Transform composed of a rotation and translation.
 /// Constructs a new compound shape entry using the volume of the shape as a weight.
 ///<param name="shape">Shape to use.</param>
 ///<param name="position">Local position of the shape.</param>
 ///<param name="weight">Weight of the entry.  This defines how much the entry contributes to its owner
 /// for the purposes of center of mass and inertia computation.</param>
 public CompoundShapeEntry(EntityShape shape, Vector3 position, float weight)
     LocalTransform = new RigidTransform(position);
     Shape = shape;
     Weight = weight;
 /// Constructs a new compound shape entry using the volume of the shape as a weight.
 ///<param name="shape">Shape to use.</param>
 ///<param name="orientation">Local orientation of the shape.</param>
 ///<param name="weight">Weight of the entry.  This defines how much the entry contributes to its owner
 /// for the purposes of center of rotation computation.</param>
 public CompoundShapeEntry(EntityShape shape, Quaternion orientation, float weight)
     LocalTransform = new RigidTransform(orientation);
     Shape = shape;
     Weight = weight;
 /// Constructs a new compound shape entry using the volume of the shape as a weight.
 ///<param name="shape">Shape to use.</param>
 ///<param name="localTransform">Local transform of the shape.</param>
 ///<param name="weight">Weight of the entry.  This defines how much the entry contributes to its owner
 /// for the purposes of center of rotation computation.</param>
 public CompoundShapeEntry(EntityShape shape, RigidTransform localTransform, float weight)
     LocalTransform = localTransform;
     Shape = shape;
     Weight = weight;
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the normal of the triangle in world space.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="transform">World transform.</param>
        /// <returns>Normal of the triangle in world space.</returns>
        public Vector3 GetNormal(RigidTransform transform)
            Vector3 normal = GetLocalNormal();

            Vector3.Transform(ref normal, ref transform.Orientation, out normal);
Пример #5
 public override bool ConvexCast(ConvexShape castShape, ref RigidTransform startingTransform, ref Vector3 sweep, Func<BroadPhaseEntry, bool> filter, out RayHit hit)
     Vector3 swp = sweep;
     double len = swp.Length();
     swp /= len;
     return ConvexCast(castShape, ref startingTransform, ref swp, len, MaterialSolidity.FULLSOLID, out hit);
Пример #6
 public override SolverUpdateable GetBaseJoint()
     RigidTransform rt1 = new RigidTransform(Ent1.Body.Position, Ent1.Body.Orientation);
     RigidTransform rt2 = new RigidTransform(Ent2.Body.Position, Ent2.Body.Orientation);
     RigidTransform.MultiplyByInverse(ref rt1, ref rt2, out Relative);
     return new WeldJoint(Ent1.Body, Ent2.Body);
Пример #7
 public bool HassSolidEntity(Location min, Location max)
     // TODO: Better alg!
     BoundingBox bb = new BoundingBox(min.ToBVector(), max.ToBVector());
     List<BroadPhaseEntry> entries = new List<BroadPhaseEntry>();
     PhysicsWorld.BroadPhase.QueryAccelerator.GetEntries(bb, entries);
     if (entries.Count == 0)
         return false;
     Location center = (max + min) * 0.5;
     Location rel = max - min;
     BoxShape box = new BoxShape((double)rel.X, (double)rel.Y, (double)rel.Z);
     RigidTransform start = new RigidTransform(center.ToBVector(), Quaternion.Identity);
     Vector3 sweep = new Vector3(0, 0, 0.01f);
     RayHit rh;
     foreach (BroadPhaseEntry entry in entries)
         if (entry is EntityCollidable && Collision.ShouldCollide(entry) &&
             entry.CollisionRules.Group != CollisionUtil.Player &&
             entry.ConvexCast(box, ref start, ref sweep, out rh))
             return true;
     return false;
Пример #8
        /// Casts a fat (sphere expanded) ray against the shape.  If the raycast appears to be stuck in the shape, the cast will be attempted
        /// with a smaller ray (scaled by the MotionSettings.CoreShapeScaling each time).
        ///<param name="ray">Ray to test against the shape.</param>
        ///<param name="radius">Radius of the ray.</param>
        ///<param name="target">Shape to test against.</param>
        ///<param name="shapeTransform">Transform to apply to the shape for the test.</param>
        ///<param name="maximumLength">Maximum length of the ray in units of the ray direction's length.</param>
        ///<param name="hit">Hit data of the sphere cast, if any.</param>
        ///<returns>Whether or not the sphere cast hit the shape.</returns>
        public static bool CCDSphereCast(Ray ray, float radius, ConvexShape target, ref RigidTransform shapeTransform, float maximumLength,
                                         out RayHit hit)
            int iterations = 0;

            while (true)
                if (GJKToolbox.SphereCast(ray, radius, target, ref shapeTransform, maximumLength, out hit) &&
                    hit.T > 0)
                    //The ray cast isn't embedded in the shape, and it's less than maximum length away!
                if (hit.T > maximumLength || hit.T < 0)
                    return(false); //Failure showed it was too far, or behind.
                radius *= MotionSettings.CoreShapeScaling;
                if (iterations > 3) //Limit could be configurable.
                    //It's iterated too much, let's just do a last ditch attempt using a raycast and hope that can help.
                    return(GJKToolbox.RayCast(ray, target, ref shapeTransform, maximumLength, out hit) && hit.T > 0);
Пример #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Casts a convex shape against the collidable.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="castShape">Shape to cast.</param>
        /// <param name="startingTransform">Initial transform of the shape.</param>
        /// <param name="sweep">Sweep to apply to the shape.</param>
        /// <param name="filter">Test to apply to the entry. If it returns true, the entry is processed, otherwise the entry is ignored. If a collidable hierarchy is present
        /// in the entry, this filter will be passed into inner ray casts.</param>
        /// <param name="hit">Hit data, if any.</param>
        /// <returns>Whether or not the cast hit anything.</returns>
        public override bool ConvexCast(ConvexShape castShape, ref RigidTransform startingTransform, ref Vector3 sweep, Func <BroadPhaseEntry, bool> filter, out RayHit hit)
            RayCastResult result;
            bool          toReturn = Shape.ConvexCast(castShape, ref startingTransform, ref sweep, filter, out result);

            hit = result.HitData;
Пример #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Casts a convex shape against the collidable.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="castShape">Shape to cast.</param>
        /// <param name="startingTransform">Initial transform of the shape.</param>
        /// <param name="sweep">Sweep to apply to the shape.</param>
        /// <param name="hit">Hit data, if any.</param>
        /// <returns>Whether or not the cast hit anything.</returns>
        public override bool ConvexCast(ConvexShape castShape, ref RigidTransform startingTransform, ref System.Numerics.Vector3 sweep, out RayHit hit)
            RayCastResult result;
            bool          toReturn = Shape.ConvexCast(castShape, ref startingTransform, ref sweep, out result);

            hit = result.HitData;
Пример #11
 void ApplyLiquidForcesTo(Entity e, double dt)
     if (e.Mass <= 0)
     RigidTransform ert = new RigidTransform(e.Position, e.Orientation);
     BoundingBox entbb;
     e.CollisionInformation.Shape.GetBoundingBox(ref ert, out entbb);
     Location min = new Location(entbb.Min);
     Location max = new Location(entbb.Max);
     min = min.GetBlockLocation();
     max = max.GetUpperBlockBorder();
     for (int x = (int)min.X; x < max.X; x++)
         for (int y = (int)min.Y; y < max.Y; y++)
             for (int z = (int)min.Z; z < max.Z; z++)
                 Location c = new Location(x, y, z);
                 Material mat = (Material)TheRegion.GetBlockInternal_NoLoad(c).BlockMaterial;
                 if (mat.GetSolidity() != MaterialSolidity.LIQUID)
                 // TODO: Account for block shape?
                 double vol = e.CollisionInformation.Shape.Volume;
                 double dens = (e.Mass / vol);
                 double WaterDens = 5; // TODO: Read from material. // TODO: Sanity of values.
                 double modifier = (double)(WaterDens / dens);
                 double submod = 0.125f;
                 // TODO: Tracing accuracy!
                 Vector3 impulse = -(TheRegion.PhysicsWorld.ForceUpdater.Gravity + TheRegion.GravityNormal.ToBVector() * 0.4f) * e.Mass * dt * modifier * submod;
                 // TODO: Don't apply smaller logic this if scale is big!
                 for (double x2 = 0.25f; x2 < 1; x2 += 0.5f)
                     for (double y2 = 0.25f; y2 < 1; y2 += 0.5f)
                         for (double z2 = 0.25f; z2 < 1; z2 += 0.5f)
                             Location lc = c + new Location(x2, y2, z2);
                             RayHit rh;
                             if (e.CollisionInformation.RayCast(new Ray(lc.ToBVector(), new Vector3(0, 0, 1)), 0.01f, out rh)) // TODO: Efficiency!
                                 Vector3 center = lc.ToBVector();
                                 e.ApplyImpulse(ref center, ref impulse);
Пример #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Casts a convex shape against the collidable.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="castShape">Shape to cast.</param>
        /// <param name="startingTransform">Initial transform of the shape.</param>
        /// <param name="sweep">Sweep to apply to the shape.</param>
        /// <param name="hit">Hit data, if any.</param>
        /// <returns>Whether or not the cast hit anything.</returns>
        public override bool ConvexCast(CollisionShapes.ConvexShapes.ConvexShape castShape, ref RigidTransform startingTransform, ref Vector3 sweep, out RayHit hit)
            hit = new RayHit();
            BoundingBox boundingBox;

            castShape.GetSweptLocalBoundingBox(ref startingTransform, ref worldTransform, ref sweep, out boundingBox);
            var tri         = PhysicsThreadResources.GetTriangle();
            var hitElements = CommonResources.GetIntList();

            if (this.Shape.TriangleMesh.Tree.GetOverlaps(boundingBox, hitElements))
                hit.T = float.MaxValue;
                for (int i = 0; i < hitElements.Count; i++)
                    Shape.TriangleMesh.Data.GetTriangle(hitElements[i], out tri.vA, out tri.vB, out tri.vC);
                    AffineTransform.Transform(ref tri.vA, ref worldTransform, out tri.vA);
                    AffineTransform.Transform(ref tri.vB, ref worldTransform, out tri.vB);
                    AffineTransform.Transform(ref tri.vC, ref worldTransform, out tri.vC);
                    Vector3 center;
                    Vector3.Add(ref tri.vA, ref tri.vB, out center);
                    Vector3.Add(ref center, ref tri.vC, out center);
                    Vector3.Multiply(ref center, 1f / 3f, out center);
                    Vector3.Subtract(ref tri.vA, ref center, out tri.vA);
                    Vector3.Subtract(ref tri.vB, ref center, out tri.vB);
                    Vector3.Subtract(ref tri.vC, ref center, out tri.vC);
                    tri.MaximumRadius = tri.vA.LengthSquared();
                    float radius = tri.vB.LengthSquared();
                    if (tri.MaximumRadius < radius)
                        tri.MaximumRadius = radius;
                    radius = tri.vC.LengthSquared();
                    if (tri.MaximumRadius < radius)
                        tri.MaximumRadius = radius;
                    tri.MaximumRadius   = (float)Math.Sqrt(tri.MaximumRadius);
                    tri.collisionMargin = 0;
                    var triangleTransform = new RigidTransform {
                        Orientation = Quaternion.Identity, Position = center
                    RayHit tempHit;
                    if (MPRToolbox.Sweep(castShape, tri, ref sweep, ref Toolbox.ZeroVector, ref startingTransform, ref triangleTransform, out tempHit) && tempHit.T < hit.T)
                        hit = tempHit;
                tri.MaximumRadius = 0;
                return(hit.T != float.MaxValue);
Пример #13
        /// Gets the extreme point of the shape in world space in a given direction.
        ///<param name="direction">Direction to find the extreme point in.</param>
        /// <param name="shapeTransform">Transform to use for the shape.</param>
        ///<param name="extremePoint">Extreme point on the shape.</param>
        public void GetExtremePointWithoutMargin(Vector3 direction, ref RigidTransform shapeTransform, out Vector3 extremePoint)
            Quaternion conjugate;
            Quaternion.Conjugate(ref shapeTransform.Orientation, out conjugate);
            Vector3.Transform(ref direction, ref conjugate, out direction);
            GetLocalExtremePointWithoutMargin(ref direction, out extremePoint);

            Vector3.Transform(ref extremePoint, ref shapeTransform.Orientation, out extremePoint);
            Vector3.Add(ref extremePoint, ref shapeTransform.Position, out extremePoint);
Пример #14
 /// Gets the local transform of B in the space of A.
 ///<param name="transformA">First transform.</param>
 ///<param name="transformB">Second transform.</param>
 ///<param name="localTransformB">Transform of B in the local space of A.</param>
 public static void GetLocalTransform(ref RigidTransform transformA, ref RigidTransform transformB,
                                      out RigidTransform localTransformB)
     //Put B into A's space.
     Quaternion conjugateOrientationA;
     Quaternion.Conjugate(ref transformA.Orientation, out conjugateOrientationA);
     Quaternion.Concatenate(ref transformB.Orientation, ref conjugateOrientationA, out localTransformB.Orientation);
     Vector3.Subtract(ref transformB.Position, ref transformA.Position, out localTransformB.Position);
     Vector3.Transform(ref localTransformB.Position, ref conjugateOrientationA, out localTransformB.Position);
Пример #15
 public bool ConvexCast(ConvexShape castShape, ref RigidTransform startingTransform, ref Vector3 sweepnorm, double slen, MaterialSolidity solidness, out RayHit hit)
     RigidTransform rt;
     RigidTransform.MultiplyByInverse(ref startingTransform, ref worldTransform, out rt);
     Vector3 swp = Quaternion.Transform(sweepnorm, Quaternion.Inverse(worldTransform.Orientation));
     RayHit rh;
     bool h = ChunkShape.ConvexCast(castShape, ref rt, ref swp, slen, solidness, out rh);
     RigidTransform.Transform(ref rh.Location, ref worldTransform, out hit.Location);
     hit.Normal = rh.Normal;
     hit.T = rh.T;
     return h;
Пример #16
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the bounding box of the shape given a transform.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="shapeTransform">Transform to use.</param>
 /// <param name="boundingBox">Bounding box of the transformed shape.</param>
 public override void GetBoundingBox(ref RigidTransform shapeTransform, out BoundingBox boundingBox)
     #if !WINDOWS
     boundingBox = new BoundingBox();
     boundingBox.Min.X = shapeTransform.Position.X - collisionMargin;
     boundingBox.Min.Y = shapeTransform.Position.Y - collisionMargin;
     boundingBox.Min.Z = shapeTransform.Position.Z - collisionMargin;
     boundingBox.Max.X = shapeTransform.Position.X + collisionMargin;
     boundingBox.Max.Y = shapeTransform.Position.Y + collisionMargin;
     boundingBox.Max.Z = shapeTransform.Position.Z + collisionMargin;
Пример #17
        /// Gets the extreme point of the shape in world space in a given direction with margin expansion.
        ///<param name="direction">Direction to find the extreme point in.</param>
        /// <param name="shapeTransform">Transform to use for the shape.</param>
        ///<param name="extremePoint">Extreme point on the shape.</param>
        public void GetExtremePoint(Vector3 direction, ref RigidTransform shapeTransform, out Vector3 extremePoint)
            GetExtremePointWithoutMargin(direction, ref shapeTransform, out extremePoint);

            float directionLength = direction.LengthSquared();
            if (directionLength > Toolbox.Epsilon)
                Vector3.Multiply(ref direction, collisionMargin / (float)Math.Sqrt(directionLength), out direction);
                Vector3.Add(ref extremePoint, ref direction, out extremePoint);

        public override void UpdateCollision(float dt)
            WasContaining = Containing;
            WasTouching = Touching;

            var transform = new RigidTransform { Orientation = Quaternion.Identity };
            DetectorVolume.TriangleMesh.Tree.GetOverlaps(convex.boundingBox, overlaps);
            for (int i = 0; i < overlaps.Count; i++)
                DetectorVolume.TriangleMesh.Data.GetTriangle(overlaps.Elements[i], out triangle.vA, out triangle.vB, out triangle.vC);
                Vector3.Add(ref triangle.vA, ref triangle.vB, out transform.Position);
                Vector3.Add(ref triangle.vC, ref transform.Position, out transform.Position);
                Vector3.Multiply(ref transform.Position, 1 / 3f, out transform.Position);
                Vector3.Subtract(ref triangle.vA, ref transform.Position, out triangle.vA);
                Vector3.Subtract(ref triangle.vB, ref transform.Position, out triangle.vB);
                Vector3.Subtract(ref triangle.vC, ref transform.Position, out triangle.vC);

                //If this triangle collides with the convex, we can stop immediately since we know we're touching and not containing.)))
                //[MPR is used here in lieu of GJK because the MPR implementation tends to finish quicker when objects are overlapping than GJK.  The GJK implementation does better on separated objects.]
                if (MPRToolbox.AreShapesOverlapping(convex.Shape, triangle, ref convex.worldTransform, ref transform))
                    Touching = true;
                    //The convex can't be fully contained if it's still touching the surface.
                    Containing = false;

                    goto events;

            //If we get here, then there was no shell intersection.
            //If the convex's center point is contained by the mesh, then the convex is fully contained.
            //If this is a child pair, the CheckContainment flag may be set to false.  This is because the parent has
            //already determined that it is not contained (another child performed the check and found that it was not contained)
            //and that it is already touching somehow (either by intersection or by containment).
            //so further containment tests are unnecessary.
            if (CheckContainment && DetectorVolume.IsPointContained(ref convex.worldTransform.Position, overlaps))
                Touching = true;
                Containing = true;
                goto events;

            //If we get here, then there was no surface intersection and the convex's center is not contained- the volume and convex are separate!
            Touching = false;
            Containing = false;

Пример #19
        public override void GetBoundingBox(ref RigidTransform shapeTransform, out BoundingBox boundingBox)
            boundingBox = new BoundingBox();
            var upExtreme = new Vector3(0, halfLength, 0);
            var downExtreme = new Vector3(0, -halfLength, 0);

            Vector3.Transform(ref upExtreme, ref shapeTransform.Orientation, out upExtreme);
            Vector3.Transform(ref downExtreme, ref shapeTransform.Orientation, out downExtreme);

            if (upExtreme.X > downExtreme.X)
                boundingBox.Max.X = upExtreme.X;
                boundingBox.Min.X = downExtreme.X;
                boundingBox.Max.X = downExtreme.X;
                boundingBox.Min.X = upExtreme.X;

            if (upExtreme.Y > downExtreme.Y)
                boundingBox.Max.Y = upExtreme.Y;
                boundingBox.Min.Y = downExtreme.Y;
                boundingBox.Max.Y = downExtreme.Y;
                boundingBox.Min.Y = upExtreme.Y;

            if (upExtreme.Z > downExtreme.Z)
                boundingBox.Max.Z = upExtreme.Z;
                boundingBox.Min.Z = downExtreme.Z;
                boundingBox.Max.Z = downExtreme.Z;
                boundingBox.Min.Z = upExtreme.Z;

            boundingBox.Min.X += shapeTransform.Position.X - collisionMargin;
            boundingBox.Min.Y += shapeTransform.Position.Y - collisionMargin;
            boundingBox.Min.Z += shapeTransform.Position.Z - collisionMargin;
            boundingBox.Max.X += shapeTransform.Position.X + collisionMargin;
            boundingBox.Max.Y += shapeTransform.Position.Y + collisionMargin;
            boundingBox.Max.Z += shapeTransform.Position.Z + collisionMargin;
Пример #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Refreshes the contact manifold, removing any out of date contacts
        /// and updating others.
        /// </summary>
        public static void ContactRefresh(RawList<Contact> contacts, RawValueList<ContactSupplementData> supplementData, ref RigidTransform transformA, ref RigidTransform transformB, RawList<int> toRemove)
            //TODO: Could also refresh normals with some trickery.
            //Would also need to refresh depth using new normals, and would require some extra information.

            for (int k = 0; k < contacts.Count; k++)
                ContactSupplementData data = supplementData.Elements[k];
                System.Numerics.Vector3 newPosA, newPosB;
                RigidTransform.Transform(ref data.LocalOffsetA, ref transformA, out newPosA);
                RigidTransform.Transform(ref data.LocalOffsetB, ref transformB, out newPosB);

                //ab - (ab*n)*n
                //Compute the horizontal offset.
                System.Numerics.Vector3 ab;
                Vector3Ex.Subtract(ref newPosB, ref newPosA, out ab);
                float dot;
                Vector3Ex.Dot(ref ab, ref contacts.Elements[k].Normal, out dot);
                System.Numerics.Vector3 temp;
                Vector3Ex.Multiply(ref contacts.Elements[k].Normal, dot, out temp);
                Vector3Ex.Subtract(ref ab, ref temp, out temp);
                dot = temp.LengthSquared();
                if (dot > CollisionDetectionSettings.ContactInvalidationLengthSquared)
                    //Depth refresh:
                    //Find deviation ((Ra-Rb)*N) and add to base depth.
                    Vector3Ex.Dot(ref ab, ref contacts.Elements[k].Normal, out dot);
                    contacts.Elements[k].PenetrationDepth = data.BasePenetrationDepth - dot;
                    if (contacts.Elements[k].PenetrationDepth < -CollisionDetectionSettings.maximumContactDistance)
                        //Refresh position and ra/rb.
                        System.Numerics.Vector3 newPos;
                        Vector3Ex.Add(ref newPosB, ref newPosA, out newPos);
                        Vector3Ex.Multiply(ref newPos, .5f, out newPos);
                        contacts.Elements[k].Position = newPos;
                        //This is an interesting idea, but has very little effect one way or the other.
                        //data.BasePenetrationDepth = contacts.Elements[k].PenetrationDepth;
                        //RigidTransform.TransformByInverse(ref newPos, ref transformA, out data.LocalOffsetA);
                        //RigidTransform.TransformByInverse(ref newPos, ref transformB, out data.LocalOffsetB);

Пример #21
        /// Gets the closest points between the shapes.
        ///<param name="shapeA">First shape of the pair.</param>
        ///<param name="shapeB">Second shape of the pair.</param>
        ///<param name="transformA">Transform to apply to the first shape.</param>
        ///<param name="transformB">Transform to apply to the second shape.</param>
        /// <param name="cachedSimplex">Simplex from a previous updated used to warmstart the current attempt.  Updated after each run.</param>
        ///<param name="closestPointA">Closest point on the first shape to the second shape.</param>
        ///<param name="closestPointB">Closest point on the second shape to the first shape.</param>
        ///<returns>Whether or not the objects were intersecting.  If they are intersecting, then the closest points cannot be identified.</returns>
        public static bool GetClosestPoints(ConvexShape shapeA, ConvexShape shapeB, ref RigidTransform transformA, ref RigidTransform transformB,
                                            ref CachedSimplex cachedSimplex, out System.Numerics.Vector3 closestPointA, out System.Numerics.Vector3 closestPointB)
            RigidTransform localtransformB;

            MinkowskiToolbox.GetLocalTransform(ref transformA, ref transformB, out localtransformB);

            bool toReturn = GetClosestPoints(shapeA, shapeB, ref localtransformB, ref cachedSimplex, out closestPointA, out closestPointB);

            RigidTransform.Transform(ref closestPointA, ref transformA, out closestPointA);
            RigidTransform.Transform(ref closestPointB, ref transformA, out closestPointB);
Пример #22
        /// Gets the extreme point of the minkowski difference of shapeA and shapeB in the local space of shapeA.
        ///<param name="shapeA">First shape.</param>
        ///<param name="shapeB">Second shape.</param>
        ///<param name="direction">Extreme point direction in local space.</param>
        ///<param name="localTransformB">Transform of shapeB in the local space of A.</param>
        ///<param name="extremePoint">The extreme point in the local space of A.</param>
        public static void GetLocalMinkowskiExtremePoint(ConvexShape shapeA, ConvexShape shapeB, ref Vector3 direction, ref RigidTransform localTransformB, out Vector3 extremePoint)
            //Extreme point of A-B along D = (extreme point of A along D) - (extreme point of B along -D)
            shapeA.GetLocalExtremePointWithoutMargin(ref direction, out extremePoint);
            Vector3 v;
            Vector3 negativeN;
            Vector3.Negate(ref direction, out negativeN);
            shapeB.GetExtremePointWithoutMargin(negativeN, ref localTransformB, out v);
            Vector3.Subtract(ref extremePoint, ref v, out extremePoint);

            ExpandMinkowskiSum(shapeA.collisionMargin, shapeB.collisionMargin, ref direction, out v);
            Vector3.Add(ref extremePoint, ref v, out extremePoint);
Пример #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the bounding box of the shape given a transform.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="shapeTransform">Transform to use.</param>
        /// <param name="boundingBox">Bounding box of the transformed shape.</param>
        public override void GetBoundingBox(ref RigidTransform shapeTransform, out BoundingBox boundingBox)
            #if !WINDOWS
            boundingBox = new BoundingBox();
            Matrix3x3 o;
            Matrix3x3.CreateFromQuaternion(ref shapeTransform.Orientation, out o);
            //Sample the local directions from the orientation matrix, implicitly transposed.

            Vector3 right;
            var direction = new Vector3(o.M11, o.M21, o.M31);
            GetLocalExtremePointWithoutMargin(ref direction, out right);

            Vector3 left;
            direction = new Vector3(-o.M11, -o.M21, -o.M31);
            GetLocalExtremePointWithoutMargin(ref direction, out left);

            Vector3 up;
            direction = new Vector3(o.M12, o.M22, o.M32);
            GetLocalExtremePointWithoutMargin(ref direction, out up);

            Vector3 down;
            direction = new Vector3(-o.M12, -o.M22, -o.M32);
            GetLocalExtremePointWithoutMargin(ref direction, out down);

            Vector3 backward;
            direction = new Vector3(o.M13, o.M23, o.M33);
            GetLocalExtremePointWithoutMargin(ref direction, out backward);

            Vector3 forward;
            direction = new Vector3(-o.M13, -o.M23, -o.M33);
            GetLocalExtremePointWithoutMargin(ref direction, out forward);

            //Rather than transforming each axis independently (and doing three times as many operations as required), just get the 6 required values directly.
            Vector3 positive, negative;
            TransformLocalExtremePoints(ref right, ref up, ref backward, ref o, out positive);
            TransformLocalExtremePoints(ref left, ref down, ref forward, ref o, out negative);

            //The positive and negative vectors represent the X, Y and Z coordinates of the extreme points in world space along the world space axes.
            boundingBox.Max.X = shapeTransform.Position.X + positive.X + collisionMargin;
            boundingBox.Max.Y = shapeTransform.Position.Y + positive.Y + collisionMargin;
            boundingBox.Max.Z = shapeTransform.Position.Z + positive.Z + collisionMargin;

            boundingBox.Min.X = shapeTransform.Position.X + negative.X - collisionMargin;
            boundingBox.Min.Y = shapeTransform.Position.Y + negative.Y - collisionMargin;
            boundingBox.Min.Z = shapeTransform.Position.Z + negative.Z - collisionMargin;
Пример #24
 public MobileChunkShape(Vector3i csize, BlockInternal[] blocks, out Vector3 center)
     Matrix3x3 boxMat = new BoxShape(csize.X, csize.Y, csize.Z).VolumeDistribution;
     ChunkSize = csize;
     Blocks = blocks;
     double weightInv = 1f / blocks.Length;
     center = new Vector3(csize.X / 2f, csize.Y / 2f, csize.Z / 2f);
     // TODO: More accurately get center of weight based on which blocks are solid or not!?
     Matrix3x3 volumeDistribution = new Matrix3x3();
     RigidTransform transform = new RigidTransform(center);
     Matrix3x3 contribution;
     CompoundShape.TransformContribution(ref transform, ref center, ref boxMat, blocks.Length, out contribution);
     Matrix3x3.Add(ref volumeDistribution, ref contribution, out volumeDistribution);
     Matrix3x3.Multiply(ref volumeDistribution, weightInv, out volumeDistribution);
     UpdateEntityShapeVolume(new EntityShapeVolumeDescription() { Volume = csize.X * csize.Y * csize.Z, VolumeDistribution = volumeDistribution });
     Center = center;
Пример #25
 public bool SpecialCaseConvexTrace(ConvexShape shape, Location start, Location dir, double len, MaterialSolidity considerSolid, Func<BroadPhaseEntry, bool> filter, out RayCastResult rayHit)
     RigidTransform rt = new RigidTransform(start.ToBVector(), BEPUutilities.Quaternion.Identity);
     BEPUutilities.Vector3 sweep = (dir * len).ToBVector();
     RayCastResult best = new RayCastResult(new RayHit() { T = len }, null);
     bool hA = false;
     if (considerSolid.HasFlag(MaterialSolidity.FULLSOLID))
         RayCastResult rcr;
         if (PhysicsWorld.ConvexCast(shape, ref rt, ref sweep, filter, out rcr))
             best = rcr;
             hA = true;
     sweep = dir.ToBVector();
     AABB box = new AABB();
     box.Min = start;
     box.Max = start;
     box.Include(start + dir * len);
     foreach (KeyValuePair<Vector3i, Chunk> chunk in LoadedChunks)
         if (chunk.Value == null || chunk.Value.FCO == null)
         if (!box.Intersects(new AABB() { Min = chunk.Value.WorldPosition.ToLocation() * Chunk.CHUNK_SIZE,
             Max = chunk.Value.WorldPosition.ToLocation() * Chunk.CHUNK_SIZE + new Location(Chunk.CHUNK_SIZE, Chunk.CHUNK_SIZE, Chunk.CHUNK_SIZE) }))
         RayHit temp;
         if (chunk.Value.FCO.ConvexCast(shape, ref rt, ref sweep, len, considerSolid, out temp))
             hA = true;
             if (temp.T < best.HitData.T)
                 best.HitData = temp;
                 best.HitObject = chunk.Value.FCO;
     rayHit = best;
     return hA;
Пример #26
        internal void Enable()
            //Turn everything on.
            lock (FlipLocker)
                int initialCount = Math.Max(manager.entities.Count, 64);
                backBuffer = new RigidTransform[initialCount];
                states = new RigidTransform[initialCount];
                for (int i = 0; i < manager.entities.Count; i++)
                    Entity entity = manager.entities[i];
                    backBuffer[i].Position = entity.position;
                    backBuffer[i].Orientation = entity.orientation;
                Array.Copy(backBuffer, states, backBuffer.Length);

Пример #27
        /// Tests if the pair is intersecting.
        ///<param name="shapeA">First shape of the pair.</param>
        ///<param name="shapeB">Second shape of the pair.</param>
        ///<param name="transformA">Transform to apply to the first shape.</param>
        ///<param name="transformB">Transform to apply to the second shape.</param>
        ///<param name="localSeparatingAxis">Warmstartable separating axis used by the method to quickly early-out if possible.  Updated to the latest separating axis after each run.</param>
        ///<returns>Whether or not the objects were intersecting.</returns>
        public static bool AreShapesIntersecting(ConvexShape shapeA, ConvexShape shapeB, ref RigidTransform transformA, ref RigidTransform transformB,
                                                 ref Vector3 localSeparatingAxis)
            RigidTransform localtransformB;
            MinkowskiToolbox.GetLocalTransform(ref transformA, ref transformB, out localtransformB);

            //Warm start the simplex.
            var simplex = new SimpleSimplex();
            Vector3 extremePoint;
            MinkowskiToolbox.GetLocalMinkowskiExtremePoint(shapeA, shapeB, ref localSeparatingAxis, ref localtransformB, out extremePoint);
            simplex.AddNewSimplexPoint(ref extremePoint);

            Vector3 closestPoint;
            int count = 0;
            while (count++ < MaximumGJKIterations)
                if (simplex.GetPointClosestToOrigin(out closestPoint) || //Also reduces the simplex.
                    closestPoint.LengthSquared() <= simplex.GetErrorTolerance() * Toolbox.BigEpsilon)
                    //Intersecting, or so close to it that it will be difficult/expensive to figure out the separation.
                    return true;

                //Use the closest point as a direction.
                Vector3 direction;
                Vector3.Negate(ref closestPoint, out direction);
                MinkowskiToolbox.GetLocalMinkowskiExtremePoint(shapeA, shapeB, ref direction, ref localtransformB, out extremePoint);
                //Since this is a boolean test, we don't need to refine the simplex if it becomes apparent that we cannot reach the origin.
                //If the most extreme point at any given time does not go past the origin, then we can quit immediately.
                float dot;
                Vector3.Dot(ref extremePoint, ref closestPoint, out dot); //extreme point dotted against the direction pointing backwards towards the CSO. 
                if (dot > 0)
                    // If it's positive, that means that the direction pointing towards the origin produced an extreme point 'in front of' the origin, eliminating the possibility of any intersection.
                    localSeparatingAxis = direction;
                    return false;

                simplex.AddNewSimplexPoint(ref extremePoint);

            return false;
Пример #28
        /// Gets the closest points between the shapes.
        ///<param name="shapeA">First shape of the pair.</param>
        ///<param name="shapeB">Second shape of the pair.</param>
        ///<param name="transformA">Transform to apply to the first shape.</param>
        ///<param name="transformB">Transform to apply to the second shape.</param>
        ///<param name="closestPointA">Closest point on the first shape to the second shape.</param>
        ///<param name="closestPointB">Closest point on the second shape to the first shape.</param>
        ///<returns>Whether or not the objects were intersecting.  If they are intersecting, then the closest points cannot be identified.</returns>
        public static bool GetClosestPoints(ConvexShape shapeA, ConvexShape shapeB, ref RigidTransform transformA, ref RigidTransform transformB,
                                            out System.Numerics.Vector3 closestPointA, out System.Numerics.Vector3 closestPointB)
            //The cached simplex stores locations that are local to the shapes.  A fairly decent initial state is between the centroids of the objects.
            //In local space, the centroids are at the origins.

            RigidTransform localtransformB;

            MinkowskiToolbox.GetLocalTransform(ref transformA, ref transformB, out localtransformB);

            var simplex = new CachedSimplex {
                State = SimplexState.Point
            // new CachedSimplex(shapeA, shapeB, ref localtransformB);
            bool toReturn = GetClosestPoints(shapeA, shapeB, ref localtransformB, ref simplex, out closestPointA, out closestPointB);

            RigidTransform.Transform(ref closestPointA, ref transformA, out closestPointA);
            RigidTransform.Transform(ref closestPointB, ref transformA, out closestPointB);
Пример #29
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a new demo.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="game">Game owning this demo.</param>
        public MPRCastingDemo(DemosGame game)
            : base(game)
            bShape = new BoxShape(1, 0, 1);
            //bShape.CollisionMargin = 0;
            aShape = new ConeShape(1, .4f);
            //aShape.CollisionMargin = 0;
            a = new Entity(aShape);
            b = new Entity(bShape);
            CollisionRules.AddRule(a, b, CollisionRule.NoSolver);
            NarrowPhaseHelper.CollisionManagers.Remove(new TypePair(typeof(ConvexCollidable<BoxShape>), typeof(ConvexCollidable<BoxShape>)));
            a.Orientation = Quaternion.CreateFromAxisAngle(new Vector3(1, 0, 0), MathHelper.PiOver4);
            b.Orientation = Quaternion.Identity;
            aTransform = new RigidTransform(new Vector3(-10, -10, -10), a.Orientation);
            bTransform = new RigidTransform(new Vector3(10, 10, 10), b.Orientation);

            game.Camera.Position = new Vector3(0, 5, 17);
Пример #30
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the list of ConvexCollidable's and Entities inside or touching the specified sphere.
        /// Result does not include static geometry and non-entity physical objects.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="world"></param>
        /// <param name="origin"></param>
        /// <param name="radius"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <Entity> WeaponOverlap(Vector3 origin, float radius, Entity entToSkip)
            BU.BoundingSphere sphere      = new BU.BoundingSphere(MathConverter.Convert(origin), radius);
            SphereShape       sphereShape = new SphereShape(radius);

            BU.Vector3        zeroSweep  = BU.Vector3.Zero;
            BU.RigidTransform rigidXForm = new BU.RigidTransform(MathConverter.Convert(origin));

            var candidates = PhysicsResources.GetBroadPhaseEntryList();

            PhysSpace.BroadPhase.QueryAccelerator.BroadPhase.QueryAccelerator.GetEntries(sphere, candidates);

            var result = new List <Entity>();

            foreach (var candidate in candidates)
                BU.RayHit rayHit;
                bool      r = candidate.ConvexCast(sphereShape, ref rigidXForm, ref zeroSweep, out rayHit);

                if (r)
                    var collidable = candidate as ConvexCollidable;
                    var entity     = collidable == null ? null : collidable.Entity.Tag as Entity;

                    if (collidable == null)
                    if (entity == null)


            result.RemoveAll(e => e == entToSkip);

Пример #31
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the bounding box of the shape given a transform.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="shapeTransform">Transform to use.</param>
        /// <param name="boundingBox">Bounding box of the transformed shape.</param>
        public override void GetBoundingBox(ref RigidTransform shapeTransform, out BoundingBox boundingBox)
            Vector3 a, b, c;

            Vector3.Transform(ref vA, ref shapeTransform.Orientation, out a);
            Vector3.Transform(ref vB, ref shapeTransform.Orientation, out b);
            Vector3.Transform(ref vC, ref shapeTransform.Orientation, out c);

            Vector3.Min(ref a, ref b, out boundingBox.Min);
            Vector3.Min(ref c, ref boundingBox.Min, out boundingBox.Min);

            Vector3.Max(ref a, ref b, out boundingBox.Max);
            Vector3.Max(ref c, ref boundingBox.Max, out boundingBox.Max);

            boundingBox.Min.X += shapeTransform.Position.X - collisionMargin;
            boundingBox.Min.Y += shapeTransform.Position.Y - collisionMargin;
            boundingBox.Min.Z += shapeTransform.Position.Z - collisionMargin;
            boundingBox.Max.X += shapeTransform.Position.X + collisionMargin;
            boundingBox.Max.Y += shapeTransform.Position.Y + collisionMargin;
            boundingBox.Max.Z += shapeTransform.Position.Z + collisionMargin;
Пример #32
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the intersection between the triangle and the ray.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ray">Ray to test against the triangle.</param>
        /// <param name="transform">Transform to apply to the triangle shape for the test.</param>
        /// <param name="maximumLength">Maximum distance to travel in units of the direction vector's length.</param>
        /// <param name="hit">Hit data of the ray cast, if any.</param>
        /// <returns>Whether or not the ray hit the target.</returns>
        public override bool RayTest(ref Ray ray, ref RigidTransform transform, float maximumLength, out RayHit hit)
            Matrix3x3 orientation;

            Matrix3x3.CreateFromQuaternion(ref transform.Orientation, out orientation);
            Ray        localRay;
            Quaternion conjugate;

            Quaternion.Conjugate(ref transform.Orientation, out conjugate);
            Vector3.Transform(ref ray.Direction, ref conjugate, out localRay.Direction);
            Vector3.Subtract(ref ray.Position, ref transform.Position, out localRay.Position);
            Vector3.Transform(ref localRay.Position, ref conjugate, out localRay.Position);

            bool toReturn = Toolbox.FindRayTriangleIntersection(ref localRay, maximumLength, sidedness, ref vA, ref vB, ref vC, out hit);

            //Move the hit back into world space.
            Vector3.Multiply(ref ray.Direction, hit.T, out hit.Location);
            Vector3.Add(ref ray.Position, ref hit.Location, out hit.Location);
            Vector3.Transform(ref hit.Normal, ref transform.Orientation, out hit.Normal);
Пример #33
        private static bool GetClosestPoints(ConvexShape shapeA, ConvexShape shapeB, ref RigidTransform localTransformB,
                                             ref CachedSimplex cachedSimplex, out System.Numerics.Vector3 localClosestPointA, out System.Numerics.Vector3 localClosestPointB)
            var simplex = new PairSimplex(ref cachedSimplex, ref localTransformB);

            System.Numerics.Vector3 closestPoint;
            int count = 0;

            while (true)
                if (simplex.GetPointClosestToOrigin(out closestPoint) || //Also reduces the simplex and computes barycentric coordinates if necessary.
                    closestPoint.LengthSquared() <= Toolbox.Epsilon * simplex.errorTolerance)
                    localClosestPointA = Toolbox.ZeroVector;
                    localClosestPointB = Toolbox.ZeroVector;

                    simplex.UpdateCachedSimplex(ref cachedSimplex);

                if (++count > MaximumGJKIterations)
                    break; //Must break BEFORE a new vertex is added if we're over the iteration limit.  This guarantees final simplex is not a tetrahedron.
                if (simplex.GetNewSimplexPoint(shapeA, shapeB, count, ref closestPoint))
                    //No progress towards origin, not intersecting.
            //Compute closest points from the contributing simplexes and barycentric coordinates
            simplex.GetClosestPoints(out localClosestPointA, out localClosestPointB);
            //if (Vector3Ex.Distance(localClosestPointA - localClosestPointB, closestPoint) > .00001f)
            //    Debug.WriteLine("break.");
            simplex.UpdateCachedSimplex(ref cachedSimplex);
Пример #34
 public override void Update(double dt)
     NeedsHop = false;
     Entity e = Entity;
     Vector3 vel = e.LinearVelocity * dt;
     RigidTransform start = new RigidTransform(e.Position + new Vector3(0, 0, 0.05f), e.Orientation);
     RayCastResult rcr;
     if (e.Space.ConvexCast((ConvexShape)e.CollisionInformation.Shape, ref start, ref vel, IgnoreThis, out rcr))
         vel += new Vector3(0, 0, HopHeight);
         if (!e.Space.ConvexCast((ConvexShape)e.CollisionInformation.Shape, ref start, ref vel, IgnoreThis, out rcr))
             start.Position += vel;
             vel = new Vector3(0, 0, -(HopHeight + 0.05f)); // TODO: Track gravity normals and all that stuff
             if (e.Space.ConvexCast((ConvexShape)e.CollisionInformation.Shape, ref start, ref vel, IgnoreThis, out rcr))
                 NeedsHop = true;
                 Hop = -vel * (1f - rcr.HitData.T / (HopHeight + 0.05f));
Пример #35
        /// <summary>
        /// Casts a convex shape against the collidable.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="castShape">Shape to cast.</param>
        /// <param name="startingTransform">Initial transform of the shape.</param>
        /// <param name="sweep">Sweep to apply to the shape.</param>
        /// <param name="result">Hit data, if any.</param>
        /// <returns>Whether or not the cast hit anything.</returns>
        public bool ConvexCast(ConvexShapes.ConvexShape castShape, ref RigidTransform startingTransform, ref System.Numerics.Vector3 sweep, out RayCastResult result)
            var outputOverlappedElements = PhysicsResources.GetCollidableList();
            BoundingBox boundingBox;
            castShape.GetSweptBoundingBox(ref startingTransform, ref sweep, out boundingBox);

            CollidableTree.GetOverlaps(boundingBox, outputOverlappedElements);
            result = new RayCastResult();
            result.HitData.T = float.MaxValue;
            for (int i = 0; i < outputOverlappedElements.Count; ++i)
                RayHit hit;
                if (outputOverlappedElements.Elements[i].ConvexCast(castShape, ref startingTransform, ref sweep, out hit))
                    if (hit.T < result.HitData.T)
                        result.HitData = hit;
                        result.HitObject = outputOverlappedElements.Elements[i];
            return result.HitData.T < float.MaxValue;
Пример #36
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the bounding box of the shape given a transform.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="shapeTransform">Transform to use.</param>
        /// <param name="boundingBox">Bounding box of the transformed shape.</param>
        public override void GetBoundingBox(ref RigidTransform shapeTransform, out BoundingBox boundingBox)
            boundingBox = new BoundingBox();

            Matrix3x3 o;
            Matrix3x3.CreateFromQuaternion(ref shapeTransform.Orientation, out o);
            //Sample the local directions from the orientation matrix, implicitly transposed.
            //Notice only three directions are used.  Due to box symmetry, 'left' is just -right.
            var direction = new Vector3(o.M11, o.M21, o.M31);
            Vector3 right;
            GetLocalExtremePointWithoutMargin(ref direction, out right);

            direction = new Vector3(o.M12, o.M22, o.M32);
            Vector3 up;
            GetLocalExtremePointWithoutMargin(ref direction, out up);

            direction = new Vector3(o.M13, o.M23, o.M33);
            Vector3 backward;
            GetLocalExtremePointWithoutMargin(ref direction, out backward);

            Matrix3x3.Transform(ref right, ref o, out right);
            Matrix3x3.Transform(ref up, ref o, out up);
            Matrix3x3.Transform(ref backward, ref o, out backward);
            //These right/up/backward represent the extreme points in world space along the world space axes.

            boundingBox.Max.X = shapeTransform.Position.X + collisionMargin + right.X;
            boundingBox.Max.Y = shapeTransform.Position.Y + collisionMargin + up.Y;
            boundingBox.Max.Z = shapeTransform.Position.Z + collisionMargin + backward.Z;

            boundingBox.Min.X = shapeTransform.Position.X - collisionMargin - right.X;
            boundingBox.Min.Y = shapeTransform.Position.Y - collisionMargin - up.Y;
            boundingBox.Min.Z = shapeTransform.Position.Z - collisionMargin - backward.Z;
Пример #37
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the intersection between the sphere and the ray.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ray">Ray to test against the sphere.</param>
 /// <param name="transform">Transform applied to the convex for the test.</param>
 /// <param name="maximumLength">Maximum distance to travel in units of the ray direction's length.</param>
 /// <param name="hit">Ray hit data, if any.</param>
 /// <returns>Whether or not the ray hit the target.</returns>
 public override bool RayTest(ref Ray ray, ref RigidTransform transform, float maximumLength, out RayHit hit)
     return Toolbox.RayCastSphere(ref ray, ref transform.Position, collisionMargin, maximumLength, out hit);
Пример #38
		/// Casts a fat (sphere expanded) ray against the shape.  If the raycast appears to be stuck in the shape, the cast will be attempted
		/// with a smaller ray (scaled by the MotionSettings.CoreShapeScaling each time).
		///<param name="ray">Ray to test against the shape.</param>
		///<param name="radius">Radius of the ray.</param>
		///<param name="target">Shape to test against.</param>
		///<param name="shapeTransform">Transform to apply to the shape for the test.</param>
		///<param name="maximumLength">Maximum length of the ray in units of the ray direction's length.</param>
		///<param name="hit">Hit data of the sphere cast, if any.</param>
		///<returns>Whether or not the sphere cast hit the shape.</returns>
		public static bool CCDSphereCast( ref Ray ray, float radius, ConvexShape target, ref RigidTransform shapeTransform, float maximumLength,
								   out RayHit hit )
			int iterations = 0;
			while( true )
				if( GJKToolbox.SphereCast( ray, radius, target, ref shapeTransform, maximumLength, out hit ) &&
					hit.T > 0 )
					//The ray cast isn't embedded in the shape, and it's less than maximum length away!
					return true;
				if( hit.T > maximumLength || hit.T < 0 )
					return false; //Failure showed it was too far, or behind.

				radius *= MotionSettings.CoreShapeScaling;
				if( iterations > 3 ) //Limit could be configurable.
					//It's iterated too much, let's just do a last ditch attempt using a raycast and hope that can help.
					return GJKToolbox.RayCast( ray, target, ref shapeTransform, maximumLength, out hit ) && hit.T > 0;

Пример #39
        /// Casts a fat (sphere expanded) ray against the shape.
        ///<param name="ray">Ray to test against the shape.</param>
        ///<param name="radius">Radius of the ray.</param>
        ///<param name="shape">Shape to test against.</param>
        ///<param name="shapeTransform">Transform to apply to the shape for the test.</param>
        ///<param name="maximumLength">Maximum length of the ray in units of the ray direction's length.</param>
        ///<param name="hit">Hit data of the sphere cast, if any.</param>
        ///<returns>Whether or not the sphere cast hit the shape.</returns>
        public static bool SphereCast(Ray ray, float radius, ConvexShape shape, ref RigidTransform shapeTransform, float maximumLength,
                                   out RayHit hit)
            //Transform the ray into the object's local space.
            Vector3.Subtract(ref ray.Position, ref shapeTransform.Position, out ray.Position);
            Quaternion conjugate;
            Quaternion.Conjugate(ref shapeTransform.Orientation, out conjugate);
            Quaternion.Transform(ref ray.Position, ref conjugate, out ray.Position);
            Quaternion.Transform(ref ray.Direction, ref conjugate, out ray.Direction);

            Vector3 w, p;
            hit.T = 0;
            hit.Location = ray.Position;
            hit.Normal = Toolbox.ZeroVector;
            Vector3 v = hit.Location;

            RaySimplex simplex = new RaySimplex();

            float vw, vdir;
            int count = 0;

            //This epsilon has a significant impact on performance and accuracy.  Changing it to use BigEpsilon instead increases speed by around 30-40% usually, but jigging is more evident.
            while (v.LengthSquared() >= Toolbox.Epsilon * simplex.GetErrorTolerance(ref ray.Position))
                if (++count > MaximumGJKIterations)
                    //It's taken too long to find a hit.  Numerical problems are probable; quit.
                    hit = new RayHit();
                    return false;

                shape.GetLocalExtremePointWithoutMargin(ref v, out p);
                Vector3 contribution;
                MinkowskiToolbox.ExpandMinkowskiSum(shape.collisionMargin, radius, ref v, out contribution);
                Vector3.Add(ref p, ref contribution, out p);

                Vector3.Subtract(ref hit.Location, ref p, out w);
                Vector3.Dot(ref v, ref w, out vw);
                if (vw > 0)
                    Vector3.Dot(ref v, ref ray.Direction, out vdir);
                    hit.T = hit.T - vw / vdir;
                    if (vdir >= 0)
                        //We would have to back up!
                        return false;
                    if (hit.T > maximumLength)
                        //If we've gone beyond where the ray can reach, there's obviously no hit.
                        return false;
                    //Shift the ray up.
                    Vector3.Multiply(ref ray.Direction, hit.T, out hit.Location);
                    Vector3.Add(ref hit.Location, ref ray.Position, out hit.Location);
                    hit.Normal = v;

                RaySimplex shiftedSimplex;
                simplex.AddNewSimplexPoint(ref p, ref hit.Location, out shiftedSimplex);

                shiftedSimplex.GetPointClosestToOrigin(ref simplex, out v);

            //Transform the hit data into world space.
            Quaternion.Transform(ref hit.Normal, ref shapeTransform.Orientation, out hit.Normal);
            Quaternion.Transform(ref hit.Location, ref shapeTransform.Orientation, out hit.Location);
            Vector3.Add(ref hit.Location, ref shapeTransform.Position, out hit.Location);

            return true;
Пример #40
 /// Tests if the pair is intersecting.
 ///<param name="shapeA">First shape of the pair.</param>
 ///<param name="shapeB">Second shape of the pair.</param>
 ///<param name="transformA">Transform to apply to the first shape.</param>
 ///<param name="transformB">Transform to apply to the second shape.</param>
 ///<returns>Whether or not the shapes are intersecting.</returns>
 public static bool AreShapesIntersecting(ConvexShape shapeA, ConvexShape shapeB, ref RigidTransform transformA, ref RigidTransform transformB)
     //Zero isn't a very good guess!  But it's a cheap guess.
     Vector3 separatingAxis = Toolbox.ZeroVector;
     return AreShapesIntersecting(shapeA, shapeB, ref transformA, ref transformB, ref separatingAxis);
Пример #41
        /// Sweeps two shapes against another.
        ///<param name="shapeA">First shape being swept.</param>
        ///<param name="shapeB">Second shape being swept.</param>
        ///<param name="sweepA">Sweep vector for the first shape.</param>
        ///<param name="sweepB">Sweep vector for the second shape.</param>
        ///<param name="transformA">Transform to apply to the first shape.</param>
        ///<param name="transformB">Transform to apply to the second shape.</param>
        ///<param name="hit">Hit data of the sweep test, if any.</param>
        ///<returns>Whether or not the swept shapes hit each other..</returns>
        public static bool ConvexCast(ConvexShape shapeA, ConvexShape shapeB, ref Vector3 sweepA, ref Vector3 sweepB, ref RigidTransform transformA, ref RigidTransform transformB,
                                  out RayHit hit)
            //Put the velocity into shapeA's local space.
            Vector3 velocityWorld;
            Vector3.Subtract(ref sweepB, ref sweepA, out velocityWorld);
            Quaternion conjugateOrientationA;
            Quaternion.Conjugate(ref transformA.Orientation, out conjugateOrientationA);
            Vector3 rayDirection;
            Quaternion.Transform(ref velocityWorld, ref conjugateOrientationA, out rayDirection);
            //Transform b into a's local space.
            RigidTransform localTransformB;
            Quaternion.Concatenate(ref transformB.Orientation, ref conjugateOrientationA, out localTransformB.Orientation);
            Vector3.Subtract(ref transformB.Position, ref transformA.Position, out localTransformB.Position);
            Quaternion.Transform(ref localTransformB.Position, ref conjugateOrientationA, out localTransformB.Position);

            Vector3 w, p;
            hit.T = 0;
            hit.Location = Vector3.Zero; //The ray starts at the origin.
            hit.Normal = Toolbox.ZeroVector;
            Vector3 v = hit.Location;

            RaySimplex simplex = new RaySimplex();

            float vw, vdir;
            int count = 0;

                if (++count > MaximumGJKIterations)
                    //It's taken too long to find a hit.  Numerical problems are probable; quit.
                    hit = new RayHit();
                    return false;

                MinkowskiToolbox.GetLocalMinkowskiExtremePoint(shapeA, shapeB, ref v, ref localTransformB, out p);

                Vector3.Subtract(ref hit.Location, ref p, out w);
                Vector3.Dot(ref v, ref w, out vw);
                if (vw > 0)
                    Vector3.Dot(ref v, ref rayDirection, out vdir);
                    if (vdir >= 0)
                        hit = new RayHit();
                        return false;
                    hit.T = hit.T - vw / vdir;
                    if (hit.T > 1)
                        //If we've gone beyond where the ray can reach, there's obviously no hit.
                        hit = new RayHit();
                        return false;
                    //Shift the ray up.
                    Vector3.Multiply(ref rayDirection, hit.T, out hit.Location);
                    //The ray origin is the origin!  Don't need to add any ray position.
                    hit.Normal = v;

                RaySimplex shiftedSimplex;
                simplex.AddNewSimplexPoint(ref p, ref hit.Location, out shiftedSimplex);

                shiftedSimplex.GetPointClosestToOrigin(ref simplex, out v);

                //Could measure the progress of the ray.  If it's too little, could early out.
                //Not used by default since it's biased towards precision over performance.

            } while (v.LengthSquared() >= Toolbox.Epsilon * simplex.GetErrorTolerance(ref Toolbox.ZeroVector));
            //This epsilon has a significant impact on performance and accuracy.  Changing it to use BigEpsilon instead increases speed by around 30-40% usually, but jigging is more evident.
            //Transform the hit data into world space.
            Quaternion.Transform(ref hit.Normal, ref transformA.Orientation, out hit.Normal);
            Vector3.Multiply(ref velocityWorld, hit.T, out hit.Location);
            Vector3.Add(ref hit.Location, ref transformA.Position, out hit.Location);
            return true;
Пример #42
        //TODO: Consider changing the termination epsilons on these casts.  Epsilon * Modifier is okay, but there might be better options.

        /// Tests a ray against a convex shape.
        ///<param name="ray">Ray to test against the shape.</param>
        ///<param name="shape">Shape to test.</param>
        ///<param name="shapeTransform">Transform to apply to the shape for the test.</param>
        ///<param name="maximumLength">Maximum length of the ray in units of the ray direction's length.</param>
        ///<param name="hit">Hit data of the ray cast, if any.</param>
        ///<returns>Whether or not the ray hit the shape.</returns>
        public static bool RayCast(Ray ray, ConvexShape shape, ref RigidTransform shapeTransform, float maximumLength,
                                   out RayHit hit)
            //Transform the ray into the object's local space.
            Vector3Ex.Subtract(ref ray.Position, ref shapeTransform.Position, out ray.Position);
            System.Numerics.Quaternion conjugate;
            QuaternionEx.Conjugate(ref shapeTransform.Orientation, out conjugate);
            QuaternionEx.Transform(ref ray.Position, ref conjugate, out ray.Position);
            QuaternionEx.Transform(ref ray.Direction, ref conjugate, out ray.Direction);

            System.Numerics.Vector3 extremePointToRayOrigin, extremePoint;
            hit.T        = 0;
            hit.Location = ray.Position;
            hit.Normal   = Toolbox.ZeroVector;
            System.Numerics.Vector3 closestOffset = hit.Location;

            RaySimplex simplex = new RaySimplex();

            float vw, closestPointDotDirection;
            int   count = 0;

            //This epsilon has a significant impact on performance and accuracy.  Changing it to use BigEpsilon instead increases speed by around 30-40% usually, but jigging is more evident.
            while (closestOffset.LengthSquared() >= Toolbox.Epsilon * simplex.GetErrorTolerance(ref ray.Position))
                if (++count > MaximumGJKIterations)
                    //It's taken too long to find a hit.  Numerical problems are probable; quit.
                    hit = new RayHit();

                shape.GetLocalExtremePoint(closestOffset, out extremePoint);

                Vector3Ex.Subtract(ref hit.Location, ref extremePoint, out extremePointToRayOrigin);
                Vector3Ex.Dot(ref closestOffset, ref extremePointToRayOrigin, out vw);
                //If the closest offset and the extreme point->ray origin direction point the same way,
                //then we might be able to conservatively advance the point towards the surface.
                if (vw > 0)
                    Vector3Ex.Dot(ref closestOffset, ref ray.Direction, out closestPointDotDirection);
                    if (closestPointDotDirection >= 0)
                        hit = new RayHit();
                    hit.T = hit.T - vw / closestPointDotDirection;
                    if (hit.T > maximumLength)
                        //If we've gone beyond where the ray can reach, there's obviously no hit.
                        hit = new RayHit();
                    //Shift the ray up.
                    Vector3Ex.Multiply(ref ray.Direction, hit.T, out hit.Location);
                    Vector3Ex.Add(ref hit.Location, ref ray.Position, out hit.Location);
                    hit.Normal = closestOffset;

                RaySimplex shiftedSimplex;
                simplex.AddNewSimplexPoint(ref extremePoint, ref hit.Location, out shiftedSimplex);

                //Compute the offset from the simplex surface to the origin.
                shiftedSimplex.GetPointClosestToOrigin(ref simplex, out closestOffset);
            //Transform the hit data into world space.
            QuaternionEx.Transform(ref hit.Normal, ref shapeTransform.Orientation, out hit.Normal);
            QuaternionEx.Transform(ref hit.Location, ref shapeTransform.Orientation, out hit.Location);
            Vector3Ex.Add(ref hit.Location, ref shapeTransform.Position, out hit.Location);

Пример #43
 public static void Validate(this RigidTransform r)
Пример #44
 /// Sweeps a shape against another shape using a given sweep vector.
 ///<param name="sweptShape">Shape to sweep.</param>
 ///<param name="target">Shape being swept against.</param>
 ///<param name="sweep">Sweep vector for the sweptShape.</param>
 ///<param name="startingSweptTransform">Starting transform of the sweptShape.</param>
 ///<param name="targetTransform">Transform to apply to the target shape.</param>
 ///<param name="hit">Hit data of the sweep test, if any.</param>
 ///<returns>Whether or not the swept shape hit the other shape.</returns>
 public static bool ConvexCast(ConvexShape sweptShape, ConvexShape target, ref System.Numerics.Vector3 sweep, ref RigidTransform startingSweptTransform, ref RigidTransform targetTransform,
                               out RayHit hit)
     return(ConvexCast(sweptShape, target, ref sweep, ref Toolbox.ZeroVector, ref startingSweptTransform, ref targetTransform, out hit));
Пример #45
        /// Sweeps two shapes against another.
        ///<param name="shapeA">First shape being swept.</param>
        ///<param name="shapeB">Second shape being swept.</param>
        ///<param name="sweepA">Sweep vector for the first shape.</param>
        ///<param name="sweepB">Sweep vector for the second shape.</param>
        ///<param name="transformA">Transform to apply to the first shape.</param>
        ///<param name="transformB">Transform to apply to the second shape.</param>
        ///<param name="hit">Hit data of the sweep test, if any.</param>
        ///<returns>Whether or not the swept shapes hit each other..</returns>
        public static bool ConvexCast(ConvexShape shapeA, ConvexShape shapeB, ref System.Numerics.Vector3 sweepA, ref System.Numerics.Vector3 sweepB, ref RigidTransform transformA, ref RigidTransform transformB,
                                      out RayHit hit)
            //Put the velocity into shapeA's local space.
            System.Numerics.Vector3 velocityWorld;
            Vector3Ex.Subtract(ref sweepB, ref sweepA, out velocityWorld);
            System.Numerics.Quaternion conjugateOrientationA;
            QuaternionEx.Conjugate(ref transformA.Orientation, out conjugateOrientationA);
            System.Numerics.Vector3 rayDirection;
            QuaternionEx.Transform(ref velocityWorld, ref conjugateOrientationA, out rayDirection);
            //Transform b into a's local space.
            RigidTransform localTransformB;

            QuaternionEx.Concatenate(ref transformB.Orientation, ref conjugateOrientationA, out localTransformB.Orientation);
            Vector3Ex.Subtract(ref transformB.Position, ref transformA.Position, out localTransformB.Position);
            QuaternionEx.Transform(ref localTransformB.Position, ref conjugateOrientationA, out localTransformB.Position);

            System.Numerics.Vector3 w, p;
            hit.T        = 0;
            hit.Location = System.Numerics.Vector3.Zero; //The ray starts at the origin.
            hit.Normal   = Toolbox.ZeroVector;
            System.Numerics.Vector3 v = hit.Location;

            RaySimplex simplex = new RaySimplex();

            float vw, vdir;
            int   count = 0;

                if (++count > MaximumGJKIterations)
                    //It's taken too long to find a hit.  Numerical problems are probable; quit.
                    hit = new RayHit();

                MinkowskiToolbox.GetLocalMinkowskiExtremePoint(shapeA, shapeB, ref v, ref localTransformB, out p);

                Vector3Ex.Subtract(ref hit.Location, ref p, out w);
                Vector3Ex.Dot(ref v, ref w, out vw);
                if (vw > 0)
                    Vector3Ex.Dot(ref v, ref rayDirection, out vdir);
                    if (vdir >= 0)
                        hit = new RayHit();
                    hit.T = hit.T - vw / vdir;
                    if (hit.T > 1)
                        //If we've gone beyond where the ray can reach, there's obviously no hit.
                        hit = new RayHit();
                    //Shift the ray up.
                    Vector3Ex.Multiply(ref rayDirection, hit.T, out hit.Location);
                    //The ray origin is the origin!  Don't need to add any ray position.
                    hit.Normal = v;

                RaySimplex shiftedSimplex;
                simplex.AddNewSimplexPoint(ref p, ref hit.Location, out shiftedSimplex);

                shiftedSimplex.GetPointClosestToOrigin(ref simplex, out v);

                //Could measure the progress of the ray.  If it's too little, could early out.
                //Not used by default since it's biased towards precision over performance.
            } while (v.LengthSquared() >= Toolbox.Epsilon * simplex.GetErrorTolerance(ref Toolbox.ZeroVector));
            //This epsilon has a significant impact on performance and accuracy.  Changing it to use BigEpsilon instead increases speed by around 30-40% usually, but jigging is more evident.
            //Transform the hit data into world space.
            QuaternionEx.Transform(ref hit.Normal, ref transformA.Orientation, out hit.Normal);
            Vector3Ex.Multiply(ref velocityWorld, hit.T, out hit.Location);
            Vector3Ex.Add(ref hit.Location, ref transformA.Position, out hit.Location);
Пример #46
 /// Tests if the pair is intersecting.
 ///<param name="shapeA">First shape of the pair.</param>
 ///<param name="shapeB">Second shape of the pair.</param>
 ///<param name="transformA">Transform to apply to the first shape.</param>
 ///<param name="transformB">Transform to apply to the second shape.</param>
 ///<returns>Whether or not the shapes are intersecting.</returns>
 public static bool AreShapesIntersecting(ConvexShape shapeA, ConvexShape shapeB, ref RigidTransform transformA, ref RigidTransform transformB)
     //Zero isn't a very good guess!  But it's a cheap guess.
     System.Numerics.Vector3 separatingAxis = Toolbox.ZeroVector;
     return(AreShapesIntersecting(shapeA, shapeB, ref transformA, ref transformB, ref separatingAxis));
Пример #47
        /// Casts a fat (sphere expanded) ray against the shape.
        ///<param name="ray">Ray to test against the shape.</param>
        ///<param name="radius">Radius of the ray.</param>
        ///<param name="shape">Shape to test against.</param>
        ///<param name="shapeTransform">Transform to apply to the shape for the test.</param>
        ///<param name="maximumLength">Maximum length of the ray in units of the ray direction's length.</param>
        ///<param name="hit">Hit data of the sphere cast, if any.</param>
        ///<returns>Whether or not the sphere cast hit the shape.</returns>
        public static bool SphereCast(Ray ray, float radius, ConvexShape shape, ref RigidTransform shapeTransform, float maximumLength,
                                      out RayHit hit)
            //Transform the ray into the object's local space.
            Vector3Ex.Subtract(ref ray.Position, ref shapeTransform.Position, out ray.Position);
            System.Numerics.Quaternion conjugate;
            QuaternionEx.Conjugate(ref shapeTransform.Orientation, out conjugate);
            QuaternionEx.Transform(ref ray.Position, ref conjugate, out ray.Position);
            QuaternionEx.Transform(ref ray.Direction, ref conjugate, out ray.Direction);

            System.Numerics.Vector3 w, p;
            hit.T        = 0;
            hit.Location = ray.Position;
            hit.Normal   = Toolbox.ZeroVector;
            System.Numerics.Vector3 v = hit.Location;

            RaySimplex simplex = new RaySimplex();

            float vw, vdir;
            int   count = 0;

            //This epsilon has a significant impact on performance and accuracy.  Changing it to use BigEpsilon instead increases speed by around 30-40% usually, but jigging is more evident.
            while (v.LengthSquared() >= Toolbox.Epsilon * simplex.GetErrorTolerance(ref ray.Position))
                if (++count > MaximumGJKIterations)
                    //It's taken too long to find a hit.  Numerical problems are probable; quit.
                    hit = new RayHit();

                shape.GetLocalExtremePointWithoutMargin(ref v, out p);
                System.Numerics.Vector3 contribution;
                MinkowskiToolbox.ExpandMinkowskiSum(shape.collisionMargin, radius, ref v, out contribution);
                Vector3Ex.Add(ref p, ref contribution, out p);

                Vector3Ex.Subtract(ref hit.Location, ref p, out w);
                Vector3Ex.Dot(ref v, ref w, out vw);
                if (vw > 0)
                    Vector3Ex.Dot(ref v, ref ray.Direction, out vdir);
                    hit.T = hit.T - vw / vdir;
                    if (vdir >= 0)
                        //We would have to back up!
                    if (hit.T > maximumLength)
                        //If we've gone beyond where the ray can reach, there's obviously no hit.
                    //Shift the ray up.
                    Vector3Ex.Multiply(ref ray.Direction, hit.T, out hit.Location);
                    Vector3Ex.Add(ref hit.Location, ref ray.Position, out hit.Location);
                    hit.Normal = v;

                RaySimplex shiftedSimplex;
                simplex.AddNewSimplexPoint(ref p, ref hit.Location, out shiftedSimplex);

                shiftedSimplex.GetPointClosestToOrigin(ref simplex, out v);
            //Transform the hit data into world space.
            QuaternionEx.Transform(ref hit.Normal, ref shapeTransform.Orientation, out hit.Normal);
            QuaternionEx.Transform(ref hit.Location, ref shapeTransform.Orientation, out hit.Location);
            Vector3Ex.Add(ref hit.Location, ref shapeTransform.Position, out hit.Location);

Пример #48
        /// Tests if the pair is intersecting.
        ///<param name="shapeA">First shape of the pair.</param>
        ///<param name="shapeB">Second shape of the pair.</param>
        ///<param name="transformA">Transform to apply to the first shape.</param>
        ///<param name="transformB">Transform to apply to the second shape.</param>
        ///<param name="localSeparatingAxis">Warmstartable separating axis used by the method to quickly early-out if possible.  Updated to the latest separating axis after each run.</param>
        ///<returns>Whether or not the objects were intersecting.</returns>
        public static bool AreShapesIntersecting(ConvexShape shapeA, ConvexShape shapeB, ref RigidTransform transformA, ref RigidTransform transformB,
                                                 ref System.Numerics.Vector3 localSeparatingAxis)
            RigidTransform localtransformB;

            MinkowskiToolbox.GetLocalTransform(ref transformA, ref transformB, out localtransformB);

            //Warm start the simplex.
            var simplex = new SimpleSimplex();

            System.Numerics.Vector3 extremePoint;
            MinkowskiToolbox.GetLocalMinkowskiExtremePoint(shapeA, shapeB, ref localSeparatingAxis, ref localtransformB, out extremePoint);
            simplex.AddNewSimplexPoint(ref extremePoint);

            System.Numerics.Vector3 closestPoint;
            int count = 0;

            while (count++ < MaximumGJKIterations)
                if (simplex.GetPointClosestToOrigin(out closestPoint) || //Also reduces the simplex.
                    closestPoint.LengthSquared() <= simplex.GetErrorTolerance() * Toolbox.BigEpsilon)
                    //Intersecting, or so close to it that it will be difficult/expensive to figure out the separation.

                //Use the closest point as a direction.
                System.Numerics.Vector3 direction;
                Vector3Ex.Negate(ref closestPoint, out direction);
                MinkowskiToolbox.GetLocalMinkowskiExtremePoint(shapeA, shapeB, ref direction, ref localtransformB, out extremePoint);
                //Since this is a boolean test, we don't need to refine the simplex if it becomes apparent that we cannot reach the origin.
                //If the most extreme point at any given time does not go past the origin, then we can quit immediately.
                float dot;
                Vector3Ex.Dot(ref extremePoint, ref closestPoint, out dot); //extreme point dotted against the direction pointing backwards towards the CSO.
                if (dot > 0)
                    // If it's positive, that means that the direction pointing towards the origin produced an extreme point 'in front of' the origin, eliminating the possibility of any intersection.
                    localSeparatingAxis = direction;

                simplex.AddNewSimplexPoint(ref extremePoint);