Пример #1
 public SelectContext(SelectQuery query)
     this.Count             = query.Count;
     this.Where             = query.Where;
     this.OrderByColumn     = query.OrderByColumn;
     this.OrderByDescending = query.OrderByDescending;
     this.Query             = query;
     this.Columns           = query.Columns;
     this.Pass1Results      = null;
Пример #2
            /// <summary>
            ///  Identify the partition from which items should come to be sorted overall.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="partitionResults">DataBlock per partition with items to merge, sort column last</param>
            public SelectResult Merge(SelectResult[] partitionResults)
                if (partitionResults == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("partitionResults");

                SelectResult mergedResult = new SelectResult(this.Query);

                // Aggregate the total across partitions
                long totalFound    = 0;
                long totalReturned = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < partitionResults.Length; ++i)
                    totalFound    += partitionResults[i].Total;
                    totalReturned += partitionResults[i].CountReturned;


                mergedResult.Total         = totalFound;
                mergedResult.CountReturned = (ushort)Math.Min(this.Count, totalReturned);

                if (mergedResult.Details.Succeeded)
                    DataBlock mergedBlock        = new DataBlock(partitionResults[0].Values.Columns, mergedResult.CountReturned);
                    DataBlock mergedOrderbyBlock = new DataBlock(partitionResults[0].OrderByValues.Columns, mergedResult.CountReturned);

                    // Find the next value according to the sort order and add it until we have enough
                    bool orderByDescending = this.OrderByDescending;
                    int  partitionCount    = partitionResults.Length;

                    int itemIndex = 0;

                    int[] nextIndexPerPartition = new int[partitionCount];

                    while (itemIndex < mergedResult.CountReturned)
                        int         bestPartition = -1;
                        IComparable bestValue     = null;

                        // Find the column with the next value to merge
                        for (int partitionIndex = 0; partitionIndex < partitionCount; ++partitionIndex)
                            int potentialIndex = nextIndexPerPartition[partitionIndex];
                            if (potentialIndex == partitionResults[partitionIndex].Values.RowCount)

                            // TODO: in the future, we can allow multiple columns for order by as well as place the ID column
                            //   at the end (to ensure stable sorting).  This will need to become a cascading comparison
                            IComparable potentialValue = (IComparable)partitionResults[partitionIndex].OrderByValues.GetValue(potentialIndex, 0);

                            int cmp = 0;
                            if (bestValue != null)
                                cmp = potentialValue.CompareTo(bestValue);

                            if (bestPartition == -1 || (orderByDescending && cmp > 0) || (!orderByDescending && cmp < 0))
                                bestPartition = partitionIndex;
                                bestValue     = potentialValue;

                        // Copy the data to the results set
                        for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < mergedBlock.ColumnCount; ++columnIndex)
                            mergedBlock.SetValue(itemIndex, columnIndex, partitionResults[bestPartition].Values.GetValue(nextIndexPerPartition[bestPartition], columnIndex));

                        // Copy the order-by fields to the result set
                        mergedOrderbyBlock.SetValue(itemIndex, 0, partitionResults[bestPartition].OrderByValues.GetValue(nextIndexPerPartition[bestPartition], 0));



                    mergedResult.Values        = mergedBlock;
                    mergedResult.OrderByValues = mergedOrderbyBlock;

Пример #3
            private static ushort[] GetLIDsToReturnDense(Partition p, SelectContext context, SelectResult result, ShortSet whereSet)
                // Get the sorted IDs, *if available*
                IList <ushort>   sortedLIDs;
                int              sortedLIDsCount;
                IColumn <object> orderByColumn = p.Columns[context.OrderByColumn];

                if (!orderByColumn.TryGetSortedIndexes(out sortedLIDs, out sortedLIDsCount))
                    return(GetLIDsToReturnSparse(p, context, result, whereSet));

                // Determine how many to return. Stop if none.
                int countToReturn = Math.Min(context.Count, (int)(result.Total));

                ushort[] lidsToReturn = new ushort[countToReturn];
                if (countToReturn == 0)

                // Enumerate matches in OrderBy order and return the requested columns for them
                ushort countAdded  = 0;
                int    sortedIndex = (context.OrderByDescending ? orderByColumn.Count - 1 : 0);
                int    lastIndex   = (context.OrderByDescending ? -1 : orderByColumn.Count);
                int    step        = (context.OrderByDescending ? -1 : 1);

                // Return the next 'count' matches
                for (; sortedIndex != lastIndex; sortedIndex += step)
                    ushort lid = sortedLIDs[sortedIndex];
                    if (whereSet.Contains(lid))
                        lidsToReturn[countAdded] = lid;
                        if (++countAdded == countToReturn)

Пример #4
            private static ushort[] GetLIDsToReturnSparse(Partition p, SelectContext context, SelectResult result, ShortSet whereSet)
                // Get the set of matching IDs
                ushort[] lids = whereSet.Values;

                // Lame - store the total to return here so we don't have to compute again
                result.Total = (uint)(lids.Length);

                // Compute the count to return - the count or the number left after skipping
                int countToReturn = Math.Min(context.Count, (int)(lids.Length));

                // Get the values for all matches in the Order By column and IDs by the order by values
                Array orderByValues = p.Columns[context.OrderByColumn].GetValues(lids);

                Array.Sort(orderByValues, lids);

                // Walk in ascending or descending order and return the matches
                int count = 0;

                ushort[] lidsToReturn = new ushort[countToReturn];
                if (countToReturn == 0)

                int index, end, step;

                if (context.OrderByDescending)
                    index = (int)(lids.Length - 1);
                    end   = index - countToReturn;
                    step  = -1;
                    index = 0;
                    end   = index + countToReturn;
                    step  = 1;

                for (; index != end; index += step)
                    lidsToReturn[count] = lids[index];

Пример #5
            private static ushort[] GetLIDsToReturn(Partition p, SelectContext context, SelectResult result, ShortSet whereSet)
                if (result.Total == 0)
                    return(new ushort[0]);

                // If no ORDER BY is provided, the default is the ID column descending
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(context.OrderByColumn))
                    context.OrderByColumn     = p.IDColumn.Name;
                    context.OrderByDescending = true;

                // Compute the most efficient way to scan.
                //  Sparse - get and sort the order by values for all matches.
                //  Dense - walk the order by column in order until we find enough matches.
                //  Walking in order measures about 20 times faster than Array.Sort() (cache locality; instruction count)
                int    sparseCompareCount    = (int)(result.Total * Math.Log(result.Total, 2));
                double densePercentageToScan = Math.Min(1.0d, (double)(context.Count) / (double)(result.Total));
                int    denseCheckCount       = (int)(p.Count * densePercentageToScan);

                if (sparseCompareCount * 20 < denseCheckCount)
                    return(GetLIDsToReturnSparse(p, context, result, whereSet));
                    return(GetLIDsToReturnDense(p, context, result, whereSet));
Пример #6
            public SelectResult Compute(Partition p)
                if (p == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("p");

                SelectResult result = new SelectResult(this.Query);

                // Find the set of items matching all terms
                ShortSet whereSet = new ShortSet(p.Count);

                this.Where.TryEvaluate(p, whereSet, result.Details);

                // Verify that the ORDER BY column exists
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.OrderByColumn) && !p.Columns.ContainsKey(this.OrderByColumn))
                    result.Details.AddError(ExecutionDetails.ColumnDoesNotExist, this.OrderByColumn);

                if (result.Details.Succeeded)
                    IUntypedColumn column = null;

                    result.Total = whereSet.Count();

                    // Find the set of IDs to return for the query (up to 'Count' after 'Skip' in ORDER BY order)
                    ushort[] lidsToReturn = GetLIDsToReturn(p, this, result, whereSet);
                    result.CountReturned = (ushort)lidsToReturn.Length;

                    // Get the order-by column
                    if (!p.Columns.TryGetValue(this.OrderByColumn, out column))
                        result.Details.AddError(ExecutionDetails.ColumnDoesNotExist, this.OrderByColumn);
                    Array orderByColumn = column.GetValues(lidsToReturn);

                    // Get all of the response columns and return them
                    Array columns = new Array[this.Columns.Count];
                    for (int i = 0; i < this.Columns.Count; ++i)
                        string columnName = this.Columns[i];

                        if (columnName == this.OrderByColumn)
                            columns.SetValue(orderByColumn, i);
                            if (!p.Columns.TryGetValue(columnName, out column))
                                result.Details.AddError(ExecutionDetails.ColumnDoesNotExist, columnName);

                            Array values = column.GetValues(lidsToReturn);
                            if (Query.Highlighter != null)
                                Query.Highlighter.Highlight(values, column, Query);

                            columns.SetValue(values, i);

                    result.Values        = new DataBlock(p.GetDetails(this.Columns), result.CountReturned, columns);
                    result.OrderByValues = new DataBlock(p.GetDetails(new string[] { this.OrderByColumn }), result.CountReturned, new Array[] { orderByColumn });
