private void HealthCheckPictureBox_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) //健康体检 { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.IDCardNo)) { new MessageForm("请先刷身份证或输入身份证登录系统!") { StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterParent }.ShowDialog(); return; } //DateTime checkdt = DateTime.Parse(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")).AddMonths(-3); DataSet customerds = new RecordsCustomerBaseInfoBLL().GetList(string.Format(" IDCardNo='{0}' and CheckDate between '{1}' and '{2}' order by CheckDate DESC ", this.IDCardNo, DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyy-01-01"), DateTime.Today.Date.ToString("yyyy-12-31"))); // DataSet customerds = new RecordsCustomerBaseInfoBLL().GetList(string.Format(" IDCardNo='{0}' order by CheckDate desc ", this.IDCardNo)); if (customerds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { DataRow row = customerds.Tables[0].Rows[0]; string strchekdate = DateTime.Parse(row["CheckDate"].ToString()).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); if (MessageBox.Show("此人于'" + strchekdate + "'已体检,是否继续体检", "继续体检", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1) == DialogResult.No) { return; } } PhysicalInfoFactory.ID = 0; PhysicalInfoFactory.NewAdd = true; using (PEControler controler = new PEControler(new PhysicalForm(this.IDCardNo), new PhysicalInfoFactory())) { controler.IParentFrm.IShowDialog(); } GC.Collect(); }
private void dgvData_CellContentClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { if ((this.bds.Position >= 0) && (e.RowIndex >= 0)) { DataRowView view = (DataRowView)this.bds.List[this.bds.Position]; if (((this.dgvData.Columns[e.ColumnIndex].HeaderText == "修改") && (this.bds.Position >= 0)) && (e.RowIndex >= 0)) { PhysicalInfoFactory.ID = int.Parse(view.Row["ID"].ToString()); PhysicalInfoFactory.NewAdd = false; using (PEControler controler = new PEControler(new PhysicalForm(view.Row["IDCardNo"].ToString()), new PhysicalInfoFactory())) { controler.IParentFrm.IShowDialog(); CheckData(); } GC.Collect(); } else if (((this.dgvData.Columns[e.ColumnIndex].HeaderText == "删除") && (this.bds.Position >= 0)) && (e.RowIndex >= 0)) { if (view != null) { DataRow row = view.Row; if (MessageBox.Show("确定删除:" + row["CustomerName"].ToString() + "?删除之后的信息将无法恢复!", "删除", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2) == DialogResult.Yes) { int BaseID = Convert.ToInt32(row["ID"].ToString()); RecordsGeneralConditionModel GerneralCondition = new RecordsGeneralConditionBLL().GetModelByOutKey(BaseID); if (GerneralCondition != null) { RecordsSelfcareabilityBLL RecordsSelfcareabilityBLL = new RecordsSelfcareabilityBLL(); RecordsSelfcareabilityBLL.Delete(GerneralCondition.SelfID); } RecordsMediPhysDistModel MediPhys = new RecordsMediPhysDistBLL().GetModelByOutKey(BaseID); if (MediPhys != null) { RecordsMedicineCnBLL MedicineCnBLL = new RecordsMedicineCnBLL(); RecordsMedicineResultBLL MedicineResultBLL = new RecordsMedicineResultBLL(); MedicineCnBLL.Delete(MediPhys.MedicineID); MedicineResultBLL.Delete(MediPhys.MedicineResultID); } RecordsSignatureModel Signature = new RecordsSignatureBLL().GetModelByOutKey(BaseID, row["IDCardNo"].ToString()); if (Signature != null) { if (Signature.FeedbackDate.HasValue) { string strfbDate = Convert.ToDateTime(Signature.FeedbackDate).ToString("yyyyMMdd"); string strSign1_Self = String.Format("{0}{1}_{2}_B.png", SignPath, Signature.IDCardNo, strfbDate); if (File.Exists(strSign1_Self)) //如果存在则删除图片 { File.Delete(strSign1_Self); } string strSign1_Js = String.Format("{0}{1}_{2}_J.png", SignPath, Signature.IDCardNo, strfbDate); if (File.Exists(strSign1_Js)) //如果存在则删除图片 { File.Delete(strSign1_Js); } string strSign1_Fkr = String.Format("{0}{1}_{2}_F.png", SignPath, Signature.IDCardNo, strfbDate); if (File.Exists(strSign1_Fkr)) //如果存在则删除图片 { File.Delete(strSign1_Fkr); } string strSign1_Ys = String.Format("{0}{1}_{2}_Doc.png", SignPath, Signature.IDCardNo, strfbDate); if (File.Exists(strSign1_Ys)) //如果存在则删除图片 { File.Delete(strSign1_Ys); } } } new RecordsCustomerBaseInfoBLL().Delete(BaseID); row.Delete(); row.Table.AcceptChanges(); CheckData(); } } } } }
public override bool DoSave() { BindingFlags bindingAttr = BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly; PhysicalForm iParentFrm = base.IParentFrm as PhysicalForm; bool flag = true; base.SaveDataInfo = "保存失败!\r\n"; IEnumerable <IGrouping <string, RecordsRequiredModel> > enumerable = from a in iParentFrm.Archive_requireds group a by a.BTable; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, IChildForm> pair in base.IChildrens) { if (pair.Value.EveryThingIsOk) { pair.Value.SaveDataInfo = ""; pair.Value.UpdataToModel(); foreach (PropertyInfo info in pair.Value.GetType().GetProperties(bindingAttr)) { if (info.PropertyType.Name.Contains("Records")) { using (IEnumerator <IGrouping <string, RecordsRequiredModel> > enumerator = enumerable.GetEnumerator()) { while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { Predicate <RecordsRequiredModel> match = null; IGrouping <string, RecordsRequiredModel> tmp_model = enumerator.Current; if ((info.PropertyType.Name == tmp_model.Key) && ((pair.Key != "一般情况") || (tmp_model.Key != "RecordsPhysicalExamModel"))) { object obj2 = info.GetValue(pair.Value, null); if (match == null) { match = req => req.BTable == tmp_model.Key; } foreach (RecordsRequiredModel archive_required in iParentFrm.Archive_requireds.FindAll(match)) { decimal?nullable = archive_required.IsRequired; if (((nullable.GetValueOrDefault() != 0M) ? 0 : (nullable.HasValue ? 1 : 0)) == 0) { PropertyInfo property = obj2.GetType().GetProperty(archive_required.Name, bindingAttr); if (property != null) { object obj3 = property.GetValue(obj2, null); if (obj3 == null) { PEControler controler = this; string str = controler.SaveDataInfo + archive_required.Comment + " :必填\r\n"; controler.SaveDataInfo = str; flag = false; } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(obj3.ToString())) { PEControler controler2 = this; string str2 = controler2.SaveDataInfo + archive_required.Comment + " :必填\r\n"; controler2.SaveDataInfo = str2; flag = false; } } else { PEControler controler3 = this; string str3 = controler3.SaveDataInfo + archive_required.Comment + " :必填\r\n"; controler3.SaveDataInfo = str3; flag = false; } } } } } } } } if (!flag) { return(false); } if (pair.Value.CheckErrorInput() == ChildFormStatus.HasErrorInput) { flag = false; base.IParentFrm.ChildStatus(pair.Key, ChildFormStatus.HasErrorInput); PEControler controler4 = this; string str4 = controler4.SaveDataInfo + pair.Value.SaveDataInfo; controler4.SaveDataInfo = str4; } } } if (!flag) { return(false); } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, IChildForm> pair2 in base.IChildrens) { if (pair2.Value.EveryThingIsOk) { flag = pair2.Value.SaveModelToDB(); } } if (!flag) { return(false); } IParentModel <RecordsBaseInfoModel> model = base.IParentFrm as IParentModel <RecordsBaseInfoModel>; if (model != null) { model.SaveModel(); } return(flag); }