Пример #1
        public Population oddCross(Random r1, Population P2, int size, int count_row, int n)  //Number of individuals is an odd number
            Crossover CO2 = new Crossover();

            DesignPlan[] designplans = new DesignPlan[size];

            designplans[0] = P2.DP[0];
            designplans[1] = P2.DP[1];

            s = (size - 1) / 2;
            for (int i = 1; i < s; i++)
                int p = r1.Next(10 * count_row); //To gene length
                int a = i * 2,                   //Odd-numbered
                    b = a + 1;                   //Even-numbered

                DesignPlan[] designplan = CO2.Cross1(P2.DP[a], P2.DP[b], p, count_row);

                designplans[a] = designplan[0];
                designplans[b] = designplan[1];

            int p2 = r1.Next(10 * count_row);//To gene length

            DesignPlan[] designplan2 = CO2.Cross1(P2.DP[size - 1], P2.DP[0], p2, count_row);
            designplans[size - 1] = designplan2[0];

            Population population = new Population(designplans, size, n);

Пример #2
        public Population evenCross(Random r1, Population P2, int size, int count_row, int n)  //Number of individuals is an even number
            s = size / 2;
            Crossover CO2 = new Crossover();

            DesignPlan[] designplans = new DesignPlan[size];

            designplans[0] = P2.DP[0];
            designplans[1] = P2.DP[1];

            for (int i = 1; i < s; i++)          //Crossover by performing, generating odd-numbered and even-numbered two designplans for loop once
                int p = r1.Next(10 * count_row); //To gene length
                int a = i * 2,                   //Odd-numbered
                    b = a + 1;                   //Even-numbered

                DesignPlan[] designplan = CO2.Cross1(P2.DP[a], P2.DP[b], p, count_row);

                designplans[a] = designplan[0];
                designplans[b] = designplan[1];

            Population population = new Population(designplans, size, n);

Пример #3
        public Population Crossover(Random r1, Population P, int count_row)// 1-point cross over
            Crossover CO = new Crossover();
            int       s  = size % 2;

            if (s == 0)//Genap
                Population P2 = CO.evenCross(r1, P, size, count_row, n);
                Population P2 = CO.oddCross(r1, P, size, count_row, n);