Пример #1
 public override void SetupOptionsForRun(ref string AppName, ref CommandUtils.ERunOptions Options, ref string CommandLine)
     if (AppName == "sh" || AppName == "xbuild" || AppName == "codesign")
         Options &= ~CommandUtils.ERunOptions.AppMustExist;
     if (AppName == "xbuild")
         AppName     = "sh";
         CommandLine = "-c 'xbuild " + (String.IsNullOrEmpty(CommandLine) ? "" : CommandLine) + " /p:DefineConstants=MONO /verbosity:quiet /nologo |grep -i error; if [ $? -ne 1 ]; then exit 1; else exit 0; fi'";
     if (AppName.EndsWith(".exe") || ((AppName.Contains("/Binaries/Win64/") || AppName.Contains("/Binaries/Mac/")) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(Path.GetExtension(AppName))))
         if (AppName.Contains("/Binaries/Win64/") || AppName.Contains("/Binaries/Mac/"))
             AppName = AppName.Replace("/Binaries/Win64/", "/Binaries/Mac/");
             AppName = AppName.Replace("-cmd.exe", "");
             AppName = AppName.Replace("-Cmd.exe", "");
             AppName = AppName.Replace(".exe", "");
             string AppFilename = Path.GetFileName(AppName);
             if (!CommandUtils.FileExists(AppName))
                 AppName = AppName + ".app/Contents/MacOS/" + AppFilename;
             // It's a C# app, so run it with Mono
             CommandLine = "\"" + AppName + "\" " + (String.IsNullOrEmpty(CommandLine) ? "" : CommandLine);
             AppName     = "mono";
             Options    &= ~CommandUtils.ERunOptions.AppMustExist;
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds a script module (csproj file)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ProjectFile"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static bool CompileScriptModule(string ProjectFile)
            if (!ProjectFile.EndsWith(".csproj", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                throw new AutomationException(String.Format("Unable to build Project {0}. Not a valid .csproj file.", ProjectFile));
            if (!CommandUtils.FileExists(ProjectFile))
                throw new AutomationException(String.Format("Unable to build Project {0}. Project file not found.", ProjectFile));

            var CmdLine = String.Format("\"{0}\" /verbosity:quiet /nologo /target:Build /property:Configuration={1} /property:Platform=AnyCPU /p:TreatWarningsAsErrors=false /p:NoWarn=\"612,618,672\" /p:BuildProjectReferences=true",
                                        ProjectFile, BuildConfig);

            // Compile the project
            var Result = CommandUtils.Run(CommandUtils.CmdEnv.MsBuildExe, CmdLine);

            if (Result.ExitCode != 0)
                throw new AutomationException(String.Format("Failed to build \"{0}\":{1}{2}", ProjectFile, Environment.NewLine, Result.Output));
                // Remove .Automation.csproj and copy to target dir
                Log.TraceVerbose("Successfully compiled {0}", ProjectFile);
            return(Result.ExitCode == 0);
Пример #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets the location of the exe.
 /// </summary>
 protected void SetUATLocation()
     if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(UATExe))
         UATExe = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetOriginalLocation();
     if (!CommandUtils.FileExists(UATExe))
         throw new AutomationException("Could not find AutomationTool.exe. Reflection indicated it was here: {0}", UATExe);
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks whether a path exists
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Scalar">The path to check for</param>
 /// <returns>True if the path exists, false otherwise.</returns>
 static bool Exists(string Scalar)
         string FullPath = Path.Combine(CommandUtils.RootDirectory.FullName, Scalar);
         return(CommandUtils.FileExists(FullPath) || CommandUtils.DirectoryExists(FullPath));
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the path to an executable in the System Directory.
        /// To help support running 32-bit assemblies on a 64-bit operating system, if the executable
        /// can't be found in System32, we also search Sysnative.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ExeName">The name of the executable to find</param>
        /// <returns>The path to the executable within the system folder</returns>
        string GetSystemExePath(string ExeName)
            var Result = CommandUtils.CombinePaths(Environment.SystemDirectory, ExeName);

            if (!CommandUtils.FileExists(Result))
                // Use Regex.Replace so we can do a case-insensitive replacement of System32
                var SysNativeDirectory = Regex.Replace(Environment.SystemDirectory, "System32", "Sysnative", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                var SysNativeExe       = CommandUtils.CombinePaths(SysNativeDirectory, ExeName);
                if (CommandUtils.FileExists(SysNativeExe))
                    Result = SysNativeExe;
Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the environment.
        /// </summary>
        internal CommandEnvironment()
            // Get the path to the UAT executable
            UATExe = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetOriginalLocation();
            if (!CommandUtils.FileExists(UATExe))
                throw new AutomationException("Could not find AutomationTool.exe. Reflection indicated it was here: {0}", UATExe);

            // Find the root directory (containing the Engine folder)
            LocalRoot = CommandUtils.GetEnvVar(EnvVarNames.LocalRoot);
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(LocalRoot))
                LocalRoot = CommandUtils.ConvertSeparators(PathSeparator.Slash, Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(UATExe), "..", "..", "..")));
                CommandUtils.ConditionallySetEnvVar(EnvVarNames.LocalRoot, LocalRoot);

            string SavedPath = CommandUtils.GetEnvVar(EnvVarNames.EngineSavedFolder);

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(SavedPath))
                SavedPath = CommandUtils.CombinePaths(PathSeparator.Slash, LocalRoot, "Engine", "Programs", "AutomationTool", "Saved");
                CommandUtils.SetEnvVar(EnvVarNames.EngineSavedFolder, SavedPath);

            EngineSavedFolder = CommandUtils.GetEnvVar(EnvVarNames.EngineSavedFolder);
            CSVFile           = CommandUtils.GetEnvVar(EnvVarNames.CSVFile);

            LogFolder = CommandUtils.GetEnvVar(EnvVarNames.LogFolder);
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(LogFolder))
                if (GlobalCommandLine.Installed)
                    LogFolder = GetInstalledLogFolder();
                    LogFolder = CommandUtils.CombinePaths(PathSeparator.Slash, EngineSavedFolder, "Logs");
                CommandUtils.SetEnvVar(EnvVarNames.LogFolder, LogFolder);

            // clear the logfolder if we're the only running instance
            if (InternalUtils.IsSoleInstance)

            FinalLogFolder = CommandUtils.GetEnvVar(EnvVarNames.FinalLogFolder);
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(FinalLogFolder))
                FinalLogFolder = LogFolder;
                CommandUtils.SetEnvVar(EnvVarNames.FinalLogFolder, FinalLogFolder);

            RobocopyExe    = GetSystemExePath("robocopy.exe");
            MountExe       = GetSystemExePath("mount.exe");
            CmdExe         = Utils.IsRunningOnMono ? "/bin/sh" : GetSystemExePath("cmd.exe");
            MallocNanoZone = "0";
            CommandUtils.SetEnvVar(EnvVarNames.MacMallocNanoZone, MallocNanoZone);

            int IsChildInstanceInt;

            int.TryParse(CommandUtils.GetEnvVar("uebp_UATChildInstance", "0"), out IsChildInstanceInt);
            IsChildInstance = (IsChildInstanceInt != 0);

            // Setup the timestamp string
            DateTime LocalTime = DateTime.Now;

            string TimeStamp = LocalTime.Year + "-"
                               + LocalTime.Month.ToString("00") + "-"
                               + LocalTime.Day.ToString("00") + "_"
                               + LocalTime.Hour.ToString("00") + "."
                               + LocalTime.Minute.ToString("00") + "."
                               + LocalTime.Second.ToString("00");

            TimestampAsString = TimeStamp;

