public static PO CreatePOforStandard(int orderType, int StoreID, int?SupplierID, string Remark, int userID) { BLL.PO po = new PO(); po.AddNew(); po.StoreID = StoreID; po.ExhangeRate = 1; po.Insurance = 0; po.Description = Remark; if (SupplierID != null) { po.SupplierID = Convert.ToInt32(SupplierID); } //po.PurchaseType = po.SavedbyUserID = userID; po.IsElectronic = false; po.POFinalized = false; po.Rowguid = Guid.NewGuid(); po.Identifier = "00000"; po.DateOfEntry = DateTimeHelper.ServerDateTime; UpdatePoNumberAndPOType(orderType, po); po.Save(); //~ Update PONumber for Transfers and Error Correction ~// UpdatePoNumberAndPOType(orderType, po); po.Save(); return(po); }
private void simpleButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var dt = (DataView) gridView1.DataSource; dt.RowFilter = "Requested >0"; if (dt == null) return; var po = new PO(); po.AddNew(); var serverDateTime = DateTimeHelper.ServerDateTime; po.PODate = serverDateTime; po.DateOfEntry = serverDateTime; po.PurchaseType = POType.INTERNAL; po.PaymentTypeID = PaymentType.Constants.STV; po.TermOfPayement = TermOfPayment.List[6].ID; po.PurchaseOrderStatusID = 9; //PurchaseOrderStatus ==> Processed po.SavedbyUserID = CurrentContext.LoggedInUser.ID; po.Save(); var purchaseOrderDetail = new PurchaseOrderDetail(); foreach (DataRowView dr in dt) { var itemUnit = new ItemUnitBase(); itemUnit.LoadByPrimaryKey(Convert.ToInt32(dr["UnitID"])); purchaseOrderDetail.AddNew(); purchaseOrderDetail.ItemID = Convert.ToInt32(dr["ItemID"]); purchaseOrderDetail.UnitOfIssueID = itemUnit.UnitOfIssueID; purchaseOrderDetail.Quantity = Convert.ToInt32(dr["Requested"]); purchaseOrderDetail.PurchaseOrderID = po.ID; purchaseOrderDetail.Rowguid = Guid.NewGuid(); purchaseOrderDetail.ApprovedQuantity = 0; } purchaseOrderDetail.Save(); lookUpEdit1_EditValueChanged(null, null); }
public static void SaveList(List <HCMIS.Desktop.STVSyncService.STVList> list, int userID) { BLL.ReceiptInvoice bv = new BLL.ReceiptInvoice(); foreach (HCMIS.Desktop.STVSyncService.STVList v in list) { // try to load by primary key bv.LoadBySTVNoAndAccountType(v.STVNo, v.AccountID); // if the entry doesn't exist, create it if (bv.RowCount == 0) { BLL.PO po = new BLL.PO(); po.AddNew(); if (v.AccountID.HasValue) { po.StoreID = v.AccountID.Value; } po.SupplierID = BLL.Supplier.CONSTANTS.HOME_OFFICE; if (v.HubID.HasValue) { po.PONumber = v.HubID.Value + "-" + v.STVNo; } po.Save(); bv.AddNew(); bv.STVOrInvoiceNo = v.STVNo.ToString(); bv.InvoiceTypeID = BLL.ReceiptInvoiceType.InvoiceType.STV; bv.DateOfEntry = DateTimeHelper.ServerDateTime; bv.POID = po.ID; bv.SavedByUserID = userID; } // populate the contents of v on the to the database list bv.TotalValue = v.InvoiceTotalValue; bv.Insurance = v.Insurance; bv.SavedByUserID = userID; bv.Save(); } }
private int SaveRelevantReceiptHeaders(int receiptTypeID, int warehouseID) { int receiptID; var receipt = new BLL.Receipt(); var sup = new BLL.Supplier(); if (lkReceiptInvoice.EditValue != null && Convert.ToInt32(lkReceiptInvoice.EditValue) != -1) { receiptID = receipt.AddNewReceipt(receiptTypeID, warehouseID, CurrentContext.UserId, Convert.ToInt32(lkReceiptInvoice.EditValue), txtEditTransferNo.Text, ReceiptConfirmationStatus.Constants.RECEIVE_ENTERED); // , txtTransitNo.Text, txtInsuranceNo.Text, txtWayBillNo.Text); } else { //PO and ReceiptInvoice created automatically. //Needs to be fixed. BLL.PO po = new PO(); BLL.ReceiptInvoice rctInvoice = new ReceiptInvoice(); po.AddNew(); var serverDateTime = DateTimeHelper.ServerDateTime; po.PODate = serverDateTime; po.DateOfEntry = serverDateTime; po.PurchaseType = POType.INVENTORY; po.IsElectronic = false; po.POFinalized = false; po.Rowguid = Guid.NewGuid(); po.Identifier = "00000"; po.PaymentTypeID = BLL.PaymentType.Constants.STV; po.TermOfPayement = BLL.PaymentTerm.Internal; po.PurchaseOrderStatusID = PurchaseOrderStatus.Processed; rctInvoice.AddNew(); po.StoreID = Convert.ToInt32(lkAccounts.EditValue); Activity acc = new Activity(); acc.LoadByPrimaryKey(po.StoreID); po.ModeID = acc.ModeID; //po.PONumber = srm ? lkSTVInvoiceNo.EditValue.ToString() : (deliveryNote ? txtRefNo.Text : (beginningBalance ? "BeginningBalance" : String.Empty)); if (lcSTVNo.Visibility == DevExpress.XtraLayout.Utils.LayoutVisibility.Always) { po.PONumber = srm && !chkSRMForOldSystemIssues.Checked ? txtSTVNo.Text : ((deliveryNoteType != DeliveryNoteType.NotSet) ? txtSTVNo.Text : (beginningBalance ? "BeginningBalance" : (srm && chkSRMForOldSystemIssues.Checked ? txtSTVInvoiceNoOldSystem.Text : txtRefNo.Text))); } else { po.PONumber = srm && !chkSRMForOldSystemIssues.Checked ? lkSTVInvoiceNo.Text : ((deliveryNoteType != DeliveryNoteType.NotSet) ? txtRefNo.Text : (beginningBalance ? "BeginningBalance" : (srm && chkSRMForOldSystemIssues.Checked ? txtSTVInvoiceNoOldSystem.Text : txtRefNo.Text))); } //TODO: Ugly hack, supplier. To be fixed. if (srm) { po.SupplierID = BLL.Supplier.CONSTANTS.RETURNED_FROM_FACILITY; //Let's put Finance Required stuff here. po.Insurance = 0; po.ExhangeRate = 1; rctInvoice.ExchangeRate = 1; rctInvoice.Insurance = 0; rctInvoice.InvoiceTypeID = ReceiptInvoiceType.InvoiceType.LOCAL_PURCHASE; if (chkSRMForOldSystemIssues.Checked) { if (lkForFacility.EditValue == null) throw new Exception("Facility not chosen!"); po.RefNo = lkForFacility.EditValue.ToString(); } } po.SavedbyUserID = CurrentContext.LoggedInUser.ID; po.Save(); rctInvoice.POID = po.ID; if (lcSTVNo.Visibility == DevExpress.XtraLayout.Utils.LayoutVisibility.Always) { rctInvoice.STVOrInvoiceNo = srm && !chkSRMForOldSystemIssues.Checked ? txtSTVNo.Text : ((deliveryNoteType != DeliveryNoteType.NotSet) ? txtSTVNo.Text : (beginningBalance ? "BeginningBalance" : (srm && chkSRMForOldSystemIssues.Checked ? txtSTVInvoiceNoOldSystem.Text : txtSTVNo.Text))); } else { rctInvoice.STVOrInvoiceNo = srm && !chkSRMForOldSystemIssues.Checked ? lkSTVInvoiceNo.Text : ((deliveryNoteType != DeliveryNoteType.NotSet) ? txtRefNo.Text : (beginningBalance ? "BeginningBalance" : (srm && chkSRMForOldSystemIssues.Checked ? txtSTVInvoiceNoOldSystem.Text : txtRefNo.Text))); } rctInvoice.DateOfEntry = DateTimeHelper.ServerDateTime; rctInvoice.ActivityID = po.StoreID; rctInvoice.SavedByUserID = CurrentContext.LoggedInUser.ID; rctInvoice.IsDeliveryNote = false; rctInvoice.Rowguid = Guid.NewGuid(); rctInvoice.PrintedDate = po.DateOfEntry; rctInvoice.IsVoided = false; rctInvoice.ShippingSite = " "; rctInvoice.IsConvertedFromDeliveryNote = false; rctInvoice.IsDeliveryNote = false; rctInvoice.DocumentTypeID = DocumentType.CONSTANTS.SRM; rctInvoice.Save(); receiptID = receipt.AddNewReceipt(receiptTypeID, warehouseID, CurrentContext.UserId, rctInvoice.ID, txtTransitTransferVoucherNo.Text, ReceiptConfirmationStatus.Constants.RECEIVE_ENTERED); //receiptID = receipt.AddNewReceipt(receiptTypeID, NewMainWindow.UserId); } return receiptID; }
public static PO CreatePOforStandard(int orderType, int StoreID, int? SupplierID, string Remark,int userID) { BLL.PO po = new PO(); po.AddNew(); po.StoreID = StoreID; po.ExhangeRate = 1; po.Insurance = 0; po.Description = Remark; if (SupplierID != null) po.SupplierID = Convert.ToInt32(SupplierID); //po.PurchaseType = po.SavedbyUserID = userID; po.IsElectronic = false; po.POFinalized = false; po.Rowguid = Guid.NewGuid(); po.Identifier = "00000"; po.DateOfEntry = DateTimeHelper.ServerDateTime; UpdatePoNumberAndPOType(orderType, po); po.Save(); //~ Update PONumber for Transfers and Error Correction ~// UpdatePoNumberAndPOType(orderType, po); po.Save(); return po; }
private void btnSaveOrder_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (dxValidation.Validate()) { var po = new PO(); if (PoID != 0) { po.LoadByPrimaryKey(PoID); } else { po.AddNew(); } if (PoID == 0 && po.DoesPONumberExists(txtOrderInformation.Text)) { XtraMessageBox.Show(string.Format(@"There is an existing Order with the same OrderNo as {0}. Please try to use another OrderNo!",txtOrderInformation.Text), "Invalid", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } if (PoID == 0) po.PONumber = txtOrderInformation.Text; po.TotalValue = Convert.ToDouble(txtTotalValue.EditValue); po.Insurance = Convert.ToDouble(txtInsurance.EditValue); po.OtherExpense = Convert.ToDouble(txtInsuredSum.EditValue); po.NBE = Convert.ToDouble(txtNBEServiceCharge.EditValue); po.SupplierID = Convert.ToInt32(lkSupplier.EditValue); po.SavedbyUserID = CurrentContext.LoggedInUser.ID; //Make PurchaseType Default Value to Internale ID = 8 //po.PurchaseType = Convert.ToInt32(gridLkEditOrderType.EditValue) == 0 || Convert.ToInt32(gridLkEditOrderType.EditValue) == null ? POType.GetAllPOTypes().Find(pot=>pot.ID == POType.INTERNAL).ID : Convert.ToInt32(gridLkEditOrderType.EditValue); po.PurchaseType = Convert.ToInt32(gridLkEditOrderType.EditValue); po.StoreID = Convert.ToInt32(grdLkEditAccounts.EditValue); po.ExhangeRate =Convert.ToDouble(txtExchangeRate.EditValue); po.RefNo = txtRefNo.EditValue.ToString(); po.Delivery = txtDelivery.EditValue != null ? txtDelivery.EditValue.ToString() : ""; if (txtFreight.EditValue != null) { po.AirFreight = Convert.ToDouble(txtFreight.EditValue); } po.Description = txtDescription.EditValue != null ? txtDescription.EditValue.ToString() : ""; var serverDateTime = DateTimeHelper.ServerDateTime; po.PODate = serverDateTime; po.DateOfEntry = serverDateTime; po.LCID = Convert.ToInt32(lkCurrencyLCID.EditValue); //Make TermOfPayment Default to Internal , ID = 7, //po.TermOfPayement = Convert.ToInt32(lkTermOfPayement.EditValue) == 0 || Convert.ToInt32(lkTermOfPayement.EditValue) == null ? TermOfPayment.List[6].ID : Convert.ToInt32(lkTermOfPayement.EditValue); po.TermOfPayement = Convert.ToInt32(lkTermOfPayement.EditValue) == 0 || Convert.ToInt32(lkTermOfPayement.EditValue) == null ? PaymentTerm.Internal : Convert.ToInt32(lkTermOfPayement.EditValue); po.PaymentTypeID = PaymentType.Constants.STV; po.PurchaseOrderStatusID = PurchaseOrderStatus.Processed; //PurchaseOrderStatus ==> Processed po.IsElectronic = false; po.POFinalized = false; po.Rowguid = Guid.NewGuid(); po.Identifier = "00000"; var acc = new Activity(); acc.LoadByPrimaryKey(po.StoreID); po.ModeID = acc.ModeID; po.Save(); this.LogActivity("Save-PO", po.ID); this.DialogResult = DialogResult.Yes; this.Close(); } }
public static void SaveList(List<HCMIS.Desktop.STVSyncService.STVList> list, int userID) { BLL.ReceiptInvoice bv = new BLL.ReceiptInvoice(); foreach (HCMIS.Desktop.STVSyncService.STVList v in list) { // try to load by primary key bv.LoadBySTVNoAndAccountType(v.STVNo, v.AccountID); // if the entry doesn't exist, create it if (bv.RowCount == 0) { BLL.PO po = new BLL.PO(); po.AddNew(); if (v.AccountID.HasValue) po.StoreID = v.AccountID.Value; po.SupplierID = BLL.Supplier.CONSTANTS.HOME_OFFICE; if (v.HubID.HasValue) po.PONumber = v.HubID.Value + "-" + v.STVNo; po.Save(); bv.AddNew(); bv.STVOrInvoiceNo = v.STVNo.ToString(); bv.InvoiceTypeID = BLL.ReceiptInvoiceType.InvoiceType.STV; bv.DateOfEntry = DateTimeHelper.ServerDateTime; bv.POID = po.ID; bv.SavedByUserID = userID; } // populate the contents of v on the to the database list bv.TotalValue = v.InvoiceTotalValue; bv.Insurance = v.Insurance; bv.SavedByUserID = userID; bv.Save(); } }