public PrologVariableDictionaryEnumerator(PrologVariableDictionary dict)

                /************** BUG: This causes a StackOverflow ********************
                 *              foreach(PrologVariableDictionaryEntry e in dict)
                 *              {
                 *                      items.Add(e);
                 *              }
Пример #2
        public void GenerateCodeFromClause(PrologCodeClause clause, ArrayList instructions)
            /* Do we need to allocate an environment? */
            bool hasEnvironment = clause.Goals.Count > 1;

            /* Initialize variable dictionary */
            _dictionary = new PrologVariableDictionary();

            /* Build the variable dictionary for this clause */

            /* Free all registers */
            PrologRegisterTable registers = PrologRegisterTable.Instance;

            /* Prepare head variables for code generation */
            int reg = 0;
            if (clause.Head.Arity > 0)
                headArity = clause.Head.Arity;
                foreach (PrologCodeTerm argument in clause.Head.Arguments)
                    if (argument is PrologCodeVariable)
                        PrologCodeVariable var = (PrologCodeVariable)argument;
                        PrologVariableDictionaryEntry entry = _dictionary.GetVariable(var.Name);
                        if (entry != null)
                            if (entry.IsTemporary && entry.TemporaryIndex == -1)
                                entry.IsReferenced = true;
                                _dictionary.AllocateTemporaryVariable(entry, reg);
                        //BUG: reg++;

            /* Prepare first goal variables */
            int xreg = 0;
            PrologCodeTerm fg = null;
            if (clause.Goals.Count > 0)
                fg = (PrologCodeTerm)clause.Goals[0];
            if (fg is PrologCodePredicate)
                PrologCodePredicate firstGoal = (PrologCodePredicate)fg;
                if (firstGoal.Name == "!")
                    hasEnvironment = true;
                if (firstGoal.Arity > 0)
                    foreach (PrologCodeTerm variable in firstGoal.Arguments)
                        if (variable is PrologCodeVariable)
                            PrologVariableDictionaryEntry entry = _dictionary.GetVariable(((PrologCodeVariable)variable).Name);
                            if (entry != null)
                                if (entry.IsTemporary && entry.TemporaryIndex == -1)
                                    if (!registers.InUse(xreg))
                                        _dictionary.AllocateTemporaryVariable(entry, xreg);
                /* Reserve required registers */
            for (int i = 0; i < Math.Max(reg, xreg); i++)

            /* Emit predicate label */
            _generator.DeclareProcedure(clause.Head.Name, clause.Head.Arity);

            /* Allocate an environment if needed */
            if (hasEnvironment)

            /* Compile clause head */
            CompileClauseHead(clause.Head, instructions);

            /* Set current goal to 1 */
            _dictionary.CurrentGoalIndex = 1;

            if (clause.Goals.Count == 0)

                /* Reset variable dictionary */
                instructions = _generator.Instructions;

            /* Compile first goal */
            CompileGoal(fg, instructions);

            /* Compile the rest of the goals */
            for (int goalIndex = 1; goalIndex < clause.Goals.Count; goalIndex++)
                PrologCodeTerm goal = (PrologCodeTerm)clause.Goals[goalIndex];

                /* reserve registers */
                for (int i = 0; i < reg; i++)

                /* Clear temporary index of permanent variables */

                /* Compile goal */
                CompileGoal(goal, instructions);

                /* Advance to next goal */
                _dictionary.CurrentGoalIndex += 1;
            /* Reset instruction set, code pointer, and variable
             * dictionary.
        public void GenerateCodeFromClause(PrologCodeClause clause, ArrayList instructions)
            /* Do we need to allocate an environment? */
            bool hasEnvironment = clause.Goals.Count > 1;

            /* Initialize variable dictionary */
            _dictionary = new PrologVariableDictionary();

            /* Build the variable dictionary for this clause */

            /* Free all registers */
            PrologRegisterTable registers = PrologRegisterTable.Instance;


            /* Prepare head variables for code generation */
            int reg = 0;

            if (clause.Head.Arity > 0)
                headArity = clause.Head.Arity;
                foreach (PrologCodeTerm argument in clause.Head.Arguments)
                    if (argument is PrologCodeVariable)
                        PrologCodeVariable            var   = (PrologCodeVariable)argument;
                        PrologVariableDictionaryEntry entry = _dictionary.GetVariable(var.Name);
                        if (entry != null)
                            if (entry.IsTemporary && entry.TemporaryIndex == -1)
                                entry.IsReferenced = true;
                                _dictionary.AllocateTemporaryVariable(entry, reg);
                        //BUG: reg++;

            /* Prepare first goal variables */
            int            xreg = 0;
            PrologCodeTerm fg   = null;

            if (clause.Goals.Count > 0)
                fg = (PrologCodeTerm)clause.Goals[0];
            if (fg is PrologCodePredicate)
                PrologCodePredicate firstGoal = (PrologCodePredicate)fg;
                if (firstGoal.Name == "!")
                    hasEnvironment = true;
                if (firstGoal.Arity > 0)
                    foreach (PrologCodeTerm variable in firstGoal.Arguments)
                        if (variable is PrologCodeVariable)
                            PrologVariableDictionaryEntry entry = _dictionary.GetVariable(((PrologCodeVariable)variable).Name);
                            if (entry != null)
                                if (entry.IsTemporary && entry.TemporaryIndex == -1)
                                    if (!registers.InUse(xreg))
                                        _dictionary.AllocateTemporaryVariable(entry, xreg);
            /* Reserve required registers */
            for (int i = 0; i < Math.Max(reg, xreg); i++)

            /* Emit predicate label */
            _generator.DeclareProcedure(clause.Head.Name, clause.Head.Arity);

            /* Allocate an environment if needed */
            if (hasEnvironment)

            /* Compile clause head */
            CompileClauseHead(clause.Head, instructions);

            /* Set current goal to 1 */
            _dictionary.CurrentGoalIndex = 1;

            if (clause.Goals.Count == 0)

                /* Reset variable dictionary */
                instructions = _generator.Instructions;

            /* Compile first goal */
            CompileGoal(fg, instructions);

            /* Compile the rest of the goals */
            for (int goalIndex = 1; goalIndex < clause.Goals.Count; goalIndex++)
                PrologCodeTerm goal = (PrologCodeTerm)clause.Goals[goalIndex];

                /* reserve registers */
                for (int i = 0; i < reg; i++)

                /* Clear temporary index of permanent variables */

                /* Compile goal */
                CompileGoal(goal, instructions);

                /* Advance to next goal */
                _dictionary.CurrentGoalIndex += 1;

            /* Reset instruction set, code pointer, and variable
             * dictionary.
            public PrologVariableDictionaryEnumerator(PrologVariableDictionary dict)

                /************** BUG: This causes a StackOverflow ********************
                foreach(PrologVariableDictionaryEntry e in dict)