Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Functions generates the Recent Posts List
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userID">The user of the posts to get</param>
        /// <param name="skip">number of posts to skip</param>
        /// <param name="show">number to show</param>
        /// <param name="postType">Type of posts to look for</param>
        /// <param name="siteID">Site of the posts</param>
        /// <returns>Whether created ok</returns>
        public bool CreateRecentPostsList(int userID, int skip, int show, int postType, int siteID)
	        //TDVASSERT(userID > 0, "CreateRecentPostsList(...) called with non-positive ID");
	        //TDVASSERT(iMaxNumber > 0, "CreateRecentPostsList(...) called with non-positive max number of posts");
	        // check object is not already initialised
	        if (userID <= 0 || show <= 0)
		        return false;

	        bool showPrivate = false;
            if (InputContext.ViewingUser != null && (userID == InputContext.ViewingUser.UserID || InputContext.ViewingUser.IsEditor))
		        showPrivate = true;

	        //Allow post authors to see their user-deleted notices and events.
	        bool showUserHidden = showPrivate && (postType == 1 || postType == 2);
            int count = 0;
            int rows = 0;

            XmlElement postList = AddElementTag(RootElement, "POST-LIST");
            AddAttribute(postList, "SHOW", show);
            AddAttribute(postList, "SKIPTO", skip);
            //AddAttribute(postList, "COUNT", show);

            using (IDnaDataReader dataReader = GetUsersMostRecentPosts(userID, skip, show, postType, siteID, showUserHidden))
		        // Check to see if we found anything
		        string userName = String.Empty;
		        if (dataReader.HasRows && dataReader.Read())
                    User user = new User(InputContext);
                    user.AddUserXMLBlock(dataReader, userID, postList);
                    string threadPostType = String.Empty;
                    string threadSubject = String.Empty;
		            ArrayList noticeThreadIDArray = new ArrayList();
		            int threadID = 0;
		            int postSiteID = 0;		
		            int IsPostingFromVisibleSite = 0;

                    if (skip > 0)
                        //Read/skip over the skip number of rows so that the row that the first row that in the do below is 
                        //the one required
                        for (int i = 0; i < skip; i++)
                    //TODO think i will need to check if the reads fail above ie you skip past the end
		            Forum Forum = new Forum(InputContext);

			            IsPostingFromVisibleSite = dataReader.GetInt32NullAsZero("IsPostingFromVisibleSite"); 
			            if (IsPostingFromVisibleSite == 1)
 				            // Setup the Post Tag and Attributes
                            XmlElement post = CreateElement("POST");

				            AddAttribute(post, "COUNTPOSTS", dataReader.GetInt32NullAsZero("CountPosts"));

				            if (showPrivate)
                                AddAttribute(post, "LASTPOSTCOUNTREAD", dataReader.GetInt32NullAsZero("LastPostCountRead"));

				            // Add User-Hidden Status.
				            if ( showUserHidden && dataReader.DoesFieldExist("Hidden") && dataReader.GetInt32NullAsZero("Hidden") > 0 )
                                AddAttribute(post, "HIDDEN", dataReader.GetInt32NullAsZero("HIDDEN"));

				            int yourLastPost = dataReader.GetInt32NullAsZero("YourLastPost");			
				            //add the editable attribute
                            if (InputContext.ViewingUser != null)
					            int editable = 0;
                                if (InputContext.ViewingUser.UserID != userID)
						            editable = 0;
						            if (yourLastPost > 0 )
							            DateTime dateMostRecent = dataReader.GetDateTime("MostRecent");		
                                        editable = Forum.GetPostEditableAttribute(userID, dateMostRecent);
							            editable = 0;
                                AddAttribute(post, "EDITABLE", editable);

                            AddAttribute(post, "PRIVATE", dataReader.GetInt32NullAsZero("Private"));

				            // Add the siteid and reply details
                            postSiteID = dataReader.GetInt32NullAsZero("SiteID");
                            AddIntElement(post, "SITEID", postSiteID);
                            AddIntElement(post, "HAS-REPLY", dataReader.GetInt32NullAsZero("Replies"));

				            // Setup a Thread Tag and Attributes
                            XmlElement thread = CreateElement("Thread");
                            AddAttribute(thread, "FORUMID", dataReader.GetInt32NullAsZero("ForumID"));
                            threadID = dataReader.GetInt32NullAsZero("ThreadID");
                            AddAttribute(thread, "THREADID", threadID);

				            // Add the first post id if it exists in the result set
				            if (dataReader.DoesFieldExist("FirstPostID"))
                                AddAttribute(thread, "FIRSTPOSTID", dataReader.GetInt32NullAsZero("FirstPostID"));

                            threadPostType = dataReader.GetStringNullAsEmpty("Type");
                            AddAttribute(thread, "TYPE", threadPostType);

                            AddDateXml(dataReader, thread, "EVENTDATE", "EventDate");
                            AddDateXml(dataReader, thread, "DATEFIRSTPOSTED", "DateFirstPosted");

				            // See if we've got an notice or event, if so then get the taginfo for the post
                            if (threadPostType == "notice" || threadPostType == "event")
					            // Add the threadid to the array so we can get the tag details later

				            // Add the Subject 
                            threadSubject = ThreadPost.FormatSubject(dataReader.GetStringNullAsEmpty("FirstSubject"), CommentStatus.Hidden.NotHidden);
                            AddTextTag(thread, "SUBJECT", threadSubject);
                            AddDateXml(dataReader, thread, "LastReply", "REPLYDATE");

				            // If we have a journal user then put the following in...
				            if (dataReader.GetInt32NullAsZero("Journal") > 0)
                                XmlElement journal = CreateElement("JOURNAL");
                                AddAttribute(journal, "USERID", dataReader.GetInt32NullAsZero("Journal"));

                                AddTextTag(journal, "UserName", dataReader.GetStringNullAsEmpty("JournalName"));
                                AddTextTag(journal, "Area", dataReader.GetStringNullAsEmpty("JournalArea"));
                                AddTextTag(journal, "FirstNames", dataReader.GetStringNullAsEmpty("JournalFirstNames"));
                                AddTextTag(journal, "LastName", dataReader.GetStringNullAsEmpty("JournalLastName"));
                                AddTextTag(journal, "Title", dataReader.GetStringNullAsEmpty("JournalTitle"));
                                AddTextTag(journal, "SiteSuffix", dataReader.GetStringNullAsEmpty("JournalSiteSuffix"));


				            // Get the ForumInfo and Last post details
                            //AddTextTag(thread, "ForumTitle", dataReader.GetStringNullAsEmpty("ForumTitle"));
                            string forumTitle = dataReader.GetStringNullAsEmpty("ForumTitle");
                            XmlElement forumTitleElement = AddTextElement(thread, "ForumTitle", "");
                                forumTitleElement.InnerXml = forumTitle;
                            catch (System.Xml.XmlException ex)
                                AppContext.TheAppContext.Diagnostics.WriteWarningToLog("PostList", "Escaping character in Forum Title" + ex.Message);
                                forumTitleElement.InnerXml = StringUtils.EscapeAllXml(forumTitle);

                            if (yourLastPost > 0)
                                XmlElement lastUserPost = CreateElement("LASTUSERPOST");
                                AddAttribute(lastUserPost, "POSTID", yourLastPost );
                                AddDateXml(dataReader, lastUserPost, "MostRecent", "DATEPOSTED");

				            // Close the ThreadTag

				            // Add the first poster info
				            int firstPostUserID = 0;
                            XmlElement firstPoster = CreateElement("FIRSTPOSTER");
                            firstPostUserID = dataReader.GetInt32NullAsZero("FirstPosterUserID");
                            user.AddPrefixedUserXMLBlock(dataReader, firstPostUserID, "FirstPoster", firstPoster);

				            // Finally close the POST tag
                    } while (rows < show && dataReader.Read());
                    if (dataReader.Read())
                        AddAttribute(postList, "MORE", 1);

		            // Now insert the tag info for any notices or events found
		            if (noticeThreadIDArray.Count > 0)
			            // Set up some locals
			            string taggedNodeInfo;
			            int noticeThreadID = 0;
			            TagItem tagItem = new TagItem(InputContext);

			            // Now go through the list adding the taginfo into the XML
			            for (int i = 0; i < noticeThreadIDArray.Count; i++)
				            // Get the ThreadId for the current Index
				            noticeThreadID = (int) noticeThreadIDArray[i];
				            taggedNodeInfo = String.Empty;

				            // Get the Tagging locations!
				            if (tagItem.InitialiseFromThreadId(noticeThreadID, siteID, userID, threadSubject, false) && tagItem.GetAllNodesTaggedForItem())
					            // Get the taginfo from the tagitem object and insert it into the page
					            //AddInsideWhereIntAttributeEquals("THREAD", "THREADID", noticeThreadID, taggedNodeInfo, 1);

                                string xpath = "/THREAD[@THREADID=" + noticeThreadID.ToString() + "]";
                                XmlNodeList threads = postList.SelectNodes(xpath);
                                if (threads.Count > 0)
                                    foreach (XmlNode thread in threads)
                                        SiteXmlBuilder siteXml = new SiteXmlBuilder(InputContext);
					            // Setup an error for this post!
					            throw new DnaException("CreateRecentPostsList : FailedToGetTagInfo - Failed to get Tagging Info for post");
            AddAttribute(postList, "COUNT", count);


	        return true;
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Functions generates the User Statistics XML
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userID">The user of the statistics to get</param>
        /// <param name="skip">Number of posts to skip</param>
        /// <param name="show">Number of posts to show</param>
        /// <param name="mode">Way the records are returned by dateposted or by forum</param>
        /// <param name="startDate">Start Date</param>
        /// <param name="endDate">End Date</param>
        public void TryCreateUserStatisticsXML(int userID, int skip, int show, int mode, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate)
            //Clean any existing XML.

            //Must be logged in.
            if (InputContext.ViewingUser.UserID == 0 || !InputContext.ViewingUser.UserLoggedIn)
                //return error.
                AddErrorXml("invalidcredentials", "Must be logged in to view user statistics.", RootElement);
            if (!InputContext.ViewingUser.IsEditor && !InputContext.ViewingUser.IsSuperUser)
                //return error.
                AddErrorXml("invalidcredentials", "Must be an editor or superuser to view user statistics.", RootElement);

            int recordsCount = 0;
            int total = 0;
            int numberToTryandGet = show + 1;
            bool more = false;

            string userName = String.Empty;

            XmlElement userStatistics = AddElementTag(RootElement, "USERSTATISTICS");
            AddAttribute(userStatistics, "USERID", userID);
            if (mode == 0)
                AddAttribute(userStatistics, "DISPLAYMODE", "byforum");
                AddAttribute(userStatistics, "DISPLAYMODE", "ungrouped");
            AddAttribute(userStatistics, "SKIPTO", skip);
            AddAttribute(userStatistics, "SHOW", show);
            AddDateXml(startDate, userStatistics, "STARTDATE");
            AddDateXml(endDate, userStatistics, "ENDDATE");

            using (IDnaDataReader dataReader = InputContext.CreateDnaDataReader(GetUserStatisticsSP(mode)))
                dataReader.AddParameter("userid", userID);
                dataReader.AddParameter("siteid", InputContext.CurrentSite.SiteID);
                dataReader.AddParameter("skip", skip);
                dataReader.AddParameter("show", numberToTryandGet);
                dataReader.AddParameter("mode", mode);
                dataReader.AddParameter("startdate", startDate);
                dataReader.AddParameter("enddate", endDate);

                // Check to see if we found anything
                if (dataReader.HasRows && dataReader.Read())
                    User user = new User(InputContext);
                    user.AddUserXMLBlock(dataReader, userID, userStatistics);
                    userName = dataReader.GetStringNullAsEmpty("UserName"); ;

                    if (dataReader.HasRows && dataReader.Read() & numberToTryandGet > 0)
                        total = dataReader.GetInt32NullAsZero("total");

                        XmlElement forum = CreateElement("FORUM");
                        XmlElement thread = CreateElement("THREAD");

                        int previousForumID = 0;
                        int previousThreadID = 0;

                            int forumID = dataReader.GetInt32NullAsZero("ForumID");
                            int threadID = dataReader.GetInt32NullAsZero("ThreadID");
                            int postID = dataReader.GetInt32NullAsZero("EntryID");
                            int hidden = dataReader.GetInt32NullAsZero("Hidden");
                            int siteID = dataReader.GetInt32NullAsZero("SiteID");
                            int postIndex = dataReader.GetInt32NullAsZero("PostIndex");

                            string title = dataReader.GetStringNullAsEmpty("Title");
                            string subject = dataReader.GetStringNullAsEmpty("Subject");
                            string firstSubject = dataReader.GetStringNullAsEmpty("FirstSubject");
                            string siteName = dataReader.GetStringNullAsEmpty("URLName");

                            string url = dataReader.GetStringNullAsEmpty("Url");

                            DateTime datePosted = dataReader.GetDateTime("DatePosted");

                            //close previously opened THREAD if any
                            if (threadID != previousThreadID && previousThreadID != 0)

                            //close previously opened FORUM if any
                            if (forumID != previousForumID && previousForumID != 0)

                            //check if current forum id differs from the previous one. This will mean
                            //that entries for the previous forum are over and we should close
                            //the xml element for that forum and start new one for the current forum
                            if (forumID != previousForumID)
                                forum = CreateElement("FORUM");
                                AddAttribute(forum, "FORUMID", forumID);
                                AddTextTag(forum, "SUBJECT", title);
                                AddIntElement(forum, "SITEID", siteID);
                                AddTextTag(forum, "SITENAME", siteName);
                                AddTextTag(forum, "URL", url);

                                thread = CreateElement("THREAD");
                                AddAttribute(thread, "THREADID", threadID);
                                AddTextTag(thread, "SUBJECT", firstSubject);

                                previousForumID = forumID;
                                previousThreadID = threadID;
                            //check if current thread id differs from the previous one. This will mean
                            //that entries for the previous thread are over and we should close
                            //the xml element for that thread and start new one for the current thread
                            else if (threadID != previousThreadID)
                                thread = CreateElement("THREAD");
                                AddAttribute(thread, "THREADID", threadID);
                                AddTextTag(thread, "SUBJECT", firstSubject);

                                previousThreadID = threadID;

                            string body = dataReader.GetStringNullAsEmpty("text");
                            int style = 0;
                            if(dataReader.DoesFieldExist("PostStyle") && !dataReader.IsDBNull("PostStyle"))
                                style = dataReader.GetTinyIntAsInt("PostStyle");
                            if (style == 1)
                                body = ThreadPost.FormatPost(body, BBC.Dna.Moderation.Utils.CommentStatus.Hidden.NotHidden, true, false);
                                string temp = "<RICHPOST>" + body + "</RICHPOST>";
                                Regex regex = new Regex(@"(<[^<>]+)<BR \/>");
                                while (regex.Match(temp).Success)
                                    temp = regex.Replace(temp, @"$1 ");
                                body = temp;
                                body = StringUtils.ConvertPlainText(body);
                            XmlElement post = CreateElement("POST");
                            AddAttribute(post, "POSTID", postID);
                            AddAttribute(post, "THREADID", threadID);
                            AddAttribute(post, "HIDDEN", hidden);
                            AddTextTag(post, "SUBJECT", subject);

/*                            if (style != 1)
                                body = StringUtils.ConvertPlainText(body);
                                //TODO Do we need Rich Post stuff for the post style??
                                string temp = "<RICHPOST>" + body.Replace("\r\n", "<BR />").Replace("\n", "<BR />") + "</RICHPOST>";
                                body = temp;

                            AddElement(post, "BODY", body);

                            AddIntElement(post, "PostIndex", postIndex);
                            AddDateXml(datePosted, post, "DATEPOSTED");


                        } while (numberToTryandGet > 1 && dataReader.Read());

                        //close last opened THREAD if any
                        if (previousThreadID != 0)

                        //close last opened FORUM if any
                        if (previousForumID != 0)

                        // See if there's an extra row waiting
                        if (dataReader.Read())
                            AddAttribute(userStatistics, "MORE", 1);
                            more = true;
                    dataReader.TryGetIntOutputParameter("recordscount", out recordsCount);
            //The record count will also contain the extra 'more' row 
            //so need to take 1 off it to give a true indictation of the rows returned
            if (more)

            AddAttribute(userStatistics, "COUNT", recordsCount);
            AddAttribute(userStatistics, "TOTAL", total);
            AddAttribute(userStatistics, "USERNAME", StringUtils.EscapeAllXmlForAttribute(userName));