/// <summary>
        /// 绑定数据源
        /// </summary>
        private void bind()
            string id = Request.QueryString["id"].ToString();

            AttendanceBLL attendBLL = new AttendanceBLL();
            attend = attendBLL.get(id);

            CourseTableBLL ctBLL = new CourseTableBLL();
            CourseTable ct = ctBLL.get(attend.CourTableID);

            ClassBLL classBLL = new ClassBLL();
            TeacherBLL teacherBLL = new TeacherBLL();
            CourseBLL courseBLL = new CourseBLL();
            StudentBLL stuBLL = new StudentBLL();

            #region 绑定页面数据
            Label_class.Text = classBLL.get(ct.ClassID).Name;
            Label_course.Text = courseBLL.get(ct.CourId).Name;
            Label_teacher.Text = teacherBLL.get(ct.TeachID).Name;
            Label_student.Text = stuBLL.get(attend.StudID).Name;
            Label_oldStatus.Text = attend.Status;
            Label_week.Text = ct.Week;
            Label_weekDay.Text = ct.WeekDay;
            Label_courseTime.Text = ct.CourseTime;
            Label_place.Text = ct.Place;

        /// <summary>
        /// 绑定数据源
        /// </summary>
        private void bind()
            string courTableID = Request.QueryString["courTableID"];

            CourseTableBLL ctBLL = new CourseTableBLL();
            TeacherBLL teacherBLL = new TeacherBLL();
            CourseBLL courBLL = new CourseBLL();
            ClassBLL classBLL = new ClassBLL();

            CourseTable ct = ctBLL.get(courTableID);
            Class clazz = classBLL.get(ct.ClassID);

            #region 页面数据绑定
            className.Text = clazz.Name;
            courseName.Text = courBLL.get(ct.CourId).Name;
            teacherName.Text = teacherBLL.get(ct.TeachID).Name;
            week.Text = "第" + ct.Week + "周";
            weekDay.Text = ct.WeekDay;
            classtTime.Text = ct.CourseTime;
            classAddress.Text = ct.Place;

            CommonBLL commBLL = new CommonBLL();

            DataTable dt = commBLL.getAbsentStudent(courTableID,false);

            AspNetPager1.RecordCount = dt.Rows.Count;

            int from = (AspNetPager1.CurrentPageIndex - 1) * AspNetPager1.PageSize + 1;
            int to = from + AspNetPager1.PageSize - 1 > AspNetPager1.RecordCount ? AspNetPager1.RecordCount : from + AspNetPager1.PageSize - 1;

            GridView1.DataSource = PageUtil.getPaged(dt, from, to);
        protected void DropDownList_class_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            CourseTableBLL ctBLL = new CourseTableBLL();
            CourseBLL courBLL = new CourseBLL();
            TeacherBLL teachBLL = new TeacherBLL();


            DropDownList_course.DataSource = courBLL.getByClassId(DropDownList_class.SelectedValue);
            DropDownList_course.DataTextField = "name";
            DropDownList_course.DataValueField = "ID";


            string filterTeacher = "classID='" + DropDownList_class.SelectedValue + "' and courId='" + DropDownList_course.SelectedValue + "'";
            DataTable tempDt = PageUtil.getProcessedDataTable(ctBLL.getAll().Tables[0], filterTeacher, null, false);
            DataView dv = tempDt.DefaultView;
            tempDt = dv.ToTable(true, "teachID");
            foreach (DataRow dr in tempDt.Rows)
                Teacher teacher = teachBLL.get(dr["teachID"].ToString());
                DropDownList_teacher.Items.Add(new ListItem(teacher.Name, teacher.Id));

Пример #4
        protected void ImageButton_delete_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
            ImageButton imageButton = sender as ImageButton;

            string id = imageButton.CommandArgument;

            AttendanceBLL attendBLL = new AttendanceBLL();
            CourseTableBLL ctBLL = new CourseTableBLL();
            CourseTable ct = ctBLL.get(id);

            string filter = "courId='" + ct.CourId + "' and teachID='" + ct.TeachID + "' and classID='" + ct.ClassID;
            filter += "' and semester='" + ct.Semester + "' and weekDay='" + ct.WeekDay + "' and courseTime='" + ct.CourseTime + "'";

            DataTable dt = PageUtil.getProcessedDataTable(ctBLL.getAll().Tables[0], filter,null,false);

            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                CourseTable tempCt = new CourseTable();
                tempCt.Id = dr["ID"].ToString();

Пример #5
        protected void Button_submit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!checkEmpty())
                string userName = TextBox_userName.Text.Trim();
                string password = TextBox_password.Text.Trim();

                StaffBLL staffBLL = new StaffBLL();
                UserBLL userBLL = new UserBLL();
                User user = userBLL.getByUsername(userName);
                if (user != null)
                    string encryptPWD = EncryptUtil.MD5Encrypt(password);

                    if (!user.Password.Equals(encryptPWD))

                        checkPassword.ErrorMessage = "密码输入错误!";
                        checkPassword.IsValid = false;

                        Staff staff = staffBLL.getByUserId(user.Id);
                        if (staff != null && staff.Type.Equals("超级管理员"))

                            AttendanceBLL attendBLL = new AttendanceBLL();
                            CourseTableBLL ctBLL = new CourseTableBLL();

                            string filter = "semester='" + GlobalVars.SEMESTER + "'";
                            DataTable dt = PageUtil.getProcessedDataTable(ctBLL.getAll().Tables[0], filter, null, false);

                            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)


                            checkUsername.ErrorMessage = "该用户没有权限!";
                            checkUsername.IsValid = false;

                    checkUsername.ErrorMessage = "账号不存在!";
                    checkUsername.IsValid = false;
Пример #6
        public void bind()
            courTableID = Request.QueryString["courTableID"];

            User user = Session["User"] as User;

            TeacherBLL teachBLL = new TeacherBLL();
            StudentBLL studBLL = new StudentBLL();
            CourseTableBLL ctBLL = new CourseTableBLL();
            CourseTable ct = ctBLL.get(courTableID);

            ClassBLL classBll = new ClassBLL();
            Class cla = classBll.get(ct.ClassID);
            className.Text = cla.Name;

            dt = studBLL.getByClassId(ct.ClassID).Tables[0];

            if (Session["attenList"] != null)
                attenList = Session["attenList"] as List<Attendance>;
                attenList = new List<Attendance>();
                foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                    Attendance attend = new Attendance();
                    attend.Status = "正常";
                    attend.Remark = "";
                    attend.Recorder = "教师";
                    attend.RecorderID = teachBLL.getByUserId(user.Id).Id;
                    attend.StudID = dr["ID"].ToString();
                    attend.CourTableID = courTableID;


            AspNetPager1.RecordCount = dt.Rows.Count;

            int from = (AspNetPager1.CurrentPageIndex - 1) * AspNetPager1.PageSize + 1;
            int to = from + AspNetPager1.PageSize - 1 > AspNetPager1.RecordCount ? AspNetPager1.RecordCount : from + AspNetPager1.PageSize - 1;

            GridView1.DataSource = PageUtil.resort(PageUtil.getPaged(dt, from, to));

Пример #7
        public void bind()
            List<Attendance> attenList = Session["attenList"] as List<Attendance>;

            CourseTableBLL ctBLL = new CourseTableBLL();
            TeacherBLL teachBll = new TeacherBLL();
            CourseBLL courBLL = new CourseBLL();
            ClassBLL classBLL = new ClassBLL();

            CourseTable ct = ctBLL.get(attenList[0].CourTableID);
            Class clazz = classBLL.get(ct.ClassID);

            #region 页面数据绑定
            className.Text = clazz.Name;
            courseName.Text = courBLL.get(ct.CourId).Name;
            teacherName.Text = teachBll.get(ct.TeachID).Name;
            week.Text = "第" + ct.Week + "周";
            weekDay.Text = ct.WeekDay;
            classtTime.Text = ct.CourseTime;
            classAddress.Text = ct.Place;

            lateNumber.Text = attenList.Where(x => x.Status.Equals("迟到")).ToList().Count.ToString();
            absences.Text = attenList.Where(x => !x.Status.Equals("正常")).ToList().Count.ToString();
            allNumber.Text = clazz.StudCount;
            attRate.Text = FormatUtil.doubleToPercent(attenList.Where(x => x.Status.Equals("正常")).ToList().Count / Convert.ToDouble(clazz.StudCount));

            DataTable dt = transferListToDataTable(attenList);

            AspNetPager1.RecordCount = dt.Rows.Count;

            int from = (AspNetPager1.CurrentPageIndex - 1) * AspNetPager1.PageSize + 1;
            int to = from + AspNetPager1.PageSize - 1 > AspNetPager1.RecordCount ? AspNetPager1.RecordCount : from + AspNetPager1.PageSize - 1;

            GridView1.DataSource = PageUtil.resort(PageUtil.getPaged(dt, from, to));
        /// <summary>
        /// 页面数据绑定
        /// </summary>
        private void bind()
            CourseTableBLL ctBLL = new CourseTableBLL();
            StudentBLL stuBLL = new StudentBLL();

            DropDownList_student.DataSource = stuBLL.getByClassId(DropDownList_class.SelectedValue);
            DropDownList_student.DataTextField = "name";
            DropDownList_student.DataValueField = "ID";


            string filterWeek = "classID='" + DropDownList_class.SelectedValue + "' and courId='" + DropDownList_course.SelectedValue + "'";
            filterWeek += " and teachID='" + DropDownList_teacher.SelectedValue + "'";
            DataTable tempDt = PageUtil.getProcessedDataTable(ctBLL.getAll().Tables[0], filterWeek, null, false);
            int week_from = tempDt.Rows.Count == 0 ? 0 : tempDt.Select().Min(r => Convert.ToInt32(r["week"].ToString()));
            int week_to = tempDt.Rows.Count == 0 ? 0 : tempDt.Select().Max(r => Convert.ToInt32(r["week"].ToString()));

            for (int i = week_from; i <= week_to; i++)

            string preValue = DropDownList_weekDay.SelectedValue;

            string filterWeekDay = "week='" + DropDownList_week.SelectedValue + "'";
            tempDt = PageUtil.getProcessedDataTable(tempDt, filterWeekDay, "weekDay", false);

            foreach (DataRow dr in tempDt.Rows)
            PageUtil.bindDropDownList(DropDownList_weekDay, preValue);


            string filterCourTime = "weekDay='" + DropDownList_weekDay.SelectedValue + "'";
            tempDt = PageUtil.getProcessedDataTable(tempDt, filterCourTime, "courseTime", false);

            foreach (DataRow dr in tempDt.Rows)

            string filterPlace = "courseTime='" + DropDownList_courseTime.SelectedValue + "'";
            tempDt = PageUtil.getProcessedDataTable(tempDt, filterPlace, null, false);
            Label_place.Text = tempDt.Rows.Count == 0 ? "" : tempDt.Rows[0]["place"].ToString();

            Label_courTableId.Text = tempDt.Rows.Count == 0 ? "" : tempDt.Rows[0]["ID"].ToString();
Пример #9
        protected void ImageButton_submit_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
            if (check())
                AttendanceBLL attendBLL = new AttendanceBLL();
                CourseTableBLL ctBLL = new CourseTableBLL();
                string filter = "courId='" + ct.CourId + "' and teachID='" + ct.TeachID + "' and classID='" + ct.ClassID;
                filter += "' and semester='" + ct.Semester + "' and weekDay='" + ct.WeekDay + "' and courseTime='" + ct.CourseTime + "'";

                #region 先删除旧数据
                DataTable dt = PageUtil.getProcessedDataTable(ctBLL.getAll().Tables[0], filter,null, false);

                foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                    CourseTable tempCt = new CourseTable();
                    tempCt.Id = dr["ID"].ToString();

                #region 后添加新数据
                string semester = DropDownList_semester_from.SelectedValue + "-" + DropDownList_semester_to.SelectedValue + "学年" + DropDownList_semester_end.SelectedValue;
                int week_from = Convert.ToInt32(DropDownList_week_from.SelectedValue);
                int week_to = Convert.ToInt32(DropDownList_week_to.SelectedValue);
                string weekDay = DropDownList_weekDay.SelectedValue;
                string place = TextBox_place.Text;
                string courseTime = DropDownList_courseTime.SelectedValue + "节";
                string teachId = ct.TeachID;
                string classId = ct.ClassID;
                string courId = ct.CourId;

                CourseTable courTable = new CourseTable();
                courTable.Semester = semester;
                courTable.WeekDay = weekDay;
                courTable.Place = place;
                courTable.CourseTime = courseTime;
                courTable.TeachID = teachId;
                courTable.ClassID = classId;
                courTable.CourId = courId;

                for (int i = week_from; i <= week_to; i++)
                    courTable.Week = i.ToString();


Пример #10
        /// <summary>
        /// 绑定数据源
        /// </summary>
        private void bind()
            string id = Request.QueryString["ID"].ToString();
            string week = Request.QueryString["week"].ToString();

            CourseBLL courBLL = new CourseBLL();
            TeacherBLL teacherBLL = new TeacherBLL();
            ClassBLL classBLL = new ClassBLL();
            CourseTableBLL ctBLL = new CourseTableBLL();

            ct = ctBLL.get(id);

            #region 页面数据绑定
            Label_course.Text = courBLL.get(ct.CourId).Name;
            Label_teacher.Text = teacherBLL.get(ct.TeachID).Name;
            Label_class.Text = classBLL.get(ct.ClassID).Name;
            PageUtil.bindDropDownList(DropDownList_semester_from, ct.Semester.Substring(0, 4));
            PageUtil.bindDropDownList(DropDownList_semester_to, ct.Semester.Substring(5, 4));
            PageUtil.bindDropDownList(DropDownList_semester_end, ct.Semester.Substring(9, 3));
            PageUtil.bindDropDownList(DropDownList_week_from, week.Split('-')[0]);
            PageUtil.bindDropDownList(DropDownList_week_to, week.Split('-')[1]);
            PageUtil.bindDropDownList(DropDownList_weekDay, ct.WeekDay);
            TextBox_place.Text = ct.Place;
            PageUtil.bindDropDownList(DropDownList_courseTime, ct.CourseTime.Split('节')[0]);
Пример #11
        protected void ImageButton_submit_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
            if (check())
                string semester = DropDownList_semester_from.SelectedValue + "-" + DropDownList_semester_to.SelectedValue + "学年" + DropDownList_semester_end.SelectedValue;
                int week_from = Convert.ToInt32(DropDownList_week_from.SelectedValue);
                int week_to = Convert.ToInt32(DropDownList_week_to.SelectedValue);
                string weekDay = DropDownList_weekDay.SelectedValue;
                string place = TextBox_place.Text;
                string courseTime = DropDownList_courseTime.SelectedValue + "节" ;
                string teachId = DropDownList_teacher.SelectedValue;
                string classId = DropDownList_class.SelectedValue;
                string courId = DropDownList_course.SelectedValue;

                CourseTableBLL courTableBLL = new CourseTableBLL();

                CourseTable courTable = new CourseTable();
                courTable.Semester = semester;
                courTable.WeekDay = weekDay;
                courTable.Place = place;
                courTable.CourseTime = courseTime;
                courTable.TeachID = teachId;
                courTable.ClassID = classId;
                courTable.CourId = courId;

                for (int i = week_from; i <= week_to; i++)
                    courTable.Week = i.ToString();

