Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Get (request) a graph fragment: the node requested, the edges requested, and the nodes at the end of each edge, and add them
        /// to CdmPool. Success means data pushed to Cdm and it will be raising events, the callback on fail is not essential, if anything
        /// fails then just nothing new will appear in the Cdm
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nodeId">Id of address or tx</param>
        /// <param name="nodeType">Address or tx</param>
        /// <param name="edgeCountFrom">Edge counts starts at 1</param>
        /// <param name="edgeCountTo">Edge count to</param>
        /// <param name="callbackOnFail">Callback will be executed if the adaptor fails to provide the data</param>
        /// <param name="location">Optionally can record the approximate location of graph root in frontend, used by frontend only not Cdm</param>
        public void GetGraphFragment(string nodeId, NodeType nodeType, int edgeCountFrom, int edgeCountTo, Action <string> callbackOnFail, Vector3 location = default(Vector3))
            if (edgeCountTo < edgeCountFrom)
                Msg.LogError("CdmCore.GetGraphFragment bad edge number range");
                callbackOnFail("CdmCore.GetGraphFragment bad edge number range for NodeId " + nodeId);

            // Build Request
            CdmRequest r = new CdmRequest()
                NodeId        = nodeId,
                NodeType      = nodeType,
                EdgeCountFrom = edgeCountFrom,
                EdgeCountTo   = edgeCountTo,
                WorldLocation = location

            // Can CdmPool fulfill the request in its entirety? This means we already have all data and dont even need to ask adaptor for data
            CdmGraph g = CanCdmPoolFulfillRequest(r, true);

            if (g != null && !r.IsCacheFillOnly)
                // Tell listeners
                RaiseOnCdmPoolRequestFulfilled(r, g);
                // Ask adaptor to fulfill the request
                _adaptorSelector.GetChosenAdaptor().GetGraphFragment(r, callbackOnFail);
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Add depth values to the graph fragment
        /// </summary>
        private void UpdateFragmentAddDepth(CdmRequest r, CdmGraph gFragmentFromPool)
            // a) node process: if request.node == node being inspected, and depth = -1, make depth 0. If depth = anything else, leave it alone.
            // b) edge process: look at the nodes on either end of the edge (call them n1 and n2) and examine their depth values:
            //      n1  n2
            //      -1  -1  both unknown, should not happen, leave alone
            //       0  -1  make the -1 = 1 (same case as below, order doesnt matter)
            //      -1   X  make the -1 = X + 1 (same case as above, order doesnt matter)
            //       X   Y  both known, leave alone

            // a) Node process
            List <CdmNode> nodes = gFragmentFromPool.GetAllNodes();

            foreach (CdmNode n in nodes)
                if (r.NodeId == n.NodeId)
                    if (n.Depth == -1)
                        // the node we're looking at is the node that was asked for in the request. Now, if previously
                        // we didn't know it's depth we know now that it must be the first requested node for this graph.
                        n.Depth = 0;

            // b) Edge process
            List <CdmEdge> edges = gFragmentFromPool.GetAllEdges();

            foreach (CdmEdge e in edges)
                CdmNode n1 = null;
                CdmNode n2 = null;
                gFragmentFromPool.GetNodesAtEitherEndofEdge(e.EdgeId, out n1, out n2);
                if (n1.Depth == -1 && n2.Depth == -1)
                    // both unknown, shouldn't happen, just leave alone
                    Msg.LogWarning("CdmCore.UpdateFragmentAddDepth() has both nodes unknown depth for edge: " + e.EdgeId);
                else if (n1.Depth != -1 || n2.Depth != -1)
                    // precisely one unknown, so now we know the other
                    if (n1.Depth == -1)
                        n1.Depth = n2.Depth + 1;
                        n2.Depth = n1.Depth + 1;
                    // both known, this is fine where we're just refreshing known values, so leave alone
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// If the CdmPool can fulfill the request, return the graph fragment required, return null otherwise
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="r">The request we want to fulfill, which is a node and a range from-to of edge numbers</param>
        /// <param name="isPerfectMatchRequired">When true, the pool must perfectly match request, when false will return whatever pool has, even if incomplete</param>
        /// <returns>Graph fragment that fully or partially fulfills request, or null</returns>
        private CdmGraph CanCdmPoolFulfillRequest(CdmRequest r, bool isPerfectMatchRequired)
            if (r == null)
            CdmNode n = CdmPool.FindNodeById(r.NodeId);

            if (n == null)

            int edgesAskedForCount          = r.EdgeCountTo - r.EdgeCountFrom + 1;
            int edgesFoundCount             = 0;
            int endOfEdgeNodesAskedForCount = edgesAskedForCount;
            int endOfEdgeNodesFoundCount    = 0;

            // Add requested node to graph fragment we will send
            CdmGraph gFragment = CreateNewGraph(_adaptorSelector.GetChosenAdaptor().GetFamily());


            // Get requisite edges
            for (int i = r.EdgeCountFrom; i <= r.EdgeCountTo; i++)
                // This searches both ways around, sender and receiver
                CdmEdge e = CdmPool.FindEdgeByNodeAndNumber(n.NodeId, i);
                if (e != null)
                    // Store the edge

                    // Store the node at the end of the edge
                    CdmNode eoen = CdmPool.FindNodeAtEndOfEdge(n.NodeId, e.EdgeId);

            if (isPerfectMatchRequired)
                if (edgesFoundCount >= edgesAskedForCount && endOfEdgeNodesFoundCount >= endOfEdgeNodesAskedForCount)
Пример #4
        private void RaiseOnCdmPoolRequestFulfilled(CdmRequest r, CdmGraph g)
            if (g == null)
                Msg.LogWarning("CdmCore.RaiseOnCdmPoolRequestFulfilled was asked to raise pool change event for a null graph");

            // Raise event for listeners
            CdmPoolEventArgs e = new CdmPoolEventArgs()
                CdmRequest = r, CdmGraph = g

            OnCdmPoolRequestFulfilled(this, e);
Пример #5
        private void Awake()
            // Extract the adaptor selector from the game object assigned in inspector
            Msg.Log("CdmCore.Awake is looking for an AdaptorSelector");
            _adaptorSelector = IAdaptorGO.GetComponent <AdaptorSelector>();

            if (_adaptorSelector == null)
                Msg.LogError("CdmCore cannot find AdaptorSelector");

            // Create graph pool of the appropriate family type
            if (CdmPool == null)
                CdmPool = CreateNewGraph(_adaptorSelector.GetChosenAdaptor().GetFamily());
Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Pushes a Cdm Graph fragment g into the cdmpool, fulfilling request r
        /// It is fine to provide more nodes and edges in the graph fragment g, anything extra (over and above what fulfills
        /// the request r) is stored in the pool anyway (the pool acts as a cache), just won't be send to UI listeners.
        /// It is also fine to pass in a null request, this means data will be added to the Cdm cache, but no events will
        /// be raised for UI listeners
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="r">Request that has been fulfilled either in this call or prior, null if data to be added to cache only</param>
        /// <param name="g">Graph fragment</param>
        public void IngestCdmGraphFragment(CdmRequest r, CdmGraph g)
            // Add the new fragment to the pool
            // Remember Btc etc specific functionality is supported in Cdm* derived classes

            // Add depth information and tell listeners, but only for edges that were requested in request r
            if (r != null && !r.IsCacheFillOnly)
                CdmGraph gFragmentFromPool = CanCdmPoolFulfillRequest(r, false);
                UpdateFragmentAddDepth(r, gFragmentFromPool);
                RaiseOnCdmPoolRequestFulfilled(r, gFragmentFromPool);
                Msg.Log("CdmCore.IngestCdmGraphFragment received a cache-fill call (data added to pool, not passed to frontends)");