Пример #1
 public Agent(FeedForwardNN brain, Player player, Transform rightGoalTransform)
     Brain  = brain;
     Player = player;
     Player.rightGoalTransform = rightGoalTransform;
     BallInitialPosition       = Player.ballInitialPosition;
     RightGoalPosition         = rightGoalTransform.position;
     fitness = Mathf.NegativeInfinity;
Пример #2
        public FeedForwardNN reLu2;      // 1 FFNN(arbitrary number of hidden layers) at the end

        public AttentiveBrain(FeedForwardNN[,] linears, FeedForwardNN linear, FeedForwardNN reLu1, FeedForwardNN reLu2)
            Debug.Assert(linears.GetLength(1) == 3);
            Debug.Assert(linear.Layers.GetLength(0) == 2);
            this.linears = linears;
            this.linear  = linear;
            this.reLu1   = reLu1;
            this.reLu2   = reLu2;
Пример #3
        private void Player_OnInput(object sender, double[] inputs)
            if (!IsActive)

            Vector <double> .Build.DenseOfArray(inputs);

            Player.ApplyOutput(FeedForwardNN.FeedForward(Brain, Vector <double> .Build.DenseOfArray(inputs)).AsArray());
Пример #4
 // We want to reuse this object instead of creating new ones each generation.
 public void Reset(Vector2 playerPos, bool resetFitness = false, FeedForwardNN brain = null)
     Brain               = brain ?? Brain;
     fitness             = resetFitness ? Mathf.NegativeInfinity : fitness;
     hasMaxFitness       = false;
     shotTheBall         = false;
     shotTheBallRewarded = false;
     fitnessCanIncrease  = false;
     touchedRightGoal    = false;
     touchingRightGoal   = false;
     touchedBall         = false;
     touchingCorner      = false;
     BallInitialPosition = Player.ballInitialPosition;
Пример #5
        // private static FeedForwardNN crossover(FeedForwardNN[] parents)
        // {
        //     var newBrain = new FeedForwardNN(parents[0].Layers);

        //     for (int l = 0; l < parents[0].Weights.Length; l++)
        //     {
        //         for (int n = 0; n < parents[0].Weights[l].GetLength(0); n++)
        //         {
        //             int parentIndex = random.Next(parents.Length);
        //             for (int w = 0; w < parents[0].Weights[l].GetLength(1); w++)
        //             {
        //                 Debug.Log(parentIndex);
        //                 newBrain.Weights[l][n, w] = random.NextDouble() > mutationRate ? FeedForwardNN.GetRandomWeight : parents[parentIndex].Weights[l][n, w];
        //             }
        //             newBrain.Biases[l][n] = random.NextDouble() > mutationRate ? FeedForwardNN.GetRandomBias : parents[parentIndex].Biases[l][n];
        //         }
        //     }
        //     return newBrain;
        // }

        private static FeedForwardNN mutate(FeedForwardNN brain)
            var random = new Random();
            //return brain;
            var newBrain = new FeedForwardNN(brain.Layers);

            for (int l = 1; l < brain.Layers.Length; l++)
                for (int n = 0; n < brain.Layers[l].NodeCount; n++)
                    for (int w = 0; w < brain.Layers[l].Weights.ColumnCount; w++)
                        var mutBy = mutationRate * (random.NextDouble() - 0.5) * 2;
                        newBrain.Layers[l].Weights[n, w] = brain.Layers[l].Weights[n, w] * mutBy;
                    var mutByBias = mutationRate * (random.NextDouble() - 0.5) * 0.5;
                    newBrain.Layers[l].Biases[n] = brain.Layers[l].Biases[n] * mutByBias;
Пример #6
        private void CreateNewGeneration()
            trainingNo = 0;
            MinFitness = Mathf.Infinity;
            MaxFitness = Mathf.NegativeInfinity;

            // Turn negative infinities to min fitness in the generation so we can calculate.
            var minGenFitness = currentGeneration.Where(a => a.fitness != Mathf.NegativeInfinity).Min(a => a.fitness);
            // currentGeneration.ForEach(a => a.fitness = a.fitness == Mathf.NegativeInfinity ? minGenFitness - 1000 : a.fitness);

            var orderedByFitness = currentGeneration.OrderByDescending(a => a.fitness);
            // var listt = orderedByFitness.ToList(); // just to debug
            var selectedAgents = orderedByFitness.Take((int)Math.Floor(currentGeneration.Count * 0.4f)).ToList();
            //SampleAgent.Brain = selectedAgents[0].Brain;

            // Get the elite to the list first
            int eliteCount = (int)Math.Floor(selectedAgents.Count * eliteRatio);
            // And new comers
            int newAgentsCount = (int)Math.Floor(selectedAgents.Count * newAgentsRatio);

            var newGenerationBrains = new List <FeedForwardNN>();

            for (int g = 0; g < eliteCount; g++)

            for (int n = 0; n < newAgentsCount; n++)
                newGenerationBrains.Add(new FeedForwardNN(layerDefinitions));

            var   remainingCount   = (float)population - eliteCount - newAgentsCount;
            var   countOfBestAgent = (remainingCount / selectedAgents.Count * 2 - 1);
            float selectiveRatio   = countOfBestAgent / remainingCount; // for linear distribution

            for (int s = 0; s < selectedAgents.Count; s++)
                int agentCount = Mathf.CeilToInt(selectiveRatio * (selectedAgents.Count - s));
                for (int a = 0; a < agentCount; a++)
                    var parent1 = selectedAgents[s].Brain;
                    //var parent2 = SelectRandomlyByFitness(fitnessSum, minFitness);
                    FeedForwardNN childBrain = mutate(parent1);

            for (int v = 0; v < newGenerationBrains.Count - currentGeneration.Count; v++)
                currentGeneration.Add(new Agent(new FeedForwardNN(layerDefinitions), Instantiate(PlayerPrefab), RightGoalTransform));

            for (int b = 0; b < newGenerationBrains.Count; b++)
                currentGeneration[b].Brain = newGenerationBrains[b];

            TxtGeneration.text = generationNo.ToString();
            TxtPopulation.text = currentGeneration.Count.ToString();
Пример #7
 public static Vector <double> FeedForward(FeedForwardNN nn, Vector <double> inputs)
     return(FeedForward(inputs, nn.Layers, 1));