Пример #1
        public void GAAP_Test_GetNodesByPresentation()
            TestTaxonomy_2004_08_15 s = new TestTaxonomy_2004_08_15();

            s.CurrentLabelRole = "label";
            s.CurrentLanguage  = "en";


            int errors = 0;

            s.Parse(out errors);

            ArrayList nodeList = s.GetNodesByPresentation();

            Assert.AreEqual(5, nodeList.Count);

            Console.WriteLine("Nodes By Presentation: ");

            foreach (Node n in nodeList)
                Console.WriteLine(TestNode.ToXml(0, n));
Пример #2
        public void GAAP_VerifyNodeOrder()
            TestTaxonomy_2004_08_15 s = new TestTaxonomy_2004_08_15();
            int errors = 0;


            s.Parse(out errors);

            s.currentLabelRole = "label";
            s.currentLanguage  = "en";

            ArrayList nodes = s.GetNodesByPresentation();

            Node title = nodes[4] as Node;

            Assert.IsNotNull(title, "title is null");
            Assert.AreEqual("Statement of Financial Position - CI", title.Label, "title label is wrong");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, title.Order, "title.Order is wrong");

            Node statement = title.Children[0] as Node;

            Assert.IsNotNull(statement, "statement is null");
            Assert.AreEqual("Statement of Financial Position", statement.Label, "statement label is wrong");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, statement.Order, "statement.Order is wrong");
            Assert.AreEqual(2, statement.Children.Count, "statement.Children.Count is wrong");

            Node assets = statement.Children[0] as Node;

            Assert.IsNotNull(assets, "statement is null");
            Assert.AreEqual("Assets", assets.Label, "assets label is wrong");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, assets.Order, "assets.Order is wrong");
            Assert.AreEqual(3, assets.Children.Count, "assets.Children.Count is wrong");

            Node child1 = assets.Children[0] as Node;

            Assert.IsNotNull(child1, "child1 is null");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, child1.Order, "child1.Order is wrong");

            Node child2 = assets.Children[1] as Node;

            Assert.IsNotNull(child2, "child2 is null");
            Assert.AreEqual(2, child2.Order, "child2.Order is wrong");

            Node child3 = assets.Children[2] as Node;

            Assert.IsNotNull(child3, "child3 is null");
            Assert.AreEqual(3, child3.Order, "child3.Order is wrong");
Пример #3
        public void GAAP_VerifyProhibitedLinks()
            TestTaxonomy_2004_08_15 s = new TestTaxonomy_2004_08_15();
            int errors = 0;


            s.Parse(out errors);

            s.currentLabelRole = "label";
            s.currentLanguage  = "en";

            ArrayList nodes = s.GetNodesByPresentation();

            // ok - here's the hierarchy
            // 0. Statement of Cash Flows - Indirect Method - CI
            // 1. Statement of Financial Position - CI
            //    0. Tuples Abstract
            //	     0. usfr-pt_CommonStock - prohibited
            //		 1. usfr-pt_ConvertiblePreferredStock - prohibited
            //		 2. usfr-pt_NonRedeemableConvertiblePreferredStock - prohibited
            //		 3. usfr-pt_NonRedeemablePreferredStock - prohibited
            //		 4. usfr-pt_PreferredStock - prohibited
            //		 5. usfr-pt_RedeemableConvertiblePreferredStock - prohibited
            //		 6. usfr-pt_RedeemablePreferredStock - prohibited
            //		 7. usfr-pt_TreasuryStock - prohibited

            Node finPos = nodes[1] as Node;

            Assert.IsNotNull(finPos, "Statement of Financial Position - CI not found");

            Node tupleAbs = finPos.Children[0] as Node;

            Assert.IsNotNull(tupleAbs, "Tuples Abstract not found");

            // and now the test
            Assert.AreEqual(8, tupleAbs.Children.Count, "TupleAbstract has children");

            // make sure are children are prohibited
            Assert.IsTrue(((Node)tupleAbs.Children[0]).IsProhibited, "child 0 not prohibited");
            Assert.IsTrue(((Node)tupleAbs.Children[1]).IsProhibited, "child 1 not prohibited");
            Assert.IsTrue(((Node)tupleAbs.Children[2]).IsProhibited, "child 2 not prohibited");
            Assert.IsTrue(((Node)tupleAbs.Children[3]).IsProhibited, "child 3 not prohibited");
            Assert.IsTrue(((Node)tupleAbs.Children[4]).IsProhibited, "child 4 not prohibited");
            Assert.IsTrue(((Node)tupleAbs.Children[5]).IsProhibited, "child 5 not prohibited");
            Assert.IsTrue(((Node)tupleAbs.Children[6]).IsProhibited, "child 6 not prohibited");
            Assert.IsTrue(((Node)tupleAbs.Children[7]).IsProhibited, "child 7 not prohibited");
Пример #4
        public void GAAP_VerifyPresentationCorrect()
            TestTaxonomy_2004_08_15 s = new TestTaxonomy_2004_08_15();
            int errors = 0;


            s.Parse(out errors);

            string rawXml = s.ToXmlString();

            s.currentLabelRole = "terseLabel";
            s.CurrentLanguage  = "en";

            ArrayList nodes = s.GetNodesByPresentation();
Пример #5
        public void GAAP_VerifyPreferredLabel()
            TestTaxonomy_2004_08_15 s = new TestTaxonomy_2004_08_15();
            int errors = 0;


            s.Parse(out errors);

            s.currentLabelRole = "preferredLabel";
            s.currentLanguage  = "en";

            ArrayList nodes = s.GetNodesByPresentation();

            //0. "Statement of Cash Flows - Indirect Method - CI"
            //   0. "usfr-pt_StatementCashFlowsIndirectAbstract"
            //      ?. "usfr-pt_CashCashEquivalents"

            Node scf = nodes[0] as Node;

            Assert.IsNotNull(scf, "Statement of Cash Flows - Indirect Method - CI");

            Node scfiAbs = scf.Children[0] as Node;

            Assert.IsNotNull(scfiAbs, "Failed to find usfr-pt_StatementCashFlowsIndirectAbstract node");

            Node cce = null;

            foreach (Node node in scfiAbs.Children)
                if (node.Id == "usfr-pt_CashCashEquivalents")
                    cce = node;

            Assert.IsNotNull(cce, "Failed to find usfr-pt_CashCashEquivalents node");

            Assert.AreEqual("periodEndLabel", cce.PreferredLabel, "Invalid preferred element label");

            string label = null;

            Assert.AreEqual(true, cce.TryGetLabel(s.CurrentLanguage, s.CurrentLabelRole, out label), "Invalid return value from Node TryGetLabel method");
            Assert.AreEqual("Cash and Cash Equivalents - Ending Balance", label, "Invalid label value returned from Node TryGetLabel method");
Пример #6
        public void BASI_BlankElement()
            TestTaxonomy_2004_08_15 s = new TestTaxonomy_2004_08_15();
            int errors = 0;

            if (s.Load(BASI_FILE, out errors) != true)

            errors = 0;
            s.Parse(out errors);

            if (errors > 0)

            s.CurrentLabelRole = "preferredLabel";
            s.CurrentLanguage  = "en";

            ArrayList nodes = s.GetNodesByPresentation();

            Node incStmtBasi = nodes[1] as Node;

            Assert.IsNotNull(incStmtBasi, "incStmtBasi is null");
            Assert.IsNotNull(incStmtBasi.Children, "incStmtBasi.Children is null");

            Node incStmt = incStmtBasi.Children[0] as Node;

            Assert.IsNotNull(incStmt, "incStmt is null");
            Assert.IsNotNull(incStmt.Children, "incStmt.Children is null");
            Assert.AreEqual("IncomeExpensesAbstract", incStmt.Name);

            Node interestExpense = incStmt.Children[1] as Node;

            Assert.IsNotNull(interestExpense, "interestExpense is null");
            Assert.AreEqual("InterestExpenseAbstract", interestExpense.Name);
            Assert.IsNotNull(interestExpense.Children, "interestExpense.Children is null");

            Node emptyElement = interestExpense.Children[5] as Node;

            Assert.IsNotNull(emptyElement, "emptyElement is null");
Пример #7
        public void GAAP_OutputTaxonomyByNodes()
            TestTaxonomy_2004_08_15 s = new TestTaxonomy_2004_08_15();
            int errors = 0;


            s.Parse(out errors);

            using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(NODE_OUT_FILE))
                s.currentLanguage  = "en";
                s.currentLabelRole = "terseLabel";

Пример #8
        public void Test_BASI_ProhibitedLinks()
            TestTaxonomy_2004_08_15 s = new TestTaxonomy_2004_08_15();
            int errors = 0;

            DateTime start = DateTime.Now;

            if (s.Load(BASI_FILE, out errors) != true)

            errors = 0;
            s.Parse(out errors);

            if (errors > 0)

            s.currentLanguage  = "en";
            s.currentLabelRole = "label";

            ArrayList nodes = s.GetNodesByPresentation();

            Node parentNode = nodes[0] as Node;

            Assert.IsNotNull(parentNode, "node null");
            Assert.AreEqual("http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/link", parentNode.Label, "label name not correct");
            Assert.AreEqual(5, parentNode.Children.Count, "wrong number of children");

            Node childOne = parentNode.Children[0] as Node;

            foreach (Node childOfChildOne in childOne.Children)
                Assert.IsTrue(childOfChildOne.IsProhibited, childOfChildOne.Label + " is not prohibited");
Пример #9
        public void GAAP_VerifyProhibitedLinks()
            TestTaxonomy_2004_08_15 s = new TestTaxonomy_2004_08_15();
            int errors = 0;

            s.Load( US_GAAP_FILE);

            s.Parse( out errors );

            s.currentLabelRole = "label";
            s.currentLanguage = "en";

            ArrayList nodes = s.GetNodesByPresentation();

            // ok - here's the hierarchy
            // 0. Statement of Cash Flows - Indirect Method - CI
            // 1. Statement of Financial Position - CI
            //    0. Tuples Abstract
            //	     0. usfr-pt_CommonStock - prohibited
            //		 1. usfr-pt_ConvertiblePreferredStock - prohibited
            //		 2. usfr-pt_NonRedeemableConvertiblePreferredStock - prohibited
            //		 3. usfr-pt_NonRedeemablePreferredStock - prohibited
            //		 4. usfr-pt_PreferredStock - prohibited
            //		 5. usfr-pt_RedeemableConvertiblePreferredStock - prohibited
            //		 6. usfr-pt_RedeemablePreferredStock - prohibited
            //		 7. usfr-pt_TreasuryStock - prohibited

            Node finPos = nodes[1] as Node;
            Assert.IsNotNull( finPos, "Statement of Financial Position - CI not found" );

            Node tupleAbs = finPos.Children[0] as Node;
            Assert.IsNotNull( tupleAbs, "Tuples Abstract not found" );

            // and now the test
            Assert.AreEqual( 8, tupleAbs.Children.Count, "TupleAbstract has children" );

            // make sure are children are prohibited
            Assert.IsTrue( ((Node)tupleAbs.Children[0]).IsProhibited, "child 0 not prohibited" );
            Assert.IsTrue( ((Node)tupleAbs.Children[1]).IsProhibited, "child 1 not prohibited" );
            Assert.IsTrue( ((Node)tupleAbs.Children[2]).IsProhibited, "child 2 not prohibited" );
            Assert.IsTrue( ((Node)tupleAbs.Children[3]).IsProhibited, "child 3 not prohibited" );
            Assert.IsTrue( ((Node)tupleAbs.Children[4]).IsProhibited, "child 4 not prohibited" );
            Assert.IsTrue( ((Node)tupleAbs.Children[5]).IsProhibited, "child 5 not prohibited" );
            Assert.IsTrue( ((Node)tupleAbs.Children[6]).IsProhibited, "child 6 not prohibited" );
            Assert.IsTrue( ((Node)tupleAbs.Children[7]).IsProhibited, "child 7 not prohibited" );
Пример #10
        public void GAAP_VerifyPresentationCorrect()
            TestTaxonomy_2004_08_15 s = new TestTaxonomy_2004_08_15();
            int errors = 0;

            s.Load( US_GAAP_FILE);

            s.Parse( out errors );

            string rawXml = s.ToXmlString();

            s.currentLabelRole = "terseLabel";
            s.CurrentLanguage = "en";

            ArrayList nodes = s.GetNodesByPresentation();
Пример #11
        public void GAAP_VerifyPreferredLabel()
            TestTaxonomy_2004_08_15 s = new TestTaxonomy_2004_08_15();
            int errors = 0;

            s.Load( US_GAAP_FILE);

            s.Parse( out errors );

            s.currentLabelRole = "preferredLabel";
            s.currentLanguage = "en";

            ArrayList nodes = s.GetNodesByPresentation();

            //0. "Statement of Cash Flows - Indirect Method - CI"
            //   0. "usfr-pt_StatementCashFlowsIndirectAbstract"
            //      ?. "usfr-pt_CashCashEquivalents"

            Node scf = nodes[0] as Node;
            Assert.IsNotNull( scf, "Statement of Cash Flows - Indirect Method - CI" );

            Node scfiAbs = scf.Children[0] as Node;
            Assert.IsNotNull( scfiAbs, "Failed to find usfr-pt_StatementCashFlowsIndirectAbstract node" );

            Node cce = null;
            foreach(Node node in scfiAbs.Children)
                if(node.Id == "usfr-pt_CashCashEquivalents")
                    cce = node;

            Assert.IsNotNull( cce, "Failed to find usfr-pt_CashCashEquivalents node" );

            Assert.AreEqual("periodEndLabel", cce.PreferredLabel, "Invalid preferred element label");

            string label = null;
            Assert.AreEqual(true, cce.TryGetLabel(s.CurrentLanguage, s.CurrentLabelRole, out label), "Invalid return value from Node TryGetLabel method");
            Assert.AreEqual("Cash and Cash Equivalents - Ending Balance", label, "Invalid label value returned from Node TryGetLabel method");
Пример #12
        public void BASI_BlankElement()
            TestTaxonomy_2004_08_15 s = new TestTaxonomy_2004_08_15();
            int errors = 0;

            if ( s.Load( BASI_FILE, out errors ) != true )
                Assert.Fail( (string)s.ErrorList[0]);

            errors = 0;
            s.Parse( out errors );

            if ( errors > 0 )
                SendErrorsToConsole( s.errorList );

            s.CurrentLabelRole = "preferredLabel";
            s.CurrentLanguage = "en";

            ArrayList nodes = s.GetNodesByPresentation();

            Node incStmtBasi = nodes[1] as Node;
            Assert.IsNotNull( incStmtBasi, "incStmtBasi is null" );
            Assert.IsNotNull( incStmtBasi.Children, "incStmtBasi.Children is null" );

            Node incStmt = incStmtBasi.Children[0] as Node;
            Assert.IsNotNull( incStmt, "incStmt is null" );
            Assert.IsNotNull( incStmt.Children, "incStmt.Children is null" );
            Assert.AreEqual( "IncomeExpensesAbstract", incStmt.Name );

            Node interestExpense = incStmt.Children[1] as Node;
            Assert.IsNotNull( interestExpense, "interestExpense is null" );
            Assert.AreEqual( "InterestExpenseAbstract", interestExpense.Name );
            Assert.IsNotNull( interestExpense.Children, "interestExpense.Children is null" );

            Node emptyElement = interestExpense.Children[5] as Node;
            Assert.IsNotNull( emptyElement, "emptyElement is null" );
Пример #13
        public void GAAP_VerifyNodeOrder()
            TestTaxonomy_2004_08_15 s = new TestTaxonomy_2004_08_15();
            int errors = 0;

            s.Load( US_GAAP_FILE);

            s.Parse( out errors );

            s.currentLabelRole = "label";
            s.currentLanguage = "en";

            ArrayList nodes = s.GetNodesByPresentation();

            Node title = nodes[4] as Node;
            Assert.IsNotNull( title, "title is null" );
            Assert.AreEqual( "Statement of Financial Position - CI", title.Label, "title label is wrong" );
            Assert.AreEqual( 0, title.Order, "title.Order is wrong" );

            Node statement = title.Children[0] as Node;
            Assert.IsNotNull( statement, "statement is null" );
            Assert.AreEqual( "Statement of Financial Position", statement.Label, "statement label is wrong" );
            Assert.AreEqual( 0, statement.Order, "statement.Order is wrong" );
            Assert.AreEqual( 2, statement.Children.Count, "statement.Children.Count is wrong" );

            Node assets = statement.Children[0] as Node;
            Assert.IsNotNull( assets, "statement is null" );
            Assert.AreEqual( "Assets", assets.Label, "assets label is wrong" );
            Assert.AreEqual( 1, assets.Order, "assets.Order is wrong" );
            Assert.AreEqual( 3, assets.Children.Count, "assets.Children.Count is wrong" );

            Node child1 = assets.Children[0] as Node;
            Assert.IsNotNull( child1, "child1 is null" );
            Assert.AreEqual( 1, child1.Order, "child1.Order is wrong" );

            Node child2 = assets.Children[1] as Node;
            Assert.IsNotNull( child2, "child2 is null" );
            Assert.AreEqual( 2, child2.Order, "child2.Order is wrong" );

            Node child3 = assets.Children[2] as Node;
            Assert.IsNotNull( child3, "child3 is null" );
            Assert.AreEqual( 3, child3.Order, "child3.Order is wrong" );
Пример #14
        public void GAAP_Test_GetNodesByPresentation()
            TestTaxonomy_2004_08_15 s = new TestTaxonomy_2004_08_15();

            s.CurrentLabelRole = "label";
            s.CurrentLanguage = "en";

            s.Load( US_GAAP_FILE);

            int errors = 0;

            s.Parse( out errors );

            ArrayList nodeList = s.GetNodesByPresentation();

            Assert.IsNotNull( nodeList );
            Assert.AreEqual( 5, nodeList.Count );

            Console.WriteLine( "Nodes By Presentation: " );

            foreach (Node n in nodeList )
                Console.WriteLine( TestNode.ToXml( 0, n ) );
Пример #15
        public void GAAP_OutputTaxonomyByNodes()
            TestTaxonomy_2004_08_15 s = new TestTaxonomy_2004_08_15();
            int errors = 0;

            s.Load( US_GAAP_FILE);

            s.Parse( out errors );

            #if !AUTOMATED
            using ( StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter( NODE_OUT_FILE ) )
                s.currentLanguage = "en";
                s.currentLabelRole = "terseLabel";

                sw.Write( s.ToXmlString( s.GetNodesByPresentation() ) );
Пример #16
        public void Test_BASI_ProhibitedLinks()
            TestTaxonomy_2004_08_15 s = new TestTaxonomy_2004_08_15();
            int errors = 0;

            DateTime start = DateTime.Now;
            if ( s.Load( BASI_FILE, out errors ) != true )
                Assert.Fail( (string)s.ErrorList[0]);

            errors = 0;
            s.Parse( out errors );

            if ( errors > 0 )
                SendErrorsToConsole( s.errorList );

            s.currentLanguage = "en";
            s.currentLabelRole = "label";

            ArrayList nodes = s.GetNodesByPresentation();

            Node parentNode = nodes[0] as Node;

            Assert.IsNotNull( parentNode, "node null" );
            Assert.AreEqual( "http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/link", parentNode.Label, "label name not correct" );
            Assert.AreEqual( 5, parentNode.Children.Count, "wrong number of children" );

            Node childOne = parentNode.Children[0] as Node;

            foreach ( Node childOfChildOne in childOne.Children )
                Assert.IsTrue( childOfChildOne.IsProhibited, childOfChildOne.Label + " is not prohibited" );