/// <summary>
        /// Open the AddItem Form with a supplied ID
        /// </summary>
        private void EditItems()
            DataRow drv = gridView1.GetFocusedDataRow();
            if (drv == null) return;

            int itemId = Convert.ToInt32(drv["ID"]);
            AddItem addItm = new AddItem(itemId, true);

            DataTable dtItem;
            Items itm = new Items();

            //if (txtItemName.Text != "")
            //    string keyword = txtItemName.Text;
            //    dtItem = itm.GetItemByKeyword(keyword);
            //else if (selectedCat != 0)
            //    dtItem = itm.GetItemsByCategory(selectedCat);
            //    toolStripButtonAddItems.Enabled = false;
            //    toolStripButtonEditItem.Enabled = false;
            //else if (selectedSubCat != 0)
            //    dtItem = itm.GetItemsBySubCategory(selectedSubCat);
            //    toolStripButtonAddItems.Enabled = true;
            //    toolStripButtonEditItem.Enabled = false;
                dtItem = itm.GetAllItems(1);
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the changed event of the store combo bo
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void cboStores_SelectedValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (cboStores.EditValue != null)
                int currentMonth = EthiopianDate.EthiopianDate.Now.Month;
                var expDate = EthiopianDate.EthiopianDate.EthiopianToGregorian(String.Format("{0}/{1}/{2}", 1, currentMonth, Convert.ToInt32(cboYear.EditValue)));

                Items itm = new Items();
                DataTable dtItem = itm.GetExpiredItemsByBatch(Convert.ToInt32(cboStores.EditValue));
        public void PopulateItemList(DataTable dtItem)
            progressBar1.Visible = true;
            progressBar1.Minimum = 1;
            progressBar1.Value = 1;
            progressBar1.Maximum = dtItem.Rows.Count;

            GeneralInfo pipline = new GeneralInfo();
            int min = pipline.Min;
            int max = pipline.Max;
            int storeId = (cboStores.SelectedValue != null)?Convert.ToInt32(cboStores.SelectedValue):1;
            int col = 0;
            int count = 1;
            Balance bal = new Balance();
            Items itmIssues = new Items();
            int year = Convert.ToInt32(cboYear.SelectedItem);
            foreach (DataRow dr in dtItem.Rows)
                int itemId = Convert.ToInt32(dr["ID"]);
                string itemName = dr["ItemName"].ToString() + " - " + dr["DosageForm"].ToString() + " - " + dr["Strength"].ToString();
                int yer = (dtCurrent.Month < 11) ? year : year - 1;// (dtCurrent.Month < 11) ? Convert.ToInt32(cboYear.SelectedItem) : Convert.ToInt32(cboYear.SelectedItem) - 1;
                Int64 SOH = bal.GetSOH(Convert.ToInt32(dr["ID"]), storeId, dtCurrent.Month, yer);

                int[] mon = {11,12,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10};

                long[] cons = new long[12];
                for (int i = 0; i < mon.Length;i++ )
                    int yr = (mon[i] < 11) ? year : year - 1;
                    cons[i] = itmIssues.GetQuantityIssuedByItemPerMonth(mon[i], itemId, storeId, yr);

                string[] str = { count.ToString(), itemName, ((SOH != 0) ? SOH.ToString("#,###") : "0"), ((cons[0] != 0) ? cons[0].ToString("#,###") : "0"), ((cons[1] != 0) ? cons[1].ToString("#,###") : "0"), ((cons[2] != 0) ? cons[2].ToString("#,###") : "0"), ((cons[3] != 0) ? cons[3].ToString("#,###") : "0"), ((cons[4] != 0) ? cons[4].ToString("#,###") : "0"), ((cons[5] != 0) ? cons[5].ToString("#,###") : "0"), ((cons[6] != 0) ? cons[6].ToString("#,###") : "0"), ((cons[7] != 0) ? cons[7].ToString("#,###") : "0"), ((cons[8] != 0) ? cons[8].ToString("#,###") : "0"), ((cons[9] != 0) ? cons[9].ToString("#,###") : "0"), ((cons[10] != 0) ? cons[10].ToString("#,###") : "0"), ((cons[11] != 0) ? cons[11].ToString("#,###") : "0") };
                ListViewItem listItem = new ListViewItem(str);
                listItem.ToolTipText = itemName;
                listItem.Tag = dr["ID"];
                if (col != 0)
                    listItem.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(233, 247, 248);
                    col = 0;
            progressBar1.Visible = false;
 public static DataTable GetAllFreeFor(int itemID)
     string query = String.Format("select (st.Prefix + ' ' + pl.Label) as PalletLocationName  , * from PalletLocation pl join StorageType st on pl.StorageTypeID = st.ID join ItemPrefferedLocation ipl on ipl.PalletLocationID = pl.ID where ipl.ItemID = {0} and pl.PalletID is null", itemID);
     PalletLocation pl = new PalletLocation();
     if (pl.RowCount == 0)
         Items itm = new Items();
         return PalletLocation.GetAllFree(itm.StorageTypeID.ToString());
     return pl.DataTable;
        public DataTable BalanceAllItems(int storeId, int year, int month, string selectedType)
            IssueDoc iss = new IssueDoc();
            ReceiveDoc rec = new ReceiveDoc();
            Disposal dis = new Disposal();
            YearEnd yEnd = new YearEnd();
            Items itm = new Items();
            DataTable dtResult = new DataTable();
            string[] col = { "FullItemName", "BBalance", "BBAmount", "ReceivedQty", "ReceivedAmount", "IssuedQty", "IssuedAmount", "LossesQty", "LossesAmount", "AdjustedQty", "AdjustedAmount", "SOH", "SOHAmount", "Received", "ID", "CategoryId", "SubCategoryID" };
            int i = 0;
            foreach (string s in col)
                if (i > 0)
                    dtResult.Columns.Add(s, typeof(double));
            DataTable dtItem = ((selectedType == "Drug") ? itm.GetAllItems(1) : itm.GetAllSupply());
            foreach (DataRow dr in dtItem.Rows)
                string itemName = dr["FullItemName"].ToString();// +" - " + dr["DosageForm"].ToString() + " - " + dr["Strength"].ToString();
                int itemId = Convert.ToInt32(dr["ID"]);
                Int64 bb = yEnd.GetBBalance(year, storeId, itemId, month);
                double bbAmount = yEnd.GetBBalanceAmount(year, storeId, itemId, month);
                Int64 recQuant = rec.GetReceivedQuantityTillMonth(itemId, storeId, month, year);
                double recPrice = rec.GetReceivedAmountTillMonth(itemId, storeId, month, year);
                Int64 issuedQuant = iss.GetIssuedQuantityTillMonth(itemId, storeId, month, year);
                double issPrice = iss.GetIssuedAmountTillMonth(itemId, storeId, month, year);
                Int64 lossQuant = dis.GetLossesQuantityTillMonth(itemId, storeId, month, year);
                double lossAmount = dis.GetLossesAmountTillMonth(itemId, storeId, month, year);
                Int64 adjQuant = dis.GetAdjustedQuantityTillMonth(itemId, storeId, month, year);
                double adjAmount = dis.GetAdjustedAmountTillMonth(itemId, storeId, month, year);
                Int64 SOH = bb + recQuant + adjQuant - issuedQuant - lossQuant;
                double SOHAmount = (bbAmount + recPrice + adjAmount - issPrice) - lossAmount;
                if (SOHAmount < 0)

                int Isrec = ((bb == 0 && recQuant == 0) ? 0 : 1);
                object[] obj = { itemName, bb, bbAmount, recQuant, recPrice, issuedQuant, issPrice, lossQuant, lossAmount, adjQuant, adjAmount, SOH, SOHAmount, Isrec, itemId, Convert.ToInt32(dr["CategoryId"]), Convert.ToInt32(dr["SubCategoryID"]) };
            return dtResult;
 /// <summary>
 /// Handles the changed event of the store combo bo
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender"></param>
 /// <param name="e"></param>
 private void cboStores_SelectedValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if(cboStores.EditValue != null)
         int year = Convert.ToInt32(cmbYear.EditValue);
         int reasonId;
         reasonId = cboReasons.EditValue == null ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(cboReasons.EditValue);
         var itm = new Items();
        // _selectedType = rdDrug.EditValue.ToString();
         //DataTable dtItem = ((_selectedType == "Drug") ? itm.GetExpiredItemsByBatch(Convert.ToInt32(cboStores.EditValue)) : itm.GetExpiredSupplysByBatch(Convert.ToInt32(cboStores.EditValue)));
         var dtItem = itm.GetAllExpiredItemsByBatch(Convert.ToInt32(cboStores.EditValue), year, reasonId ,Convert.ToInt32(lkCommodityTypes.EditValue));
        // DataTable dtItem = itm.GetExpiredItemsByBatch(Convert.ToInt32(cboStores.EditValue), Convert.ToInt32(lkCommodityTypes.EditValue));
        // DataTable dtItem = itm.GetExpiredItemsByBatch(Convert.ToInt32(cboStores.EditValue), Convert.ToInt32(lkCommodityTypes.EditValue), Convert.ToInt32(cboReasons.EditValue));
        // DataTable dtItem = itm.GetExpiredItems(Convert.ToInt32(cboStores.EditValue), Convert.ToInt32(lkCommodityTypes.EditValue));
        private void cboStores_EditValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var itm = new Items();
            DataTable dtItem;
            if (cboStores.EditValue == null) return;
            if (lkCommodityTypes.EditValue == null)
                dtItem = itm.GetNearlyExpiredItemsByBatchReport((int)cboStores.EditValue);
            if (lkCommodityTypes.EditValue.ToString() == "0")
                dtItem = itm.GetNearlyExpiredItemsByBatchReport((int)cboStores.EditValue);
                dtItem = itm.GetNearlyExpiredItemsByBatch((int)cboStores.EditValue, (int)lkCommodityTypes.EditValue, _dtCurrent);

 public static DataTable AllFiscalYears()
     string query = @"select distinct year(date) as year from receivedoc
                     where month(date)<=10
                     select year(date)+1 as year from receivedoc
                     where month(date)>10
                     select distinct year(date) as year from issuedoc
                     where month(date)<=10
                     select year(date)+1 as year from issuedoc
                     where month(date)>10
                     select distinct year(date) as year from disposal
                     where month(date)<=10
                     select year(date)+1 as year from disposal
                     where month(date)>10";
     BLL.Items itm = new Items();
     return itm.DataTable;
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="storeId"></param>
        /// <param name="fromYear">In Ethiopian Calendar</param>
        /// <param name="fromMonth">In Ethiopian Calendar</param>
        /// <param name="toYear">In Ethiopian Calendar</param>
        /// <param name="toMonth">In Ethiopian Calendar</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public DataTable GetRRFReportByUnit(int storeId ,int fromYear, int fromMonth, int toYear, int toMonth)
            var balance = new Balance();
            var startDate = EthiopianDate.EthiopianDate.EthiopianToGregorian(String.Format("{0}/{1}/{2}", 1, fromMonth, fromYear));
            var endDate = EthiopianDate.EthiopianDate.EthiopianToGregorian(String.Format("{0}/{1}/{2}", 30, toMonth, toYear));
            if (fromMonth != 1)
                fromMonth = 12; //Because SOH returns stock until the end of the month
            var dtbl = balance.GetSOHByUnitForRRF(storeId,fromMonth, fromYear);
            var dtbl2 = balance.GetSOHByUnitForRRF(storeId, toMonth, toYear);

            var dt1 = new DateTime(fromYear, fromMonth, DateTime.DaysInMonth(fromYear, fromMonth));
            var dt2 = new DateTime(toYear, toMonth, DateTime.DaysInMonth(toYear, toMonth));

            //var query = string.Format("select distinct Items.ID, isnull(Quantity,0) as Quantity ,IsNull(A.UnitID ,0) from" +
            //                             " Items left join (select ItemID,UnitID, sum(Quantity) as Quantity from ReceiveDoc rd " +
            //                             "where [Date] between '{0}' and '{1}' and" + " StoreID = {2} group by ItemID,UnitID,SubProgramID) as" +
            //                             " A on Items.ID = A.ItemID left join ItemUnit as iu on A.UnitID =iu.ID AND A.ItemID = iu.ItemID LEFT JOIN dbo.ProgramProduct AS pp ON pp.ItemID =A.ItemID", dt1, dt2, storeId);
            var query = string.Format(@"SELECT  rd.ItemID ID, rd.UnitID ,SUM(Quantity) AS Quantity FROM ReceiveDoc rd JOIN ItemUnit AS iu ON rd.UnitID = iu.ID AND rd.ItemID = iu.ItemID WHERE [Date] BETWEEN '{0}'AND '{1}' AND StoreID = {2} GROUP BY rd.ItemID , rd.UnitID ,rd.SubProgramID", dt1, dt2, storeId);
            var received = this.DataTable;

            //query = string.Format("select distinct Items.ID, isnull(Quantity,0) as Quantity ,IsNull(A.UnitID ,0) " +
            //                      "from Items left join (select ItemID, UnitID,sum(Quantity) Quantity " +
            //                      "from IssueDoc rd where [Date] between '{0}' and '{1}' and " +
            //                      "StoreID = {2} group by ItemID,UnitID) as A on Items.ID = A.ItemID " +
            //                      "left join ItemUnit as iu on A.UnitID =iu.ID AND A.ItemID = iu.ItemID LEFT JOIN dbo.ProgramProduct AS pp ON pp.ItemID = A.ItemID", dt1, dt2, storeId);
            query = string.Format(@"SELECT  id.ItemID ID,id.UnitID,SUM(Quantity) AS Quantity FROM  dbo.IssueDoc id JOIN ItemUnit AS iu ON id.UnitID = iu.ID AND id.ItemID = iu.ItemID WHERE   [Date] BETWEEN '{0}' AND '{1}' AND StoreID = {2} GROUP BY id.ItemID , id.UnitID ", dt1, dt2, storeId);
            var issued = this.DataTable;

            //query = string.Format("select distinct Items.ID, isnull(Quantity,0) as Quantity,IsNull(A.UnitID ,0) from " +
            //                      "Items left join (select ItemID, UnitID,sum(case when Losses = 1 then - Quantity else " +
            //                      "Quantity end) Quantity from Disposal where [Date] between '{0}' and '{1}' " +
            //                      "and StoreID = {2} group by ItemID,UnitID) as A on Items.ID = A.ItemID " +
            //                      "left join ItemUnit as iu on A.UnitID =iu.ID AND A.ItemID = iu.ItemID LEFT JOIN dbo.ProgramProduct AS pp ON pp.ItemID = A.ItemID", dt1, dt2, storeId);
            query = string.Format(@"SELECT  d.ItemID ID ,d.UnitID ,SUM(CASE WHEN Losses = 1 THEN -Quantity ELSE Quantity END) Quantity FROM Disposal d JOIN ItemUnit AS iu ON d.UnitID = iu.ID WHERE [Date] BETWEEN '{0}' AND '{1}'AND StoreID = {2} GROUP BY d.ItemID ,d.UnitID", dt1, dt2, storeId);
            var lost = this.DataTable;

            query = string.Format(@"SELECT DISTINCT
                                    Items.ID ,
                                    Items.StockCodeDACA ,
                                    Items.Cost ,
                                    CASE Items.Cost
                                      WHEN 0 THEN 1
                                      ELSE ISNULL(Items.Cost, 1)
                                    END AS QtyPerPack
                            FROM    Items");
            // JOIN dbo.ItemUnit iu ON dbo.Items.ID = iu.ItemID
            var preferredPackSizetbl = DataTable;

            var itm = new Items();
            var daysOutOfStock = this.GetItemsWithLastIssuedOrDisposedDateForUnitBased();

            //query=string.Format("select ")

            var x = (from y in dtbl.AsEnumerable()
                     join z in dtbl2.AsEnumerable()
                     on y["ID"] equals z["ID"]
                     join p in preferredPackSizetbl.AsEnumerable()
                     on y["ID"] equals p["ID"]
                     where Convert.ToInt32(y["EverReceived"]) == 1
                     && Convert.ToInt32(y["UnitID"]) == Convert.ToInt32(z["UnitID"])
                     && Convert.ToInt32(y["ProgramID"]) == Convert.ToInt32(z["ProgramID"])
                     select new {
                         ID = y["ID"],
                         FullItemName = y["FullItemName"],
                         Unit = y["Unit"],
                         StockCode = y["StockCode"],
                         BeginingBalance = Convert.ToDouble(y["SOH"]),
                         UnitID =y["UnitID"],
                         SOH = Convert.ToDouble(z["SOH"]),
                         Max = Convert.ToInt32(z["Max"]),
                         QtyPerPack = Convert.ToDouble(p["QtyPerPack"]),
                         StockCodeDACA = p["StockCodeDACA"],

            var m = (from n in x
                     join z in received.AsEnumerable()
                     on n.ID equals z["ID"]
                     where Convert.ToInt32(n.UnitID) == Convert.ToInt32(z["UnitID"])
                     select new {
                         ID = n.ID,
                         FullItemName = n.FullItemName,
                         Unit = n.Unit,
                         StockCode = n.StockCode,
                         BeginingBalance = n.BeginingBalance,
                         SOH = n.SOH,
                         Max = n.Max,
                         QtyPerPack = n.QtyPerPack,
                         StockCodeDACA =n.StockCodeDACA,
                         Received = z["Quantity"] ,
                         UnitID =n.UnitID,

            var l = (from n in m
                     join z in issued.AsEnumerable()
                         on n.ID equals z["ID"]
                     where Convert.ToInt32(n.UnitID) == Convert.ToInt32(z["UnitID"])
                                 ID = n.ID,
                                 FullItemName = n.FullItemName,
                                 Unit = n.Unit,
                                 StockCode = n.StockCode,
                                 BeginingBalance = n.BeginingBalance,
                                 SOH = n.SOH,
                                 Max = Convert.ToInt32(z["Quantity"]) * 2,
                                 StockCodeDACA =n.StockCodeDACA,
                                 QtyPerPack = n.QtyPerPack,
                                 Received = n.Received,
                                 UnitID =n.UnitID,
                                 Issued = Convert.ToInt32(z["Quantity"]),

            var t = (from n in l
                     join z in lost.AsEnumerable()
                     on n.ID equals z["ID"]
                     where Convert.ToInt32(n.UnitID) == Convert.ToInt32(z["UnitID"])
                     select new
                           ID = n.ID,
                         FullItemName = n.FullItemName,
                         Unit = n.Unit,
                         StockCode = n.StockCode,
                         BeginingBalance = n.BeginingBalance,
                         SOH = n.SOH,
                         Max = n.Max,
                         StockCodeDACA = n.StockCodeDACA,
                         QtyPerPack = n.QtyPerPack,
                         Received = n.Received,
                         Issued = n.Issued, LossAdj = z["Quantity"],
                                  Quantity = (n.Max - n.SOH < 0) ? 0 : n.Max - n.SOH,
                        UnitID = n.UnitID,

            var t1 = (from n in t
                      join z in daysOutOfStock.AsEnumerable()
                          on n.ID equals z["ID"]
                                  ID = n.ID,
                                  FullItemName = n.FullItemName,
                                  Unit = n.Unit,
                                  StockCode = n.StockCode,
                                  BeginingBalance = n.BeginingBalance,
                                  SOH = n.SOH,
                                  Max = n.Max,
                                  StockCodeDACA = n.StockCodeDACA,
                                  QtyPerPack = n.QtyPerPack,
                                  Received = n.Received,
                                  Issued = n.Issued,
                                  LossAdj = n.LossAdj,
                                  UnitID = n.UnitID,
                                  ProgramID = n.ProgramID,
                                  Quantity = (n.Max - n.SOH < 0) ? 0 : n.Max - n.SOH,
                                  DaysOutOfStock = Builder.CalculateStockoutDays(Convert.ToInt32(n.ID), storeId, startDate, endDate),
                                  TypeID = n.TypeID
            if (t.Length == 0)
                var t2 = (from n in l
                                  ID = n.ID,
                                  FullItemName = n.FullItemName,
                                  Unit = n.Unit,
                                  StockCode = n.StockCode,
                                  BeginingBalance = n.BeginingBalance,
                                  SOH = n.SOH,
                                  Max = n.Max,
                                  StockCodeDACA = n.StockCodeDACA,
                                  QtyPerPack = n.QtyPerPack,
                                  Received = n.Received,
                                  Issued = n.Issued,
                                  LossAdj = 0,
                                  ProgramID = n.ProgramID,
                                  UnitID = n.UnitID,
                                  Quantity = (n.Max - n.SOH < 0) ? 0 : n.Max - n.SOH,
                                  DaysOutOfStock = Builder.CalculateStockoutDays(Convert.ToInt32(n.ID), storeId, startDate, endDate),//TODO: This is a quick fix.  We need to take stock status from the last three months.
                                  //TODO: This is a quick fix.  We need to take stock status from the last three months.
                                  MaxStockQty = ((120 * n.Issued) / (60 - Convert.ToInt32(Builder.CalculateStockoutDays(Convert.ToInt32(n.ID), storeId, startDate, endDate)))),
                                  TypeID = n.TypeID

                //return t;
                // Converting shit into antoher shit.
                // Just because i was not able to read the elemntes of the anonymus type in another method
                var value = new DataTable();
                value.Columns.Add("ID", typeof(int));
                value.Columns.Add("BeginingBalance", typeof(double));
                value.Columns.Add("SOH", typeof(double));
                value.Columns.Add("Max", typeof(double));
                value.Columns.Add("StockCodeDACA", typeof(string));
                value.Columns.Add("QtyPerPack", typeof(double));
                value.Columns.Add("Issued", typeof(double));
                value.Columns.Add("Received", typeof(double));
                value.Columns.Add("LossAdj", typeof(double));
                value.Columns.Add("Quantity", typeof(double));
                value.Columns.Add("DaysOutOfStock", typeof(int));
                value.Columns.Add("MaxStockQty", typeof(double));
                value.Columns.Add("ProgramID", typeof(int));
                value.Columns.Add("UnitID", typeof(int));
                value.Columns.Add("TypeID", typeof(int));
                foreach (var v in t2)
                    DataRowView drv = value.DefaultView.AddNew();
                    drv["ID"] = v.ID;
                    drv["FullItemName"] = v.FullItemName;
                    drv["Unit"] = v.Unit;
                    drv["StockCode"] = v.StockCode;
                    drv["BeginingBalance"] = v.BeginingBalance;
                    drv["SOH"] = v.SOH;
                    drv["Max"] = v.Max;
                    drv["StockCodeDACA"] = v.StockCodeDACA;
                    drv["QtyPerPack"] = v.QtyPerPack;
                    drv["Issued"] = v.Issued;
                    drv["Received"] = v.Received;
                    drv["LossAdj"] = v.LossAdj;
                    drv["Quantity"] = v.Quantity;
                    drv["ProgramID"] = v.ProgramID;
                    drv["DaysOutOfStock"] = v.DaysOutOfStock;
                    drv["MaxStockQty"] = v.MaxStockQty;
                    drv["UnitID"] = v.UnitID;
                    drv["TypeID"] = v.TypeID;


                return value;
                var t2 = (from n in t1
                                      ID = n.ID,
                                      FullItemName = n.FullItemName,
                                      Unit = n.Unit,
                                      StockCode = n.StockCode,
                                      BeginingBalance = n.BeginingBalance,
                                      SOH = n.SOH,
                                      Max = n.Max,
                                      StockCodeDACA = n.StockCodeDACA,
                                      QtyPerPack = n.QtyPerPack,
                                      Received = n.Received,
                                      Issued = n.Issued,
                                      LossAdj = n.LossAdj,
                                      ProgramID = n.ProgramID,
                                      UnitID = n.UnitID,
                                      Quantity = (n.Max - n.SOH < 0) ? 0 : n.Max - n.SOH,
                                      DaysOutOfStock =
                              Builder.CalculateStockoutDays(Convert.ToInt32(n.ID), storeId, startDate, endDate),
                                      //TODO: This is a quick fix.  We need to take stock status from the last three months.
                                      //TODO: This is a quick fix.  We need to take stock status from the last three months.
                                      MaxStockQty =
                               (60 -
                                Convert.ToInt32(Builder.CalculateStockoutDays(Convert.ToInt32(n.ID), storeId, startDate,
                                      TypeID = n.TypeID

                //return t;
                // Converting shit into antoher shit.
                // Just because i was not able to read the elemntes of the anonymus type in another method
                var value = new DataTable();
                value.Columns.Add("ID", typeof (int));
                value.Columns.Add("BeginingBalance", typeof (double));
                value.Columns.Add("SOH", typeof (double));
                value.Columns.Add("Max", typeof (double));
                value.Columns.Add("StockCodeDACA", typeof (string));
                value.Columns.Add("QtyPerPack", typeof (double));
                value.Columns.Add("Issued", typeof (double));
                value.Columns.Add("Received", typeof (double));
                value.Columns.Add("LossAdj", typeof (double));
                value.Columns.Add("Quantity", typeof (double));
                value.Columns.Add("DaysOutOfStock", typeof (int));
                value.Columns.Add("MaxStockQty", typeof (double));
                value.Columns.Add("ProgramID", typeof (int));
                value.Columns.Add("UnitID", typeof (int));
                value.Columns.Add("TypeID", typeof (int));
                foreach (var v in t2)
                    DataRowView drv = value.DefaultView.AddNew();
                    drv["ID"] = v.ID;
                    drv["FullItemName"] = v.FullItemName;
                    drv["Unit"] = v.Unit;
                    drv["StockCode"] = v.StockCode;
                    drv["BeginingBalance"] = v.BeginingBalance;
                    drv["SOH"] = v.SOH;
                    drv["Max"] = v.Max;
                    drv["StockCodeDACA"] = v.StockCodeDACA;
                    drv["QtyPerPack"] = v.QtyPerPack;
                    drv["Issued"] = v.Issued;
                    drv["Received"] = v.Received;
                    drv["LossAdj"] = v.LossAdj;
                    drv["Quantity"] = v.Quantity;
                    drv["ProgramID"] = v.ProgramID;
                    drv["DaysOutOfStock"] = v.DaysOutOfStock;
                    drv["MaxStockQty"] = v.MaxStockQty;
                    drv["UnitID"] = v.UnitID;
                    drv["TypeID"] = v.TypeID;


                return value;
 public static void MergeItems(int itemToBeMergedIntoAnother, int itemUsedForMerging)
     String[] tableNames ={"Disposal","IssueDoc","ReceiveDoc","YearEnd","ItemManufacturer","Items","ItemSupplier",
     for (int i = 0; i < tableNames.Length; i++)
         BLL.Items itm = new Items();
         string query = string.Format("Update {0} SET ItemID = {1} Where ItemID={2}", tableNames[i], itemUsedForMerging, itemToBeMergedIntoAnother);
        public decimal GetMOS(int itemId, int storeId, DateTime dtCurrent)
            GeneralInfo pipline = new GeneralInfo();
            int min = pipline.Min;
            int max = pipline.Max;
            double eop = pipline.EOP;
            Items itmB = new Items();
            Balance bal = new Balance();
               //Int64 AMC= bal.CalculateAMC(itemId, storeId, dtCurrent.Month, dtCurrent.Year);
            double AMC = Builder.CalculateAverageConsumption(itemId,storeId,DateTime.Today.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromDays(180)), dtCurrent, CalculationOptions.Monthly);
                //bal.CalculateAMC(itemId, storeId, dtCurrent.Month, dtCurrent.Year);//dtBal.Rows.Count <= 0) ? 0 : ((dtBal.Rows[0]["AMC"].ToString() != "") ? Convert.ToInt64(dtBal.Rows[0]["AMC"]) : 0);
            double MinCon = AMC * min;
            double maxCon = AMC * max;
            double eopCon = AMC * (eop + 0.25);

            Int64 SOH = bal.GetSOH(itemId, storeId, dtCurrent.Month, dtCurrent.Year);

            decimal MOS = (AMC != 0) ? (SOH / Convert.ToDecimal(AMC)) : 0;
            MOS = Decimal.Round(MOS, 1);
            return MOS;
        /// <summary>
        ///  Returns the commodites by type
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="commodityType">0 - All Items</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static DataTable GetActiveItemsByCommodityType(int commodityType)
            string query = "";

            // let 0 mean all items
            if (commodityType == 0)
                query = string.Format("select v.Name as CommodityType,v.TypeID , *, " +
                                  " CASE WHEN (SELECT COUNT(*) from ItemManufacturer i where i.ItemID = v.ID) > 0 then 1 else 0 end as HasManufacturer, IsSelected = cast( 0 as bit) " +
                                  " from vwGetAllItems v where v.IsInHospitalList = 1 " +
                                  "  ORDER BY v.FullItemName");
                query = string.Format("select v.Name as CommodityType, v.TypeID , *, " +
                                  " CASE WHEN (SELECT COUNT(*) from ItemManufacturer i where i.ItemID = v.ID) > 0 then 1 else 0 end as HasManufacturer, IsSelected = cast( 0 as bit) " +
                                  " from vwGetAllItems v " +
                                  " where v.IsInHospitalList = 1 and v.TypeID = '{0}' ORDER BY v.FullItemName",

            Items itms = new Items();
            return itms.DataTable;
 public static DataTable GetItems(string storageType)
     Items itms = new Items();
     return itms.DataTable;
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rrfID"></param>
        private void SendRRF(int rrfID)
            // Do the webservice magic here.
            GeneralInfo ginfo = new GeneralInfo();

            chkCalculateInPacks.Checked = false;

            if (ginfo.IsColumnNull("FacilityID"))
                XtraMessageBox.Show("The Facility ID Was not set, Please correct that and try again.");

            int facilityID = ginfo.FacilityID;
            int startMonth = Convert.ToInt32(cboFromMonth.EditValue);
            int endMonth = Convert.ToInt32(cboToMonth.EditValue); //startMonth + 1;
            int fromYear = Convert.ToInt32(cboFromYear.EditValue);
            int toYear = Convert.ToInt32(cboToYear.EditValue);

            bool check;
            RRFService.ServiceSoapClient sc = new RRFService.ServiceSoapClient();
                check = sc.RRFExists(facilityID, toYear, startMonth, endMonth);
                XtraMessageBox.Show("There was a network Error, Please connect to the internet and try again.",
                                    "Connection Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
            if (check)
                check =
                        "Another Report has been submitted for the period you specified, Are you sure you would like to overwrite it?",
                        "Confirm Overwritting", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) !=

            if (!check)
                RRFService.RrfSubmission rsubmission = new RrfSubmission
                                                               StartMonth = startMonth,
                                                               EndMonth = endMonth,
                                                               Year = toYear,
                                                               FacilityId = facilityID,
                                                               FacilityName = ginfo.HospitalName,
                                                               Items = new List<RRFItem>()

                DataTable dtbl = ((DataView) gridItemChoiceView.DataSource).Table;

                foreach (DataRow dr in dtbl.Rows)
                    BLL.Items item = new Items();

                    if (!item.MappingID.HasValue)

                    RRFService.RRFItem itm = new RRFService.RRFItem()
                                                     ItemID = item.MappingID.Value //  Convert.ToInt32(dr["ID"])
                                                     BBalance = Convert.ToInt32(dr["BeginingBalance"])
                                                     EBalance = Convert.ToInt32(dr["SOH"])
                                                     Consumption = Convert.ToInt32(dr["Issued"])
                                                     LossAdjustment = Convert.ToInt32(dr["LossAdj"])
                                                     Max = Convert.ToInt32(dr["Max"])
                                                     Received = Convert.ToInt32(dr["Received"])
                                                     Requested = Convert.ToInt32(dr["Quantity"])


                sc = new RRFService.ServiceSoapClient();
                    rsubmission.ReportedBy = "";
                    if (sc.SubmitRRF(rsubmission))
                        XtraMessageBox.Show("The Request has been submitted to PFSA.", "Confirmation",
                                            MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                        RRF rrf = new RRF();
                        rrf.DateOfSubmission = DateTime.Now;
                        rrf.LastRRFStatus = CheckRRFStatus(rrf.ID);
                catch (Exception ex)

 /// <summary>
 /// Handles Delete of an item
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender"></param>
 /// <param name="e"></param>
 private void toolBtnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     DataRow drv = gridView1.GetFocusedDataRow();
     if (drv != null)
         Items itm = new Items();
         ProductsCategory proCat = new ProductsCategory();
         int itemId = Convert.ToInt32(drv["ID"]);
         if (!itm.HasTransactions(itemId))
             if (XtraMessageBox.Show("Are You Sure, You want to delete this Transaction? You will not be able to restore this data.", "Confirmation", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes)
                 foreach (DataRowView drcat in proCat.DefaultView)
                     ProductsCategory cat = new ProductsCategory();
                 XtraMessageBox.Show("Item Deleted!","Confirmation",MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.Information);
             XtraMessageBox.Show("Unable to Delete, This Item has been Received or Issued.", "Unable to Delete", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop);
 public long TotalQuantityLeftInAllBatches(int storeID)
     string query =
             "select SUM(QuantityLeft) Total from ReceiveDoc where itemid={0} and StoreID={1} group by ItemID",
             this.ID, storeID);
     BLL.Items temp = new Items();
     if (temp.RowCount > 0)
         return long.Parse(temp.GetColumn("Total").ToString());
     return 0;
        public DataTable GetEmergencyRRFReport(int storeId, int fromYear, int fromMonth, int toYear, int toMonth)
            Balance balance = new Balance();
            var startDate = EthiopianDate.EthiopianDate.EthiopianToGregorian(String.Format("{0}/{1}/{2}", 1, fromMonth, fromYear));
            var endDate = EthiopianDate.EthiopianDate.EthiopianToGregorian(String.Format("{0}/{1}/{2}", 30, toMonth, toYear));
            if (fromMonth != 1)
                fromMonth = 12;//Because SOH returns stock until the end of the month
            DataTable dtbl = balance.GetSOHForProgramRRF(storeId, fromMonth, fromYear);
            DataTable dtbl2 = balance.GetSOHForProgramRRF(storeId, toMonth, toYear);

            DateTime dt1 = new DateTime(fromYear, fromMonth, DateTime.DaysInMonth(fromYear, fromMonth));
            DateTime dt2 = new DateTime(toYear, toMonth, DateTime.DaysInMonth(toYear, toMonth));

            string query = string.Format("select distinct Items.ID, isnull(Quantity,0) as Quantity from" +
                                         " Items left join (select ItemID, sum(Quantity) as Quantity from ReceiveDoc rd " +
                                         "where [Date] between '{0}' and '{1}' and" + " StoreID = {2} group by ItemID) as" +
                                         " A on Items.ID = A.ItemID", dt1, dt2, storeId);
            DataTable received = this.DataTable;

            query = string.Format("select distinct Items.ID, isnull(Quantity,0) as Quantity " +
                                  "from Items left join (select ItemID, sum(Quantity) Quantity " +
                                  "from IssueDoc rd where [Date] between '{0}' and '{1}' and " +
                                  "StoreID = {2} group by ItemID) as A on Items.ID = A.ItemID", dt1, dt2, storeId);
            DataTable issued = this.DataTable;

            query = string.Format("select distinct Items.ID, isnull(Quantity,0) as Quantity from " +
                                  "Items left join (select ItemID, sum(case when Losses = 1 then - Quantity else " +
                                  "Quantity end) Quantity from Disposal where [Date] between '{0}' and '{1}' " +
                                  "and StoreID = {2} group by ItemID) as A on Items.ID = A.ItemID", dt1, dt2, storeId);
            DataTable lost = this.DataTable;

            query = string.Format("select distinct Items.ID,Items.StockCodeDACA,Items.Cost, case Items.Cost " +
                                  "when 0 then 1 else isnull(Items.Cost,1) end as QtyPerPack from Items");
            DataTable preferredPackSizetbl = DataTable;

            BLL.Items itm = new Items();
            System.Data.DataTable daysOutOfStock = this.GetItemsWithLastIssuedOrDisposedDate();

            //query=string.Format("select ")
            var theFilter = "Below EOP";

            var x = (from y in dtbl.AsEnumerable()
                     join z in dtbl2.AsEnumerable()
                     on y["ID"] equals z["ID"]
                     join p in preferredPackSizetbl.AsEnumerable()
                     on y["ID"] equals p["ID"]
                     where Convert.ToInt32(y["EverReceived"]) == 1
                     select new
                         ID = y["ID"],
                         FullItemName = y["FullItemName"],
                         Unit = y["Unit"],
                         StockCode = y["StockCode"],
                         BeginingBalance = Convert.ToInt32(y["SOH"]),
                         SOH = Convert.ToInt32(z["SOH"]),
                         Max = Convert.ToInt32(z["Max"]),
                         QtyPerPack = Convert.ToInt32(p["QtyPerPack"]),
                         StockCodeDACA = p["StockCodeDACA"],
                         Status = z["Status"].ToString()

            var u = (from z in x where theFilter.Contains(z.Status) select z).Distinct().ToArray();

            var m = (from n in u
                     join z in received.AsEnumerable()
                     on n.ID equals z["ID"]
                     select new
                         ID = n.ID,
                         FullItemName = n.FullItemName,
                         Unit = n.Unit,
                         StockCode = n.StockCode,
                         BeginingBalance = n.BeginingBalance,
                         SOH = n.SOH,
                         Max = n.Max,
                         QtyPerPack = n.QtyPerPack,
                         StockCodeDACA = n.StockCodeDACA,
                         Received = z["Quantity"]

            var l = (from n in m
                     join z in issued.AsEnumerable()
                         on n.ID equals z["ID"]
                             ID = n.ID,
                             FullItemName = n.FullItemName,
                             Unit = n.Unit,
                             StockCode = n.StockCode,
                             BeginingBalance = n.BeginingBalance,
                             SOH = n.SOH,
                             Max = Convert.ToInt32(z["Quantity"]) * 2,
                             StockCodeDACA = n.StockCodeDACA,
                             QtyPerPack = n.QtyPerPack,
                             Received = n.Received,
                             Issued = Convert.ToInt32(z["Quantity"]),


            var t = (from n in l
                     join z in lost.AsEnumerable()
                     on n.ID equals z["ID"]
                     select new
                         ID = n.ID,
                         FullItemName = n.FullItemName,
                         Unit = n.Unit,
                         StockCode = n.StockCode,
                         BeginingBalance = n.BeginingBalance,
                         SOH = n.SOH,
                         Max = n.Max,
                         StockCodeDACA = n.StockCodeDACA,
                         QtyPerPack = n.QtyPerPack,
                         Received = n.Received,
                         Issued = n.Issued,
                         LossAdj = z["Quantity"],
                         Quantity = (n.Max - n.SOH < 0) ? 0 : n.Max - n.SOH

            var t1 = (from n in t
                      join z in daysOutOfStock.AsEnumerable()
                          on n.ID equals z["ID"]
                              ID = n.ID,
                              FullItemName = n.FullItemName,
                              Unit = n.Unit,
                              StockCode = n.StockCode,
                              BeginingBalance = n.BeginingBalance,
                              SOH = n.SOH,
                              Max = n.Max,
                              StockCodeDACA = n.StockCodeDACA,
                              QtyPerPack = n.QtyPerPack,
                              Received = n.Received,
                              Issued = n.Issued,
                              LossAdj = n.LossAdj,

                              Quantity = (n.Max - n.SOH < 0) ? 0 : n.Max - n.SOH,
                              DaysOutOfStock = Builder.CalculateStockoutDays(Convert.ToInt32(n.ID), storeId, startDate, endDate)//Builder.CalculateStockoutDays(Convert.ToInt32(ID), storeId, startDate,endDate) DBNull.Value ? 0 : (Convert.ToInt32(z["DaysOutOfStock"]) < 60 ? z["DaysOutOfStock"] : 0)

            var t2 = (from n in t1
                              ID = n.ID,
                              FullItemName = n.FullItemName,
                              Unit = n.Unit,
                              StockCode = n.StockCode,
                              BeginingBalance = n.BeginingBalance,
                              SOH = n.SOH,
                              Max = n.Max,
                              StockCodeDACA = n.StockCodeDACA,
                              QtyPerPack = n.QtyPerPack,
                              Received = n.Received,
                              Issued = n.Issued,
                              LossAdj = n.LossAdj,

                              Quantity = (n.Max - n.SOH < 0) ? 0 : n.Max - n.SOH,
                              DaysOutOfStock = Builder.CalculateStockoutDays(Convert.ToInt32(n.ID), storeId, startDate, endDate),//TODO: This is a quick fix.  We need to take stock status from the last three months.
                              //TODO: This is a quick fix.  We need to take stock status from the last three months.
                              MaxStockQty = ((120 * n.Issued) / (60 - Convert.ToInt32(n.DaysOutOfStock)))

            //return t;
            // Converting shit into antoher shit.
            // Just because i was not able to read the elemntes of the anonymus type in another method
            DataTable value = new DataTable();
            value.Columns.Add("ID", typeof(int));
            value.Columns.Add("BeginingBalance", typeof(int));
            value.Columns.Add("SOH", typeof(int));
            value.Columns.Add("Max", typeof(int));
            value.Columns.Add("StockCodeDACA", typeof(string));
            value.Columns.Add("QtyPerPack", typeof(int));
            value.Columns.Add("Issued", typeof(int));
            value.Columns.Add("Received", typeof(int));
            value.Columns.Add("LossAdj", typeof(int));
            value.Columns.Add("Quantity", typeof(int));
            value.Columns.Add("DaysOutOfStock", typeof(int));
            value.Columns.Add("MaxStockQty", typeof(int));
            value.Columns.Add("ProgramID", typeof(int));
            foreach (var v in t2)
                DataRowView drv = value.DefaultView.AddNew();
                drv["ID"] = v.ID;
                drv["FullItemName"] = v.FullItemName;
                drv["Unit"] = v.Unit;
                drv["StockCode"] = v.StockCode;
                drv["BeginingBalance"] = v.BeginingBalance;
                drv["SOH"] = v.SOH;
                drv["Max"] = v.Max;
                drv["StockCodeDACA"] = v.StockCodeDACA;
                drv["QtyPerPack"] = v.QtyPerPack;
                drv["Issued"] = v.Issued;
                drv["Received"] = v.Received;
                drv["LossAdj"] = v.LossAdj;
                drv["Quantity"] = v.Quantity;
                drv["DaysOutOfStock"] = Builder.CalculateStockoutDays(Convert.ToInt32(drv["ID"]), storeId, startDate, endDate);
                drv["MaxStockQty"] = v.MaxStockQty;


            return value;
        private void ckExcNeverIssued_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (cboStores.SelectedValue != null && (cboYear.SelectedItem != null))
                Items itm = new Items();
                int storeId = (cboStores.SelectedValue != null) ? Convert.ToInt32(cboStores.SelectedValue) : 0;
                DataTable dtItm = new DataTable();

                dtItm = ((ckExclude.Checked && ckExcNeverIssued.Checked) ? itm.GetReceivedNotIssuedItems(storeId,Convert.ToInt32(lkCommodityTypes.EditValue)) : ((ckExclude.Checked) ? itm.ExcludeNeverReceivedItems(storeId, Convert.ToInt32(lkCommodityTypes.EditValue)) : itm.GetAllItems(1)));

        private void PopulateByProgram()
            if (cboSubProgram.SelectedValue != null && cboStores.SelectedValue != null)
                Items itm = new Items();
                DataTable dtItem = new DataTable();
                if (Convert.ToInt32(cboSubProgram.SelectedValue) > 0)

                    dtItem = ((ckExclude.Checked) ? itm.ExcludeNeverReceivedItemsByProgram(Convert.ToInt32(cboSubProgram.SelectedValue), Convert.ToInt32(cboStores.SelectedValue)) : itm.GetItemsByProgram(Convert.ToInt32(cboSubProgram.SelectedValue)));

                      dtItem = (((ckExcNeverIssued.Checked && ckExclude.Checked) ? itm.GetReceivedNotIssuedItems(Convert.ToInt32(cboStores.SelectedValue),Convert.ToInt32(lkCommodityTypes.EditValue)) : (ckExclude.Checked) ? itm.ExcludeNeverReceivedItems(Convert.ToInt32(cboStores.SelectedValue), Convert.ToInt32(lkCommodityTypes.EditValue)) : itm.GetAllItems(1)));
 private void cboIssuedTo_SelectedValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (cboIssuedTo.SelectedValue != null)
         DataTable dtItem = new DataTable();
         Items itm = new Items();
         int duId = Convert.ToInt32(cboIssuedTo.SelectedValue);
         dtItem = itm.GetItemsByDU(duId);
        private void EditIssue_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Stores str = new Stores();
            cboStores.DataSource = str.DefaultView;

            ReceivingUnits rUnit = new ReceivingUnits();
            cboReceivingUnit.DataSource = rUnit.DefaultView;

            if (_tranId != 0)
                IssueDoc iss = new IssueDoc();
                Items itm = new Items();


                DataTable dtItm = itm.GetItemById(iss.ItemID);
                string itemName = dtItm.Rows[0]["ItemName"].ToString() + " - " + dtItm.Rows[0]["DosageForm"].ToString() + " - " + dtItm.Rows[0]["Strength"].ToString();

                txtRefNo.Text = iss.RefNo;
                txtBatchNo.Text = iss.BatchNo;
                    txtPack.Text = iss.NoOfPack.ToString();
                    txtQtyPack.Text = iss.QtyPerPack.ToString();
                    txtPrice.Text = (iss.Cost * iss.QtyPerPack).ToString();
                    txtPack.Text = "0";
                    txtQtyPack.Text = "0";
                    txtPrice.Text = (iss.Cost * 1).ToString();
                txtQuantity.Text = iss.Quantity.ToString();
                DateTime dtDate = Convert.ToDateTime(iss.Date.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"));
                txtDate.Text = dtDate.ToShortDateString();
                //dtIssDate.Value = DateTime.Now;
                //dtIssDate.CustomFormat = "MM/dd/yyyy";
                //DateTime dtCurrent = Convert.ToDateTime(dtIssDate.Text);

                //long tic = (DateTime.Now.Ticks - dtCurrent.Ticks);
                //DateTime dtIssG = dtDate.AddTicks(tic);

                //dtIssDate.Value = dtIssG;
                cboStores.SelectedValue = iss.StoreId;
                cboReceivingUnit.SelectedValue = iss.ReceivingUnitID;
                txtItemName.Text = itemName;
                txtReceivedBy.Text = iss.IssuedBy;
                txtRemark.Text = iss.Remark;

        public void GenerateExpiryChart()
            DateTime selectedStartedDate = EthiopianDate.EthiopianDate.EthiopianToGregorian(String.Format("{0}/{1}/{2}", 1, 1, (int)cboYear.EditValue));
            DateTime selectedEndDate = EthiopianDate.EthiopianDate.EthiopianToGregorian(String.Format("{0}/{1}/{2}", 30, 12, (int)cboYear.EditValue));

            dtFrom.Value = selectedStartedDate;
            dtTo.Value = selectedEndDate;

            // Generate the pie Chart for the Current SOH and EXpired Drugs
            dtFrom.CustomFormat = "MM/dd/yyyy";
            DateTime dt1 = ConvertDate.DateConverter(dtFrom.Text);
            dtTo.CustomFormat = "MM/dd/yyyy";
            DateTime dt2 = ConvertDate.DateConverter(dtTo.Text);
            //string dRange = "From " + dtFrom.Text + " to " + dtTo.Text;
            //layoutControlGroup3.Text = "Cost Report " + dRange;
            if (dt1.Year == dt2.Year)
                dt1 = ((dt1.Month == 11 || dt1.Month == 12) ? new DateTime(dt1.Year, 11, 1) : new DateTime(dt1.Year - 1, 11, 1));
                //dRange = "For Year " + dt1.Year.ToString();

            ReceiveDoc rec = new ReceiveDoc();
            Balance bal = new Balance();
            Items itm = new Items();

            int storeId = Convert.ToInt32(cboStores.EditValue);
            int typeID = Convert.ToInt32(lkCategory.EditValue);
            //object[] objExp = itm.CountExpiredItemsAndAmount(storeId);

            object[] objExp = itm.CountExpiredItemsAndAmountByCategory(storeId,typeID ,dt1 ,dt2);
            Int64 expAmount = Convert.ToInt64(objExp[0]);
            Double expCost = Convert.ToDouble(objExp[1]);

               // object[] nearObj = itm.CountNearlyExpiredQtyAmount(storeId);
            object[] nearObj = itm.CountNearlyExpiredQtyAmountByCategory(storeId , typeID ,dt1 ,dt2);
            Int64 nearExpAmount = Convert.ToInt64(nearObj[0]);
            double nearExpCost = Convert.ToDouble(nearObj[1]);

               // object[] sohObj = itm.GetAllSOHQtyAmount(storeId);
            object[] sohObj = itm.GetAllSOHQtyAmountByCategory(storeId ,typeID ,dt1 ,dt2);
            Int64 soh = Convert.ToInt64(sohObj[0]);
            double sohPrice = Convert.ToDouble(sohObj[1]);

            Int64 normal = (soh - nearExpAmount - expAmount);
            Int64 nearExpiry = nearExpAmount;
            Int64 expired = expAmount;

            object[] obj = { normal, nearExpiry, expired };

            DataTable dtSOHList = new DataTable();
            dtSOHList.Columns[1].DataType = typeof(Int64);
            double normalPrice = (sohPrice - nearExpCost - expCost);

            Int64 totItm = normal + nearExpiry + expired;

            object[] oo = { "Normal : " + normalPrice.ToString("C"), obj[0] };

            object[] oo3 = { "Expired : " + expCost.ToString("C"), obj[2] };

            object[] oo2 = { "Near Expiry : " + nearExpCost.ToString("C"), obj[1] };

            decimal per = Convert.ToDecimal(normal) / Convert.ToDecimal(totItm) * 100;
            per = Decimal.Round(per, 0);
            string[] str = { "Normal", per.ToString() + "%", obj[0].ToString(), normalPrice.ToString("C") };
            ListViewItem lstItmNor = new ListViewItem(str);

            per = Convert.ToDecimal(nearExpiry) / Convert.ToDecimal(totItm) * 100;
            per = Decimal.Round(per, 0);
            string[] str1 = { "Near Expiry", per.ToString() + "%", obj[1].ToString(), nearExpCost.ToString("C") };
            ListViewItem lstItmNor1 = new ListViewItem(str1);

            per = Convert.ToDecimal(expired) / Convert.ToDecimal(totItm) * 100;
            per = Decimal.Round(per, 0);
            string[] str2 = { "Expired", per.ToString() + "%", obj[2].ToString(), expCost.ToString("C") };
            ListViewItem lstItmNor2 = new ListViewItem(str2);

            Series serExpired = new Series("pie", ViewType.Pie3D);
            serExpired.DataSource = dtSOHList;

            serExpired.ArgumentScaleType = ScaleType.Qualitative;
            serExpired.ArgumentDataMember = "Type";
            serExpired.ValueScaleType = ScaleType.Numerical;
            serExpired.ValueDataMembers.AddRange(new string[] { "Value" });
            serExpired.PointOptions.PointView = PointView.ArgumentAndValues;
            serExpired.LegendText = "Key";
            serExpired.PointOptions.ValueNumericOptions.Format = NumericFormat.Percent;
            serExpired.PointOptions.ValueNumericOptions.Precision = 0;
            ((PieSeriesLabel)serExpired.Label).Position = PieSeriesLabelPosition.TwoColumns;
            // ((PieSeriesLabel)serExpired.Label).ColumnIndent = 2;
            ((PiePointOptions)serExpired.PointOptions).PointView = PointView.ArgumentAndValues;
            //((PiePointOptions)serExpired.PointOptions).Separator = " , ";
            chartPie.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(1000, 500);
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the text changed event of the txtItemName
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void txtItemName_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DataTable dtItem;
            Items itm = new Items();

            if (txtItemName.Text != "")
                string keyword = txtItemName.Text;
                dtItem = itm.GetItemByKeyword(keyword);
                dtItem = itm.GetAllItems(1);
 /// <summary>
 /// Populates Item list based on the selected category in the treeCategory
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender"></param>
 /// <param name="e"></param>
 private void treeCategory_FocusedNodeChanged(object sender, DevExpress.XtraTreeList.FocusedNodeChangedEventArgs e)
     DataRowView dr = (DataRowView)treeCategory.GetDataRecordByNode(treeCategory.Selection[0]);
     Items itm = new Items();
     DataTable dtItem;
     //TODO: filter criteria;
     string value = dr["ID"].ToString();
     string type = value.Substring(0,1);
     _catId = 0;
     int categoryId = Convert.ToInt32(value.Substring(1));
     switch (type)
         case "C":
             dtItem = itm.GetItemsByCategory(categoryId);
             toolStripButtonAddItems.Enabled = false;
             toolStripButtonEditItem.Enabled = false;
             _selectedCat = categoryId;
         case "S":
             dtItem = itm.GetItemsBySubCategory(categoryId);
             toolStripButtonAddItems.Enabled = true;
             _catId = categoryId;
             toolStripButtonEditItem.Enabled = false;
             _selectedSubCat = categoryId;
             dtItem = itm.GetAllItem();
             toolStripButtonAddItems.Enabled = false;
             toolStripButtonEditItem.Enabled = false;
             _selectedCat = 0;
        private void ProductTree_NodeMouseDoubleClick(object sender, TreeNodeMouseClickEventArgs e)
            Items itm = new Items();
            DataTable dtItem = new DataTable();
            string value = ProductTree.SelectedNode.Name;
            string type = value.Substring(0, 3);
            int len = value.Length - 3;
            int categoryId = Convert.ToInt32(value.Substring(3,len));
            if (type == "cat")
                dtItem = itm.GetItemsByCategory(categoryId);
                lblState.Text = "All Items under " + ProductTree.SelectedNode.Text + " Category";

            else if(type == "sub")
                dtItem = itm.GetItemsBySubCategory(categoryId);
                lblState.Text = "All Items under " + ProductTree.SelectedNode.Text + " Sub Category";
                catID = categoryId;
            else if (type == "sup")
                dtItem = itm.GetSupplyByCategory(categoryId);
                lblState.Text = "All Items under " + ProductTree.SelectedNode.Text + " Category";
                catID = categoryId;
            else if (type == "Als")
                dtItem = itm.GetAllSupply();
                lblState.Text = "All Items under " + ProductTree.SelectedNode.Text + " Category";
                catID = categoryId;
                dtItem = itm.GetAllItems(1);
                lblState.Text = "All Items";
        private void txtItemName_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (cboStores.SelectedValue != null && (cboYear.SelectedItem != null))
                Items itm = new Items();
                int storeId = (cboStores.SelectedValue != null) ? Convert.ToInt32(cboStores.SelectedValue) : 0;
                DataTable dtItm = new DataTable();
                if (txtItemName.Text != "")

                        dtItm = ((ckExclude.Checked && ckExcNeverIssued.Checked) ? itm.GetReceivedNotIssuedItemsByKeyword(storeId, txtItemName.Text) : ((ckExclude.Checked) ? itm.ExcludeNeverReceivedItemsByKeyword(storeId, txtItemName.Text) : itm.GetItemByKeywordInList(txtItemName.Text)));

                        dtItm = ((ckExclude.Checked && ckExcNeverIssued.Checked) ? itm.GetReceivedNotIssuedItems(storeId, Convert.ToInt32(lkCommodityTypes.EditValue)) : ((ckExclude.Checked) ? itm.ExcludeNeverReceivedItems(storeId, Convert.ToInt32(lkCommodityTypes.EditValue)) : itm.GetAllItems(1)));


 public static DataTable AllYearsReport()
     var itm = new Items();
     itm.LoadFromRawSql(@"SELECT Distinct CAST(YEAR(Date)AS nvarchar)as year from ReceiveDoc
                             select distinct CAST(YEAR(Date)AS nvarchar)as year from IssueDoc
                             select distinct CAST(YEAR(Date)AS nvarchar)as year from Disposal
                             order by year desc");
     return itm.DataTable;
        private void PopulateList()
            _storeID = Convert.ToInt32(cboStores.EditValue);

            Items itm = new Items();

            _fromMonth = int.Parse(cboFromMonth.EditValue.ToString());
            _toMonth = int.Parse(cboToMonth.EditValue.ToString());
            _toYear = int.Parse(cboToYear.EditValue.ToString());
            _fromYear = int.Parse(cboFromYear.EditValue.ToString());

            var rrfHelper = new RRFItemHelper();
            _tblRrf = rrfHelper.GetRRFReport(_storeID, _fromYear, _fromMonth, _toYear, _toMonth);
            gridItemsChoice.DataSource = _tblRrf;

        private void PopulateList()
            _storeID = Convert.ToInt32(cboStores.EditValue);
            _programID = Convert.ToInt32(cboProgram.EditValue);
            Items itm = new Items();

            _fromMonth = int.Parse(cboFromMonth.EditValue.ToString());
            _toMonth = int.Parse(cboToMonth.EditValue.ToString());
            _toYear = int.Parse(cboToYear.EditValue.ToString());
            _fromYear = int.Parse(cboFromYear.EditValue.ToString());

            if (_standardRRF && VisibilitySetting.HandleUnits == 1)
                tblRRF = itm.GetRRFReportWithOutUnit(_storeID, _fromYear, _fromMonth, _toYear, _toMonth);

            else if (_standardRRF && VisibilitySetting.HandleUnits == 2)
                tblRRF = itm.GetRRFReportByUnit(_storeID, _fromYear, _fromMonth, _toYear, _toMonth);

            else if (_standardRRF && VisibilitySetting.HandleUnits == 3)
                tblRRF = itm.GetRRFReportByUnit(_storeID, _fromYear, _fromMonth, _toYear, _toMonth);
                tblRRF = itm.GetEmergencyRRFReport(_storeID, _fromYear, _fromMonth, _toYear, _toMonth);
            gridItemsChoice.DataSource = tblRRF;

        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the form data
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void ManageItemsLoad(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Items itm = new Items();
            DataTable dtItem = itm.GetAllItem();

            //lblState.Text = "All Items";