Пример #1
 addSections(this ObjectId idAlign, ObjectId idSLG, double offLeft, double offRight)
         using (Transaction tr = BaseObjs.startTransactionDb())
             SampleLineGroup group = (SampleLineGroup)tr.GetObject(idSLG, OpenMode.ForWrite);
             foreach (ObjectId id in group.GetSampleLineIds())
                 SampleLine SL = (SampleLine)tr.GetObject(id, OpenMode.ForRead);
                 foreach (ObjectId idSection in SL.GetSectionIds())
                     Section section = (Section)tr.GetObject(idSection, OpenMode.ForWrite);
                     section.UpdateMode      = SectionUpdateType.Dynamic;
                     section.LeftSwathWidth  = offLeft;
                     section.RightSwathWidth = offRight;
                     section.StyleName       = section.Name;
                     section.Layer           = string.Format("{0}-SURFACE-SEC", section.Name);
     catch (System.Exception ex)
         BaseObjs.writeDebug(string.Format("{0} Sect.cs: line: 50", ex.Message));
        public void SampleLines()
            Alignment          algn   = GetAlignment();
            ObjectIdCollection slgIds = algn.GetSampleLineGroupIds();

            using (Transaction ts = Dwg.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())
                    // sample line groups
                    foreach (ObjectId item in slgIds)
                        SampleLineGroup slg = ts.GetObject(item, OpenMode.ForRead) as SampleLineGroup;

                        //sample lines
                        ObjectIdCollection smpLinesIds = slg.GetSampleLineIds();
                        foreach (ObjectId smpLineId in smpLinesIds)
                            SampleLine sl = ts.GetObject(smpLineId, OpenMode.ForRead) as SampleLine;
                            // her bir sampleline da örneklenmiş sectionlar döndürülür.
                            ObjectIdCollection sectionIds = sl.GetSectionIds();

                            foreach (ObjectId sectionId in sectionIds)
                                Autodesk.Civil.DatabaseServices.Section sction = ts.GetObject(sectionId, OpenMode.ForRead) as
                catch (System.Exception)
Пример #3
        public static void MillingDepthToProfileView()
            CivilDocument civilDoc = CivilApplication.ActiveDocument;
            Editor        ed       = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor;

            List <string> resultForFile = new List <string>();

            using (Transaction ts = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.
                // dterminate location of section view profiles
                // ask user to select Alignment
                PromptEntityOptions opt = new PromptEntityOptions("\nSelect an Alignment");
                opt.SetRejectMessage("\nObject must be an alignment.\n");
                opt.AddAllowedClass(typeof(Alignment), false);
                ObjectId alignID = ed.GetEntity(opt).ObjectId;

                    Alignment          myAlignment            = ts.GetObject(alignID, OpenMode.ForRead) as Alignment;
                    ObjectIdCollection sampleLineIdCollection = myAlignment.GetSampleLineGroupIds();
                    SampleLineGroup    sampleLineGroup        = sampleLineIdCollection[0].GetObject(OpenMode.ForRead) as SampleLineGroup; //if you have problem chech here

                    foreach (ObjectId sampleLineId in sampleLineGroup.GetSampleLineIds())
                        SampleLine sampleLine = ts.GetObject(sampleLineId, OpenMode.ForRead) as SampleLine;

                        foreach (ObjectId sectionId in sampleLine.GetSectionIds())
                            Section section = ts.GetObject(sectionId, OpenMode.ForWrite) as Section;
                            ed.WriteMessage("Section {0} elevation max: {1} min: {2}\n", section.Name, section.MaximumElevation, section.MinmumElevation);
                            // set the section update mode:
                            //section.UpdateMode = SectionUpdateType.Dynamic;

                    SectionViewGroupCollection sectionViewGrouopColection = sampleLineGroup.SectionViewGroups;

                    int sectionViewNumber = 0;
                        string askString = String.Format("\nEnter number of ACTIVE SectionViewGroup (1-{0}): ", sectionViewGrouopColection.Count);
                        sectionViewNumber = Convert.ToInt32(GetStringFromUser(ed, askString));
                        if (sectionViewNumber < 1 || sectionViewNumber > sectionViewGrouopColection.Count)
                            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Value is out of range!");
                    catch (System.Exception)
                        ed.WriteMessage("Please enter valid value!");
                    SectionViewGroup   theSectionViewGroup    = sectionViewGrouopColection[sectionViewNumber - 1];
                    ObjectIdCollection sectionViewIdColection = theSectionViewGroup.GetSectionViewIds();

                    // create milling Elements
                    MillingDataEngine.DataStruct.RoadSection theRoadSection = MillingDataEngine.Func.ExcelDataRead.RoadSectionElementsBuilder(MillingDataEngine.Func.ExcelDataRead.ReadData());

                    foreach (ObjectId sectionViewId in sectionViewIdColection)
                        SectionView theSectionView = ts.GetObject(sectionViewId, OpenMode.ForWrite) as SectionView;

                        theSectionView.IsElevationRangeAutomatic = false;
                        string minRangeElevation = theSectionView.ElevationMin.ToString();
                        theSectionView.IsElevationRangeAutomatic = true;

                        MillingDataEngine.DataStruct.ThreeDPoint theLocation = new MillingDataEngine.DataStruct.ThreeDPoint(theSectionView.Location.X, theSectionView.Location.Y, Convert.ToInt32(theSectionView.Location.Z));
                        double baseElevation = Convert.ToDouble(minRangeElevation);

                        double station = MillingDataEngine.Func.SectionViews.ConvertNameToStationLocation(theSectionView.Name);

                        double range = 0.5; //+- range of stations

                        // search maching of cross section in drowing ana xls tanble
                        MillingDataEngine.DataStruct.Cross_section tempCross = theRoadSection.CrossSections.Find((x) => ((x.Station >= station - range && x.Station <= station) ||
                                                                                                                         (x.Station <= station + range && x.Station >= station)));
                        if (tempCross != null && tempCross.MillingElements.Count > 0) //if there is milling elements go next
                            MillingDataEngine.DataStruct.Cross_section_for_sectionView tempCrossForCV = new MillingDataEngine.DataStruct.Cross_section_for_sectionView(tempCross, theLocation, baseElevation);

                catch (System.Exception e)
                    //throw new System.Exception(e.Message);

                // Save the changes and dispose of the transaction
Пример #4
        [CommandMethod("ES")] //Comanda care exporta un set de sectiuni in format KmOZD txt
        public void ExportSections()
            CivilDocument civDoc      = CivilApplication.ActiveDocument;
            Document      acadDoc     = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;
            Editor        ed          = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor;
            Database      db          = HostApplicationServices.WorkingDatabase;
            string        caleDocAcad = HostApplicationServices.Current.FindFile(acadDoc.Name, db, FindFileHint.Default);

            //Optiuni pentru selectia unei sectiuni
            PromptEntityOptions PrEntOpt = new PromptEntityOptions("\nSelect a section from the desired set to be exported: ");

            PrEntOpt.SetRejectMessage("\nThe selected object is not a Section object! ");
            PrEntOpt.AddAllowedClass(typeof(CivilDBS.Section), true);

            //Selectia unei sectiuni din setul ce trebuie exportat
            PromptEntityResult PrEntRes = ed.GetEntity(PrEntOpt);

            if (PrEntRes.Status == PromptStatus.OK)
                ObjectId SSID = PrEntRes.ObjectId;
                using (Transaction trans = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())
                    //Obtinerea sectiunii din baza de date, aflarea sursei acesteia si a grupului de sectiuni din care face parte
                    CivilDBS.Section SS = (CivilDBS.Section)trans.GetObject(SSID, OpenMode.ForRead);
                    int    SSstart      = SS.Name.LastIndexOf("- ") + 2;
                    int    SSend        = SS.Name.LastIndexOf('(');
                    string SSsource     = SS.Name.Substring(SSstart, SSend - SSstart);
                    ed.WriteMessage("\nSelected sections's source is: {0}", SSsource);

                    CivilDBS.SampleLine      SL  = (CivilDBS.SampleLine)trans.GetObject(SS.SampleLineId, OpenMode.ForRead);
                    CivilDBS.SampleLineGroup SLG = (CivilDBS.SampleLineGroup)trans.GetObject(SL.GroupId, OpenMode.ForRead);

                    //Aflarea aliniamentului de care apartine grupul de sectiuni
                    string             numeAx = String.Empty;
                    ObjectIdCollection ALIDS  = civDoc.GetAlignmentIds();
                        foreach (ObjectId ALID in ALIDS)
                            Alignment AL = (Alignment)trans.GetObject(ALID, OpenMode.ForRead);
                            if (AL.GetSampleLineGroupIds().Contains(SL.GroupId))
                                numeAx = AL.Name;

                    string       caleFisSect = caleDocAcad.Remove(caleDocAcad.LastIndexOf('.')) + " - " + numeAx + " - " + SSsource + ".txt";
                    StreamWriter scriitor    = new StreamWriter(caleFisSect);

                    //Exportarea datelor

                    ObjectIdCollection SLIDS = SLG.GetSampleLineIds();
                    foreach (ObjectId SLID in SLIDS)
                        CivilDBS.SampleLine currSL = (CivilDBS.SampleLine)trans.GetObject(SLID, OpenMode.ForRead);
                        ObjectIdCollection  SIDS   = currSL.GetSectionIds();
                        foreach (ObjectId SID in SIDS)
                            CivilDBS.Section S = (CivilDBS.Section)trans.GetObject(SID, OpenMode.ForRead);
                            int    Sstart      = S.Name.LastIndexOf("- ") + 2;
                            int    Send        = S.Name.LastIndexOf('(');
                            string Ssource     = S.Name.Substring(Sstart, Send - Sstart);
                            if (SSsource == Ssource)
                                CivilDBS.SectionPointCollection Spoints = S.SectionPoints;
                                double LO = -999;
                                double RO = 999;
                                    LO = S.LeftOffset;
                                    RO = S.RightOffset;
                                    ed.WriteMessage("\nLimits of section at chainage: {0} cound not be read! Section skipped.", S.Station);
                                for (int i = 0; i < Spoints.Count; i++)
                                    //if (Spoints[i].Location.X >= S.LeftOffset && Spoints[i].Location.X <= S.RightOffset)
                                    if (Spoints[i].Location.X >= LO && Spoints[i].Location.X <= RO)
                                        string sectiune = S.Station.ToString() + "," +
                                                          Spoints[i].Location.X.ToString("F4") + "," +
                                                          Spoints[i].Location.Y.ToString("F4") + "," + Ssource;
                                //Polyline poly = (Polyline)S.BaseCurve;
                                //for (int i = 0; i < poly.NumberOfVertices; i++)
                                //    Point3d p = poly.GetPoint3dAt(i);
                                //    string sectiune = S.Station.ToString() + "," +
                                //    p.X.ToString("F3") + "," +
                                //    p.Y.ToString("F3") + "," + Ssource;
                                //    scriitor.WriteLine(sectiune);
