Пример #1
        private void SpawnCreatures(BitArray newGenome)
            GameObject creaturesParent = new GameObject("creatures");

            for (int i = 0; i < CreatureAmount; i++)
                CreatureBehaviour creature = Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefabs/creature") as GameObject).GetComponent <CreatureBehaviour>();

                if (newGenome != null)
                    newGenome = GeneticAlgorithm.Mutation(newGenome);
                    creature.Genome.BaseMass     = Random.Range(1f, 10f);
                    creature.Genome.VisionLength = 2f;

                Vector2 screenBounds = new Vector2(Width, Height);
                creature.transform.position = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector2(Random.Range(0f, screenBounds.x), Random.Range(0f, screenBounds.y)));
                creature.transform.Rotate(0, 0, Random.Range(0, 360));

                creature.transform.SetParent(creaturesParent.transform, true);

        private static CreatureBehaviour ChooseWinner(CreatureBehaviour[] candidates)
            float             random = Random.value;
            CreatureBehaviour winner = null;

            candidates = candidates.OrderBy(x => x.AccumulatedNormalizedFitness).ToArray();  // Make sure the list is ordered right (high norm fitness = better score)

            //foreach (CreatureBehaviour candidate in candidates.Reverse()) // Wikipedia doesn't mention reversing the list, but if we don't then we will always pick the latest one in the list (with the highest accNormFitness)
            //    if (candidate.AccumulatedNormalizedFitness >= random)
            //        winner = candidate;
            foreach (CreatureBehaviour candidate in candidates) // Isn't this a better option? This way if random = 0.9, the closest one below 0.9 would be taken instead of the ones above 0.9 (higher accumulated fitness, the worse you are)
                if (candidate.AccumulatedNormalizedFitness <= random)
                    winner = candidate;

            // If we have no winner, take the best one (fallback)
            // TODO: I don't know why we won't always take the best one? Is it to introduce more diversity? Is mutation not enough for this?
            if (!winner)
                winner = candidates.First();

            Debug.Log($"Winner fitness: {winner.Fitness}, Best fitness: {candidates.Max(x => x.Fitness)}");

Пример #3
        public void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D col)
            CreatureBehaviour creature = col.collider.gameObject.GetComponent <CreatureBehaviour>();

            if (creature != null)
        public static CreatureBehaviour[] GetParents(List <CreatureBehaviour> candidates)
            CreatureBehaviour parent1 = CalculateWinner(candidates);

            CreatureBehaviour parent2 = CalculateWinner(candidates);

            return(new CreatureBehaviour[] { parent1, parent2 });
        // Selection
        //  1. Normalize each fitness (normFitness = fitness / sum(allFitnesses)), so that the sum of all fitnesses is 1
        //  2. Sort population desc fitness
        //  3. Accumulate normalized fitnesses (accFitness = normFitness + allPreviousNormFitnesses)
        //      ex: accFitness1 would be (normFitness1), accFitness2 would be (normFitness2 + normFitness1)
        //          accFitness3 would be (normFitness3 + normFitness2 + normFitness1) ...
        //  4. Choose random number R between 0 and 1
        //  5. Winner is the last one whose accFitness >= R
        // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selection_(genetic_algorithm)
        public static CreatureBehaviour CalculateWinner(List <CreatureBehaviour> candidates)
            // Calculate total fitness of all candidates summed together
            float totalFitnesses = candidates.Select(x => x.Fitness).Sum();

            // Normalize fitnesses
            candidates.ForEach(x => x.NormalizedFitness = NormalizeFitness(x.Fitness, totalFitnesses));

            // Sort by descending fitness
            candidates = candidates.OrderByDescending(x => x.Fitness).ToList();

            // Accumulate normalized fitnesses
            foreach (CreatureBehaviour candidate in candidates)
                int     index             = candidates.IndexOf(candidate);
                float[] previousFitnesses = candidates.GetRange(0, index).Select(x => x.NormalizedFitness).ToArray();
                candidate.AccumulatedNormalizedFitness = AccumulateNormalizedFitness(candidate.NormalizedFitness, previousFitnesses);

            // Choose winner
            CreatureBehaviour winner = ChooseWinner(candidates.ToArray());
