// This actually calls the service to perform the tax calculation, and returns the calculation result.
        public async Task<GetTaxResult> GetTax(GetTaxRequest req)
            // Convert the request to XML
            XmlSerializerNamespaces namesp = new XmlSerializerNamespaces();
            namesp.Add(string.Empty, string.Empty);
            XmlWriterSettings settings = new XmlWriterSettings {OmitXmlDeclaration = true};
            XmlSerializer x = new XmlSerializer(req.GetType());
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            x.Serialize(XmlWriter.Create(sb, settings), req, namesp);
            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

            // Call the service
            Uri address = new Uri(_svcUrl + "tax/get");
            var request = HttpHelper.CreateRequest(address, _accountNumber, _license);
            request.Method = "POST";
            request.ContentType = "text/xml";
            //request.ContentLength = sb.Length;
            Stream newStream = await request.GetRequestStreamAsync();
            newStream.Write(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(sb.ToString()), 0, sb.Length);
            GetTaxResult result = new GetTaxResult();
                WebResponse response = await request.GetResponseAsync();
                XmlSerializer r = new XmlSerializer(result.GetType());
                result = (GetTaxResult) r.Deserialize(response.GetResponseStream());
            catch (WebException ex)
                XmlSerializer r = new XmlSerializer(result.GetType());
                result = (GetTaxResult) r.Deserialize(((HttpWebResponse) ex.Response).GetResponseStream());

            return result;
Пример #2
        public async Task GeoTaxTest()
            // Header Level Elements
            // Required Header Level Elements
            var configSection = ConfigurationHelper.GetConfiguration();
            string accountNumber = configSection["accountNumber"];
            string licenseKey = configSection["licenseKey"];
            string serviceUrl = configSection["serviceUrl"];

            ITaxService taxSvc = new TaxService(accountNumber, licenseKey, serviceUrl);

            GetTaxRequest getTaxRequest = new GetTaxRequest
                CustomerCode = "ABC4335",
                DocDate = "2014-01-01",
                CompanyCode = "APITrialCompany",
                Client = "AvaTaxSample",
                DocCode = "INV001",
                DetailLevel = DetailLevel.Tax,
                Commit = false,
                DocType = DocType.SalesInvoice,
                PurchaseOrderNo = "PO123456",
                ReferenceCode = "ref123456",
                PosLaneCode = "09",
                CurrencyCode = "USD"

            // Document Level Elements
            // Required Request Parameters

            // Best Practice Request Parameters

            // Situational Request Parameters
            // getTaxRequest.CustomerUsageType = "G";
            // getTaxRequest.ExemptionNo = "12345";
            // getTaxRequest.BusinessIdentificationNo = "234243";
            // getTaxRequest.Discount = 50;
            // getTaxRequest.TaxOverride = new TaxOverrideDef();
            // getTaxRequest.TaxOverride.TaxOverrideType = "TaxDate";
            // getTaxRequest.TaxOverride.Reason = "Adjustment for return";
            // getTaxRequest.TaxOverride.TaxDate = "2013-07-01";
            // getTaxRequest.TaxOverride.TaxAmount = "0";

            // Optional Request Parameters

            // Address Data
            Address address1 = new Address
                AddressCode = "01",
                Line1 = "45 Fremont Street",
                City = "San Francisco",
                Region = "CA"

            Address address2 = new Address
                AddressCode = "02",
                Line1 = "118 N Clark St",
                Line2 = "Suite 100",
                Line3 = "ATTN Accounts Payable",
                City = "Chicago",
                Region = "IL",
                Country = "US",
                PostalCode = "60602"

            Address address3 = new Address
                AddressCode = "03",
                Latitude = (decimal) 47.627935,
                Longitude = (decimal) -122.51702
            Address[] addresses = {address1, address2, address3};
            getTaxRequest.Addresses = addresses;

            // Line Data
            // Required Parameters
            Line line1 = new Line
                LineNo = "01",
                ItemCode = "N543",
                Qty = 1,
                Amount = 10,
                OriginCode = "01",
                DestinationCode = "02",
                Description = "Red Size 7 Widget",
                TaxCode = "NT",
                Ref1 = "ref123",
                Ref2 = "ref456"

            // Best Practice Request Parameters

            // Situational Request Parameters
            // line1.CustomerUsageType = "L";
            // line1.Discounted = true;
            // line1.TaxIncluded = true;
            // line1.BusinessIdentificationNo = "234243";
            // line1.TaxOverride = new TaxOverrideDef();
            // line1.TaxOverride.TaxOverrideType = "TaxDate";
            // line1.TaxOverride.Reason = "Adjustment for return";
            // line1.TaxOverride.TaxDate = "2013-07-01";
            // line1.TaxOverride.TaxAmount = "0";

            // Optional Request Parameters

            Line line2 = new Line
                LineNo = "02",
                ItemCode = "T345",
                Qty = 3,
                Amount = 150,
                OriginCode = "01",
                DestinationCode = "03",
                Description = "Size 10 Green Running Shoe",
                TaxCode = "PC030147"

            Line line3 = new Line
                LineNo = "02-FR",
                ItemCode = "FREIGHT",
                Qty = 1,
                Amount = 15,
                OriginCode = "01",
                DestinationCode = "03",
                Description = "Shipping Charge",
                TaxCode = "FR"
            Line[] lines = {line1, line2, line3};
            getTaxRequest.Lines = lines;

            GetTaxResult getTaxResult = await taxSvc.GetTax(getTaxRequest);

            // Print results
            Console.WriteLine("GetTaxTest Result: {0}", getTaxResult.ResultCode);
            if (!getTaxResult.ResultCode.Equals(SeverityLevel.Success))
                foreach (Message message in getTaxResult.Messages)
                Console.WriteLine("Document Code: {0} Total Tax: {1}", getTaxResult.DocCode, getTaxResult.TotalTax);
                foreach (TaxLine taxLine in getTaxResult.TaxLines ?? Enumerable.Empty<TaxLine>())
                    Console.WriteLine("    Line Number: {0} Line Tax: {1}", taxLine.LineNo,
                    foreach (TaxDetail taxDetail in taxLine.TaxDetails ?? Enumerable.Empty<TaxDetail>())
                        Console.WriteLine("        Jurisdiction: {0}Tax: {1}", taxDetail.JurisName,