public void Update( AssetDatas assetDatas )
            _assetDatas = assetDatas;
            _hasBeenFocused = false;
            this.Invoke( ( MethodInvoker )delegate
                string assetName = _assetDatas.Name.Substring( _assetDatas.Name.IndexOf( '/' ) + 1 );

                labelName.Text = "Asset " + assetName;

                assetLinkToPortal.Text = "View " + assetName + " in the portal";
                _ieProcessInfos.Arguments = String.Format( @Resource.PortalAssetLink, assetName );


                if( _assetDatas.ScadaDatas.Exists )
                    labelTemperature.Text = string.Format( Resource.Temperature, _assetDatas.ScadaDatas.Temperature );
                    labelPressure.Text = string.Format( Resource.Pressure, _assetDatas.ScadaDatas.Pressure );
                    panelScada.Visible = true;
                    labelScada.Visible = true;
                    labelTemperature.Visible = true;
                    labelPressure.Visible = true;
                    labelTemperature.Text = "Unable to retrieve temperature";
                    labelPressure.Text = "Unable to retrieve pressure";
            } );
 public void Update( AssetDatas asset )
     IVRLabel l = _labels.Add(
     String.Format("{0}\n\nTemperature: {1}°C\nPressure: {2} bar",
         asset.Name.Substring( asset.Name.IndexOf( '/' ) + 1 ),
        // Get the information about the asset and displays it
        public void ShowAsset( IVRBranch branch )
            AssetDatas assetDatas = new AssetDatas( branch );

            if( _currentAssetView == null )
                _currentAssetView = ( AssetView )AssetDatasViewer.CurrentViewer.UI.OpenForm( typeof( AssetView ) );
                _currentAssetView.FormClosing += new FormClosingEventHandler( assetView_Closed );

            mDeleg_DocumentsAndScada = new Deleg( _service.GetAssetDocumentsAndScada );
            AsyncCallback callback_DocumentsAndScada = new AsyncCallback( buildAssetView );
            mDeleg_DocumentsAndScada.BeginInvoke( assetDatas, callback_DocumentsAndScada, null );
        protected override void OnFormClosing( FormClosingEventArgs e )
            _assetDatas = null;


            documentsTree.AfterExpand -= new TreeViewEventHandler( documentsTree_AfterExpand );
            documentsTree.AfterCollapse -= new TreeViewEventHandler( documentsTree_AfterCollapse );
            documentsTree.BeforeExpand -= new TreeViewCancelEventHandler( documentsTree_BeforeExpand );

            documentsTree.MouseDoubleClick -= new MouseEventHandler( documentsTree_MouseDoubleClick );

            if( _browser != null )


            base.OnFormClosing( e );
 public AssetScadaDatas( AssetDatas asset, string temperature, string pressure )
     _asset = asset;
     _temperature = temperature;
     _pressure = pressure;