Пример #1
 public ActionResult List(string ID)
     TableParams tp = new TableParams(ID);
     ViewBag.Category = new FieldCategory(ID);
     ViewBag.TableParams = tp;
     ViewBag.Title = "<li class='active'>" + tp.DisplayName + "</li>";
     return View();
Пример #2
 public ActionResult History(string ID)
     TableParams tp = new TableParams(ID);
     ViewBag.Category = new FieldCategory(ID);
     ViewBag.TableParams = tp;
     ViewBag.Title = "<li>History</li>&nbsp;<li class='active'>" + tp.DisplayName + "</li>";
     ViewBag.History = "yes";
     return View("List");
Пример #3
 public FileResult DownloadTemplate(string ID)
     TableParams tp = new TableParams(ID);
     string tempFile = ExcelHelper.ExportSCMasterTemplate(ID);
     return File(tempFile, "application/ms-excel", tp.DisplayName.Replace(" ", "_") + ".xlsx");
Пример #4
        public string GetGridData()
            FieldGroup fieldGroup = new FieldGroup(Request["groupName"]);
            TableParams tableParams = new TableParams(Request["groupName"]);
            string[] extSqlColumns = String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["extSqlColumns"]) ? null : Request["extSqlColumns"].Split(',');
            FieldGroupDetailCollection fields = fieldGroup.GetDefaultFields();
            List<TableFormatString> formatString = new List<TableFormatString>();
            foreach (FieldGroupDetail field in fields)
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(field.Format))
                    formatString.Add(new TableFormatString(field.FieldName, field.Format));

            formatString.Add(new TableFormatString("ExpiryDate", "{0:d-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss}"));

            string strSql = GridManager.GetQuerySql(fieldGroup.SourceName, fields, extSqlColumns);

            string strWhere = "";
            List<SqlParameter> listParames = new List<SqlParameter>();
            string searchGroupName = Request.QueryString["searchGroup"];
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(searchGroupName))
                strWhere += GridManager.GetWhereSql(Request, searchGroupName, listParames);

            if (tableParams.TableType == TableParams.TableType_PriceMaster)
                if (Request["historyPage"] == "yes")
                    strSql += " WHERE ExpiryDate < GETDATE() " + strWhere;
                    strSql += " WHERE EffectiveDate < GETDATE() AND ExpiryDate > GETDATE() " + strWhere;
                strSql += " WHERE 1=1" + strWhere;

            GridData gridData = GridManager.GetGridData(Request, strSql, listParames.ToArray());

            return gridData.ToJson(formatString.ToArray());
Пример #5
        public FileResult DownloadExcel()
            FieldGroup fieldGroup = new FieldGroup(Request.QueryString["excelList"]);
            TableParams tableParams = new TableParams(fieldGroup.GroupName);
            FieldGroupDetailCollection fields = fieldGroup.GetDefaultFields();
            string strSql = "SELECT ";
            string strWhere = " WHERE 1=1 ";
            List<SqlParameter> listParames = new List<SqlParameter>();

            if (tableParams.TableType == TableParams.TableType_PriceMaster)
                strSql += "ID,";
                if (Request["historyPage"] == "yes")
                    strSql += "ExpiryDate AS [Expiry Date], ";
                    strWhere += " AND ExpiryDate < GETDATE() ";
                    strWhere += " AND EffectiveDate < GETDATE() AND ExpiryDate > GETDATE() ";

            foreach (FieldGroupDetail field in fields)
                if (field.DataType == FieldInfo.DATATYPE_SUMMARY)
                    strSql += String.Format("({0}) AS [{1}],", field.KeyValueSource, field.DisplayName);
                    strSql += String.Format("[{0}] AS [{1}],", field.FieldName, field.DisplayName);

            if (tableParams.TableType == TableParams.TableType_PriceMaster && Request["historyPage"] == "yes")
                strSql += "CreatorName AS Creator,";

            strSql = strSql.TrimEnd(',') + String.Format(" FROM {0} AS t", fieldGroup.SourceName);

            string searchGroupName = Request.QueryString["searchGroup"];
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(searchGroupName))
                strWhere += GridManager.GetWhereSql(Request, searchGroupName, listParames);

            strSql = strSql + strWhere;

            DataSet ds = DbHelperSQL.Query(strSql, listParames.ToArray());

            RenderType rt = Request.QueryString["renderType"] == "2" ? RenderType.Vertical : RenderType.Horizontal;

            string tempFile = ExcelHelper.DataSetToExcel(ds, rt);
            return File(tempFile, "application/ms-excel", tableParams.DisplayName.Replace(" ", "_") + ".xlsx");