public List <DogBreeds> GetDog_BreedsByDog_Breed_Description(string description) { List <DogBreeds> retVal = new List <DogBreeds>(); try { DogBreedsBL dogBreeds = new DogBreedsBL(_connString); lkpDogBreeds = dogBreeds.GetDog_BreedsByDog_Breed_Description(description); if (lkpDogBreeds != null && lkpDogBreeds.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow row in lkpDogBreeds.Rows) { DogBreeds dogBreed = new DogBreeds(_connString, Utils.DBNullToInt(row["Dog_Breed_ID"])); retVal.Add(dogBreed); } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } return(retVal); }
public List <DogBreeds> GetDog_Breeds() { List <DogBreeds> retVal = new List <DogBreeds>(); try { DogBreedsBL dogBreeds = new DogBreedsBL(_connString); lkpDogBreeds = dogBreeds.GetDog_Breeds(); if (lkpDogBreeds != null && lkpDogBreeds.Rows.Count > 0) { DogBreeds firstDogBreed = new DogBreeds(_connString); firstDogBreed.Dog_Breed_ID = 1; firstDogBreed.Description = "Please Select..."; retVal.Add(firstDogBreed); foreach (DataRow row in lkpDogBreeds.Rows) { DogBreeds dogBreed = new DogBreeds(_connString, Utils.DBNullToInt(row["Dog_Breed_ID"])); retVal.Add(dogBreed); } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } return(retVal); }
public List<DogBreeds> GetDog_Breeds() { List<DogBreeds> dogBreedList = new List<DogBreeds>(); DogBreedsBL dogBreeds = new DogBreedsBL(); lkpDogBreeds = dogBreeds.GetDog_Breeds(); if (lkpDogBreeds != null && lkpDogBreeds.Count > 0) { DogBreeds firstDogBreed = new DogBreeds(); firstDogBreed.Dog_Breed_ID = 1; firstDogBreed.Description = "Please Select..."; dogBreedList.Add(firstDogBreed); foreach (sss.lkpDog_BreedsRow row in lkpDogBreeds) { DogBreeds dogBreed = new DogBreeds(row.Dog_Breed_ID); dogBreedList.Add(dogBreed); } } return dogBreedList; }
protected void btnAddBreed_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string strDogBreed = txtNewBreed.Text; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strDogBreed)) { DogBreeds dogBreeds = new DogBreeds(); int? newDogBreedID = dogBreeds.Insert_Dog_Breed(strDogBreed); if (newDogBreedID != null && newDogBreedID > 0) { MessageLabel.Text = string.Format("{0} was added to the Dog Breed Table", strDogBreed); } else { MessageLabel.Text = "Error inserting the record"; } } else { MessageLabel.Text = "Nothing Entered!"; } }
private void PopulateSire() { Guid sire_ID = new Guid(Sire_ID); Dogs dog = new Dogs(sire_ID); txtSireKCName.Text = dog.Dog_KC_Name; txtSirePetName.Text = dog.Dog_Pet_Name; if (dog.Dog_Breed_ID != null && dog.Dog_Breed_ID != 1) { int dog_Breed_ID = Int32.Parse(dog.Dog_Breed_ID.ToString()); DogBreeds dogBreeds = new DogBreeds(dog_Breed_ID); txtSireBreed.Text = dogBreeds.Description; } if (dog.Dog_Gender_ID != null && dog.Dog_Gender_ID != 1) { int dog_Gender_ID = Int32.Parse(dog.Dog_Gender_ID.ToString()); DogGender dogGender = new DogGender(dog_Gender_ID); txtSireGender.Text = dogGender.Description; } divGetSire.Visible = false; divChangeSire.Visible = true; divSireDetails.Visible = true; }
private void PopulateDog() { Guid current_dog_ID = new Guid(Current_Dog_ID); Dogs dog = new Dogs(current_dog_ID); txtKCName.Text = dog.Dog_KC_Name; txtPetName.Text = dog.Dog_Pet_Name; lblNLWU.Text = string.Format("Tick this box if {0} is no longer with us.", dog.Dog_Pet_Name); if (dog.Dog_Breed_ID != null) { int dog_Breed_ID = Int32.Parse(dog.Dog_Breed_ID.ToString()); DogBreeds dogBreeds = new DogBreeds(dog_Breed_ID); txtDogBreed.Text = dogBreeds.Description; } if (dog.Dog_Gender_ID != null) { int dog_Gender_ID = Int32.Parse(dog.Dog_Gender_ID.ToString()); DogGender dogGender = new DogGender(dog_Gender_ID); txtDogGender.Text = dogGender.Description; } if (dog.Reg_No != null) { Reg_No = dog.Reg_No.ToString(); Common.Reg_No = Reg_No; txtRegNo.Text = Reg_No; } if (dog.Date_Of_Birth != null) { string format = "yyyy-MM-dd"; Date_Of_Birth = DateTime.Parse(dog.Date_Of_Birth.ToString()).ToString(format); Common.Date_Of_Birth = Date_Of_Birth; txtDogDOB.Text = Date_Of_Birth; } if (dog.Merit_Points != null) { Merit_Points = dog.Merit_Points.ToString(); Common.Merit_Points = Merit_Points; txtMeritPoints.Text = Merit_Points; } else { Merit_Points = "0"; Common.Merit_Points = Merit_Points; txtMeritPoints.Text = Merit_Points; } if (dog.NLWU != null) { NLWU = (bool)dog.NLWU; Common.NLWU = NLWU; chkNLWU.Checked = NLWU; } DogDams dogDams = new DogDams(); List<DogDams> lnkDogDams; lnkDogDams = dogDams.GetDogDamsByDog_ID(dog.Dog_ID); if (lnkDogDams.Count != 0) { Dam_ID = lnkDogDams[0].Dam_ID.ToString(); Common.Dam_ID = Dam_ID; PopulateDam(); } DogSires dogSires = new DogSires(); List<DogSires> lnkDogSires; lnkDogSires = dogSires.GetDogSiresByDog_ID(dog.Dog_ID); if (lnkDogSires.Count != 0) { Sire_ID = lnkDogSires[0].Sire_ID.ToString(); Common.Sire_ID = Sire_ID; PopulateSire(); } }
private void PopulateDam() { Guid dam_ID = new Guid(Dam_ID); Dogs dog = new Dogs(dam_ID); txtDamKCName.Text = dog.Dog_KC_Name; txtDamPetName.Text = dog.Dog_Pet_Name; if (dog.Dog_Breed_ID != null && dog.Dog_Breed_ID != 1) { int dog_Breed_ID = Int32.Parse(dog.Dog_Breed_ID.ToString()); DogBreeds dogBreeds = new DogBreeds(dog_Breed_ID); txtDamBreed.Text = dogBreeds.Description; } if (dog.Dog_Gender_ID != null && dog.Dog_Gender_ID != 1) { int dog_Gender_ID = Int32.Parse(dog.Dog_Gender_ID.ToString()); DogGender dogGender = new DogGender(dog_Gender_ID); txtDamGender.Text = dogGender.Description; } divGetDam.Visible = false; divChangeDam.Visible = true; divDamDetails.Visible = true; }
private void PopulateDogGridView(List<Dogs> tblDogs, int pageNo) { if (tblDogs == null) { tblDogs = Common.Dog_GridViewData; } List<Dogs> newDogs = new List<Dogs>(); int itemsperPage = Int32.Parse(WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["GridItemsPerPage"]); int startRowIndex = (pageNo -1) * itemsperPage; int currentIndex = 0; int itemsRead = 0; int totalRecords = tblDogs.Count; foreach (Dogs row in tblDogs) { if (itemsRead < itemsperPage && currentIndex < totalRecords && currentIndex >= startRowIndex) { Dogs newDog = new Dogs(); newDog.Dog_ID = row.Dog_ID; newDog.Dog_KC_Name = row.Dog_KC_Name; newDog.Dog_Pet_Name = row.Dog_Pet_Name; if (!row.IsReg_NoNull) newDog.Reg_No = row.Reg_No; DogBreeds dogBreeds = new DogBreeds(Convert.ToInt32(row.Dog_Breed_ID)); newDog.Dog_Breed_Description = dogBreeds.Description; DogGender dogGender = new DogGender(Convert.ToInt32(row.Dog_Gender_ID)); newDog.Dog_Gender = dogGender.Description; newDogs.Add(newDog); itemsRead++; } currentIndex++; } lblTotalPages.Text = CalculateTotalPages(totalRecords).ToString(); lblCurrentPage.Text = CurrentPage.ToString(); if (CurrentPage == 1) { Btn_Previous.Enabled = false; if (Int32.Parse(lblTotalPages.Text) > 0) { Btn_Next.Enabled = true; } else Btn_Next.Enabled = false; } else { Btn_Previous.Enabled = true; if (CurrentPage == Int32.Parse(lblTotalPages.Text)) Btn_Next.Enabled = false; else Btn_Next.Enabled = true; } DogGridView.DataSource = newDogs; DogGridView.DataBind(); }
private void PopulateBreedList() { DogBreeds dogBreeds = new DogBreeds(); List<DogBreeds> lkpDog_Breeds = dogBreeds.GetDog_Breeds(); lstDogBreeds.DataSource = lkpDog_Breeds; lstDogBreeds.DataBind(); }
protected void btnDogSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //ResetPage(); //ClearEntryFields(); string searchValue = txtDogFilter.Text; Dogs dog = new Dogs(); List<Dogs> tblDogs = null; if (DogSearchType.SelectedValue == "c") searchValue = string.Format("%{0}", searchValue); switch (DogFilterBy.SelectedValue) { case "KC_Name": tblDogs = dog.GetDogsLikeDog_KC_Name(searchValue); break; case "Pet_Name": tblDogs = dog.GetDogsLikeDog_Pet_Name(searchValue); break; case "Breed_ID": DogBreeds dogBreeds = new DogBreeds(); List<DogBreeds> lkpDogBreeds = null; lkpDogBreeds = dogBreeds.GetDog_BreedsByDog_Breed_Description(searchValue); tblDogs = dog.GetDogsByDog_Breed_ID(lkpDogBreeds); break; default: tblDogs = dog.GetDogs(); break; } Common.Dog_GridViewData = tblDogs; PopulateDogGridView(Common.Dog_GridViewData, 1); txtDogFilter.Text = string.Empty; DogFilterBy.SelectedIndex = -1; DogSearchType.SelectedIndex = -1; }
public List<DogBreeds> GetDog_BreedsByDog_Breed_Description(string description) { List<DogBreeds> dogBreedList = new List<DogBreeds>(); DogBreedsBL dogBreeds = new DogBreedsBL(); lkpDogBreeds = dogBreeds.GetDog_BreedsByDog_Breed_Description(description); if (lkpDogBreeds != null && lkpDogBreeds.Count > 0) { foreach (sss.lkpDog_BreedsRow row in lkpDogBreeds) { DogBreeds dogBreed = new DogBreeds(row.Dog_Breed_ID); dogBreedList.Add(dogBreed); } } return dogBreedList; }