public ActionResult Index()
     var users = UserManager.Users.ToArray();
     var context = new ApplicationDbContext();
     var db = new AromaContext();
     var roleManager = new RoleManager<IdentityRole>(new RoleStore<IdentityRole>(context));
     var roles = roleManager.Roles.ToArray();
     var userRoles = new List<UserRoleViewModel>();
     ViewBag.Roles = roles.Select(m=>m.Name).ToArray();
     foreach (var user in users)
         var userClient = db.UserClients.FirstOrDefault(m => m.UserId.ToString() ==user.Id);
         var data = new UserRoleViewModel() {
             Id = user.Id,
             Username = user.UserName,
             Roles = user.Roles.Select(m=>roles.First(r=>r.Id== m.RoleId).Name).ToList()
         if (userClient != null)
             data.ClientId = userClient.ClientId.ToString();
     return View(userRoles.OrderBy(m=>m.Username).ToList());
 public void Add(PickingListHeader header, AromaContext db)
     foreach (var detail in header.PickingListDetail)
         var shipment = (from item in this.Shipments
                         where item.groupId.Equals(detail.GroupId)
                         select item).FirstOrDefault();
         if (shipment == null)
             if (detail.Address == null) detail.Address = detail.Client.DeliveryAddress;
             var cell = db.GetContact(detail.ClientID, Generic.enumContactType.Cell);
             //var contact = detail.Client.Contact?.Where(m => m.Active && m.ContactTypeID == 3).FirstOrDefault();
             shipment = new Shipment()
                 ClientDescription = string.Format("{0} {1} ({2})", detail.Client.FullNames, detail.Client.ClientSurname, detail.ClientID),
                 PhoneNumber = cell,// contact==null?string.Empty:contact.ContactName,
                 Address = detail.Address,
                 ClientId = detail.ClientID,
                 groupId = detail.GroupId,
                 ItemCount = 1
 public ActionResult Index()
     var adminView = new AdministratorViewModel();
     adminView.Menu = new AdministratorMenu();
     var context = new AromaContext();
     return View(adminView);
        public static void CreateClientBankingDetails(AromaContext db,int clientId, string initials, string surname, int cellContactId, int homeContactId, int workContactId, int emailContactId)
            const string accountHolderText = "Self";
            const string accountTypeText = "Cheque";
            const string BankText = "ABSA";

            var accountHolder = db.AccountHolders.FirstOrDefault(m => m.AccountHolderName == accountHolderText);
            if (accountHolder == null)
                string errorMessage = string.Format("Account holder \"{0}\" not defined in lookup", accountHolderText);
                throw new Exception(errorMessage);
            var accountType = db.AccountTypes.FirstOrDefault(m => m.AccountTypeName == accountTypeText);
            if (accountType == null)
                string errorMessage = string.Format("Account type \"{0}\" not defined in lookup", accountTypeText);
                throw new Exception(errorMessage);
            var bank = db.Banks.FirstOrDefault(m => m.BankName == BankText);
            if (bank == null)
                string errorMessage = string.Format("Bank name \"{0}\" not defined in lookup", BankText);
                throw new Exception(errorMessage);

            var branch = db.Branches.FirstOrDefault(m => m.BankId == bank.BankId);
            if (branch == null)
                string errorMessage = string.Format("No branch defined for \"{0}\" not defined in lookup", BankText);
                throw new Exception(errorMessage);

            if (db.BankingDetails.Where(m => m.ClientID == clientId).Count() == 0)
                var bankingDetail = new BankingDetail()
                    Initials = initials,
                    Surname = surname,
                    AccountHolderID = accountHolder.AccountHolderId,
                    AccountTypeID = accountType.AccountTypeId,
                    BankID = bank.BankId,
                    ClientID = clientId,
                    CommencementDate = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(1),
                    SalaryDate = DateTime.Now,
                    AccountNumber = "0",
                    BranchID = branch.BranchId,
                    CellContact = db.Contacts.First(m => m.ContactId == cellContactId).ContactName,
                    HomeContact = db.Contacts.First(m => m.ContactId == homeContactId).ContactName,
                    WorkContact = db.Contacts.First(m => m.ContactId == workContactId).ContactName,
                    EmailContact = db.Contacts.First(m => m.ContactId == emailContactId).ContactName,
                    Active = false

        public AdministratorMenu()
            this.Text = "Administrator Menu";

            var RoleManager = new RoleManager<IdentityRole>(new RoleStore<IdentityRole>(new ApplicationDbContext()));
            var role = RoleManager.FindByName("Administrator");
            var roleId = Guid.Parse(role.Id);
            using (var db = new AromaContext())
                var menuItems = db.SystemMenuList.Where(m => m.Active && m.RoleId.Equals(roleId)).Select(m=>m.SystemMenuListItem).OrderBy(m=>m.Text).ToArray();
                foreach (var mnuItem in menuItems)
                        this.Add(mnuItem.Text, mnuItem.ActionName, mnuItem.ControllerName,mnuItem.Parameters);
            //fixed items for now, could be fetched from DB at a later stage
            this.Add("System Accounts", "Index", "Account");
            this.Add("Client Type", "Index", "ClientTypes");
            this.Add("Ethnic Group", "Index", "EthnicGroups");
            this.Add("Title", "Index", "Titles");
            this.Add("Language", "Index", "Languages");
            this.Add("Income Group", "Index", "IncomeGroups");
            this.Add("Address Type", "Index", "AddressTypes");
            this.Add("Province", "Index", "Provinces");
            this.Add("Country", "Index", "Countries");
            this.Add("Contact Type", "Index", "ContactTypes");
            this.Add("Account Holder", "Index", "AccountHolders");
            this.Add("Account Type", "Index", "AccountTypes");
            this.Add("Bank", "Index", "Banks");
            this.Add("Branch", "Index", "Branches");
            this.Add("Contact Type", "Index", "ContactTypes");
            this.Add("Financial Account","Index","finAccounts");
            this.Add("Client Account", "Index", "finClientAccounts");
            this.Add("Client Subscription", "Index", "ClientSubscriptions");
            this.Add("Client", "Index", "Clients");
            this.Add("Product", "Index", "Products");
            this.Add("Subscription", "Index", "Subscriptions");
            this.Add("Debit Order", "Index", "DebitOrders");
            this.Add("Tickets", "Index", "SupportTickets");
            this.Add("Ticket Templates", "Index", "SystemTicketTemplates");
            this.Add("SMS", "Manage", "SystemSMS");
            this.Add("SMS Templates", "Index", "SystemSMSTemplates");
            this.Add("Postal Codes", "Index", "PostalCodes");*/
            //must always be under admin
            if (this.Where(m => m.Text == "Menu Control").Count() == 0)
                this.Add("Menu Control", "Index", "SystemMenuLists","");
Пример #6
        internal void LoadNetwork(AromaContext db)
            this.Parent = db.Clients.Find(this.ClientId).ResellerID;
            var children = (from item in db.Clients
                            where item.ResellerID == this.ClientId
                            select item.ClientId).ToArray();
            this.DirectChildCount = children.Length;
            this.DescendantCount = this.DirectChildCount;
            this.Children = new List<NetworkClient>();
            foreach (var id in children)
                var child = new NetworkClient();
                child.LoadNetwork(db, id);
                this.DescendantCount += child.DescendantCount;

Пример #7
        public UserMenu(string srole)
            this.Text = "Menu";
            var RoleManager = new RoleManager<IdentityRole>(new RoleStore<IdentityRole>(new ApplicationDbContext()));
            var role = RoleManager.FindByName(srole);
            var roleId = Guid.Parse(role.Id);
            using (var db = new AromaContext())
                var menuItems = db.SystemMenuList.Where(m =>m.Active && m.RoleId.Equals(roleId)).Select(m => m.SystemMenuListItem).OrderBy(m => m.Text).ToArray();
                foreach (var mnuItem in menuItems)
                    this.Add(mnuItem.Text, mnuItem.ActionName, mnuItem.ControllerName, mnuItem.Parameters);
            ////fixed items for now, could be fetched from DB at a later stage
            //this.Add("Capture Application", "Create", "Clients");
            //this.Add("Client", "Index", "Clients");
            //this.Add("Support tickets", "Index", "SupportTickets");

 public JsonResult UpdateUserClient(Guid userId, string clientIdText)
         int clientId = 0;
         if (int.TryParse(clientIdText, out clientId))
             var db = new AromaContext();
             var client = db.Clients.FirstOrDefault(m=>m.ClientId == clientId);
             if (client == null)
                 return Json("Client not found");
                 var userClient = db.UserClients.FirstOrDefault(m=>m.UserId.Equals(userId));
                 if (userClient == null)
                     userClient = new UserClient() {UserId=userId };
                 userClient.ClientId = clientId;
                 return Json(string.Empty);
             return Json("Invalid client Id");
     catch (Exception ex)
         return Json(ex.Message);
 public static Invoice GetInvoice(AromaContext db, Guid id)
     var invoice = db.Invoices.Find(id);
     if (invoice == null)
         invoice = new Invoice() { InvoiceId = id, Number = string.Format("INB{0:000000}", db.Invoices.Count() + 1) };
     return invoice;
        public static void SendSMSEvent(AromaContext db, int systemSMSEventId, int clientId, Guid userId, Guid? source, params KeyValuePair<string, string>[] pars)
                var systemSMSevent = db.SystemSMSEvents.Find(systemSMSEventId);
                var template = systemSMSevent.SystemSMSTemplate;
                var client = db.Clients.Find(clientId);
                if (!source.HasValue) source = userId;
                    if (systemSMSevent.Active)

                        var contact = db.Contacts.Where(m => m.ContactTypeID == 3 && m.ClientID == clientId).FirstOrDefault();
                        var smsSub = new SystemSMSTemplateModel(template.Text, client, db);
                        smsSub.EventInfo = pars;
                        var textResult = smsSub.Generate();
                        if (contact != null)

                            var sms = (from item in db.SystemSMSes
                                       where item.ClientID == clientId
                                       && item.SMSDescription == textResult
                                       select item).FirstOrDefault();
                            if (sms == null)
                                sms = new SystemSMS()
                                    Active = true,
                                    ClientID = clientId,
                                    iDate = DateTime.Now,
                                    Number = contact.ContactName,
                                    SMSDescription = textResult,
                                    Source = source,
                                    SystemSMSStatusId = 1
                            var ticket = new SupportTicket()
                                ClientID = clientId,
                                Description = string.Format("An attemt was made to send a SMS to this client ({0}) but the cell number could not be found.\r\n{1}", clientId, textResult),
                                iDate = DateTime.Now,
                                SupportTicketStatusID = 1,
                                SupportTicketTypeId = 2,
                                UserID = userId
                catch (Exception ex)
                        var ticket = new SupportTicket()
                            ClientID = client.ClientId,
                            Description = string.Format("Unable to create system sms:\"{0}\" Message:{1}", template.Description, ex.Message),
                            iDate = DateTime.Now,
                            SupportTicketStatusID = 1,
                            SupportTicketTypeId = 2,
                            UserID = userId
Пример #11
 internal void LoadNetwork(AromaContext db, int clientId)
     if (clientId == 0) clientId = db.Clients.Where(m => m.ResellerID == null).First().ClientId;
     this.ClientId = clientId;
        internal static void PersistTicket(AromaContext db, Guid systemEventId, Guid id,int clientId, int supportTicketType, string text, Guid userId)
            var evnt = db.SystemEvents.Find(systemEventId);
            var links = (from item in db.SystemLinks
                        where item.Parent.Equals(id)
                        select item.Child).ToArray();
            var ticket = (from item in db.SupportTickets
                          where links.Contains(item.SupportTicketId)
                          && item.SupportTicketTypeId == supportTicketType
                          select item).FirstOrDefault();
            if (ticket == null)
                ticket = new SupportTicket()
                    ClientID = clientId,
                    Description = text,
                    iDate = DateTime.Now,
                    SupportTicketStatusID = 1,
                    SupportTicketTypeId = supportTicketType,
                    UserID = evnt.UserId

                var link = new SystemLink() {
                    Parent =id,
                    Child = ticket.SupportTicketId,
                    Created = DateTime.Now,
                    UserID = userId,
                    LinkId = Guid.NewGuid()

        internal static Guid Create(Guid accountId, int clientId, AromaContext db)
            var clientAccount = (from item in db.ClientAccounts
                                 where item.AccountId.Equals(accountId)
                                 && item.ClientID == clientId
                                 select item).FirstOrDefault();
            if (clientAccount == null)
                var account = (from item in db.Accounts
                               where item.AccountId.Equals(accountId)
                               select item).FirstOrDefault();
                if (account == null)
                    throw new Exception("Cannot create client account");

                if (account.IsSystemAccount) return account.AccountId;

                clientAccount = new finClientAccount()
                    AccountId = account.AccountId,
                    Active = true,
                    ClientID = clientId,
                    ClientAccountId = Guid.NewGuid()
            return clientAccount.ClientAccountId;
 private static bool IsOwnOrder(AromaContext db, int? clientId, Guid userId)
     if (clientId.HasValue)
         var userClient = db.UserClients.FirstOrDefault(m => m.UserId.Equals(userId));
         if (userClient != null)
             return (userClient.ClientId == clientId.Value);
     return false;
 internal static string GetInvoice(AromaContext db, int orderLineId)
     var orderHeaderId = db.OrderLines.Find(orderLineId).OrderHeaderId;
     return GetInvoice(db, orderHeaderId).Number;
 internal static string Name(AromaContext db, Guid accountId)
     var account = db.Accounts.Where(m => m.AccountId.Equals(accountId)).FirstOrDefault();
     if (account == null)
         var clientAccount = db.ClientAccounts.Where(m => m.ClientAccountId.Equals(accountId)).FirstOrDefault();
         if (clientAccount != null) return clientAccount.Account.AccountName;
         return account.AccountName;
     return "Unknown";
        public static AccountMovementViewModel LoadGlobalJournals(AromaContext db, DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate)
            toDate = toDate.AddDays(1).AddMilliseconds(1);
            var model = new AccountMovementViewModel();
            model.FromDate = fromDate;
            model.ToDate = toDate;
            model.Journals = new List<finJournal>();

            var finJournals = (from item in db.Journals
                               where item.EffectiveDate >= fromDate && item.EffectiveDate <= toDate
                               orderby item.JournalDate
                               select item).ToList();

            while (finJournals.Count > 0)
                var leg1 = finJournals[0];
                var leg2 = (from finJournal item in finJournals
                            where leg1.CorrespondingJournalId.Equals(item.JournalId)
                            select item).FirstOrDefault();

                if (leg2 == null)
                    leg2 = db.Journals.First(m => m.JournalId.Equals(leg1.CorrespondingJournalId));


            model.Accounts = (from item in db.Accounts.Where(m=>m.Active).ToArray()
                              select new AccountViewModel()
                                  AccountDescription = item.AccountName,
                                  AccountId = item.AccountId,
                                  IsClientAccount = false


            int index = 0;
            foreach (var acc in model.Accounts)
                AccountBalance openBal = db.Database.SqlQuery<AccountBalance>(string.Format(Generic.sqlGlobalBalanceAtDate, fromDate.ToString(dtfmt), acc.AccountId)).First();
                AccountBalance closingBal = db.Database.SqlQuery<AccountBalance>(string.Format(Generic.sqlGlobalBalanceAtDate, toDate.ToString(dtfmt), acc.AccountId)).First();

                AccountBalance openBal = db.Database.SqlQuery<AccountBalance>(
                    new SqlParameter("date", fromDate), 
                    new SqlParameter("accountId", acc.AccountId)
                AccountBalance closingBal = db.Database.SqlQuery<AccountBalance>("spBalanceAtDate", toDate, acc.AccountId).First();*/
                acc.OpenBalance = openBal.Balance;
                acc.Balance = closingBal.Balance;
                acc.FutureBalance = closingBal.FutureBalance;
                acc.FutureBalanceDate = closingBal.FutureDate;
                acc.columnIndex = index;

            return model;
    public static AccountMovementViewModel LoadJournals(AromaContext db, DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate, int? clientId, Guid? clientAccountId)
            toDate = toDate.AddDays(1).AddMilliseconds(1);
            var model = new AccountMovementViewModel();
            var clientAccountIds = new Guid[0];
            model.FromDate = fromDate;
            model.ToDate = toDate;
            model.ClientId = clientId;
            model.ClientAccountId = clientAccountId;
            model.Journals = new List<finJournal>();

            if (clientAccountId.HasValue)
                clientAccountIds = new Guid[] {clientAccountId.Value };
                clientAccountIds = (from item in db.ClientAccounts
                                    where (clientId.HasValue && item.ClientID == clientId.Value)
                                    || !(clientId.HasValue)
                                    select item.ClientAccountId).ToArray();
            var test1 = (from item in db.Journals
                         where clientAccountIds.Contains(item.AccountID)
                         select item).ToList();

            var test2 = (from item in test1
                         where item.EffectiveDate >= fromDate
                         orderby item.JournalDate
                         select item).ToList();

            var test3 = (from item in test1
                         where item.EffectiveDate <= toDate
                         orderby item.JournalDate
                         select item).ToList();
            var finJournals = (from item in db.Journals
                               where item.EffectiveDate >= fromDate && item.EffectiveDate <= toDate
                               && clientAccountIds.Contains(item.AccountID)
                               //&& item.Index == 1
                           orderby item.JournalDate
                           select item).ToList();

            while (finJournals.Count > 0)
                var leg1 = finJournals[0];
                var leg2 = (from finJournal item in finJournals
                            where leg1.CorrespondingJournalId.Equals(item.JournalId)
                            select item).FirstOrDefault();

                if (leg2 == null)
                    leg2 = db.Journals.First(m => m.JournalId.Equals(leg1.CorrespondingJournalId));


            var RelevantAccounts = model.Journals.Select(m => m.AccountID).Distinct().ToArray();

            model.Accounts = (from item in db.Accounts.ToArray()
                              where RelevantAccounts.Count() == 0|| RelevantAccounts.Contains(item.AccountId)
                             select new AccountViewModel()
                                 AccountDescription = item.AccountName,
                                 AccountId = item.AccountId,
                                 IsClientAccount = false

            model.Accounts.AddRange((from item in db.ClientAccounts.Where(m=>(!clientId.HasValue || (clientId.HasValue && m.ClientID == clientId.Value))).ToArray()
                                     where RelevantAccounts.Contains(item.ClientAccountId)
                                     select new AccountViewModel() {
                                        AccountDescription = db.Accounts.First(m=>m.AccountId.Equals(item.AccountId)).AccountName,
                                        AccountId = item.ClientAccountId,
                                        IsClientAccount = true
                                    }) );

            int index = 0;
            foreach (var acc in model.Accounts)
                if (clientAccountId.HasValue && !acc.AccountId.Equals(clientAccountId.Value))
                    acc.IsClientAccount = false;
                AccountBalance openBal = db.Database.SqlQuery<AccountBalance>(string.Format(Generic.sqlBalanceAtDate, fromDate.ToString(dtfmt), acc.AccountId)).First();
                AccountBalance closingBal = db.Database.SqlQuery<AccountBalance>(string.Format(Generic.sqlBalanceAtDate, toDate.ToString(dtfmt), acc.AccountId)).First(); 

                 AccountBalance openBal = db.Database.SqlQuery<AccountBalance>(
                     new SqlParameter("date", fromDate), 
                     new SqlParameter("accountId", acc.AccountId)
                 AccountBalance closingBal = db.Database.SqlQuery<AccountBalance>("spBalanceAtDate", toDate, acc.AccountId).First();*/
                 acc.OpenBalance = openBal.Balance;
                acc.Balance = closingBal.Balance;
                acc.FutureBalance = closingBal.FutureBalance;
                acc.FutureBalanceDate = closingBal.FutureDate;
                acc.columnIndex = index;

            return model;