Пример #1
        private void getControlsUpdate(TelemetryUpdate telemetryUpdate)
            if (this.InvokeRequired)                                                                       //if invoke is needed
                this.Invoke(new RecievedDataHandler(getControlsUpdate), new object[] { telemetryUpdate }); //involkes new instance of getControlsUpdate
                lblAltitude.Text      = Math.Round(telemetryUpdate.Altitude).ToString() + " ft";       //sets label for the current altitude while rounding it and adding measurement
                lblAirspeed.Text      = Math.Round(telemetryUpdate.Speed).ToString() + " Knts";        //sets label for the current speed while rounding it and adding measurement
                lblVerticalSpeed.Text = Math.Round(telemetryUpdate.VerticalSpeed).ToString() + " Fpm"; //sets label for the current vertical speed while rounding it and adding measurement
                lblThrottle.Text      = telemetryUpdate.Throttle.ToString() + "%";                     ////sets label for the current throttle (from the simulator not reciever)
                lblPitchAngle.Text    = Math.Round(telemetryUpdate.Pitch).ToString() + "°";            //sets label for the current pitch angle of the plane
                lblElevatorPitch.Text = telemetryUpdate.ElevatorPitch.ToString() + "°";                //sets label for the current elevator pitch from the controls (from the simulator not reciever)

                lblDateAndTime.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString();                                         //display updating date and time to the user
                DataGridViewRow row = (DataGridViewRow)dgvLiveUpdates.Rows[0].Clone();
                row.Cells[0].Value = telemetryUpdate.Speed.ToString();                                 //Setting cell to value of current speed
                row.Cells[1].Value = telemetryUpdate.VerticalSpeed.ToString();                         //setting cell to value of current vertical speed
                row.Cells[2].Value = "000";
                row.Cells[3].Value = telemetryUpdate.Pitch.ToString();                                 //setting cell to value of the planes current pitch
                row.Cells[4].Value = telemetryUpdate.Altitude.ToString();                              //setting cell to the value of the current altitude
                row.Cells[5].Value = telemetryUpdate.Throttle.ToString();                              //setting cell to value of the current throttle control
                row.Cells[6].Value = telemetryUpdate.ElevatorPitch.ToString();                         //setting cell to value of the current elevator pitch control
                row.Cells[7].Value = telemetryUpdate.WarningCode.ToString();                           //setting cell to the value of the current warning code

                lblCurrentThrottle.Text = telemetryUpdate.Throttle.ToString() + ".0 %";                //setting the label on the throttle control to the current throttle (this is only needed for if controls are changed on the simulator)
                lblCurrentElevator.Text = telemetryUpdate.ElevatorPitch.ToString() + "°";              //setting the label on the pitch control to the current throttle (this is only needed for if controls are changed on the simulator)

                trkThrottle.Value = Convert.ToInt32(telemetryUpdate.Throttle);                         //setting the value of throttle control to the current throttle (this is only needed for if controls are changed on the simulator)
                trkElevator.Value = Convert.ToInt32(telemetryUpdate.ElevatorPitch * 10);               //setting the value of pitch control to the current elevator pitch (this is only needed for if controls are changed on the simulator)

                dgvLiveUpdates.Rows.Insert(0, row);  //add new row at top of data grid

                if (dgvLiveUpdates.Rows.Count > 10)  //if datagrid has 10 entries
                    dgvLiveUpdates.Rows.RemoveAt(9); //remove last one

                if (telemetryUpdate.WarningCode == 1)                       //if warning code 1 is returned
                    this.lblWarning.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;   //update text colour to be red indicating a warning
                    lblWarning.Text           = "Warning: Too low terrain"; //apply warning string to label
                else if (telemetryUpdate.WarningCode == 2)                  //if warning code 2 is returned
                    this.lblWarning.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;   //update text colour to be red indicating a warning
                    lblWarning.Text           = "Warning: Stall risk";      //apply warning string to label
                else//if no warning code is returned
                    this.lblWarning.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Green; //sets colour to be green indicating all is okay
                    lblWarning.Text           = "No warning";               //update text to display "No Warning"
Пример #2
            private bool StartRetrieving = false;                                                         //create bool to be able to turn the reciever on and off

            public void RetriveData()                                                                     //function to recieve the data from the simulator
                TelemetryUpdate telemetryUpdate = new TelemetryUpdate();                                  //new set of telemerty variables

                StartRetrieving = true;                                                                   //when function is called startrecieving is turned on

                while (StartRetrieving)                                                                   //while startRecieving is on
                    byte[] buffer = new byte[256];                                                        //create buffer to write data into
                    try                                                                                   //try to decode data
                        int    num_bytes     = stream.Read(buffer, 0, 256);                               //sets number of bytes recieved to num_bytess setting a minumum and a maximum
                        string dataToRecieve = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(buffer, 0, num_bytes);            //decode data and save to string dataToRecieve
                        telemetryUpdate = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <TelemetryUpdate>(dataToRecieve); //convert from json and set to telemerty updates
                    catch { }//if cannot decode data
                    RecievingEvent?.Invoke(telemetryUpdate);//invoke new telemetry updates
Пример #3
        //Adding messege recived from simulator

        private void addMessage(string message)
            if (this.InvokeRequired)
                this.Invoke(new AddMessageDelegate(addMessage), new object[] { message });
                //Deserialize data
                JavaScriptSerializer Serializer      = new JavaScriptSerializer();
                TelemetryUpdate      recievedMessage = Serializer.Deserialize <TelemetryUpdate>(message);
                //Setting up telemetry update struct
                lblJsonRecivedDisplay.Text    = message;
                telemetryUpdate.Altitude      = recievedMessage.Altitude;
                telemetryUpdate.Speed         = recievedMessage.Speed;
                telemetryUpdate.Pitch         = recievedMessage.Pitch;
                telemetryUpdate.VerticalSpeed = recievedMessage.VerticalSpeed;
                telemetryUpdate.Throttle      = recievedMessage.Throttle;
                telemetryUpdate.ElevatorPitch = recievedMessage.ElevatorPitch;
                telemetryUpdate.WarningCode   = recievedMessage.WarningCode;

                //Updating current information labels with rounding to 2decimal places
                // refreshing labels manually as not always been updated before

                lblAltitudeVal.Text = Math.Round(telemetryUpdate.Altitude, 2).ToString();
                lblSpeedVal.Text = Math.Round(telemetryUpdate.Speed, 2).ToString();
                lblPitchVal.Text = Math.Round(telemetryUpdate.Pitch, 2).ToString();
                lblVerticalSpeedVal.Text = Math.Round(telemetryUpdate.VerticalSpeed, 2).ToString();
                lblThrottleVal.Text = Math.Round(telemetryUpdate.Throttle, 2).ToString();
                lblElevatorPitchVal.Text = Math.Round(telemetryUpdate.ElevatorPitch, 2).ToString();
                //Upadate data grid rounding 4decimal places
                //warning code displayed as enum, data is current date and time
                dgvRecived.Rows.Insert(0, new object[] { Math.Round(telemetryUpdate.Altitude, 4), Math.Round(telemetryUpdate.Speed, 4),
                                                         Math.Round(telemetryUpdate.Pitch, 4), Math.Round(telemetryUpdate.VerticalSpeed, 4), Math.Round(telemetryUpdate.Throttle, 4),
                                                         Math.Round(telemetryUpdate.ElevatorPitch, 4), telemetryUpdate.WarningCode, DateTime.Now.ToString() });
                // Updating Warning info label
                if (telemetryUpdate.WarningCode == WarningCode.TooLow)
                    lblWarningDisplay.Enabled = true;
                    lblWarningDisplay.Text    = "Plane Too Low !";
                else if (telemetryUpdate.WarningCode == WarningCode.Stall)
                    lblWarningDisplay.Enabled = true;
                    lblWarningDisplay.Text    = "Stall danger !";
                    lblWarningDisplay.Enabled = false;
                    lblWarningDisplay.Text    = "";
                //Switching off autotakeoff button
                if (telemetryUpdate.Speed > 40)
                    btnTakeOff.Enabled = false;
                //Enabling autoPilot
                if (telemetryUpdate.Altitude > 2000 && telemetryUpdate.WarningCode == 0)