public static void ReportError(Exception ex, bool displayMessage, LogLevel level) { //Report an exception to the user try { string src = (ex.Source != null) ? ex.Source + "-\n" : ""; string msg = src + ex.Message; if (ex.InnerException != null) { if ((ex.InnerException.Source != null)) { src = ex.InnerException.Source + "-\n"; } msg = src + ex.Message + "\n\n NOTE: " + ex.InnerException.Message; } if (displayMessage) { MessageBox.Show(msg, App.Product, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } if (level != LogLevel.None) { ArgixTrace.WriteLine(new TraceMessage(ex.ToString(), App.EventLogName, level)); } } catch (Exception) { } }
//Interface static App() { //Class constructor: get application configuration try { Mediator.SqlCommandTimeout = int.Parse(global::Argix.Properties.Settings.Default.SQLCommandTimeout); _Mediator = new SQLMediator(global::Argix.Properties.ArgixSettings.Default.SQLConnection); _ConfigFactory = new ConfigFactory(App.Product); _Config = (Config)_ConfigFactory.Item(new string[] { Environment.UserName, Environment.MachineName }); ArgixTrace.AddListener(new DBTraceListener((LogLevel)_Config.TraceLevel, _Mediator, "uspLogEntryNew", "Argix08")); } catch (Exception ex) { ReportError(ex); Application.Exit(); } }
//Interface static App() { //Class constructor: get application configuration try { //Mediator.SqlCommandTimeout = global::Argix.Properties.Settings.Default.SQLCommandTimeout; _Mediator = new SQLMediator(global::Argix.Properties.Settings.Default.SQLConnection); _ConfigFactory = new ConfigFactory(App.Product); _Config = (Config)_ConfigFactory.Item(new string[] { Environment.UserName, Environment.MachineName }); ArgixTrace.AddListener(new DBTraceListener((LogLevel)App.Config.TraceLevel, App.Mediator, App.USP_TRACE, App.EventLogName)); } catch (Exception ex) { ReportError(ex, true, LogLevel.Error); Application.Exit(); } }
public static void Trace(string message, LogLevel level) { //Trace ArgixTrace.WriteLine(new TraceMessage(message, App.Product, level)); }
//Interface /// <summary>Constructor</summary> public winTrace() { //Constructor InitializeComponent(); ArgixTrace.AddListener(new ArgixTextBoxListener(LogLevel.Debug, this.txtTrace)); }