/// <summary> /// Constructs this matrix from a int2x4. Non-overwritten fields are from an Identity matrix. /// </summary> public int2x2(int2x4 m) { this.m00 = m.m00; this.m01 = m.m01; this.m10 = m.m10; this.m11 = m.m11; }
/// <summary> /// Constructs this matrix from a int2x4. Non-overwritten fields are from an Identity matrix. /// </summary> public int3x2(int2x4 m) { this.m00 = m.m00; this.m01 = m.m01; this.m10 = m.m10; this.m11 = m.m11; this.m20 = 0; this.m21 = 0; }
/// <summary> /// Constructs this matrix from a int2x4. Non-overwritten fields are from an Identity matrix. /// </summary> public int2x3(int2x4 m) { this.m00 = m.m00; this.m01 = m.m01; this.m02 = m.m02; this.m10 = m.m10; this.m11 = m.m11; this.m12 = m.m12; }
/// <summary> /// Constructs this matrix from a int2x4. Non-overwritten fields are from an Identity matrix. /// </summary> public int2x4(int2x4 m) { this.m00 = m.m00; this.m01 = m.m01; this.m02 = m.m02; this.m03 = m.m03; this.m10 = m.m10; this.m11 = m.m11; this.m12 = m.m12; this.m13 = m.m13; }
/// <summary> /// Constructs this matrix from a int2x4. Non-overwritten fields are from an Identity matrix. /// </summary> public int3x3(int2x4 m) { this.m00 = m.m00; this.m01 = m.m01; this.m02 = m.m02; this.m10 = m.m10; this.m11 = m.m11; this.m12 = m.m12; this.m20 = 0; this.m21 = 0; this.m22 = 1; }
/// <summary> /// Constructs this matrix from a int2x4. Non-overwritten fields are from an Identity matrix. /// </summary> public int3x4(int2x4 m) { this.m00 = m.m00; this.m01 = m.m01; this.m02 = m.m02; this.m03 = m.m03; this.m10 = m.m10; this.m11 = m.m11; this.m12 = m.m12; this.m13 = m.m13; this.m20 = 0; this.m21 = 0; this.m22 = 1; this.m23 = 0; }
/// <summary> /// Constructs this matrix from a int2x4. Non-overwritten fields are from an Identity matrix. /// </summary> public int4x3(int2x4 m) { this.m00 = m.m00; this.m01 = m.m01; this.m02 = m.m02; this.m10 = m.m10; this.m11 = m.m11; this.m12 = m.m12; this.m20 = 0; this.m21 = 0; this.m22 = 1; this.m30 = 0; this.m31 = 0; this.m32 = 0; }
/// <summary> /// Returns an enumerator that iterates through all fields. /// </summary> public static IEnumerator <int> GetEnumerator(int2x4 m) => m.GetEnumerator();
/// <summary> /// Creates a 1D array with all values (internal order) /// </summary> public static int[] Values1D(int2x4 m) => m.Values1D;
/// <summary> /// Creates a 2D array with all values (address: Values[x, y]) /// </summary> public static int[,] Values(int2x4 m) => m.Values;
/// <summary> /// Executes a component-wise - (subtract). /// </summary> public static int2x4 CompSub(int2x4 A, int2x4 B) => new int2x4(A.m00 - B.m00, A.m01 - B.m01, A.m02 - B.m02, A.m03 - B.m03, A.m10 - B.m10, A.m11 - B.m11, A.m12 - B.m12, A.m13 - B.m13);
/// <summary> /// Executes a component-wise + (add). /// </summary> public static int2x4 CompAdd(int2x4 A, int2x4 B) => new int2x4(A.m00 + B.m00, A.m01 + B.m01, A.m02 + B.m02, A.m03 + B.m03, A.m10 + B.m10, A.m11 + B.m11, A.m12 + B.m12, A.m13 + B.m13);
/// <summary> /// Executes a component-wise / (divide). /// </summary> public static int2x4 CompDiv(int2x4 A, int2x4 B) => new int2x4(A.m00 / B.m00, A.m01 / B.m01, A.m02 / B.m02, A.m03 / B.m03, A.m10 / B.m10, A.m11 / B.m11, A.m12 / B.m12, A.m13 / B.m13);
/// <summary> /// Executes a component-wise * (multiply). /// </summary> public static int2x4 CompMul(int2x4 A, int2x4 B) => new int2x4(A.m00 * B.m00, A.m01 * B.m01, A.m02 * B.m02, A.m03 * B.m03, A.m10 * B.m10, A.m11 * B.m11, A.m12 * B.m12, A.m13 * B.m13);
/// <summary> /// Returns true iff this equals rhs component-wise. /// </summary> public bool Equals(int2x4 rhs) => (((m00.Equals(rhs.m00) && m01.Equals(rhs.m01)) && (m02.Equals(rhs.m02) && m03.Equals(rhs.m03))) && ((m10.Equals(rhs.m10) && m11.Equals(rhs.m11)) && (m12.Equals(rhs.m12) && m13.Equals(rhs.m13))));