public Vector2Int LoadMapByCoords(int x, int y, int assumed_width, int assumed_height)
            bool redo = false;

            this.LoadedMap = new int[assumed_width, assumed_height];
            TempMap MapLoader = new TempMap(assumed_width, assumed_height);

            if (Pos_Exist(x, y))
                string filename = "Assets/" + x + "_" + y + ".txt";
                Vector2Int RegionSize = MapLoader.GetLoadedRegionSize();
                if (RegionSize.x > assumed_width)
                    redo = true;
                if (redo)
                    Vector2Int FinalSize = LoadMapByCoords(x, y, RegionSize.x, RegionSize.y);
                MapLoader.ConvertTo2DMap(assumed_width, assumed_height);
                LoadedMap             = MapLoader.GetTileMapArray();
                this.LoadedAreaWidth  = RegionSize.x;
                this.LoadedAreaHeight = RegionSize.y;
                return(new Vector2Int(RegionSize.x, RegionSize.y));
                Debug.Log("Loading of map failed at" + x + ", " + y);
            return(new Vector2Int(-1, -1));
Пример #2
 public TileSet(Texture2D TileImage_, int offsetx, int offsety, int area_width, int area_height) //Fill it with a constructor =p
     //Texture2D TestTex = new Texture2D(16 * 20, 16 * 20, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false);
     //Apparently we have to create the textures as well
     this.TileImage = TileImage_;
     SplitTilesLocally(TileImage_, 32, 32);
     map               = new TempMap(area_width, area_height);
     DimensionalMap    = new int[area_width, area_height];
     DisplayMap        = new GameObject[area_width, area_height];
     this.area_width_  = area_width;
     this.area_height_ = area_height;