Пример #1
        public void FightABattle(Gladiator playersGladiator)
            Gladiator opposingGladiator = new Gladiator();                        //create a new gladiator

            playersGladiator.SlainOpponents.Add(opposingGladiator.GladiatorName); //store the name of opposing gladiator so a message can be printed of eventual wins or losses.
            Round round = new Round();

                round.FightARound(playersGladiator, opposingGladiator);
                if (playersGladiator.CurrentWounds <= 0) //if the players gladiator dies you get a message of the lost fight
                    Console.WriteLine($"Oh No!! You lost to {opposingGladiator.GladiatorName}!!");
                    playersGladiator.IsPlayerGladdiatorDead = "y";
                else if (opposingGladiator.CurrentWounds <= 0) //if the generated gladiator dies you get a message of your win
                    Console.WriteLine($"You won against {opposingGladiator.GladiatorName}!! Congratulations!!");
                    playersGladiator.CurrentWounds           = playersGladiator.StartingWounds;//the players hitpoints is restored
                    opposingGladiator.IsPlayerGladdiatorDead = "y";
            } while (playersGladiator.IsPlayerGladdiatorDead == "n" && opposingGladiator.IsPlayerGladdiatorDead == "n");
Пример #2
 public void FightARound(Gladiator playersGladiator, Gladiator opposingGladiator)
     { //print to console the characteristics of the two fighters
         Console.WriteLine($"\nBattle {playersGladiator.BattleNumber} Battleturn {RoundNumber}:");
         Console.WriteLine($"Your gladiator {playersGladiator.GladiatorName} \nweaponskill of {playersGladiator.Weaponskill}\nstrenght of {playersGladiator.Strenght}\ntoughness of {playersGladiator.Toughness}\nwounds equal to {playersGladiator.CurrentWounds}\nNumber of victories {playersGladiator.NumberOfVictories} victories.");
         Console.WriteLine($"\nOpposing gladiator is {opposingGladiator.GladiatorName}\nweaponskill of {opposingGladiator.Weaponskill}\nstrenght of {opposingGladiator.Strenght}\ntoughness of {opposingGladiator.Toughness}\nwounds equal to {opposingGladiator.CurrentWounds}.\n");
         opposingGladiator.CurrentWounds = CombatResult(playersGladiator, opposingGladiator);
         playersGladiator.CurrentWounds  = CombatResult(opposingGladiator, playersGladiator);
     } while ((playersGladiator.CurrentWounds > 0) && (opposingGladiator.CurrentWounds > 0));
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Function that resolves a round of combat.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="aggressor is the fighter who tries to strike"></param>
        /// <param name="defender is the fighter that recives eventual damage"></param>
        /// <returns>The returning value is number of wounds the defender recives.</returns>
        private int CombatResult(Gladiator aggressor, Gladiator defender)
            int hitRoll = RollADie();             // a random number is generated

            if (hitRoll <= aggressor.Weaponskill) //if generated number is less or equal to the agressors weaponskill damage is dealt
                int causedWoundsToDefender = 0, damageToDefender;
                Console.WriteLine($"{aggressor.GladiatorName} strikes {defender.GladiatorName} as {hitRoll} is less or equal to {aggressor.GladiatorName}s weaponskill of {aggressor.Weaponskill}.");
                damageToDefender = aggressor.Strenght + RollADie();                       //agressors damage is determined
                Console.WriteLine($"{aggressor.GladiatorName} does {damageToDefender} damage to {defender.GladiatorName}");
                if ((causedWoundsToDefender = damageToDefender - defender.Toughness) < 0) //if aggressors damage is not enough to go throu defenders toughness no damage is done.
                    Console.WriteLine($"{aggressor.GladiatorName} did not do enough damage as {defender.GladiatorName} toughness of {defender.Toughness} was greater than the inflicted damage.");
                else //if Aggressors damage is greater than defenders toughness damage is done.
                    Console.WriteLine($"{defender.GladiatorName} have {defender.Toughness} in toughness and reduce number of wounds taken to {causedWoundsToDefender}.");
                    if ((defender.CurrentWounds <= causedWoundsToDefender) && defender.CurrentWounds == 1) //if defender have 1 remaining wound in which case a "s" will not be added to Wound in the message to player.
                        Console.WriteLine($"As {defender.GladiatorName} currently have {defender.CurrentWounds} wound and recives {causedWoundsToDefender} damage, {defender.GladiatorName} will perish");
                        defender.CurrentWounds = defender.CurrentWounds - causedWoundsToDefender;
                    else if ((defender.CurrentWounds <= causedWoundsToDefender) && defender.CurrentWounds > 1)//If defender have more than 1 wound remaining a "s" will be added to wound in the message to the player.
                        Console.WriteLine($"As {defender.GladiatorName} currently have {defender.CurrentWounds} wounds and recives {causedWoundsToDefender} damage, {defender.GladiatorName} will perish");
                        defender.CurrentWounds = defender.CurrentWounds - causedWoundsToDefender;
                    else if ((defender.CurrentWounds - causedWoundsToDefender) == 1)//if defender after damage is dealt have 1 remaining wound a "s" will not be added to Wound in the message to player.
                        Console.WriteLine($"As {defender.GladiatorName} currently have {defender.CurrentWounds} wounds and recives {causedWoundsToDefender} damage, {defender.GladiatorName} have {defender.CurrentWounds = defender.CurrentWounds - causedWoundsToDefender} wound remaining.");
                    else if ((defender.CurrentWounds - causedWoundsToDefender) > 1) //if defender after damage is dealt have more than 1 remaining wound a "s" will be added to Wound in the message to player.
                        Console.WriteLine($"As {defender.GladiatorName} currently have {defender.CurrentWounds} wounds and recives {causedWoundsToDefender} damage, {defender.GladiatorName} have {defender.CurrentWounds = defender.CurrentWounds - causedWoundsToDefender} wounds remaining.");
            else //if aggressors hitroll was more than aggressors weaponskill.
                Console.WriteLine($"{aggressor.GladiatorName} did not manage to hit {defender.GladiatorName} and no damage was caused.");
Пример #4
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Variable initiations
            string chosenGladiatorName = "", illegalMenuChoise = "n";
            int    menuOption = 0;

            //Print out welcome message and rules for the Arena
            Console.WriteLine("Welcome to the ARENA!");
            Console.WriteLine("In this game you get a generated gladiator that will fight other gladiators to the death. After a fight you will ");
            Console.WriteLine("be asked if you would like to retire your gladiator. If you retire your gladiator or if your gladiator");
            Console.WriteLine("perishes in the arena the game ends, and you get a score based on how many fights your gladiator survived.");
            Console.WriteLine("Good Luck!");
            {//Here the player is to choose a name that contains letters or numbers.
                Console.Write("\nWhat would you like to name your Gladiator: ");
                chosenGladiatorName = Console.ReadLine();
                if (chosenGladiatorName == "")
                    Console.WriteLine("You must type in a name.");
            } while (chosenGladiatorName == "");
            //Create the players gladiator and assign the name choosen
            Gladiator playersGladiator = new Gladiator(chosenGladiatorName);

            {//here is the ingame menu
                Console.WriteLine("What would you like to do?");
                Console.WriteLine("1. Fight in the arena.");
                Console.WriteLine("2. Retire your Gladiator");
                Console.WriteLine("3. Check your Gladiators stats");
                Console.WriteLine("You have {0} wins so far", playersGladiator.NumberOfVictories);
                menuOption = 0;
                //if text is given as answear a message is given that a number is required
                try { menuOption = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); }
                catch (FormatException)
                    illegalMenuChoise = "y";
                    Console.WriteLine("Indecision will have you killed in the Arena. Please type a number.");
                switch (menuOption) //here starts which option should be run based on which choise in the menu.
                case 1:             //Here starts a battle between the player and a to be generated gladiator
                    Battle playerBattle = new Battle();
                    Console.WriteLine($"Battle {playersGladiator.BattleNumber}");

                case 2:    //this choise is if the player wish to retire the gladiator
                    playersGladiator.RetirePlayerGladiator = "y";

                case 3:     //this choise shows the stats of the gladiator
                    Console.WriteLine("Your gladiator {0} have a weaponskill of {1},strenght of {2}, toughness of {3}, wounds equal to {4} and {5} victories.", playersGladiator.GladiatorName, playersGladiator.Weaponskill, playersGladiator.Strenght, playersGladiator.Toughness, playersGladiator.StartingWounds, playersGladiator.NumberOfVictories);

                case 4:
                case 5:
                case 6:
                case 7:
                case 8:
                case 9:
                case 0:
                    if (illegalMenuChoise == "y")    // this is to prevent dubble messages that the menuchoise is not a number
                        Console.WriteLine("This choise will get you killed in the Arena. Make another choise.");

            } while (playersGladiator.RetirePlayerGladiator != "y" && playersGladiator.IsPlayerGladdiatorDead != "y"); //end if the players gladiator is retired or if the gladiator is dead

            if (playersGladiator.NumberOfVictories == 0 && playersGladiator.IsPlayerGladdiatorDead == "y")             //if the gladiator didnt manage to win any battlerounds and died
                Console.WriteLine("You did not manage to win any battles at the Arena, better luck next time!\nYour score is: 0.");
            else if (playersGladiator.NumberOfVictories >= 1 && playersGladiator.IsPlayerGladdiatorDead == "y")//if the player gladiator won atleast one round but have died
                Console.WriteLine($"Your gladiator {playersGladiator.GladiatorName} has won {playersGladiator.NumberOfVictories} matches over the following gladiators:");
            if (playersGladiator.RetirePlayerGladiator == "y" && playersGladiator.IsPlayerGladdiatorDead == "n")//if the players gladiator is alive and retired
                Console.WriteLine($"Your gladiator {playersGladiator.GladiatorName} has retired and won {playersGladiator.NumberOfVictories} matches over the following gladiators:");