public static void ShowWindow() { WelcomeWindow window = EditorWindow.GetWindow <WelcomeWindow>(true, "Welcome to Easy AI"); Vector2 size = new Vector2(340f, 310f); window.minSize = size; window.maxSize = size; Object.DontDestroyOnLoad(window); }
static void ShowEditor() { self = GetWindow <NodeEditorWindow>(); self.minSize = new Vector2(800, 600); Texture iconTexture = (Texture2D)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <Texture2D>(EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin? "Textures/Icon_Dark.png" : "Textures/Icon_Light.png"); self.titleContent = new GUIContent("Node Editor", iconTexture); if (PreferencesEditor.GetBool(Preference.ShowWelcomeWindow, true)) { WelcomeWindow.ShowWindow(); } }
/// <summary> /// Basic Draw routine. Called in OnGUI in TutorialEditor /// </summary> /// <param name="position">Absolute position</param> public void Draw(Rect position, EasyAIFSM coreSystem) { float width = opened ? 220f : 25f; rect = new Rect(position.width - width, 0f, width, position.height); stackHeight = 0f; GUI.BeginGroup(rect, sideWindowStyle); // Open- / Close Button if (GUI.Button(new Rect(opened ? 10f:5f, stackHeight += 5f, opened ? 190f : 15f, 20f), new GUIContent(opened ? ">> Close >>" : "<", opened ? "Close Sidewindow" : "Open Sidewindow"))) { opened = !opened; } // Elements on opened SideWindow if (opened) { stackHeight = 20f; if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10f, stackHeight += 25f, 190f, 20f), "New Canvas")) { NodeEditorWindow.self.CreateEasyAISystem(); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10f, stackHeight += 35f, 190f, 20f), "Clear Canvas")) { coreSystem.nodes.Clear(); coreSystem.fsmVariables.Clear(); Node node = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <StartAINode>(); node.self = coreSystem.gameObject; node.Init(); node.rect.x = 100f; node.rect.y = 100f; coreSystem.nodes.Add(node); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10f, stackHeight += 35f, 190f, 20f), "Welcome Window")) { WelcomeWindow.ShowWindow(); } //GUI.Label(new Rect(5f, stackHeight += 40f, 120f, 20f), // "Variables: "); GUI.BeginGroup(new Rect(5f, stackHeight += 40, 210f, 1500f)); // 190 GUILayout.BeginVertical("box"); GUILayout.Label("Variables: ", GUILayout.Height(20), GUILayout.Width(80)); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (GUILayout.Button("Add", GUILayout.Height(15), GUILayout.Width(35)) && _choiceIndex != 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(varName)) { foreach (var item in coreSystem.fsmVariables) { if (item.Name == varName) { EditorGUIUtility.ExitGUI(); } } switch (_choiceIndex) { // String case 1: FsmString item = ""; item.Name = varName; coreSystem.fsmVariables.Add(item); break; // Bool case 2: FsmBool item2 = false; item2.Name = varName; coreSystem.fsmVariables.Add(item2); break; // Color case 3: FsmColor item3 = Color.white; item3.Name = varName; coreSystem.fsmVariables.Add(item3); break; // Float case 4: FsmFloat item4 = 0f; item4.Name = varName; coreSystem.fsmVariables.Add(item4); break; // GameObject case 5: FsmGameObject item5 = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <FsmGameObject>(); item5.Name = varName; coreSystem.fsmVariables.Add(item5); break; // Object case 6: FsmObject item6 = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <FsmObject>(); item6.Name = varName; coreSystem.fsmVariables.Add(item6); break; // Int case 7: FsmInt item7 = 0; item7.Name = varName; coreSystem.fsmVariables.Add(item7); break; // Vector 2 case 8: FsmVector2 item8 =; item8.Name = varName; coreSystem.fsmVariables.Add(item8); break; // Vector3 case 9: FsmVector3 item9 =; item9.Name = varName; coreSystem.fsmVariables.Add(item9); break; default: break; } varName = ""; } varName = GUILayout.TextField(varName, GUILayout.Width(80)); _choiceIndex = EditorGUILayout.Popup(_choiceIndex, DisplayNames, GUILayout.Height(10), GUILayout.Width(60)); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.EndVertical(); GUILayout.BeginVertical(); GUILayout.Space(8f); // scrolll variables scrollPos = EditorGUILayout.BeginScrollView(scrollPos, GUIStyle.none,, GUILayout.Width(210), GUILayout.Height(400)); for (int i = 0; i < coreSystem.fsmVariables.Count; i++) { GUILayout.BeginVertical("box"); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label(coreSystem.fsmVariables[i].Name, GUILayout.Width(60)); GUILayout.Label(SerializedVariable.GetTypeName(coreSystem.fsmVariables[i].VariableType), GUILayout.Width(75)); GUILayout.Space(15f); if (GUILayout.Button("X", GUILayout.Height(15), GUILayout.Width(20))) { coreSystem.fsmVariables.RemoveAt(i); EditorGUIUtility.ExitGUI(); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginVertical(); if (coreSystem.fsmVariables[i].VariableType == typeof(GameObject)) { GameObject temp = coreSystem.fsmVariables[i].GetValue() as GameObject; temp = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("", temp, typeof(GameObject), true, GUILayout.Width(160)) as GameObject; if (temp != null) { var _name = coreSystem.fsmVariables[i].Name; coreSystem.fsmVariables [i] = (FsmGameObject)temp; //temp as FsmGameObject; coreSystem.fsmVariables[i].Name = _name; } } else if (coreSystem.fsmVariables[i].VariableType == typeof(string)) { string temp = coreSystem.fsmVariables[i].GetValue() as string; temp = EditorGUILayout.TextField("", temp, GUILayout.Width(160)); if (temp != null) { var _name = coreSystem.fsmVariables[i].Name; coreSystem.fsmVariables[i] = (FsmString)temp; coreSystem.fsmVariables[i].Name = _name; } } else if (coreSystem.fsmVariables[i].VariableType == typeof(int)) { int temp = (int)coreSystem.fsmVariables[i].GetValue(); temp = EditorGUILayout.IntField("", temp, GUILayout.Width(160)); var _name = coreSystem.fsmVariables[i].Name; coreSystem.fsmVariables[i] = (FsmInt)temp; coreSystem.fsmVariables[i].Name = _name; } else if (coreSystem.fsmVariables[i].VariableType == typeof(float)) { float temp = (float)coreSystem.fsmVariables[i].GetValue(); temp = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("", temp, GUILayout.Width(160)); var _name = coreSystem.fsmVariables[i].Name; coreSystem.fsmVariables[i] = (FsmFloat)temp; coreSystem.fsmVariables[i].Name = _name; } else if (coreSystem.fsmVariables[i].VariableType == typeof(bool)) { bool temp = (bool)coreSystem.fsmVariables[i].GetValue(); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(80f); temp = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("", temp, GUILayout.Width(80)); var _name = coreSystem.fsmVariables[i].Name; coreSystem.fsmVariables[i] = (FsmBool)temp; coreSystem.fsmVariables[i].Name = _name; EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } else if (coreSystem.fsmVariables[i].VariableType == typeof(Vector2)) { Vector2 temp = (Vector2)coreSystem.fsmVariables[i].GetValue(); temp = EditorGUILayout.Vector2Field("", temp, GUILayout.Width(160)); var _name = coreSystem.fsmVariables[i].Name; coreSystem.fsmVariables[i] = (FsmVector2)temp; coreSystem.fsmVariables[i].Name = _name; } else if (coreSystem.fsmVariables[i].VariableType == typeof(Vector3)) { Vector3 temp = (Vector3)coreSystem.fsmVariables[i].GetValue(); temp = EditorGUILayout.Vector3Field("", temp, GUILayout.Width(160)); var _name = coreSystem.fsmVariables[i].Name; coreSystem.fsmVariables[i] = (FsmVector3)temp; coreSystem.fsmVariables[i].Name = _name; } else if (coreSystem.fsmVariables[i].VariableType == typeof(Color)) { Color temp = (Color)coreSystem.fsmVariables[i].GetValue(); temp = EditorGUILayout.ColorField(temp, GUILayout.Width(160)); var _name = coreSystem.fsmVariables[i].Name; coreSystem.fsmVariables[i] = (FsmColor)temp; coreSystem.fsmVariables[i].Name = _name; } else if (coreSystem.fsmVariables[i].VariableType == typeof(Object)) { Object temp = (Object)coreSystem.fsmVariables[i].GetValue(); temp = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("", temp, typeof(Object), true, GUILayout.Width(160)); if (temp != null) { var _name = coreSystem.fsmVariables[i].Name; coreSystem.fsmVariables[i] = (FsmObject)temp; coreSystem.fsmVariables[i].Name = _name; } } //GUILayout.Label(coreSystem.fsmVariables[i].GetValue().ToString(),GUILayout.Width(220)); GUILayout.EndVertical(); GUILayout.Space(5f); GUILayout.EndVertical(); } EditorGUILayout.EndScrollView(); GUILayout.EndVertical(); GUI.EndGroup(); //if (GUI.Button (new Rect(5f, stackHeight += 25f, 60f, 20f),"Add New")) { //} // // If TutorialSystem Gameobject was not yet created //if (!TutorialEditor.tutSystemCreated) { // // New Tutorial Button // if (GUI.Button (new Rect(5f, stackHeight += 25f, 190f, 20f), // "New Tutorial", TutorialEditor.customSkin.button)) { // TutorialEditor.CreateTutorialSystem (); // } // AboutButton(); // // If TutorialSystem was already created //} else { // // Delete everything from TutorialDesigner Canvas // if (GUI.Button(new Rect(5f, stackHeight += 25f, 190f, 20f), // "Clear Workspace", TutorialEditor.customSkin.button)) { // Undo.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo (TutorialEditor.savePoint, "Clear Workspace"); // foreach (Node n in TutorialEditor.savePoint.nodes) { // n.Remove (); // } // TutorialEditor.savePoint.nodes.Clear (); // TutorialEditor.savePoint.startNode = null; // } // // Hide all Dialogue Gameobjects in current scene // if (GUI.Button(new Rect(5f, stackHeight += 25f, 190f, 20f), // "Hide Dialogues", TutorialEditor.customSkin.button)) { // TutorialEditor.savePoint.HideAllDialogues(); // } // AboutButton(); // // Basic Zooming in the EditorWindow // float zoomChange = 0f; // GUI.Label(new Rect(5f, stackHeight += 30f, 120f, 20f), // "Zoom : " + TutorialEditor.zoomFactor, labelBold); // if (GUI.Button (new Rect(125f, stackHeight, 30f, 20f), // "+", TutorialEditor.customSkin.button)) { // zoomChange = 0.2f; // } // if (GUI.Button (new Rect(160f, stackHeight, 30f, 20f), // "-", TutorialEditor.customSkin.button)) { // zoomChange = -0.2f; // } // // If user changed zoomFactor // if (zoomChange != 0) { // TutorialEditor.zoomFactor = Mathf.Clamp (TutorialEditor.zoomFactor + zoomChange, 0.2f, 1f); // // Store here for Serialization // TutorialEditor.savePoint.zoomFactor = TutorialEditor.zoomFactor; // } // // Display StartNode if available // Node startNode = TutorialEditor.savePoint.startNode; // string start = "missing"; // if (startNode != null) { // bool isItStep = ((TutorialEditor.savePoint.startNode.nodeType & 1) == 1); // start = (isItStep ? "Step - " : "Event - ") + startNode.description; // } //GUI.Label(new Rect(5f, stackHeight += 30f, 120f, 20f), // "Startnode: "); //GUI.Label(new Rect(5f, stackHeight += 18f, 190f, 52f), // "start"); //GUI.BeginGroup(new Rect(5f, stackHeight += 60, 190f, 230f)); //int groupStack = 0; // // Tutorial Monitor //GUI.Label (new Rect(10f, groupStack, 180f, 20f), "Tutorial Monitor"); //GUI.Label (new Rect(10f, groupStack += 20, 180f, 18f), "--- Default Path ---"); //GUI.Label (new Rect(10f, groupStack += 18, 180f, 0f), "-> " + currentNode); //GUI.Label (new Rect(10f, groupStack += 80, 180f, 18f), "--- Global ---"); //GUI.Label (new Rect(10f, groupStack += 18, 180f, 0f), "-> " + globalNode); //GUI.EndGroup(); } GUI.EndGroup(); }