internal bool AreaOfCheck(int checkID, AreaInfo area) { string strSql = string.Empty; strSql = string.Format("select count(1) from t_check where id = {0} and checktype in (1,2,3,5)", checkID); object obj = OperationSql.ExecuteScalar(CommandType.Text, strSql, null); if (obj.ToInt32() <= 0) { return(true); } int checktype = 0; strSql = string.Format("select CheckType from t_check where id = {0}", checkID); checktype = OperationSql.ExecuteScalar(CommandType.Text, strSql, null).ToInt32(); switch (checktype) { case 1: strSql = string.Format("select count(1) from v_CheckDetails where checkid = {0} and warehouseno = '{1}' ", checkID, area.WarehouseNo); obj = OperationSql.ExecuteScalar(CommandType.Text, strSql, null); if (obj.ToInt32() <= 0) { return(false); } break; case 2: strSql = string.Format("select count(1) from v_CheckDetails where checkid = {0} and warehouseno = '{1}' and houseno = '{2}' ", checkID, area.WarehouseNo, area.HouseNo); obj = OperationSql.ExecuteScalar(CommandType.Text, strSql, null); if (obj.ToInt32() <= 0) { return(false); } break; case 3: strSql = string.Format("select count(1) from v_CheckDetails where checkid = {0} and areano = '{1}' ", checkID, area.AreaNo); obj = OperationSql.ExecuteScalar(CommandType.Text, strSql, null); if (obj.ToInt32() <= 0) { return(false); } break; case 5: //strSql = string.Format("select count(1) from v_CheckDetails A join v_area B on A.WAREHOUSENO = B.warehouseno where A.checkid = {0} and A.warehouseno = '{1}' and B.areano = '{2}' ", checkID, area.WarehouseNo, area.AreaNo); strSql = string.Format("select count(1) from v_CheckDetails where checkid = {0} and nvl(warehouseno,'{1}') = '{1}' ", checkID, area.WarehouseNo); obj = OperationSql.ExecuteScalar(CommandType.Text, strSql, null); if (obj.ToInt32() <= 0) { return(false); } break; } return(true); }
public SqlDataReader GetAreaByAreaNo(AreaInfo model) { string strSql = string.Empty; strSql = string.Format("SELECT * FROM V_Area WHERE AreaNo = '{0}'", model.AreaNo); return(OperationSql.ExecuteReader(CommandType.Text, strSql, null)); }
public SqlDataReader IsAreaChecking(AreaInfo model) { string strSql = string.Empty; strSql = string.Format("select areastatus,CheckID from T_AREA where areano='{0}'", model.AreaNo); return(OperationSql.ExecuteReader(CommandType.Text, strSql, null)); }
public string GetCheckAreaForAndroid(int checkID, string strAreaNo, string strUserJson) { AreaInfo model = new AreaInfo(); string strError = string.Empty; try { if (checkID <= 0) { model.Status = "E"; model.Message = "盘点信息获取失败!"; return(JSONHelper.ObjectToJson(model)); } UserInfo user = JSONHelper.JsonToObject <UserInfo>(strUserJson); if (user == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.UserNo)) { model.Status = "E"; model.Message = "用户信息获取失败!"; return(JSONHelper.ObjectToJson(model)); } model.AreaNo = strAreaNo; if (!GetAreaByNo(ref model, user, ref strError)) { model.Status = "E"; model.Message = strError; return(JSONHelper.ObjectToJson(model)); } if (model.AreaStatus != 1 && model.CheckID != 0 && model.CheckID != checkID) { model.Status = "E"; model.Message = "该货位已经被锁定"; return(JSONHelper.ObjectToJson(model)); } if (!_db.AreaOfCheck(checkID, model)) { model.Status = "E"; model.Message = "扫描货位不属于当前盘点!"; return(JSONHelper.ObjectToJson(model)); } model.Status = "S"; return(JSONHelper.ObjectToJson(model)); } catch (Exception ex) { model.Status = "E"; model.Message = "Web异常:" + ex.Message + ex.StackTrace; //if (Common_Func.IsOracleError(model.Message, ref strError)) model.Message = strError; return(JSONHelper.ObjectToJson(model)); } }
public bool ExistsAreaNo(AreaInfo model, bool bIncludeDel, UserInfo user, ref string strError) { try { return(_db.ExistsAreaNo(model, bIncludeDel)); } catch (Exception ex) { strError = ex.Message; return(false); } }
public bool DeleteAreaByID(AreaInfo model, UserInfo user, ref string strError) { try { return(_db.DeleteAreaByID(model)); } catch (Exception ex) { strError = ex.Message; return(false); } }
private AreaInfo GetModelFromDataReader(SqlDataReader dr) { AreaInfo model = new AreaInfo(); model.ID = dr["ID"].ToInt32(); model.AreaNo = dr["AREANO"].ToDBString(); model.AreaName = dr["AREANAME"].ToDBString(); model.AreaType = dr["AREATYPE"].ToInt32(); model.ContactUser = dr["CONTACTUSER"].ToDBString(); model.ContactPhone = dr["CONTACTPHONE"].ToDBString(); model.Address = dr["ADDRESS"].ToDBString(); model.LocationDesc = dr["LOCATIONDESC"].ToDBString(); model.AreaStatus = dr["AreaStatus"].ToInt32(); model.HouseID = dr["HOUSEID"].ToInt32(); model.IsDel = dr["ISDEL"].ToInt32(); model.Creater = dr["CREATER"].ToDBString(); model.CreateTime = dr["CREATETIME"].ToDateTime(); model.Modifyer = dr["MODIFYER"].ToDBString(); model.ModifyTime = dr["MODIFYTIME"].ToDateTimeNull(); if (Common_Func.readerExists(dr, "HouseNo")) { model.HouseNo = dr["HouseNo"].ToDBString(); } if (Common_Func.readerExists(dr, "isHost")) { model.isHost = dr["isHost"].ToInt32() == 1; } if (Common_Func.readerExists(dr, "HouseName")) { model.HouseName = dr["HouseName"].ToDBString(); } if (Common_Func.readerExists(dr, "WarehouseNo")) { model.WarehouseNo = dr["WarehouseNo"].ToDBString(); } if (Common_Func.readerExists(dr, "WarehouseName")) { model.WarehouseName = dr["WarehouseName"].ToDBString(); } if (Common_Func.readerExists(dr, "StrAreaStatus")) { model.StrAreaStatus = dr["StrAreaStatus"].ToDBString(); } return(model); }
public bool SaveArea(ref AreaInfo model) { SqlParameter[] param = GetParameterFromModel(model); OperationSql.ExecuteNonQuery2(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "Proc_SaveArea", param); string ErrorMsg = param[0].Value.ToDBString(); if (ErrorMsg.StartsWith("执行错误")) { throw new Exception(ErrorMsg); } else { model.ID = param[1].Value.ToInt32(); model.CreateTime = param[param.Length - 3].Value.ToDateTime(); model.ModifyTime = param[param.Length - 1].Value.ToDateTimeNull(); return(true); } }
public bool SaveArea(ref AreaInfo model, UserInfo user, ref string strError) { try { if (model.ID <= 0) { model.Creater = user.UserNo; } else { model.Modifyer = user.UserNo; } return(_db.SaveArea(ref model)); } catch (Exception ex) { strError = ex.Message; return(false); } }
public string GetAreaInfo(string strAreaNo, string strUserJson) { string strErrMsg = string.Empty; AreaInfo Info = new AreaInfo(); Info.AreaNo = strAreaNo; #region MyRegion try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strAreaNo)) { return(GetReturnJson(false, Info, "货位编码不能为空!")); } UserInfo userModel = JSONUtil.JSONHelper.JsonToObject <UserInfo>(strUserJson); if (userModel == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(userModel.UserNo)) { return(GetReturnJson(false, Info, "没有获取用户信息!")); } bool res = _db.ExistsAreaNo(Info, false); if (res) { res = GetAreaByAreaNo(ref Info, userModel, ref strErrMsg); } return(GetReturnJson(res, Info, strErrMsg)); } catch (Exception ex) { strErrMsg = ex.Message; return(GetReturnJson(false, Info, strErrMsg)); } finally { } #endregion }
public bool DeleteAreaByID(AreaInfo model) { SqlParameter[] param = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@ErrorMsg", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 1000), new SqlParameter("@v_ID", model.ID.ToSqlValue()), }; param[0].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; OperationSql.ExecuteNonQuery2(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "Proc_DeleteAreaByID", param); string ErrorMsg = param[0].Value.ToDBString(); if (ErrorMsg.StartsWith("执行错误")) { throw new Exception(ErrorMsg); } else { return(true); } }
public bool ExistsAreaNo(AreaInfo model, bool bIncludeDel, ref string ErrorMsg) { SqlParameter[] param = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@ErrorMsg", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 1000), new SqlParameter("@v_AreaNo", model.AreaNo.ToSqlValue()), new SqlParameter("@IncludeDel", bIncludeDel.ToSqlValue()), }; param[0].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; OperationSql.ExecuteNonQuery2(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "Proc_ExistsAreaNo", param); ErrorMsg = param[0].Value.ToDBString(); if (ErrorMsg.StartsWith("执行错误")) { throw new Exception(ErrorMsg); } else { return(string.IsNullOrEmpty(ErrorMsg)); } }
public bool GetAreaInfoByAreaNo(string strAreaNo, ref AreaInfo Info, ref string strErrMsg) { strErrMsg = string.Empty; Info = new AreaInfo(); Info.AreaNo = strAreaNo; #region MyRegion try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strAreaNo)) { strErrMsg = "货位编码不能为空"; return(false); } bool res = _db.ExistsAreaNo(Info, false); if (res) { res = GetAreaByAreaNo(ref Info, null, ref strErrMsg); } else { strErrMsg = "货位不存在!"; } return(res); } catch (Exception ex) { strErrMsg = ex.Message; return(false); } finally { } #endregion }
public bool GetAreaList(ref List <AreaInfo> modelList, AreaInfo model, UserInfo user, ref string strError) { List <AreaInfo> lstModel = new List <AreaInfo>(); try { using (SqlDataReader dr = Common_DB.QueryAll("V_Area", GetFilterSql(model, user), "*", "Order By WarehouseNo,HouseNo,AreaNo,ID Desc")) { while (dr.Read()) { lstModel.Add(GetModelFromDataReader(dr)); } } modelList = lstModel; return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { strError = ex.Message; return(false); } }
private string GetReturnJson(bool bSucc, AreaInfo Info, string strErrMsg) { Info.Status = bSucc == true ? "S" : "E"; Info.Message = strErrMsg; return(JSONUtil.JSONHelper.ObjectToJson <AreaInfo>(Info)); }
private SqlParameter[] GetParameterFromModel(AreaInfo model) { int i; SqlParameter[] param = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@ErrorMsg", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 1000), new SqlParameter("@v_ID", model.ID.ToSqlValue()), new SqlParameter("@v_AreaNo", model.AreaNo.ToSqlValue()), new SqlParameter("@v_AreaName", model.AreaName.ToSqlValue()), new SqlParameter("@v_AreaType", model.AreaType.ToSqlValue()), new SqlParameter("@v_ContactUser", model.ContactUser.ToSqlValue()), new SqlParameter("@v_ContactPhone", model.ContactPhone.ToSqlValue()), new SqlParameter("@v_Address", model.Address.ToSqlValue()), new SqlParameter("@v_LocationDesc", model.LocationDesc.ToSqlValue()), new SqlParameter("@v_AreaStatus", model.AreaStatus.ToSqlValue()), new SqlParameter("@v_HouseID", model.HouseID.ToSqlValue()), new SqlParameter("@v_IsDel", model.IsDel.ToSqlValue()), new SqlParameter("@v_Creater", model.Creater.ToSqlValue()), new SqlParameter("@v_CreateTime", model.CreateTime.ToSqlValue()), new SqlParameter("@v_Modifyer", model.Modifyer.ToSqlValue()), new SqlParameter("@v_ModifyTime", model.ModifyTime.ToSqlValue()), }; i = 0; param[i++].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; param[i++].Direction = ParameterDirection.InputOutput; param[i++].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; param[i++].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; param[i++].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; param[i++].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; param[i++].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; param[i++].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; param[i++].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; param[i++].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; param[i++].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; param[i++].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; param[i++].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; param[i++].Direction = ParameterDirection.InputOutput; param[i++].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; param[i++].Direction = ParameterDirection.InputOutput; i = 0; param[i++].Size = 1000; param[i++].Size = 18; param[i++].Size = 20; param[i++].Size = 50; param[i++].Size = 18; param[i++].Size = 50; param[i++].Size = 50; param[i++].Size = 50; param[i++].Size = 200; param[i++].Size = 18; param[i++].Size = 18; param[i++].Size = 18; param[i++].Size = 50; param[i++].Size = 30; param[i++].Size = 50; param[i++].Size = 30; return(param); }
private string GetFilterSql(AreaInfo model, UserInfo user) { try { string strSql = " Where ISNULL(IsDel,1) = 1 "; bool hadWhere = true; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.WarehouseNo)) { strSql = Common_Func.AddWhereAnd(strSql, hadWhere); strSql += " (WarehouseNo LIKE '%" + model.WarehouseNo + "%' OR WarehouseName Like '%" + model.WarehouseNo + "%') "; hadWhere = true; } //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.WarehouseName)) //{ // strSql = Common_Func.AddWhereAnd(strSql, hadWhere); // strSql += " WarehouseName LIKE '%" + model.WarehouseName + "%' "; // hadWhere = true; //} if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.HouseNo)) { strSql = Common_Func.AddWhereAnd(strSql, hadWhere); strSql += " (HouseNo LIKE '%" + model.HouseNo + "%' OR HouseName Like '%" + model.HouseNo + "%') "; hadWhere = true; } //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.HouseName)) //{ // strSql = Common_Func.AddWhereAnd(strSql, hadWhere); // strSql += " HouseName LIKE '%" + model.HouseName + "%' "; // hadWhere = true; //} if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.AreaNo)) { strSql = Common_Func.AddWhereAnd(strSql, hadWhere); strSql += " (AreaNo LIKE '%" + model.AreaNo + "%' OR AreaName Like '%" + model.AreaNo + "%') "; hadWhere = true; } //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.AreaName)) //{ // strSql = Common_Func.AddWhereAnd(strSql, hadWhere); // strSql += " AreaName LIKE '%" + model.AreaName + "%' "; // hadWhere = true; //} if (model.HouseID >= 1) { strSql = Common_Func.AddWhereAnd(strSql, hadWhere); strSql += " HouseID = " + model.HouseID + " "; hadWhere = true; } if (model.AreaType >= 1) { strSql = Common_Func.AddWhereAnd(strSql, hadWhere); strSql += " AreaType = " + model.AreaType + " "; hadWhere = true; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Address)) { strSql = Common_Func.AddWhereAnd(strSql, hadWhere); strSql += " Address Like '%" + model.Address + "%' "; hadWhere = true; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Creater)) { strSql = Common_Func.AddWhereAnd(strSql, hadWhere); strSql += " Creater Like '%" + model.Creater + "%' "; hadWhere = true; } if (model.StartTime != null) { strSql = Common_Func.AddWhereAnd(strSql, hadWhere); strSql += " CreateTime >= " + model.StartTime.ToDateTime().Date.ToSqlTimeString() + " "; hadWhere = true; } if (model.EndTime != null) { strSql = Common_Func.AddWhereAnd(strSql, hadWhere); strSql += " CreateTime <= " + model.EndTime.ToDateTime().AddDays(1).Date.ToSqlTimeString() + " "; hadWhere = true; } return(strSql); } catch { return(string.Empty); } }