protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string FBToken = null; if (HttpContext.Current.Session["FBToken"] != null) { FBToken = HttpContext.Current.Session["FBToken"].ToString(); } BLL.Users.Logout(); if (FBToken != null) { Facebook oFB = new Facebook(); Response.Redirect(oFB.LogOutLinkGet(FBToken)); } else { Response.Redirect("/Default.aspx"); } }
protected void btnFBLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Facebook oFB = new Facebook(); Response.Redirect(oFB.AuthorizationLinkGet()); }
public static void GraphUser() { string url = ""; Facebook oAuth = new Facebook(); if (HttpContext.Current.Request["code"] != null) { //Get the access token and secret. oAuth.AccessTokenGet(HttpContext.Current.Request["code"]); if (oAuth.Token.Length > 0) { HttpContext.Current.Session["FBToken"] = oAuth.Token.ToString(); url = "" + FBQuery() + "&access_token=" + oAuth.Token; var data = oAuth.WebRequest(Facebook.Method.GET, url, String.Empty); JObject o = JObject.Parse(data); string _Email = null; string _FacebookID = null; string _FullName = null; string _FirstName = null; string _MiddleName = null; string _LastName = null; string _Gender = null; string _Local = null; string _Link = null; string _TimeZone = null; string _Birthday = null; string _Picture = null; string _LocationID = null; string _LocationName = null; string _City = null; string _Region = null; if (o.SelectToken("email") != null) { _Email = o.SelectToken("email").ToString(); } if (o.SelectToken("id") != null) { _FacebookID = o.SelectToken("id").ToString(); } if (o.SelectToken("name") != null) { _FullName = o.SelectToken("name").ToString(); } if (o.SelectToken("first_name") != null) { _FirstName = o.SelectToken("first_name").ToString(); } if (o.SelectToken("middle_name") != null) { _MiddleName = o.SelectToken("middle_name").ToString(); } if (o.SelectToken("last_name") != null) { _LastName = o.SelectToken("last_name").ToString(); } if (o.SelectToken("gender") != null) { _Gender = o.SelectToken("gender").ToString(); } if (o.SelectToken("locale") != null) { _Local = o.SelectToken("locale").ToString(); } if (o.SelectToken("link") != null) { _Link = o.SelectToken("link").ToString(); } if (o.SelectToken("timezone") != null) { _TimeZone = o.SelectToken("timezone").ToString(); } if (o.SelectToken("birthday") != null) { _Birthday = o.SelectToken("birthday").ToString(); } if (o.SelectToken("picture") != null) { _Picture = o.SelectToken("picture").ToString(); } if (o.SelectToken("") != null) { _LocationID = o.SelectToken("").ToString(); } if (o.SelectToken("") != null) { _LocationName = o.SelectToken("").ToString(); } if (_LocationName != null) { string[] s = _LocationName.Split(','); _City = s[0]; _Region = s[1]; } if (_Email != null) { if (UserExists(_Email) == false) { CreateAccount(_Email, Crypto.GenerateSimplePassword()); //Create the facebook user and asign a simple password } if (UserExists(_Email) == true) { var U = Utils.DbContext.Users.FirstOrDefault(Usr => Usr.Email == _Email); U.FacebookID = _FacebookID; U.FullName = _FullName; U.FirstName = _FirstName; U.MiddleName = _MiddleName; U.LastName = _LastName; U.Gender = _Gender; U.Local = _Local; U.Link = _Link; U.TimeZone = int.Parse(_TimeZone); U.Birthday = DateTime.Parse(_Birthday); U.Picture = _Picture; U.LocationID = _LocationID; U.City = _City; U.Region = _Region; U.IsLockedOut = false; U.IsSuperUser = false; Utils.DbContext.SaveChanges(); if ((BLL.Users.Login(_Email, GetPassword(U.UserID)) != false)) { HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect("/Default.aspx"); } } } } } string FBError = HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["error_reason"]; if (FBError == "user_denied") //User canceled go back to login { HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect("/Account/Login.aspx"); } }