Пример #1
    private void GetInformationList()
        decimal       InformationTypeId = ReDecimal("InformationTypeId", 1);
        StringBuilder s        = new StringBuilder();
        string        inputStr = ReStr("inputStr", "");
        bool          Invalid  = ReBool("Invalid", false);

        s.Append(" 1=1 ");
        if (inputStr.Trim() == "")
            s.Append(" and InformationContent like '%" + inputStr + "%' ");

        BLL.InformationBLL bll = new BLL.InformationBLL();

        s.Append(" and InformationTypeId='" + InformationTypeId + "'  ");
        s.Append(" and Invalid='" + Invalid + "' ");
        DataTable dtKeyWord = ReTable("KeyWordArray");

        if (dtKeyWord != null)
            if (dtKeyWord.Rows.Count > 0)
                List <string> keyWords = new List <string>();
                foreach (DataRow dr in dtKeyWord.Rows)
                    keyWords.Add("'" + dr["KeyWord"].ToString() + "'");

                s.Append(" and  InformationId in ( select InformationId from  dbo.InformationVsKeyWord  WITH(NOLOCK)  where KeyWord in (" + string.Join(",", keyWords) + ")) ");

        s.Append(" order by RecommendLv desc, CreateTime desc ");

        DataSet ds = bll.GetInformationPageList(s.ToString(), ReInt("CurrentPage"), ReInt("i", 60));

Пример #2
    private void SaveInformation()
        Model.InformationModel model = new InformationModel();
        BLL.InformationBLL     bll   = new BLL.InformationBLL();
        model.InformationId = ReDecimal("InformationId", 0);
        if (model.InformationId > 0)

        model.InformationClassId = 0;
        model.InformationTypeId  = ReInt("InformationTypeId", 1);

        model.InformationContent = ReStrDeCode("InformationContent");
        model.ContactName        = ReStr("ContactName");
        model.Property           = "<root></root>";
        model.InformationTitle   = ReStr("InformationTitle", "");

        string title = Common.StringPlus.OutHtmlText(model.InformationContent);

        title = Common.StringPlus.GetLeftStr(title, 40, "...");
        model.InformationTitle = title;
        model.QQ    = ReStr("QQ", "");
        model.Tel   = ReStr("Tel", "");
        model.Email = ReStr("Email");

        #region 事务开启

        TransactionOptions transactionOption = new TransactionOptions();
        transactionOption.IsolationLevel = System.Transactions.IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted;
        using (TransactionScope transactionScope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required, transactionOption))
            DataTable dtImg = ReTable("imgArray");
            dtImg = BLL.BJ.ImgSetting.ImgArraySetting(dtImg, model.InformationContent);
            if (dtImg != null)
                if (dtImg.Rows.Count > 0)
                    model.InformationImgId = dtImg.Rows[0]["ImgId"].ToString();

            DataTable dtKeyWord = ReTable("KeyWordArray");
            if (dtKeyWord != null)
                DAL.InformationVsKeyWordDAL IvkDal = new DAL.InformationVsKeyWordDAL();
                IvkDal.DeleteList(" InformationId='" + model.InformationId + "' ");      //删除所有关联
                if (dtKeyWord.Rows.Count > 0)
                    foreach (DataRow drKeyWord in dtKeyWord.Rows)
                        Model.InformationVsKeyWordModel IvK = new InformationVsKeyWordModel();
                        IvK.InformationId = model.InformationId;
                        IvK.KeyWord       = drKeyWord["KeyWord"].ToString(); //重新绑定关联
                        IvK.vsType        = "sys";

            bll.DeleteInformationImg(" InformationId='" + model.InformationId + "' ");

            if (dtImg != null)
                foreach (DataRow dr in dtImg.Rows)
                    Model.InformationVsImgModel IvI = new InformationVsImgModel();
                    IvI.ImgId         = dr["ImgId"].ToString();
                    IvI.InformationId = model.InformationId;
                    IvI.vsType        = "";

            #region 事务结束

