void CurrentSelection_Changed(object sender,
                                      System.EventArgs e)
            if (sender != null)
                Document oDoc = sender as Document;

                if (oDoc.Title == "gatehouse.nwd")
                    //this is the new selection after selecting
                    if (oDoc.CurrentSelection.SelectedItems.Count > 0)
                        ComApi.InwOpState9 oState = ComApiBridge.State;

                            ComApi.InwOaPath3 oPath = oState.CurrentSelection.Paths()[1];
                            if ((oPath.Nodes().Last() as ComApi.InwOaNode).IsLayer)
                                //check whether the custom property tab has been added.

                                string mytabname         = "MyCustomTabUserName";
                                int    customProTabIndex = 1;
                                ComApi.InwGUIPropertyNode2 nodePropertiesOwner = oState.GetGUIPropertyNode(oPath, true) as ComApi.InwGUIPropertyNode2;
                                ComApi.InwGUIAttribute2    customTab           = null;
                                foreach (ComApi.InwGUIAttribute2 nwAtt in nodePropertiesOwner.GUIAttributes())
                                    if (!nwAtt.UserDefined)

                                    if (nwAtt.ClassUserName == mytabname)
                                        customTab = nwAtt;
                                    customProTabIndex += 1;

                                if (customTab == null)
                                    ////create the tab if it does not exist
                                    ComApi.InwOaPropertyVec newPvec =
                                            ComApi.nwEObjectType.eObjectType_nwOaPropertyVec, null, null);

                                    ComApi.InwOaProperty prop1 = oState.ObjectFactory(ComApi.nwEObjectType.eObjectType_nwOaProperty) as ComApi.InwOaProperty;
                                    ComApi.InwOaProperty prop2 = oState.ObjectFactory(ComApi.nwEObjectType.eObjectType_nwOaProperty) as ComApi.InwOaProperty;
                                    prop1.name     = "Finish";
                                    prop1.UserName = "******";
                                    object linkVal = m_dblink.read("Finish", (oPath.Nodes().Last() as ComApi.InwOaNode).UserName);
                                    if (linkVal != null)
                                        prop1.value = linkVal;

                                    prop2.name     = "Notes";
                                    prop2.UserName = "******";
                                    linkVal        = m_dblink.read("Notes", (oPath.Nodes().Last() as ComApi.InwOaNode).UserName);
                                    if (linkVal != null)
                                        prop2.value = linkVal;

                                    //the first argument is always 0 if adding a new tab
                                    nodePropertiesOwner.SetUserDefined(0, mytabname, mytabname, newPvec);
                                    ////update the properties in the tab with the new values from database
                                    ComApi.InwOaPropertyVec newPvec =
                                            ComApi.nwEObjectType.eObjectType_nwOaPropertyVec, null, null);

                                    foreach (ComApi.InwOaProperty nwProp in customTab.Properties())
                                        ComApi.InwOaProperty prop = oState.ObjectFactory(ComApi.nwEObjectType.eObjectType_nwOaProperty) as ComApi.InwOaProperty;
                                        prop.name     = nwProp.name;
                                        prop.UserName = nwProp.UserName;
                                        object linkVal = m_dblink.read(prop.name, (oPath.Nodes().Last() as ComApi.InwOaNode).UserName);
                                        if (linkVal != null)
                                            prop.value = linkVal;
                                    nodePropertiesOwner.SetUserDefined(customProTabIndex, mytabname, mytabname, newPvec);
                        catch (Exception ex)
Пример #2
        public override int Execute(params string[] parameters)
            DebugMessage DebugP     = new DebugMessage();
            string       EndMessage = "";

            #region "Interop COM Setup"
            // .Net: Setup
            Document openDoc = Autodesk.Navisworks.Api.Application.ActiveDocument;
            Model    model   = openDoc.Models[0];

            // .Net: get current selection from .NET API
            ModelItemCollection ObjectSelectionInNet = openDoc.CurrentSelection.SelectedItems;
            // .Net: get model item
            ModelItem ObjectsModelItem;
                ObjectsModelItem = openDoc.CurrentSelection.SelectedItems[0];
                MessageBox.Show("No Objects Selected.");
                goto Exit;
            // COM: Declare "InwOpState" (COM API Main Entry) Object
            ComApi.InwOpState InteropState = ComBridge.State; // Analogous To .Net "Document"
                                                              // COM: Convert .Net Selection To COM Selection
            ComApi.InwOpSelection ObjectsSelectionInCOM = ComApiBridge.ToInwOpSelection(ObjectSelectionInNet);
            // COM: Convert .Net Path To Path In COM
            ComApi.InwOaPath ObjectsPathInCOM = ComApiBridge.ToInwOaPath(ObjectsModelItem);

            // convert to model item in .NET
            ModelItem ObjectsItemInNet = ComApiBridge.ToModelItem(ObjectsPathInCOM);

            // zoom in current view to selected objects

            // ???
            ComApi.InwOpState9 oStateAPI = ComApiBridge.State;
            //convert to COM selection

            ComApi.InwOpSelection CurrentGUISelection = ComApiBridge.ToInwOpSelection(ObjectSelectionInNet);

            // Debug Variables
            uint levelOneIterator = 0, levelTwoIterator = 0;
            // Takeoff Tracking Variables
            uint   existingIDsCount = 0;
            string CurrentTime      = DateTime.Now.ToString("h:mm:ss tt");
            //ComApi.InwSelectionPathsColl ModelObjectsPaths =

            #region "Change Custom Properties"
            //get paths collection within the selection
            ComApi.InwSelectionPathsColl ObjectCurrentSelectPaths = CurrentGUISelection.Paths();
            // Custom Properties Variables
            const string PropertiesNameString  = "Custom_Properties";
            const string NWAttPropIDNameString = "ID";
            uint         PropertyIndex         = 0; // Used To Locate The Node For Updating Properties
            int          IDPropertyIndex       = 0;

            // Find Existing Custom Properties
            //foreach (ComApi.InwOaPath3

            //add custom properties To Selected Objects
            // http://adndevblog.typepad.com/aec/2012/08/addmodifyremove-custom-attribute-using-com-api.html
            foreach (ComApi.InwOaPath3 ObjectPath in ObjectCurrentSelectPaths)
                //// Make Sure All Children Are Iterated Through
                //foreach(ComApi.InwOaPath3 terminalPath in oPath)
                //{ }

                //get property categories
                ComApi.InwGUIPropertyNode2 NWPropertyNode = (ComApi.InwGUIPropertyNode2)oStateAPI.GetGUIPropertyNode(ObjectPath, true);
                //create a new property category
                ComApi.InwOaPropertyVec NewPropertyCategory = (ComApi.InwOaPropertyVec)oStateAPI.ObjectFactory(
                    ComApi.nwEObjectType.eObjectType_nwOaPropertyVec, null, null);
                //create a new property
                ComApi.InwOaProperty NewProperty1 = (ComApi.InwOaProperty)oStateAPI.ObjectFactory(
                    ComApi.nwEObjectType.eObjectType_nwOaProperty, null, null);
                NewProperty1.name     = "Time";
                NewProperty1.UserName = "******";
                NewProperty1.value    = CurrentTime;
                // Add To Category

                //create a new property
                ComApi.InwOaProperty NewProperty2 = (ComApi.InwOaProperty)oStateAPI.ObjectFactory(
                    ComApi.nwEObjectType.eObjectType_nwOaProperty, null, null);
                NewProperty2.name     = NWAttPropIDNameString;
                NewProperty2.UserName = NWAttPropIDNameString;
                NewProperty2.value    = "ERROR: Unassigned ID";
                // Add To Category

                // Find User Defined GUIAttributes
                PropertyIndex = 0; // Reset Property Index (0 Indicates New Property Category)
                uint i = 0, j = 0;
                foreach (ComApi.InwGUIAttribute2 NWAttribute in NWPropertyNode.GUIAttributes())
                    if (NWAttribute.UserDefined == true)
                        ++i;// Move Index Finder
                        // If Particular Category Name (e.g. "Custom_Properties" Or Whatever PropertiesNameString Is Set To)
                        if (NWAttribute.ClassUserName == PropertiesNameString)
                            PropertyIndex = i;// Set Index
                            //DebugP.Send("NWAttribute.ClassUserName: "******"Loop Here Found: " + NWProperty.name.ToString());

                try// Update Takeoff Time (Don't Change ID) If Property Exists
                    //DebugP.Send("Trying To Update With Index: " + PropertyIndex.ToString());
                    //DebugP.Send("Start Property Update");
                    //DebugP.Send("a1 IDPropertyIndex Value: " + IDPropertyIndex.ToString());
                    //DebugP.Send("a2 Current Value: " + NewProperty2.value.ToString());
                    NewProperty2.value = existingIDsCount.ToString();
                    //DebugP.Send("a3 ID Value Changed");
                    //DebugP.Send("a4 Current Value: " + NewProperty2.value.ToString());
                    //DebugP.Send("a5 ID Value Changed");
                    //NewPropertyCategory.Properties().Clear();// Works
                    //DebugP.Send("a6 Properties Category Cleared");

                    //DebugP.Send("a7 Properties Re-Added");
                    NWPropertyNode.SetUserDefined((int)PropertyIndex, PropertiesNameString, "Custom_Properties_InteralName", NewPropertyCategory);
                    //DebugP.Send("a8 Update Properties Complete");
                catch (Exception e)
                    MessageBox.Show("Failed To Change Custom Properties.\nExiting.", "ERROR: Exception Catch");
                    goto Exit;

            // Comb For Existing ID Objects
            // ?ERROR Possibility of Doubling Up Count Because Of Children Nodes

            // Show Location Of Working Directory
            System.IO.File.AppendAllText(@".\" + KANGVars.PrimitivesFileName + ".txt", "File Made At " + CurrentTime + "\n\n");
            System.IO.File.AppendAllText(@".\" + KANGVars.OutputFileName + ".csv", "File Made At " + CurrentTime + "\n\nName,,X,Y,Z\n");

            // create the callback object
            CallbackGeomListener callbkListener = new CallbackGeomListener();
            foreach (ComApi.InwOaPath3 objectPath in CurrentGUISelection.Paths())// Each Object In The Selection As Distinguished By Individual Paths
                // Properties
                KANGVars.strg = levelOneIterator.ToString();

                foreach (PropertyCategory oPC in ObjectSelectionInNet[(int)levelOneIterator].PropertyCategories)
                    //DebugP.Send("Loop Value: " + oPC.DisplayName);

                //MessageBox.Show("Begin Level1: " + levelOneIterator.ToString());
                int TriangleExceptionCount = 0;
                foreach (ComApi.InwOaFragment3 frag in objectPath.Fragments())// Each Fragment Part Of Object
                    //DebugP.Send("Begin Level2: " + levelTwoIterator.ToString());
                    // generate the primitives
                    frag.GenerateSimplePrimitives(ComApi.nwEVertexProperty.eNORMAL, callbkListener);
                        callbkListener.Triangle(frag.Geometry, frag.Geometry, frag.Geometry);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        //MessageBox.Show("An Error Occurred Calling Callback Method: '{0}'", e.ToString());
                        // Keep Count Of These Exceptions?
                        if (TriangleExceptionCount > 1)
                            EndMessage = EndMessage + "\nERROR: Primitives Exceptions Exceed 1!";
                            //DebugP("ERROR: Primitives Exceptions Exceed 1!");
                // XYZ Lengths From Min Max Values
                string XYZLengths = "";
                float  calcValue;
                calcValue  = KANGlobalMinMaxCoords.maxX - KANGlobalMinMaxCoords.minX;
                XYZLengths = "," + calcValue.ToString();
                calcValue  = KANGlobalMinMaxCoords.maxY - KANGlobalMinMaxCoords.minY;
                XYZLengths = XYZLengths + "," + calcValue.ToString();
                calcValue  = KANGlobalMinMaxCoords.maxZ - KANGlobalMinMaxCoords.minZ;
                XYZLengths = XYZLengths + "," + calcValue.ToString() + "\n";
                System.IO.File.AppendAllText(@".\" + KANGVars.OutputFileName + ".csv", KANGVars.strg + ",");
                System.IO.File.AppendAllText(@".\" + KANGVars.OutputFileName + ".csv", XYZLengths);
                #region Reset Global Min Max
                KANGlobalMinMaxCoords.minX = 100000;
                KANGlobalMinMaxCoords.maxX = -100000;
                KANGlobalMinMaxCoords.minY = 100000;
                KANGlobalMinMaxCoords.maxY = -100000;
                KANGlobalMinMaxCoords.minZ = 100000;
                KANGlobalMinMaxCoords.maxZ = -100000;
                #endregion // Reset Global Min Max

            EndMessage = EndMessage + "\n Objects Evaluated: " + ObjectSelectionInNet.Count.ToString();

            EndMessage = EndMessage + "\n\nPlugin Operation Exit.";
        public void Add_newTab(IEnumerable <ModelItem> items, string[] Lines, int N)
            // Intialize the parameters
            ComApi.InwOpState9 oState              = ComApiBridge.State;
            string[]           OldCategory         = new string[N];
            string[]           OldParameters       = new string[N];
            string[]           NewParameters       = new string[N];
            string[]           Parameters_hasAdded = new string[N];
            int     ind = 0;
            Boolean Parameter_isNotRepeated = true;

            ComApi.InwOaProperty[] NewProperties = new ComApi.InwOaProperty[N];

            // Iterate over all the selected items
            foreach (ModelItem oItem in items)
                if (oItem.Children.Count() > 0)
                    // Convert the .NET to COM object
                    ComApi.InwOaPath oPath = ComApiBridge.ToInwOaPath(oItem);
                    // Create new property category
                    ComApi.InwOaPropertyVec newPvec = (ComApi.InwOaPropertyVec)oState.ObjectFactory(ComApi.nwEObjectType.eObjectType_nwOaPropertyVec, null, null);
                    // Get properties collection of the path
                    ComApi.InwGUIPropertyNode2 propn = (ComApi.InwGUIPropertyNode2)oState.GetGUIPropertyNode(oPath, true);
                    // Iterate over all properties in textfile
                    ind = 0;
                    for (int i = 1; i < N; i++)
                        // Check if line is empty
                        if (Lines[i] != null && Lines[i].Length > 1)
                            // Get Category, old property and new property from the line
                            string[] WordsInLine = Lines[i].Split('\t');
                            OldCategory[i]   = WordsInLine[0];
                            OldParameters[i] = WordsInLine[1];
                            NewParameters[i] = WordsInLine[2];
                            // By default the property is not repeated
                            Parameter_isNotRepeated = true;
                            // Iterate over properties of the item
                            foreach (PropertyCategory oPC in oItem.PropertyCategories)
                                if (oPC.DisplayName == OldCategory[i])
                                    foreach (DataProperty oDP in oPC.Properties)
                                        if (oDP.DisplayName == OldParameters[i])
                                            // Create new property
                                            NewProperties[i]          = (ComApi.InwOaProperty)oState.ObjectFactory(ComApi.nwEObjectType.eObjectType_nwOaProperty, null, null);
                                            NewProperties[i].name     = NewParameters[i];
                                            NewProperties[i].UserName = NewParameters[i];

                                            // Check if the property had been added
                                            Parameters_hasAdded[ind] = NewParameters[i]; ind = ind + 1;
                                            for (int d = 0; d < ind - 1; d++)
                                                if (NewParameters[i] == Parameters_hasAdded[d])
                                                    Parameter_isNotRepeated = false;
                                            //  If the property had not added yet, add it
                                            if (Parameter_isNotRepeated)
                                                // Check datatype of the property
                                                switch (oDP.Value.DataType)
                                                case VariantDataType.Boolean:
                                                    bool NewValueBool = oDP.Value.ToBoolean();
                                                    NewProperties[i].value = NewValueBool;

                                                case VariantDataType.DateTime:
                                                    DateTime NewValueDate = oDP.Value.ToDateTime();
                                                    NewProperties[i].value = NewValueDate;

                                                case VariantDataType.DisplayString:
                                                    string NewValueDString = oDP.Value.ToDisplayString();
                                                    NewProperties[i].value = NewValueDString;

                                                case VariantDataType.Double:
                                                    double NewValueDouble = oDP.Value.ToDouble();
                                                    NewProperties[i].value = NewValueDouble;

                                                case VariantDataType.DoubleAngle:
                                                    double NewValueAngle = oDP.Value.ToDoubleAngle();
                                                    NewProperties[i].value = NewValueAngle;

                                                case VariantDataType.DoubleArea:
                                                    double NewValueArea = oDP.Value.ToDoubleArea();
                                                    NewProperties[i].value = NewValueArea * Math.Pow(meter_scale, 2);

                                                case VariantDataType.DoubleLength:
                                                    double NewValueLength = oDP.Value.ToDoubleLength();
                                                    NewProperties[i].value = NewValueLength * meter_scale;

                                                case VariantDataType.DoubleVolume:
                                                    double NewValueVolume = oDP.Value.ToDoubleVolume();
                                                    NewProperties[i].value = NewValueVolume * Math.Pow(meter_scale, 3);

                                                case VariantDataType.IdentifierString:
                                                    string NewValueIString = oDP.Value.ToIdentifierString();
                                                    NewProperties[i].value = NewValueIString;

                                                case VariantDataType.Int32:
                                                    int NewValueInt = oDP.Value.ToInt32();
                                                    NewProperties[i].value = NewValueInt;

                                                case VariantDataType.NamedConstant:
                                                    NamedConstant NewValueConst = oDP.Value.ToNamedConstant();
                                                    String        s             = NewValueConst.DisplayName;
                                                    s = s.Substring(s.IndexOf("\"") + 1);
                                                    s = s.Substring(0, s.IndexOf("\""));

                                                    NewProperties[i].value = s;

                                                case VariantDataType.None:
                                                    string NewValueNone = oDP.Value.ToString();
                                                    NewProperties[i].value = NewValueNone;

                                                case VariantDataType.Point3D:
                                                    string NewValuePoint = oDP.Value.ToString();
                                                    NewProperties[i].value = NewValuePoint;
                                                // Add the new property to the new property category
                    // Add new tab to the object
                    // The name of the newtab is saved in first line in the textfile
                    propn.SetUserDefined(0, Lines[0], "MyAttribute", newPvec);