.Save(); } else { pallet.LoadByPrimaryKey(pl.PalletID); } rp.AddNew(); rp.IsOriginalReceive = true; rp.PalletID = pallet.ID; rp.PalletLocationID = pl.ID; // rp.ReceiveID = rec.ID; rp.ReservedStock = 0; im.LoadIMbyLevel(Convert.ToInt32(rw["ID"]), Convert.ToInt32(rw["Manufacturer"]), Convert.ToInt32(rw["BoxLevel"])); int qtyPerPack = im.QuantityInBasicUnit; if (rw["UnitID"] != DBNull.Value) { itemUnit.LoadByPrimaryKey(Convert.ToInt32(rw["UnitID"])); qtyPerPack = itemUnit.QtyPerUnit; } rp.ReceivedQuantity = rp.Balance = (Convert.ToDecimal(rw["Palletized Quantity"]) * Convert.ToDecimal(qtyPerPack)); rp.BoxSize = Convert.ToInt32(rw["BoxLevel"]); //Get the putaway location pl.Save(); if (pl.IsColumnNull("PalletID")) { pl.PalletID = pallet.ID; pl.Confirmed = false; pl.Save(); } } } if (rec.IsColumnNull("PhysicalStoreID") && !rp.IsColumnNull("PalletLocationID")) { PalletLocation l = new PalletLocation(); l.LoadByPrimaryKey(rp.PalletLocationID); PhysicalStore physicalStore = new PhysicalStore(); physicalStore.LoadByPrimaryKey(l.PhysicalStoreID); rec.PhysicalStoreID = (l.PhysicalStoreID); // we can take any of the pallet location physical store. as we have one entry on receiveDoc per Store. if (physicalStore.IsColumnNull("CurrentInventoryPeriodID")) { XtraMessageBox.Show(string.Format("Please Set InventoryPeriod for '{0}' PhysicalStore!", physicalStore.Name), "Empty InventoryPeriod", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); throw new Exception(string.Format("Please Set InventoryPeriod for '{0}' PhysicalStore!", physicalStore.Name)); } rec.InventoryPeriodID = physicalStore.CurrentInventoryPeriodID; } rec.Save(); rp.Rewind(); while (!rp.EOF) { rp.ReceiveID = rec.ID; rp.MoveNext(); } rp.Save(); SavePutAwayItems(); }
private int GetPalletID(string palletNumber) { Pallet plt = new Pallet(); plt.LoadByPalletNumber(palletNumber); if (plt.RowCount == 0) { plt.AddNew(); plt.PalletNo = Convert.ToInt32(palletNumber); plt.Save(); } return plt.ID; }
private void btnCommit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ValidateQuarantine()) { MyGeneration.dOOdads.TransactionMgr transaction = MyGeneration.dOOdads.TransactionMgr.ThreadTransactionMgr(); transaction.BeginTransaction(); if (DialogResult.Yes == XtraMessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to commit the Loss and Adjustment on this screen?", "Confirmation", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question)) { // do the actual commit here. int printNubmer = InternalTransfer.GetNewPrintNumber() + 1; PalletLocation pl = new PalletLocation(); Pallet p = new Pallet(); ReceiveDoc rdoc = new ReceiveDoc(); ReceivePallet rp = new ReceivePallet(); for (int i = 0; i < gridView1.RowCount; i++) { DataRow dr = gridView1.GetDataRow(i); Double writeoff = 0; Double reLocate = 0; try { if (dr["WriteOff"] != DBNull.Value) { writeoff = Double.Parse(dr["WriteOff"].ToString()); } if (dr["ReLocate"] != DBNull.Value) { reLocate = Double.Parse(dr["ReLocate"].ToString()); } } catch (Exception exc) { } if(dr["WriteOff"] != DBNull.Value & writeoff>0) { if (Double.Parse(dr["WriteOff"].ToString()) > Double.Parse(dr["Balance"].ToString())) { XtraMessageBox.Show("Couldn't commit to the numbers you specified. Please specify number less than the balance.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } int writeoffAmout = Convert.ToInt32(dr["WriteOff"]); int qtyPerPack = Convert.ToInt32(dr["QtyPerPack"]); writeoffAmout *= qtyPerPack; rp.LoadByPrimaryKey(Convert.ToInt32(dr["ReceivePalletID"])); rdoc.LoadByPrimaryKey(rp.ReceiveID); string x = dr["NewPalletLocation"].ToString(); rp.Balance -= writeoffAmout; try { // rp.ReceivedQuantity -= writeoffAmout; } catch { } rdoc.QuantityLeft -= writeoffAmout; ReceivePallet nrp =new ReceivePallet(); nrp.AddNew(); nrp.ReceiveID = rp.ReceiveID; nrp.PalletID = pl.GetpalletidbyPalletLocationOrgetnew(int.Parse(dr["NewPalletLocation"].ToString())); //nrp.ReceivedQuantity = rp.ReceivedQuantity; nrp.Balance = writeoffAmout; nrp.ReservedStock = 0; //nrp.ReserveOrderID = rp.ReserveOrderID; nrp.BoxSize = rp.BoxSize; nrp.PalletLocationID = int.Parse(dr["NewPalletLocation"].ToString()); nrp.IsOriginalReceive = rp.IsOriginalReceive; BLL.LossAndAdjustment d = new BLL.LossAndAdjustment(); d.AddNew(); d.GenerateRefNo(); d.ItemID = Convert.ToInt32(dr["ItemID"]); d.ReasonId = Convert.ToInt32(dr["Reason"]); d.RecID = rdoc.ID; d.Quantity = writeoffAmout; d.BatchNo = rdoc.BatchNo; CalendarLib.DateTimePickerEx edate = new CalendarLib.DateTimePickerEx(); edate.Value = DateTime.Today; //TODO: fix to an ethiopian date here edate.CustomFormat = "MM/dd/yyyy"; d.Date = ConvertDate.DateConverter(edate.Text); d.EurDate = DateTime.Today; d.Cost = rdoc.IsColumnNull("Cost")? 0: Math.Abs(rdoc.Cost * writeoffAmout); d.StoreId = rdoc.StoreID; d.Losses = true; //todo: d.ApprovedBy = CurrentContext.UserId.ToString(); //d.Remarks InternalTransfer it =new InternalTransfer(); it.AddNew(); it.ItemID = d.ItemID; it.FromPalletLocationID = pl.GetPalletLocationIDByPalletID(int.Parse(dr["PalletID"].ToString())); it.ToPalletLocationID = nrp.PalletLocationID; it.BatchNumber = d.BatchNo; if (!rdoc.IsColumnNull("ExpDate")) { it.ExpireDate = rdoc.ExpDate; } it.ReceiveDocID = rdoc.ID; it.ManufacturerID = rdoc.ManufacturerId; it.QtyPerPack = Convert.ToInt32(dr["QtyPerPack"]); it.Packs = rdoc.NoOfPack; it.QuantityInBU = nrp.Balance; LossAndAdjustmentReason r = new LossAndAdjustmentReason(); it.Type = r.GetReasonByID(d.ReasonId); // d.Save(); rdoc.Save(); rp.Save(); rdoc.QuantityLeft += writeoffAmout; rdoc.Save(); nrp.Save(); it.Save(); int xs = it.ID; } else if (dr["ReLocate"] != DBNull.Value & reLocate > 0) { if (dr["ReLocate"] != DBNull.Value) { int amount = Convert.ToInt32(dr["ReLocate"]); int qtyPerPack = Convert.ToInt32(dr["QtyPerPack"]); amount *= qtyPerPack; rp.LoadByPrimaryKey(Convert.ToInt32(dr["ReceivePalletID"])); rdoc.LoadByPrimaryKey(rp.ReceiveID); int palletLocationID = Convert.ToInt32(dr["PalletLocationID"]); int qPalletLocationID = PalletLocation.GetQuaranteenPalletLocationByPalletLocationID(palletLocationID);//PalletLocation.GetQuaranteenPalletLocation(Convert.ToInt32(dr["ID"])); pl.LoadByPrimaryKey(qPalletLocationID); ReceivePallet rp2 = new ReceivePallet(); ReceiveDoc rd = new ReceiveDoc(); Pallet pallet = new Pallet(); rp.LoadByPrimaryKey(Convert.ToInt32(dr["ReceivePalletID"])); rd.LoadByPrimaryKey(rp.ReceiveID); pallet.AddNew(); Item item = new Item(); item.LoadByPrimaryKey(rdoc.ItemID); if (item.StorageTypeID.ToString() == StorageType.BulkStore) { pallet.PalletNo = Pallet.GetLastPanelNumber(); } pallet.Save(); rp2.AddNew(); rp2.PalletID = pl.GetpalletidbyPalletLocationOrgetnew(int.Parse(dr["NewPalletLocation"].ToString()));//pallet.ID; rp2.ReceiveID = rp.ReceiveID; rp2.IsOriginalReceive = rp.IsOriginalReceive; // calculate the new balance BLL.ItemManufacturer im = new BLL.ItemManufacturer(); //im.LoadDefaultReceiving(rd.ItemID, Convert.ToInt32(dr["ManufacturerID"])); //im.LoadIMbyLevel(rd.ItemID, Convert.ToInt32(dr["ManufacturerID"]), Convert.ToInt32(dr["BoxLevel"])); //int packqty = (amount / im.QuantityInBasicUnit); rd.QuantityLeft -= amount; rp.Balance -= amount; rd.Save(); rp.Save(); rd.QuantityLeft += amount; rp2.Balance = amount;//packqty * im.QuantityInBasicUnit; rd.Save(); rp2.BoxSize = rp.BoxSize; rp2.ReservedStock = 0; rp2.PalletLocationID= int.Parse(dr["NewPalletLocation"].ToString()); rp2.Save(); pl.Confirmed = false; pl.Save(); // select the new pallet location here. /* XtraForm xdb = new XtraForm(); xdb.Controls.Add(panelControl2); Item itms= new Item(); itms.GetItemByPrimaryKey(Convert.ToInt32(dr["ItemID"])); lblItemName.Text = itms.FullItemName; panelControl2.Visible = true; panelControl2.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; xdb.Text = "Select Location for relocated Item"; lkLocation.Properties.DataSource = PalletLocation.GetAllFreeFor(Convert.ToInt32(dr["ItemID"])); xdb.ShowDialog(); PalletLocation pl2 = new PalletLocation(); pl2.LoadByPrimaryKey(Convert.ToInt32(lkLocation.EditValue)); pl2.PalletID = pallet.ID; pl2.Confirmed = false; pl2.Save(); */ InternalTransfer it = new InternalTransfer(); it.AddNew(); it.ItemID = rd.ItemID; it.BoxLevel = 0;// im.PackageLevel; //it.ExpireDate = rd.ExpDate; if (!rd.IsColumnNull("ExpDate")) { it.ExpireDate = rd.ExpDate; } it.BatchNumber = rd.BatchNo; it.ManufacturerID = Convert.ToInt32(dr["ManufacturerID"]);//im.ManufacturerID; it.FromPalletLocationID = qPalletLocationID; it.ToPalletLocationID = int.Parse(dr["NewPalletLocation"].ToString()); //pl2.ID; it.QtyPerPack = 1; //it.Packs = pack qty; it.ReceiveDocID = rp.ReceiveID; it.QuantityInBU = amount;// it.QtyPerPack; it.Type = "ReLocation"; it.IssuedDate = DateTime.Today; it.Status = 0; it.PrintNumber = printNubmer; it.Save(); } } } transaction.CommitTransaction(); BindQuarantine(); XtraMessageBox.Show("Quarantine Write off/Adjustment was commitd.", "Success", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } } }
private void btnMoveToQuaranteen_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ValidateMoveToQuaranteen()) { if (DialogResult.Yes == XtraMessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to move the items to Quarantine", "Confirmation", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question)) { InternalItemMovements ims = new InternalItemMovements(); PalletLocation pl = new PalletLocation(); int printNubmer = InternalTransfer.GetNewPrintNumber() + 1 ; for (int i = 0; i < gridView3.RowCount; i++) { DataRow dr = gridView3.GetDataRow(i); if (dr["Loss"] != DBNull.Value) { int amount = Convert.ToInt32(dr["Loss"]); int palletLocationID = Convert.ToInt32(dr["PalletLocationID"]); ReceivePallet rp = new ReceivePallet(); ReceiveDoc rdoc = new ReceiveDoc(); rp.LoadByPrimaryKey(Convert.ToInt32(dr["ReceivePalletID"])); rdoc.LoadByPrimaryKey(rp.ReceiveID); amount *= rdoc.QtyPerPack; if (rp.Balance - amount < rp.ReservedStock) { //Item has been reserved for a facility. This needs to be handled. DataTable dtble = rp.GetFacilitiesItemsReservedFor(); string facilities = ""; foreach(DataRow dRow in dtble.Rows) { if (dr != null) facilities += dRow["Name"].ToString() + System.Environment.NewLine; } XtraMessageBox.Show("You cannot fill in a loss because the item in this location has been reserved to the following facilities:" + System.Environment.NewLine + facilities, "Exisiting reservations must be cancelled", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); return; } var receiveDocID = Convert.ToInt32(dr["ID"]); var rec = new ReceiveDoc(); rec.LoadByPrimaryKey(receiveDocID); int qPalletLocationID = PalletLocation.GetQuaranteenPalletLocation(rec.PhysicalStoreID); pl.LoadByPrimaryKey(qPalletLocationID); if (pl.IsColumnNull("PalletID")) { Pallet p = new Pallet(); p.AddNew(); p.StorageTypeID = Convert.ToInt32( StorageType.Quaranteen); p.Save(); pl.PalletID = p.ID; pl.Save(); } ReceivePallet rp2 = new ReceivePallet(); ReceiveDoc rd = new ReceiveDoc(); rd.LoadByPrimaryKey(rp.ReceiveID); rp2.AddNew(); rp2.PalletID = pl.PalletID; rp2.ReceiveID = rp.ReceiveID; rp2.PalletLocationID = pl.ID; // calculate the new balance BLL.ItemManufacturer im = new BLL.ItemManufacturer(); //im.LoadDefaultReceiving(rd.ItemID, Convert.ToInt32(dr["ManufacturerID"])); if (dr["BoxLevel"] == DBNull.Value) { dr["BoxLevel"] = 0; } im.LoadIMbyLevel(rd.ItemID, Convert.ToInt32(dr["ManufacturerID"]), Convert.ToInt32(dr["BoxLevel"])); int packqty = (amount / im.QuantityInBasicUnit); rp2.ReservedStock = 0; BLL.ReceivePallet.MoveBalance(rp, rp2, amount); //rp2.Balance = amount; //rp.Balance -= rp2.Balance; //rp.Save(); //rp2.Save(); pl.Confirmed = false; pl.Save(); if (rp.Balance == 0 ) { PalletLocation.GarbageCollection(); } InternalTransfer it = new InternalTransfer(); it.AddNew(); it.ItemID = rd.ItemID; it.BoxLevel = im.PackageLevel; if (!rd.IsColumnNull("ExpDate")) { it.ExpireDate = rd.ExpDate; } it.BatchNumber = rd.BatchNo; it.ManufacturerID = im.ManufacturerID; it.FromPalletLocationID = palletLocationID; it.ToPalletLocationID = qPalletLocationID; it.QtyPerPack = im.QuantityInBasicUnit; it.Packs = packqty; it.ReceiveDocID = rp.ReceiveID; it.QuantityInBU = rp2.Balance; //it.Packs * it.QtyPerPack; it.Type = "ToQuaranteen"; it.IssuedDate = DateTime.Today; it.Status = 0; it.PrintNumber = printNubmer; it.Save(); } } gridConfirmationControl.DataSource = InternalTransfer.GetAllTransfers("ToQuaranteen"); PopulateItemDetails(); XtraMessageBox.Show("Your items are marked for movement to Quarantine, please go to Internal Movements page to confirm!", "Success", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } } }
private void btnMove_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Validation foreach (DataRowView drv in _rpl.DefaultView) { int Balance = Convert.ToInt32(drv["Balance"]); int splited = Convert.ToInt32(drv["BalanceToMove"]); if (Balance < splited) { XtraMessageBox.Show("Couldn't split to the numbers you specified. Please specify number less than the balance.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } } // validate the selected pallet location if (lkFreePalletLocations.EditValue == null) { XtraMessageBox.Show("Please select a valid destination pallet location.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } // PalletLocation destinationPalletLocatin = new PalletLocation(); destinationPalletLocatin.LoadByPrimaryKey(Convert.ToInt32(lkFreePalletLocations.EditValue)); if (destinationPalletLocatin.IsColumnNull("PalletID"))//The Pallet Location is empty { Pallet pallet = new Pallet(); pallet.AddNew(); pallet.Save(); destinationPalletLocatin.PalletID = pallet.ID; destinationPalletLocatin.Save(); } // THIS HAS BEEN REMOVED AS PER RUTH'S SUGGESTION THAT: THE SYSTEM SHOULD NOT BLOCK IF THE WAREHOUSE MANAGER WANTES TO USE //else if (destinationPalletLocatin.StorageTypeID.ToString() != BLL.StorageType.Free) //If the pallet location is not empty and it is not free storage, you can't put more on it. //{ // // the thingy has not been moved // XtraMessageBox.Show("The selected Pallet location is not Empty. Please select another location.", "Error splitting"); // return; //} foreach (DataRowView drv in _rpl.DefaultView) { int balanceToMove = Convert.ToInt32(drv["BalanceToMove"]); int qtyPerPack = Convert.ToInt32(drv["QtyPerPack"]); balanceToMove *= qtyPerPack; if (balanceToMove > 0) { ReceivePallet rpSource = new ReceivePallet(); ReceivePallet rpDestination = new ReceivePallet(); rpSource.LoadByPrimaryKey(Convert.ToInt32(drv["ID"])); rpDestination.AddNew(); //rpDestination.Balance = balanceToMove;// if (!rpSource.IsColumnNull("BoxSize")) { rpDestination.BoxSize = rpSource.BoxSize; } else { rpDestination.BoxSize = 1; } rpDestination.ReceivedQuantity = balanceToMove; rpDestination.PalletID = destinationPalletLocatin.PalletID;//pallet.ID; rpDestination.PalletLocationID = destinationPalletLocatin.ID; rpDestination.ReceiveID = rpSource.ReceiveID; if (!rpSource.IsColumnNull("ReceivedQuantity")) rpSource.ReceivedQuantity -= balanceToMove; //rpSource.Balance -= balanceToMove;// rpDestination.ReservedStock = 0; rpDestination.IsOriginalReceive = false; BLL.ReceivePallet.MoveBalance(rpSource, rpDestination, balanceToMove); //rpSource.Save(); //rpDestination.Save(); } } XtraMessageBox.Show("The pallet was split.", "Success"); this.Close(); }
/// <summary> /// Saves the new receive doc entry from picklist detail. /// </summary> /// <param name="pld">The PLD.</param> /// <param name="userID">The user ID.</param> /// <param name="activityID">The new store ID.</param> /// <param name="newPhysicalStoreID">The new physical store ID.</param> /// <param name="convertedEthDate">The converted eth date.</param> /// <param name="supplierID">Activity or Store where it has Transfered from </param> /// <exception cref="System.Exception"></exception> internal void SaveNewReceiveDocEntryFromPicklistDetail(PickListDetail pld, int userID, int activityID, int newPhysicalStoreID, DateTime convertedEthDate,int receiptID,int? supplierID) { BLL.User user = new User(); user.LoadByPrimaryKey(userID); BLL.ReceiveDoc rdOriginal = new ReceiveDoc(); rdOriginal.LoadByPrimaryKey(pld.ReceiveDocID); //Now Save the receive doc entry this.AddNew(); this.SetColumn("BatchNo", pld.GetColumn("BatchNumber")); this.ItemID = pld.ItemID; if (supplierID != null) this.SupplierID = supplierID.Value; this.Quantity = pld.QuantityInBU; //this.Date= this.Date = convertedEthDate; this.SetColumn("ExpDate", rdOriginal.GetColumn("ExpDate")); this.Out = false; this.ReceivedBy = user.UserName; this.StoreID = activityID; SetColumn("LocalBatchNo", rdOriginal.GetColumn("LocalBatchNo")); this.RefNo = receiptID.ToString(); this.SetColumn("Cost", rdOriginal.GetColumn("Cost")); this.SetColumn("IsApproved", rdOriginal.GetColumn("IsApproved")); this.ManufacturerId = rdOriginal.ManufacturerId; this.QuantityLeft = this.Quantity; this.NoOfPack = pld.Packs; this.QtyPerPack = rdOriginal.QtyPerPack; this.EurDate = DateTimeHelper.ServerDateTime; this.SetColumn("SellingPrice", rdOriginal.GetColumn("SellingPrice")); this.SetColumn("UnitCost", rdOriginal.GetColumn("Cost")); this.SetColumn("Cost", rdOriginal.GetColumn("Cost")); this.SetColumn("PricePerPack", rdOriginal.GetColumn("Cost")); this.SetColumn("UnitID", rdOriginal.GetColumn("UnitID")); this.SetColumn("DeliveryNote", rdOriginal.GetColumn("DeliveryNote")); this.Confirmed = false; this.ConfirmedDateTime = DateTimeHelper.ServerDateTime; this.ReturnedStock = false; this.ReceiptID = receiptID; this.PhysicalStoreID = newPhysicalStoreID; PhysicalStore physicalStore = new PhysicalStore(); physicalStore.LoadByPrimaryKey(newPhysicalStoreID); this.InventoryPeriodID = physicalStore.CurrentInventoryPeriodID; this.SetColumn("Margin", rdOriginal.GetColumn("Margin")); this.InvoicedNoOfPack = pld.Packs; this.IsDamaged = (bool) rdOriginal.GetColumn("IsDamaged"); this.Save(); //Now Save the ReceiveDocConfirmation ReceiveDocConfirmation rdConf = new ReceiveDocConfirmation(); rdConf.AddNew(); rdConf.ReceiveDocID = this.ID; rdConf.ReceivedByUserID = userID; rdConf.ReceiptConfirmationStatusID = BLL.ReceiptConfirmationStatus.Constants.RECEIVE_ENTERED; rdConf.Save(); //Now Save the palletization. ReceivePallet rp = new ReceivePallet(); rp.AddNew(); rp.ReceivedQuantity = this.Quantity; rp.Balance = this.Quantity; rp.ReservedStock = 0; rp.ReceiveID = this.ID; PalletLocation pLocation = new PalletLocation(); pLocation.LoadFirstOrDefault(newPhysicalStoreID, int.Parse(BLL.StorageType.BulkStore)); if (pLocation.RowCount == 0) { throw new Exception("No locations created in the destination store. Please check if there are Bulk store pallet locations in the physical store."); } else { if (pLocation.IsColumnNull("PalletID")) { Pallet pallet = new Pallet(); pallet.AddNew(); pallet.PalletNo = BLL.Pallet.GetLastPanelNumber() + 1; pallet.StorageTypeID = int.Parse(BLL.StorageType.Free); pallet.Save(); pLocation.PalletID = pallet.ID; } rp.PalletID = pLocation.PalletID; rp.PalletLocationID = pLocation.ID; rp.BoxSize = 0; rp.IsOriginalReceive = true; rp.Save(); } }
public int GetpalletidbyPalletLocationOrgetnew( int palletlocationid) { string query = HCMIS.Repository.Queries.PalletLocation.selectpalletidbyPalletLocation(palletlocationid); PalletLocation pl = new PalletLocation(); pl.LoadFromRawSql(query); if (pl.RowCount > 0) return pl.PalletID; else {// create new pallet Pallet pallet = new Pallet(); pallet.AddNew(); string query2 = HCMIS.Repository.Queries.PalletLocation.selectstoreIDbyPalletLocationID(palletlocationid); PalletLocation pl2 = new PalletLocation(); pl2.LoadFromRawSql(query2); pallet.StorageTypeID = pl2.StorageTypeID; pallet.Save(); return pallet.ID; } }
/// <summary> /// Loads the consolidation option. /// </summary> /// <param name="itemID">The item ID.</param> /// <param name="expiry">The expiry.</param> /// <param name="boxSize">Size of the box.</param> /// <param name="store">The store.</param> public void LoadConsolidationOption(int itemID, DateTime? expiry, int boxSize, int store) { string pfaceQuery = ""; if (boxSize == 0) { PickFace pf = new PickFace(); pf.LoadPickFaceFor(itemID, store); if (pf.RowCount > 0) { if (!pf.IsColumnNull("PalletLocationID")) { PalletLocation pl = new PalletLocation(); pl.LoadByPrimaryKey(pf.PalletLocationID); if (pl.IsColumnNull("PalletID")) { Pallet pallet = new Pallet(); pallet.AddNew(); pallet.StorageTypeID = Convert.ToInt32(StorageType.PickFace); pallet.Save(); pl.PalletID = pallet.ID; pl.Save(); } pfaceQuery = string.Format(" pl.ID = {0}", pl.ID); } } } string date = expiry != null ? string.Format("ExpDate = '{0}'", expiry.Value.ToShortDateString()) : "ExpDate is null"; string query = HCMIS.Repository.Queries.PalletLocation.SelectLoadConsolidationOption(itemID, date); this.LoadFromRawSql(query); DataTable dtbl = this.DataTable; if (pfaceQuery != "") { query = HCMIS.Repository.Queries.PalletLocation.SelectLoadConsolidationOptionOther(pfaceQuery); this.LoadFromRawSql(query); } this.DataTable.Merge(dtbl); }