protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string name = Request.Form["name"]; string email = Request.Form["email"]; string address = Request.Form["address"]; int cpf = Convert.ToInt32(Request.Form["cpf"]); string username = Request.Form["username"]; string password = Request.Form["password"]; if (Page.IsPostBack) { clDataAccess insert = new clDataAccess(); clUsers validate = new clUsers(); //VERIFICA SE JA EXISTE O USERNAME if (!validate.containsUser(username) && name != "" && address != "" && cpf.ToString() != "" && email != "" && username != "" && password != "") { insert.Registeruser(name, address, cpf, email, username, password); Response.Redirect("Login.aspx"); } } }
public void VerifyPermission(string Login) { clDataAccess ReturnData = new clDataAccess(); SqlDataReader retorno = ReturnData.ReturnDataset("select codRoles,codUser from TB_Users where login = '******'"); while (retorno.Read()) { codRoles = Convert.ToInt32(retorno["codRoles"]); codUser = Convert.ToInt32(retorno["codUser"]); } }
public bool VerifyPermission(int IdRole, int IdPermissions) { clDataAccess ReturnData = new clDataAccess(); SqlDataReader retorno = ReturnData.ReturnDataset("select codRolePermission from TB_RolePermission where " + IdRole + " = codRoles and " + IdPermissions + " = codPermission"); if (retorno.HasRows == false) { return false; } else { return true; } }
public List<clCategory> ReturnCategory() { clDataAccess Return = new clDataAccess(); SqlDataReader ReturnData = Return.ReturnDataset("select codCategory,Name from TB_Category "); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt.Load(ReturnData); List<clCategory> categories = new List<clCategory>(dt.Rows.Count); foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { categories.Add(new clCategory { Name = row["Name"].ToString(), podSubCategory = int.Parse(row["podSubCategory"].ToString()) }); } return categories; }
public void Insertsubcategory(int codSubCategory, string Name, int codCategory) { clDataAccess InsertData = new clDataAccess(); SqlDataReader Insert = InsertData.ReturnDataset("insert into TB_Category (codSubCategory,Name, codCategory) values ( " + codSubCategory + ",'" + Name + "'," + codCategory + ")"); }
//Marka 1 problema como Resolvido public void MarkSolved(int codProblem) { clDataAccess ReturnData = new clDataAccess(); SqlDataReader Mark = ReturnData.ReturnDataset("Update TB_Problem Set Solved = 1 where codProblem = " + codProblem + ""); SqlDataReader Noedit = ReturnData.ReturnDataset("Update TB_Problem Set Edit = 0 where codProblem = " + codProblem + ""); }
//Insere problemas public void InsertProblem(string Description, string Address, string Photo, int CodSubCategory, int codNeighborhood, int Solved, DateTime Date, int CodUser, int Edit = 1) { clDataAccess InsertData = new clDataAccess(); SqlDataReader Insert = InsertData.ReturnDataset("insert into TB_Problem (Description,Address,Photo,CodSubCategory,codNeighborhood,Solved,Date,CodUser,Edit) values ( '" + Description + "','" + Address + "','" + Photo + "'," + CodSubCategory + "," + codNeighborhood + "," + Solved + ",'" + Date + "'," + CodUser + "," + Edit + ")"); }
//Retorna todos os problemas de um usuario public void UserProblem(int codUser) { clDataAccess ReturnData = new clDataAccess(); SqlDataReader Return = ReturnData.ReturnDataset("select * from TB_Problem where " + "'" + codUser + "'" + " = codUser "); while (Return.Read()) { pDescription = Convert.ToString(Return["Description"]); pAddress = Convert.ToString(Return["Address"]); pPhoto = Convert.ToString(Return["Photo"]); pcodSubCategory = Convert.ToInt32(Return["CodSubCategory"]); pcodNeighborhood = Convert.ToInt32(Return["codNeighborhood"]); pSolved = Convert.ToInt32(Return["Solved"]); pDate = Convert.ToDateTime(Return["Date"]); pCodUser = Convert.ToInt32(Return["CodUser"]); } // DataTable dt = new DataTable(); // dt.Load(Return); // List<clProblem> problems = new List<clProblem>(dt.Rows.Count); // foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) // { // problems.Add(new clProblem // { // pcodProblem = Convert.ToInt32(row["codProblem"]), // pDescription = Convert.ToString(row["Description"]), // pAddress = Convert.ToString(row["Address"]), // pPhoto = Convert.ToString(row["Photo"]), // pcodSubCategory = Convert.ToInt32(row["CodSubCategory"]), // pcodNeighborhood = Convert.ToInt32(row["codNeighborhood"]), // pSolved = Convert.ToInt32(row["Solved"]), // pDate = Convert.ToDateTime(row["Date"]), // pCodUser = Convert.ToInt32(row["CodUser"]), // }); }
//return problems; //Retorna todos os problemas de uma subcategoria public List<clProblem> ReturnProblemSub(int codSubCategory) { clDataAccess ReturnData = new clDataAccess(); SqlDataReader Return = ReturnData.ReturnDataset("select * from TB_Problem where " + "'" + codSubCategory + "'" + " = subCategory "); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt.Load(Return); List<clProblem> problems = new List<clProblem>(dt.Rows.Count); foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { problems.Add(new clProblem { pcodProblem = Convert.ToInt32(row["codProblem"]), pDescription = Convert.ToString(row["Description"]), pAddress = Convert.ToString(row["Address"]), pPhoto = Convert.ToString(row["Photo"]), pcodSubCategory = Convert.ToInt32(row["CodSubCategory"]), pcodNeighborhood = Convert.ToInt32(row["codNeighborhood"]), pSolved = Convert.ToInt32(row["Solved"]), pDate = Convert.ToDateTime(row["Date"]), pCodUser = Convert.ToInt32(row["CodUser"]), }); } return problems; }
// Retorna um problema public void ReturnProblem(int codProblem) { clDataAccess ReturnData = new clDataAccess(); SqlDataReader Return = ReturnData.ReturnDataset("select * from TB_Problem where " + "'" + codProblem + "'" + " = codProblem "); while (Return.Read()) { pcodProblem = Convert.ToInt32(Return["codProblem"]); pDescription = Convert.ToString(Return["Description"]); pAddress = Convert.ToString(Return["Address"]); pPhoto = Convert.ToString(Return["Photo"]); pcodSubCategory = Convert.ToInt32(Return["CodSubCategory"]); pcodNeighborhood = Convert.ToInt32(Return["codNeighborhood"]); pSolved = Convert.ToInt32(Return["Solved"]); pDate = Convert.ToDateTime(Return["Date"]); pCodUser = Convert.ToInt32(Return["CodUser"]); } }
public bool containsUser(string User) { clDataAccess ReturnData = new clDataAccess(); SqlDataReader retorno = ReturnData.ReturnDataset("select login from TB_Users where " + "'" + User + "'" + "= login "); while (retorno.Read()) { Login = Convert.ToString(retorno["login"]); } if (User == Login) { return true; } else { return false; } }
public void UserReturn(string User) { clDataAccess ReturnData = new clDataAccess(); //Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@User", User)); SqlDataReader retorno = ReturnData.ReturnDataset("select * from TB_Users where Name = " + "'" + User + "'"); while (retorno.Read()) { pcodUser = Convert.ToInt32(retorno["codUser"]); Name = Convert.ToString(retorno["name"]); Address = Convert.ToString(retorno["address"]); Cpf = Convert.ToInt32(retorno["cpf"]); Email = Convert.ToString(retorno["email"]); Login = Convert.ToString(retorno["login"]); codRoles = Convert.ToInt32(retorno["codRoles"]); activated = Convert.ToInt32(retorno["activated"]); } }
public bool LoginValidation(string User, string Pass) { clDataAccess ReturnData = new clDataAccess(); SqlDataReader retorno = ReturnData.ReturnDataset("select login, password, activated from TB_Users where " + "'" + User + "'" + "= login and " + "'" + Pass + "'" + " = password"); while (retorno.Read()) { activated = Convert.ToInt32(retorno["activated"]); Login = Convert.ToString(retorno["login"]); Password = Convert.ToString(retorno["password"]); } if (User == Login && Pass == Password && activated == 1) { return true; } else { return false; } }
public void EnableUser(string Login) { clDataAccess InsertData = new clDataAccess(); SqlDataReader Insert = InsertData.ReturnDataset ("Update TB_Users Set Activated = 1 where codUser = '******'"); }
public string EmailRecovery(string rEmail) { clDataAccess ReturnData = new clDataAccess(); SqlDataReader retorno = ReturnData.ReturnDataset("select password,email from TB_Users where email="+"'"+rEmail+"'"); while (retorno.Read()) { Password = Convert.ToString(retorno["password"]); Email = Convert.ToString(retorno["email"]); } if (rEmail == Email) { return Password; } else { return "Email Não encontrado"; } }