Пример #1
		public override bool FrameRenderingQueued( FrameEventArgs evt )
			// shoot a ray from the cursor to the plane
			var ray = TrayManager.GetCursorRay( Camera );
			this.mCursorQuery.Ray = ray;
			var result = this.mCursorQuery.Execute();

			if ( result.Count != 0 )
				// using the point of intersection, find the corresponding texel on our texture
				var pt = ray.GetPoint( result[ result.Count - 1 ].Distance );
				this.mBrushPos = ( ( new Vector2( pt.x, -pt.y ) )*( 1.0f/this.mPlaneSize ) + ( new Vector2( 0.5, 0.5 ) ) )*

			byte freezeAmount = 0;
			this.mTimeSinceLastFreeze += evt.TimeSinceLastFrame;

			// find out how much to freeze the plane based on time passed
			while ( this.mTimeSinceLastFreeze >= 0.1 )
				this.mTimeSinceLastFreeze -= 0.1;
				freezeAmount += 0x04;

			_updateTexture( freezeAmount ); // rebuild texture contents

			this.mPenguinAnimState.AddTime( evt.TimeSinceLastFrame ); // increment penguin idle animation time
			this.mPenguinNode.Yaw( (Real)( new Radian( (Real)evt.TimeSinceLastFrame ) ) ); // spin the penguin around

			return base.FrameRenderingQueued( evt ); // don't forget the parent class updates!
Пример #2
		public override void UpdateDebugDisplay( Page p, SceneNode sn )
			byte dbglvl = mManager.DebugDisplayLevel;
			if ( dbglvl != 0 )
				// we could try to avoid updating the geometry every time here, but this 
				// wouldn't easily deal with paging parameter changes. There shouldn't 
				// be that many pages anyway, and this is debug after all, so update every time
				int x, y;
				var stratData = (Grid2DPageStrategyData)p.ParentSection.StrategyData;
				stratData.CalculateCell( p.PageID, out x, out y );

				var data = (Grid2DPageStrategyData)p.ParentSection.StrategyData;

				// Determine our centre point, we'll anchor here
				// Note that world points are initialised to ZERO since only 2 dimensions
				// are updated by the grid data (we could display this grid anywhere)
				Vector2 gridMidPoint = Vector2.Zero;
				Vector3 worldMidPoint = Vector3.Zero;
				data.GetMidPointGridSpace( x, y, ref gridMidPoint );
				data.ConvertGridToWorldSpace( gridMidPoint, ref worldMidPoint );

				sn.Position = worldMidPoint;

				var gridCorners = new Vector2[4];
				var worldCorners = new Vector3[4];

				data.GetCornersGridSpace( x, y, ref gridCorners );
				for ( int i = 0; i < 4; ++i )
					worldCorners[ i ] = Vector3.Zero;
					data.ConvertGridToWorldSpace( gridCorners[ i ], ref worldCorners[ i ] );
					// make relative to mid point
					worldCorners[ i ] -= worldMidPoint;

				string matName = "Axiom/G2D/Debug";
				var mat = (Material)MaterialManager.Instance.GetByName( matName );
				if ( mat == null )
					mat = (Material)MaterialManager.Instance.Create( matName, ResourceGroupManager.DefaultResourceGroupName );
					Pass pass = mat.GetTechnique( 0 ).GetPass( 0 );
					pass.LightingEnabled = false;
					pass.VertexColorTracking = TrackVertexColor.Ambient;
					pass.DepthWrite = false;

				ManualObject mo = null;
				if ( sn.ChildCount == 0 )
					mo = p.ParentSection.SceneManager.CreateManualObject();
					mo.Begin( matName, OperationType.LineStrip );
					mo = (ManualObject)sn.GetObject( 0 );
					mo.BeginUpdate( 0 );

				ColorEx vcol = ColorEx.Green;
				for ( int i = 0; i < 5; ++i )
					mo.Position( worldCorners[ i%4 ] );
					mo.Color( vcol );


				if ( sn.ObjectCount == 0 )
					sn.AttachObject( mo );
Пример #3
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="topLeft"></param>
 /// <param name="bottomRight"></param>
 public void SetCorners(Math.Vector2 topLeft, Math.Vector2 bottomRight)
     SetCorners(topLeft.x, topLeft.y, bottomRight.x, bottomRight.y);
Пример #4
 void btn_CursorPressed( object sender, Vector2 cursorPosition )
     Button btn = sender as Button;
     if ( btn != null && btn.Name == "PageButtonControl" )
         ChangePage( -1 );