Пример #1
        public void Invalidating_Child_Should_Remeasure_Parent()
            var layoutManager = new LayoutManager();

            using (AvaloniaLocator.EnterScope())

                Border border;
                StackPanel panel;

                var root = new TestLayoutRoot
                    Child = panel = new StackPanel
                        Children = new Controls.Controls
                        (border = new Border())

                Assert.Equal(new Size(0, 0), root.DesiredSize);

                border.Width = 100;
                border.Height = 100;

                Assert.Equal(new Size(100, 100), panel.DesiredSize);
        public void Next_Continue_Returns_First_Control_In_Next_Sibling_Container()
            Button current;
            Button next;

            var top = new StackPanel
                Children = new Controls
                    new StackPanel
                        Children = new Controls
                            new Button { Name = "Button1" },
                            new Button { Name = "Button2" },
                            (current = new Button { Name = "Button3" }),
                    new StackPanel
                        Children = new Controls
                            (next = new Button { Name = "Button4" }),
                            new Button { Name = "Button5" },
                            new Button { Name = "Button6" },

            var result = KeyboardNavigationHandler.GetNext(current, NavigationDirection.Next);

            Assert.Equal(next, result);
Пример #3
        public void Track_By_Name_Should_Find_Control_Added_Later()
            StackPanel panel;
            TextBlock relativeTo;

            var root = new TestRoot
                Child = (panel = new StackPanel
                    Children = new Controls.Controls
                        (relativeTo = new TextBlock
                            Name = "start"

            var locator = ControlLocator.Track(relativeTo, "target");
            var target = new TextBlock { Name = "target" };
            var result = new List<IControl>();

            using (locator.Subscribe(x => result.Add(x)))

            Assert.Equal(new[] { null, target }, result);
            Assert.Equal(0, root.NameScopeRegisteredSubscribers);
            Assert.Equal(0, root.NameScopeUnregisteredSubscribers);
Пример #4
        public static void Build(MainWindow window)
            // maxRow y maxCol deberían estar definidas en el ViewModel...
            int  maxRow  = 9;
            int  maxCol  = 5;
            int  i       = 0;
            Grid grdMain = window.FindControl <Grid>("grdMain");

            for (int row = 0; row < maxRow; row++)
                grdMain.RowDefinitions.Add(new RowDefinition {
                    Height = GridLength.Parse("*", CultureInfo.InstalledUICulture)
            for (int col = 0; col < maxCol; col++)
                grdMain.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition {
                    Width = GridLength.Parse("1*", CultureInfo.InstalledUICulture)
            for (int row = 0; row < maxRow; row++)
                for (int col = 0; col < maxCol; col++)
                    ButtonT b          = new ButtonT("Boton Nro: " + i.ToString(), i);
                    var     stackPanel = new Avalonia.Controls.StackPanel();
                    var     textBlock  = new Avalonia.Controls.TextBlock
                        [!TextBlock.TextProperty] = new Binding("Name")
                    var btn = new Avalonia.Controls.Button
                        Background = b.ButtonColor,
                        [!Button.BackgroundProperty] = b.ToBinding <SolidColorBrush>(),
                        [Grid.RowProperty]           = row,
                        [Grid.ColumnProperty]        = col,
                        // window.DataContext es null, por eso uso la instancia global del viewmodel :( )
                        Command          = ReactiveCommand.Create <ButtonT>(MainWindowViewModel.Instance.RunTheThing),
                        CommandParameter = b,
                        Content          = stackPanel,
                        DataContext      = b

Пример #5
        public void Removing_From_Parent_Should_Invalidate_Measure_Of_Control_And_Descendents()
            var panel = new StackPanel();
            var child2 = new Border();
            var child1 = new Border { Child = child2 };

            panel.Measure(new Size(double.PositiveInfinity, double.PositiveInfinity));

Пример #6
        public void Invalidating_Child_Should_Not_Invalidate_Parent()
            var panel = new StackPanel();
            var child = new Border();

            panel.Measure(new Size(double.PositiveInfinity, double.PositiveInfinity));

            Assert.Equal(new Size(0, 0), panel.DesiredSize);

            child.Width = 100;
            child.Height = 100;


            panel.Measure(new Size(double.PositiveInfinity, double.PositiveInfinity));
            Assert.Equal(new Size(0, 0), panel.DesiredSize);
Пример #7
        public void Lays_Out_Children_Vertically()
            var target = new StackPanel
                Children = new Controls
                    new Border { Height = 20, Width = 120 },
                    new Border { Height = 30 },
                    new Border { Height = 50 },

            target.Arrange(new Rect(target.DesiredSize));

            Assert.Equal(new Size(120, 100), target.Bounds.Size);
            Assert.Equal(new Rect(0, 0, 120, 20), target.Children[0].Bounds);
            Assert.Equal(new Rect(0, 20, 120, 30), target.Children[1].Bounds);
            Assert.Equal(new Rect(0, 50, 120, 50), target.Children[2].Bounds);
Пример #8
        public void Lays_Out_Children_Horizontally()
            var target = new StackPanel
                Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal,
                Children = new Controls
                    new Border { Width = 20, Height = 120 },
                    new Border { Width = 30 },
                    new Border { Width = 50 },

            target.Arrange(new Rect(target.DesiredSize));

            Assert.Equal(new Size(100, 120), target.Bounds.Size);
            Assert.Equal(new Rect(0, 0, 20, 120), target.Children[0].Bounds);
            Assert.Equal(new Rect(20, 0, 30, 120), target.Children[1].Bounds);
            Assert.Equal(new Rect(50, 0, 50, 120), target.Children[2].Bounds);
        public void Down_Contained_Stops_At_End()
            StackPanel container;
            Button current;
            Button next;

            var top = new StackPanel
                Children = new Controls
                    (container = new StackPanel
                        [KeyboardNavigation.DirectionalNavigationProperty] = KeyboardNavigationMode.Contained,
                        Children = new Controls
                            (next = new Button { Name = "Button1" }),
                            new Button { Name = "Button2" },
                            (current = new Button { Name = "Button3" }),
                    new StackPanel
                        [KeyboardNavigation.DirectionalNavigationProperty] = KeyboardNavigationMode.Contained,
                        Children = new Controls
                            new Button { Name = "Button4" },
                            new Button { Name = "Button5" },
                            new Button { Name = "Button6" },

            var result = KeyboardNavigationHandler.GetNext(current, NavigationDirection.Down);

        public void Down_Continue_Returns_Down_Control_In_Container()
            Button current;
            Button next;

            var top = new StackPanel
                Children = new Controls
                    new StackPanel
                        [KeyboardNavigation.DirectionalNavigationProperty] = KeyboardNavigationMode.Continue,
                        Children = new Controls
                            new Button { Name = "Button1" },
                            (current = new Button { Name = "Button2" }),
                            (next = new Button { Name = "Button3" }),
                    new StackPanel
                        [KeyboardNavigation.DirectionalNavigationProperty] = KeyboardNavigationMode.Continue,
                        Children = new Controls
                            new Button { Name = "Button4" },
                            new Button { Name = "Button5" },
                            new Button { Name = "Button6" },

            var result = KeyboardNavigationHandler.GetNext(current, NavigationDirection.Down);

            Assert.Equal(next, result);
        public void Previous_Contained_Returns_Previous_Control_In_Container()
            StackPanel container;
            Button current;
            Button next;

            var top = new StackPanel
                Children = new Controls
                    (container = new StackPanel
                        [KeyboardNavigation.TabNavigationProperty] = KeyboardNavigationMode.Contained,
                        Children = new Controls
                            (next = new Button { Name = "Button1" }),
                            (current = new Button { Name = "Button2" }),
                            new Button { Name = "Button3" },
                    new StackPanel
                        Children = new Controls
                            new Button { Name = "Button4" },
                            new Button { Name = "Button5" },
                            new Button { Name = "Button6" },

            var result = KeyboardNavigationHandler.GetNext(current, NavigationDirection.Previous);

            Assert.Equal(next, result);
Пример #12
        private static void UpdateXaml2(Dictionary<string, object> dic)
            var xamlInfo = new DesignerApiXamlFileInfo(dic);
            Window window;
            Control control;

            using (PlatformManager.DesignerMode())
                var loader = new AvaloniaXamlLoader();
                var stream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(xamlInfo.Xaml));

                Uri baseUri = null;
                if (xamlInfo.AssemblyPath != null)
                    //Fabricate fake Uri
                    baseUri =
                        new Uri("resm:Fake.xaml?assembly=" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(xamlInfo.AssemblyPath));

                var loaded = loader.Load(stream, null, baseUri);
                var styles = loaded as Styles;
                if (styles != null)
                    var substitute = Design.GetPreviewWith(styles) ??
                                     styles.Select(Design.GetPreviewWith).FirstOrDefault(s => s != null);
                    if (substitute != null)
                        control = substitute;
                        control = new StackPanel
                            Children =
                                new TextBlock {Text = "Styles can't be previewed without Design.PreviewWith. Add"},
                                new TextBlock {Text = "<Design.PreviewWith>"},
                                new TextBlock {Text = "    <Border Padding=20><!-- YOUR CONTROL FOR PREVIEW HERE--></Border>"},
                                new TextBlock {Text = "<Design.PreviewWith>"},
                                new TextBlock {Text = "before setters in your first Style"}
                if (loaded is Application)
                    control = new TextBlock {Text = "Application can't be previewed in design view"};
                    control = (Control) loaded;

                window = control as Window;
                if (window == null)
                    window = new Window() {Content = (Control)control};

                if (!window.IsSet(Window.SizeToContentProperty))
                    window.SizeToContent = SizeToContent.WidthAndHeight;

            s_currentWindow = window;
            Design.ApplyDesignerProperties(window, control);
        public void Previous_Once_Moves_To_First_Element()
            Button current;
            Button next;

            var top = new StackPanel
                Children = new Controls
                    new StackPanel
                        [KeyboardNavigation.TabNavigationProperty] = KeyboardNavigationMode.Once,
                        Children = new Controls
                            (next = new Button { Name = "Button1" }),
                            new Button { Name = "Button2" },
                            new Button { Name = "Button3" },
                    new StackPanel
                        Children = new Controls
                            (current = new Button { Name = "Button4" }),
                            new Button { Name = "Button5" },
                            new Button { Name = "Button6" },

            var result = KeyboardNavigationHandler.GetNext(current, NavigationDirection.Previous);

            Assert.Equal(next, result);
        public void Previous_Contained_Stops_At_Beginning()
            Button current;

            var top = new StackPanel
                Children = new Controls
                    new StackPanel
                        [KeyboardNavigation.TabNavigationProperty] = KeyboardNavigationMode.Contained,
                        Children = new Controls
                            (current = new Button { Name = "Button1" }),
                            new Button { Name = "Button2" },
                            new Button { Name = "Button3" },
                    new StackPanel
                        Children = new Controls
                            new Button { Name = "Button4" },
                            new Button { Name = "Button5" },
                            new Button { Name = "Button6" },

            var result = KeyboardNavigationHandler.GetNext(current, NavigationDirection.Previous);

        public void Next_Continue_Doesnt_Enter_Panel_With_TabNavigation_None()
            Button current;
            Button next;

            var top = new StackPanel
                Children = new Controls
                    new StackPanel
                        Children = new Controls
                            (next = new Button { Name = "Button1" }),
                            new Button { Name = "Button2" },
                            (current = new Button { Name = "Button3" }),
                    new StackPanel
                        [KeyboardNavigation.TabNavigationProperty] = KeyboardNavigationMode.None,
                        Children = new Controls
                            new StackPanel
                                Children = new Controls
                                    new Button { Name = "Button4" },
                                    new Button { Name = "Button5" },
                                    new Button { Name = "Button6" },

            var result = KeyboardNavigationHandler.GetNext(current, NavigationDirection.Next);

            Assert.Equal(next, result);
        public void Should_Bind_To_Later_Added_Element()
            ContentControl target;
            StackPanel stackPanel;

            var root = new TestRoot
                Child = stackPanel = new StackPanel
                    Children = new Controls.Controls
                        (target = new ContentControl
                            Name = "target",

            var binding = new Binding
                ElementName = "source",

            target.Bind(ContentControl.ContentProperty, binding);

            var source = new TextBlock
                Name = "source",
                Text = "foo",


            Assert.Same(source, target.Content);
        public void Next_Cycle_Wraps_To_First()
            Button current;
            Button next;

            var top = new StackPanel
                Children = new Controls
                    new StackPanel
                        [KeyboardNavigation.TabNavigationProperty] = KeyboardNavigationMode.Cycle,
                        Children = new Controls
                            (next = new Button { Name = "Button1" }),
                            new Button { Name = "Button2" },
                            (current = new Button { Name = "Button3" }),
                    new StackPanel
                        Children = new Controls
                            new Button { Name = "Button4" },
                            new Button { Name = "Button5" },
                            new Button { Name = "Button6" },

            var result = KeyboardNavigationHandler.GetNext(current, NavigationDirection.Next);

            Assert.Equal(next, result);
        public void Previous_Contained_Doesnt_Select_Child_Control()
            Decorator current;

            var top = new StackPanel
                [KeyboardNavigation.TabNavigationProperty] = KeyboardNavigationMode.Contained,
                Children = new Controls
                    (current = new Decorator
                        Focusable = true,
                        Child = new Button(),

            var result = KeyboardNavigationHandler.GetNext(current, NavigationDirection.Previous);

Пример #19
        public void Track_By_Name_Should_Track_Removal_And_Readd()
            StackPanel panel;
            TextBlock target;
            TextBlock relativeTo;

            var root = new TestRoot
                Child = panel = new StackPanel
                    Children = new Controls.Controls
                        (target = new TextBlock { Name = "target" }),
                        (relativeTo = new TextBlock { Name = "start" }),

            var locator = ControlLocator.Track(relativeTo, "target");
            var result = new List<IControl>();
            locator.Subscribe(x => result.Add(x));

            var other = new TextBlock { Name = "target" };

            Assert.Equal(new[] { target, null, other }, result);
        public void Down_None_Does_Nothing()
            Button current;

            var top = new StackPanel
                Children = new Controls
                    new StackPanel
                        [KeyboardNavigation.DirectionalNavigationProperty] = KeyboardNavigationMode.None,
                        Children = new Controls
                            new Button { Name = "Button1" },
                            (current = new Button { Name = "Button2" }),
                            new Button { Name = "Button3" },
                    new StackPanel
                        [KeyboardNavigation.DirectionalNavigationProperty] = KeyboardNavigationMode.Contained,
                        Children = new Controls
                            new Button { Name = "Button4" },
                            new Button { Name = "Button5" },
                            new Button { Name = "Button6" },

            var result = KeyboardNavigationHandler.GetNext(current, NavigationDirection.Down);

        public void Down_Continue_Returns_Child_Of_Top_Level()
            Button next;

            var top = new StackPanel
                [KeyboardNavigation.DirectionalNavigationProperty] = KeyboardNavigationMode.Continue,
                Children = new Controls
                    (next = new Button { Name = "Button1" }),

            var result = KeyboardNavigationHandler.GetNext(top, NavigationDirection.Down);

            Assert.Equal(next, result);
        public void Up_Cycle_Wraps_To_Last()
            StackPanel container;
            Button current;
            Button next;

            var top = new StackPanel
                Children = new Controls
                    (container = new StackPanel
                        [KeyboardNavigation.DirectionalNavigationProperty] = KeyboardNavigationMode.Cycle,
                        Children = new Controls
                            (current = new Button { Name = "Button1" }),
                            new Button { Name = "Button2" },
                            (next = new Button { Name = "Button3" }),
                    new StackPanel
                        [KeyboardNavigation.DirectionalNavigationProperty] = KeyboardNavigationMode.Cycle,
                        Children = new Controls
                            new Button { Name = "Button4" },
                            new Button { Name = "Button5" },
                            new Button { Name = "Button6" },

            var result = KeyboardNavigationHandler.GetNext(current, NavigationDirection.Up);

            Assert.Equal(next, result);
        public void Previous_Continue_Returns_Last_Control_In_Previous_Nephew_Container()
            StackPanel container;
            Button current;
            Button next;

            var top = new StackPanel
                Children = new Controls
                    new StackPanel
                        Children = new Controls
                            (container = new StackPanel
                                Children = new Controls
                                    new Button { Name = "Button1" },
                                    new Button { Name = "Button2" },
                                    (next = new Button { Name = "Button3" }),
                    new StackPanel
                        Children = new Controls
                            (current = new Button { Name = "Button4" }),
                            new Button { Name = "Button5" },
                            new Button { Name = "Button6" },

            var result = KeyboardNavigationHandler.GetNext(current, NavigationDirection.Previous);

            Assert.Equal(next, result);
        public void Next_None_Skips_Container()
            StackPanel container;
            Button current;
            Button next;

            var top = new StackPanel
                Children = new Controls
                    (container = new StackPanel
                        [KeyboardNavigation.TabNavigationProperty] = KeyboardNavigationMode.None,
                        Children = new Controls
                            new Button { Name = "Button1" },
                            new Button { Name = "Button2" },
                            new Button { Name = "Button3" },
                    new StackPanel
                        Children = new Controls
                            (next = new Button { Name = "Button4" }),
                            new Button { Name = "Button5" },
                            (current = new Button { Name = "Button6" }),

            KeyboardNavigation.SetTabOnceActiveElement(container, next);

            var result = KeyboardNavigationHandler.GetNext(current, NavigationDirection.Next);

            Assert.Equal(next, result);
        public void Should_Bind_To_Later_Added_Element_Path()
            TextBlock target;
            StackPanel stackPanel;

            var root = new TestRoot
                Child = stackPanel = new StackPanel
                    Children = new Controls.Controls
                        (target = new TextBlock
                            Name = "target",

            var binding = new Binding
                ElementName = "source",
                Path = "Text",

            target.Bind(TextBox.TextProperty, binding);

            stackPanel.Children.Add(new TextBlock
                Name = "source",
                Text = "foo",

            Assert.Equal("foo", target.Text);
        public void Previous_Continue_Wraps()
            Button current;
            Button next;

            var top = new StackPanel
                Children = new Controls
                    new StackPanel
                        Children = new Controls
                            new StackPanel
                                Children = new Controls
                                    (current = new Button { Name = "Button1" }),
                                    new Button { Name = "Button2" },
                                    new Button { Name = "Button3" },
                    new StackPanel
                        Children = new Controls
                            new Button { Name = "Button4" },
                            new Button { Name = "Button5" },
                            (next = new Button { Name = "Button6" }),

            var result = KeyboardNavigationHandler.GetNext(current, NavigationDirection.Previous);

            Assert.Equal(next, result);
        public void Next_Continue_Returns_Child_Of_Top_Level()
            Button next;

            var top = new StackPanel
                Children = new Controls
                    (next = new Button { Name = "Button1" }),

            var result = KeyboardNavigationHandler.GetNext(top, NavigationDirection.Next);

            Assert.Equal(next, result);
        public void Up_Continue_Returns_Last_Child_Of_Sibling()
            StackPanel container;
            Button current;
            Button next;

            var top = new StackPanel
                [KeyboardNavigation.DirectionalNavigationProperty] = KeyboardNavigationMode.Continue,
                Children = new Controls
                    (container = new StackPanel
                        [KeyboardNavigation.DirectionalNavigationProperty] = KeyboardNavigationMode.Continue,
                        Children = new Controls
                            new Button { Name = "Button1" },
                            new Button { Name = "Button2" },
                            (next = new Button { Name = "Button3" }),
                    (current = new Button { Name = "Button4" }),

            var result = KeyboardNavigationHandler.GetNext(current, NavigationDirection.Up);

            Assert.Equal(next, result);