Contains() публичный Метод

Tests whether the given point contained by this box.
public Contains ( Vector3 v ) : bool
v Vector3
Результат bool
Пример #1
		/* This function check if *this* portal "crossed over" the other portal.
		public bool crossedPortal( Portal otherPortal )
			// Only check if portal is open
			if ( otherPortal.mOpen )
				// we model both portals as line swept spheres (mPrevDerivedCP to mDerivedCP).
				// intersection test is then between the capsules.
				// BUGBUG! This routine needs to check for case where one or both objects
				//         don't move - resulting in simple sphere tests
				// BUGBUG! If one (or both) portals are aabb's this is REALLY not accurate.
				Capsule portalCapsule, otherPortalCapsule;

				portalCapsule = new Capsule();
				portalCapsule.Set( this.getPrevDerivedCP(), this.getDerivedCP(), this.getRadius() );

				otherPortalCapsule = new Capsule();
				otherPortalCapsule.Set( otherPortal.mPrevDerivedCP,
									   otherPortal.mRadius );

				if ( portalCapsule.Intersects( otherPortalCapsule ) )
					// the portal intersected the other portal at some time from last frame to this frame.
					// Now check if this portal "crossed" the other portal
					switch ( otherPortal.Type )
							// a crossing occurs if the "side" of the final position of this portal compared
							// to the final position of the other portal is negative AND the initial position
							// of this portal compared to the initial position of the other portal is non-negative
							// NOTE: This function assumes that this portal is the smaller portal potentially crossing
							//       over the otherPortal which is larger.
							if ( otherPortal.getDerivedPlane().GetSide( mDerivedCP ) == PlaneSide.Negative &&
								otherPortal.getPrevDerivedPlane().GetSide( mPrevDerivedCP ) != PlaneSide.Negative )
								// crossing occurred!
								return true;
								// for aabb's we check if the center point went from being inside to being outside
								// the aabb (or vice versa) for crossing.
								AxisAlignedBox aabb = new AxisAlignedBox( otherPortal.getDerivedCorner( 0 ), otherPortal.getDerivedCorner( 1 ) );
								//bool previousInside = aabb.contains(mPrevDerivedCP);
								bool currentInside = aabb.Contains( mDerivedCP );
								if ( otherPortal.getDerivedDirection() == Vector3.UnitZ )
									// portal norm is "outward" pointing, look for going from outside to inside
									//if (previousInside == false &&
									if ( currentInside == true )
										return true;
									// portal norm is "inward" pointing, look for going from inside to outside
									//if (previousInside == true &&
									if ( currentInside == false )
										return true;
								// for spheres we check if the center point went from being inside to being outside
								// the sphere surface (or vice versa) for crossing.
								//Real previousDistance2 = mPrevDerivedCP.squaredDistance(otherPortal->getPrevDerivedCP());
								Real currentDistance2 = mDerivedCP.DistanceSquared( otherPortal.getDerivedCP() );
								Real mRadius2 = System.Math.Sqrt( otherPortal.getRadius() );
								if ( otherPortal.getDerivedDirection() == Vector3.UnitZ )
									// portal norm is "outward" pointing, look for going from outside to inside
									//if (previousDistance2 >= mRadius2 &&
									if ( currentDistance2 < mRadius2 )
										return true;
									// portal norm is "inward" pointing, look for going from inside to outside
									//if (previousDistance2 < mRadius2 &&
									if ( currentDistance2 >= mRadius2 )
										return true;
			// there was no crossing of the portal by this portal. It might be touching
			// the other portal (but we don't care currently)
			return false;
Пример #2
		// Find the best (smallest) zone that contains a point
		public PCZone FindZoneForPoint( Vector3 point )
			PCZone bestZone = this.defaultZone;
			Real bestVolume = Real.PositiveInfinity;

			foreach ( PCZone zone in this.zones )
				var aabb = new AxisAlignedBox();
				zone.GetAABB( ref aabb );
				SceneNode enclosureNode = zone.EnclosureNode;
				if ( null != enclosureNode )
					// since this is the "local" AABB, add in world translation of the enclosure node
					aabb.Minimum = aabb.Minimum + enclosureNode.DerivedPosition;
					aabb.Maximum = aabb.Maximum + enclosureNode.DerivedPosition;
				if ( aabb.Contains( point ) )
					if ( aabb.Volume < bestVolume )
						// this zone is "smaller" than the current best zone, so make it
						// the new best zone
						bestZone = zone;
						bestVolume = aabb.Volume;

			return bestZone;
Пример #3
		/* Test if a scene node intersected a portal during the last time delta
			* (from last frame time to current frame time).  This function checks
			* if the node "crossed over" the portal also.
		public PortalIntersectResult intersects( PCZSceneNode pczsn )
			// Only check if portal is open
			if ( mOpen )
				if ( pczsn == mNode )
					// ignore the scene node if it is the node the portal is associated with
					return PortalIntersectResult.NO_INTERSECT;
				// most complicated case - if the portal is a quad:
					// the node is modeled as a line segment (prevPostion to currentPosition)
					// intersection test is then between the capsule and the line segment.
					Segment nodeSegment = new Segment();
					nodeSegment.Set( pczsn.PreviousPosition, pczsn.DerivedPosition );

					// we model the portal as a line swept sphere (mPrevDerivedCP to mDerivedCP).
					Capsule portalCapsule = new Capsule();
					portalCapsule.Set( mPrevDerivedCP, mDerivedCP, mRadius );

					if ( portalCapsule.Intersects( nodeSegment ) )
						// the portal intersected the node at some time from last frame to this frame.
						// Now check if node "crossed" the portal
						// a crossing occurs if the "side" of the final position of the node compared
						// to the final position of the portal is negative AND the initial position
						// of the node compared to the initial position of the portal is non-negative
						if ( mDerivedPlane.GetSide( pczsn.DerivedPosition ) == PlaneSide.Negative &&
							mPrevDerivedPlane.GetSide( pczsn.DerivedPosition ) != PlaneSide.Negative )
							// safety check - make sure the node has at least one dimension which is
							// small enough to fit through the portal! (avoid the "elephant fitting
							// through a mouse hole" case)
							Vector3 nodeHalfVector = pczsn.WorldAABB.HalfSize;
							Vector3 portalBox = new Vector3( mRadius, mRadius, mRadius );
							portalBox.Floor( nodeHalfVector );
							if ( portalBox.x < mRadius )
								// crossing occurred!
								return PortalIntersectResult.INTERSECT_CROSS;
					// there was no crossing of the portal by the node, but it might be touching
					// the portal.  We check for this by checking the bounding box of the node vs.
					// the sphere of the portal
					if ( mDerivedSphere.Intersects( pczsn.WorldAABB ) &&
						mDerivedPlane.GetSide( pczsn.WorldAABB ) == PlaneSide.Both )
						// intersection but no crossing
						// note this means that the node is CURRENTLY touching the portal.
						if ( mDerivedPlane.GetSide( pczsn.DerivedPosition ) != PlaneSide.Negative )
							// the node is on the positive (front) or exactly on the CP of the portal
							return PortalIntersectResult.INTERSECT_NO_CROSS;
							// the node is on the negative (back) side of the portal - it might be in the wrong zone!
							return PortalIntersectResult.INTERSECT_BACK_NO_CROSS;
					// no intersection CURRENTLY.  (there might have been an intersection
					// during the time between last frame and this frame, but it wasn't a portal
					// crossing, and it isn't touching anymore, so it doesn't matter.
					return PortalIntersectResult.NO_INTERSECT;
				else if ( mType == PORTAL_TYPE.PORTAL_TYPE_AABB )
					// for aabb's we check if the center point went from being inside to being outside
					// the aabb (or vice versa) for crossing.
					AxisAlignedBox aabb = new AxisAlignedBox( mDerivedCorners[ 0 ], mDerivedCorners[ 1 ] );
					//bool previousInside = aabb.contains(pczsn->getPrevPosition());
					bool currentInside = aabb.Contains( pczsn.DerivedPosition );
					if ( mDirection == Vector3.UnitZ )
						// portal norm is "outward" pointing, look for going from outside to inside
						//if (previousInside == false &&
						if ( currentInside == true )
							return PortalIntersectResult.INTERSECT_CROSS;
						// portal norm is "inward" pointing, look for going from inside to outside
						//if (previousInside == true &&
						if ( currentInside == false )
							return PortalIntersectResult.INTERSECT_CROSS;
					// doesn't cross, but might be touching.  This is a little tricky because we only
					// care if the node aab is NOT fully contained in the portal aabb because we consider
					// the surface of the portal aabb the actual 'portal'.  First, check to see if the
					// aab of the node intersects the aabb portal
					if ( aabb.Intersects( pczsn.WorldAABB ) )
						// now check if the intersection between the two is not the same as the
						// full node aabb, if so, then this means that the node is not fully "contained"
						// which is what we are looking for.
						AxisAlignedBox overlap = aabb.Intersection( pczsn.WorldAABB );
						if ( overlap != pczsn.WorldAABB )
							return PortalIntersectResult.INTERSECT_NO_CROSS;
					return PortalIntersectResult.NO_INTERSECT;
					// for spheres we check if the center point went from being inside to being outside
					// the sphere surface (or vice versa) for crossing.
					//Real previousDistance2 = mPrevDerivedCP.squaredDistance(pczsn->getPrevPosition());
					Real currentDistance2 = mDerivedCP.DistanceSquared( pczsn.DerivedPosition );
					Real mRadius2 = mRadius * mRadius;
					if ( mDirection == Vector3.UnitZ )
						// portal norm is "outward" pointing, look for going from outside to inside
						//if (previousDistance2 >= mRadius2 &&
						if ( currentDistance2 < mRadius2 )
							return PortalIntersectResult.INTERSECT_CROSS;
						// portal norm is "inward" pointing, look for going from inside to outside
						//if (previousDistance2 < mRadius2 &&
						if ( currentDistance2 >= mRadius2 )
							return PortalIntersectResult.INTERSECT_CROSS;
					// no crossing, but might be touching - check distance
					if ( System.Math.Sqrt( System.Math.Abs( mRadius2 - currentDistance2 ) ) <= mRadius )
						return PortalIntersectResult.INTERSECT_NO_CROSS;
					return PortalIntersectResult.NO_INTERSECT;
			return PortalIntersectResult.NO_INTERSECT;
