Пример #1
        public static List <string> CreateSimulationJobs(ApsimFile _F, string[] SimsToRun, ref List <JobScheduler.Job> ApsimJobs, ProgressNotifier Notifier)
            List <string> SimFiles = new List <string>();

            foreach (string FullSimulationPath in SimsToRun)
                Notifier(0, "Opening " + FullSimulationPath);
                FactorBuilder builder       = new FactorBuilder();
                List <string> allFactorials = new List <string>();
                int           totalCount    = 0;
                foreach (FactorItem item in builder.BuildFactorItems(_F.FactorComponent, FullSimulationPath))
                    totalCount += item.CalcCount();
                    var scratch = new SortedDictionary <string, string>();
                    item.CalcFactorialList(allFactorials, "", scratch);

                string FullSimulationPathName = _F.Find(FullSimulationPath).Name;
                int    sequenceNumber         = 0;
                foreach (string str in allFactorials)
                    SimFiles.Add(FullSimulationPath + "@factorial=" + str);
                    Notifier((int)(100 * ((double)sequenceNumber / totalCount)), "Found factorial " + sequenceNumber.ToString());
Пример #2
        // Fired when the current selection has changed.

        public BaseController(Form MainForm, string SectionName, bool MainController)
            // -----------------------
            // constructor
            // -----------------------
            MyMainForm = MainForm;

            ApsimFile.Configuration.Instance.ApplicationName = SectionName;
            ApsimData = new ApsimFile.ApsimFile();

            // Setup the image lists.
            LargeIcons            = new ImageList();
            MediumIcons           = new ImageList();
            SmallIcons            = new ImageList();
            LargeIcons.ImageSize  = new Size(32, 32);
            MediumIcons.ImageSize = new Size(24, 24);
            SmallIcons.ImageSize  = new Size(16, 16);
            LargeIcons.Tag        = "LargeIcon";
            MediumIcons.Tag       = "MediumIcon";
            SmallIcons.Tag        = "SmallIcon";
            ImageFileNames        = new List <string>();
            ImageIndexes          = new List <int>();

            // Setup the types
            foreach (string FileName in Types.Instance.SmallIconFileNames())
                LoadIcon(FileName, ref SmallIcons);
            foreach (string FileName in Types.Instance.LargeIconFileNames())
                LoadIcon(FileName, ref LargeIcons);

            // Setup the actions file and load all images specified by it.
            string ActionFileName = Configuration.Instance.Setting("ActionFile");

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ActionFileName))
                XmlDocument ActionDoc = new XmlDocument();
                ActionFile = ActionDoc.DocumentElement;
                XmlNode       ActionsNode        = XmlHelper.Find(ActionDoc.DocumentElement, "Actions");
                List <string> SmallIconFileNames = XmlHelper.ValuesRecursive(ActionsNode, "SmallIcon");
                foreach (string IconFileName in SmallIconFileNames)
                    LoadIcon(IconFileName, ref SmallIcons);
                List <string> MediumIconFileNames = XmlHelper.ValuesRecursive(ActionsNode, "MediumIcon");
                foreach (string IconFileName in MediumIconFileNames)
                    LoadIcon(IconFileName, ref MediumIcons);

            if (MainController)
                ApsimData.FileNameChanged += OnFileNameChanged;
Пример #3
 internal Component(ApsimFile File, Component Parent, Component Source)
     this.MyFile   = File;
     Name          = Source.Name;
     Type          = Source.Type;
     this.MyParent = Parent;
     MyShortCutTo  = Source;
Пример #4
        public static List <string> GetSimsInApsimFile(string FileName)
            List <string> SimsToRun = new List <string>();
            ApsimFile     Apsim     = new ApsimFile(FileName);

            ExpandSimsToRun(Apsim.RootComponent, ref SimsToRun);
Пример #5
        private static ApsimFile CreateCopy(ApsimFile apsimfile)
            //XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
            //XmlHelper.SetAttribute(doc.DocumentElement, "version", APSIMChangeTool.CurrentVersion.ToString());

            //ApsimFile tmpFile = new ApsimFile();
            //return tmpFile;
Пример #6
        public static List <string> CalcFactorialList(ApsimFile _F, string SimulationPath)
            FactorBuilder builder       = new FactorBuilder();
            List <string> allFactorials = new List <string>();

            foreach (FactorItem item in builder.BuildFactorItems(_F.FactorComponent, SimulationPath))
                var scratch = new SortedDictionary <string, string>();
                item.CalcFactorialList(allFactorials, "", scratch);
Пример #7
        public static List <string> CreateSimFiles(ApsimFile _F, string[] SimsToRun, string destFolder = "")
            List <string> SimFiles = new List <string>();

            foreach (string FullSimulationPath in SimsToRun)
                string[] simPathParts          = FullSimulationPath.Split(new string[] { "@factorial=" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                string   simXmlPath            = simPathParts[0];
                string   simPathFactorInstance = "";
                if (simPathParts.Count() > 1)
                    simPathFactorInstance = simPathParts[1].Trim(new char[] { '\'', ' ' });

                FactorBuilder builder       = new FactorBuilder();
                List <string> allFactorials = new List <string>();
                foreach (FactorItem item in builder.BuildFactorItems(_F.FactorComponent, simXmlPath))
                    var scratch = new SortedDictionary <string, string>();
                    item.CalcFactorialList(allFactorials, "", scratch);

                if (simPathFactorInstance != "")
                    var myFactors      = new SortedDictionary <string, string>(simPathFactorInstance.Split(';').Select(s => s.Split('=')).ToDictionary(a => a[0].Trim(), a => a[1].Trim()));
                    var sequenceNumber = 1 + allFactorials.FindIndex(x => x == simPathFactorInstance);
                    if (sequenceNumber < 1)
                        throw new Exception("factor level '" + simPathFactorInstance + "' not found");
                    //work on a copy of the file - names will change during the processing of the factorial nodes
                    SimFiles.Add(Factor.ProcessSingleSimulation(CreateCopy(_F), simXmlPath, myFactors, sequenceNumber, destFolder));
                    foreach (string str in allFactorials)
                        var myFactors      = new SortedDictionary <string, string>(str.Split(';').Select(s => s.Split('=')).ToDictionary(a => a[0].Trim(), a => a[1].Trim()));
                        var sequenceNumber = 1 + allFactorials.FindIndex(x => x == str);
                        SimFiles.Add(Factor.ProcessSingleSimulation(CreateCopy(_F), simXmlPath, myFactors, sequenceNumber, destFolder));
Пример #8
        public ApsimFile Clone()
            ApsimFile newFile = new ApsimFile();

            if (MyRootNode != null)
                newFile.MyRootNode = MyRootNode.Clone(newFile, null);
            if (MyFactorNode != null)
                newFile.MyFactorNode = MyFactorNode.Clone(newFile, newFile.MyRootNode);
            newFile.Dirty              = Dirty;
            newFile.ReadOnly           = ReadOnly;
            newFile.MyFileName         = MyFileName;
            newFile.DisabledEventCount = DisabledEventCount;
Пример #9
        private static string ProcessSingleSimulation(ApsimFile copiedFile, string SimulationPath, SortedDictionary <string, string> factorInstance, int uniqueId, string destFolder = "")
            if (copiedFile == null)
                throw new Exception("copiedFile is null in ProcessSingleSimulation");
            if (factorInstance == null)
                throw new Exception("factorInstance is null in ProcessSingleSimulation");

            Component Simulation = copiedFile.Find(SimulationPath);

            if (Simulation == null)
                throw new Exception("Simulation is null in ProcessSingleSimulation");

            string rootName   = Simulation.Name;
            int    totalCount = 0;

                FactorBuilder     builder = new FactorBuilder();
                List <FactorItem> items   = builder.BuildFactorItems(copiedFile.FactorComponent, SimulationPath);

                foreach (FactorItem item in items)
                    totalCount += item.CalcCount();
                    item.Process(Simulation, "", factorInstance);

                Simulation.Name = simulationName(builder.SaveExtraInfoInFilename, rootName, factorInstance, uniqueId, totalCount);
                return(CreateJobFromSimulation(Simulation, factorInstance, builder.TitleIsSingleLine, destFolder));
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception("Error encountered creating Factorials. \r\n" +
                                    "SimulationPath: " + SimulationPath + "\r\n" +
                                    "Total count: " + totalCount +
                                    "Exception: " + ex.ToString());
Пример #10
        public Component Clone(ApsimFile file, Component parent)
            Component newComponent = new Component();

            newComponent.MyName           = MyName;
            newComponent.MyType           = MyType;
            newComponent.MyContents       = MyContents;
            newComponent.MyDescription    = MyDescription;
            newComponent.MyEnabled        = MyEnabled;
            newComponent.MyShortCutTo     = MyShortCutTo;
            newComponent.MyFile           = file;
            newComponent.MyParent         = parent;
            newComponent.TempShortCutName = TempShortCutName;

            foreach (Component child in MyChildNodes)
                newComponent.MyChildNodes.Add(child.Clone(file, newComponent));
Пример #11
 internal Component(ApsimFile File, Component Parent)
     this.MyFile   = File;
     this.MyParent = Parent;
Пример #12
    private void ConvertApsimToSim(string ApsimFileName, string SimName, bool dontWriteSimFiles)
        //if the filename is not 'rooted' then assume that the user intends to use the current working directory as the root
        ApsimFileName = ApsimFileName.Replace("\"", "");
        if (!Path.IsPathRooted(ApsimFileName))
            ApsimFileName = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), ApsimFileName);

        //double-check file actually exists before proceeding
        if (!File.Exists(ApsimFileName))
            throw new Exception("Error: Specified APSIM File does not exist!\n\t" + ApsimFileName);



        // convert the specified simulations in the specified apsim file name
        // into a separate .sim file for each.
        ApsimFile.ApsimFile Apsim = new ApsimFile.ApsimFile();

        if (Apsim.FactorComponent == null)
            FindSimsAndConvert(Apsim.RootComponent, SimName, dontWriteSimFiles);
            bool factorialActive = XmlHelper.Value(Apsim.FactorComponent.ContentsAsXML, "active") == "1";
            if (SimName.Contains("@factorial="))
                foreach (string simFileName in Factor.CreateSimFiles(Apsim, new string[] { SimName }, Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()))
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("Written " + simFileName);
            else if (factorialActive)
                List <string> simulationPaths = new List <string>();
                ApsimFile.ApsimFile.ExpandSimsToRun(Apsim.RootComponent, ref simulationPaths);
                foreach (string simXmlPath in simulationPaths)
                    FactorBuilder b             = new FactorBuilder(Apsim.FactorComponent);
                    Component     Simulation    = Apsim.Find(simXmlPath);
                    List <string> allFactorials = Factor.CalcFactorialList(Apsim, simXmlPath);
                    int           totalCount    = allFactorials.Count;
                    Parallel.For(1, totalCount + 1, instanceCount =>
                                 //for (int instanceCount = 0; instanceCount <= totalCount; instanceCount++)
                        string rootName = Simulation.Name;
                        if (b.SaveExtraInfoInFilename)
                            rootName += ";" + allFactorials[instanceCount - 1];
                            //write a spacer to list sims in order eg: 01 or 001 or 0001 depending on count
                            string sPad = "";
                            double tot  = Math.Floor(Math.Log10(totalCount) + 1);
                            double file = Math.Floor(Math.Log10(instanceCount) + 1);
                            for (int i = 0; i < (int)(tot - file); ++i)
                                sPad += "0";

                            rootName += "_" + sPad + instanceCount;

                        string fullSimPath = simXmlPath + "@factorial=" + allFactorials[instanceCount - 1];
                        if (dontWriteSimFiles)
                            Console.WriteLine("Written " + fullSimPath);
                            Factor.CreateSimFiles(Apsim, new string[] { fullSimPath }, Directory.GetCurrentDirectory());
                FindSimsAndConvert(Apsim.RootComponent, SimName, dontWriteSimFiles);
Пример #13
        // Add individual .apsim files to the job
        public void AddFiles(XmlNode job, List <string> FilesToRun, ProgressNotifier Notifier)
            foreach (string FileName in FilesToRun)
                if (Notifier != null)
                    Notifier(0, "Reading " + FileName);
                XmlDocument Doc = new XmlDocument();

                XmlNode apsimFileNode = job.AppendChild(job.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("apsimfile"));
                XmlHelper.SetAttribute(apsimFileNode, "source", FileName);

                List <string> globalInputs = new List <string>();
                foreach (XmlNode pluginNode in Doc.DocumentElement.OwnerDocument.SelectNodes("//PlugIns/PlugIn[@enabled='yes']"))
                    if (pluginNode.InnerText.IndexOf("%apsim%") < 0)
                        if (!File.Exists(pluginNode.InnerText))
                            throw new Exception("Plugin file '" + pluginNode.InnerText + "' doesnt exist - cant send it to the cluster.");
                        File.Copy(pluginNode.InnerText, Path.Combine(WorkingFolder, Path.GetFileName(pluginNode.InnerText)));
                        pluginNode.InnerText = Path.GetFileName(pluginNode.InnerText);
                        if (!globalInputs.Contains(pluginNode.InnerText))

                List <XmlNode> simulations = new List <XmlNode>();
                XmlHelper.FindAllRecursivelyByType(Doc.DocumentElement, "simulation", ref simulations);
                foreach (XmlNode simulation in simulations)
                    if (XmlHelper.Attribute(simulation, "enabled") != "no")
                        List <string> simsToRun     = new List <string>();
                        XmlNode       factorialNode = XmlHelper.FindByType(Doc.DocumentElement, "factorial");
                        if (factorialNode == null)
                            ApsimFile F = new ApsimFile();
                            simsToRun = Factor.CreateSimulationNames(F, new string [] { XmlHelper.FullPath(simulation) }, Notifier);
                        foreach (string simToRun in simsToRun)
                            XmlNode simulationNode = apsimFileNode.AppendChild(apsimFileNode.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("simulation"));
                            XmlHelper.SetAttribute(simulationNode, "name", simToRun);
                            XmlHelper.SetAttribute(simulationNode, "source", XmlHelper.Attribute(apsimFileNode, "source"));

                            foreach (var g in globalInputs)
                                XmlNode input = simulationNode.AppendChild(simulationNode.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("input"));
                                XmlHelper.SetAttribute(input, "source", g);
                                XmlHelper.SetAttribute(input, "name", g);

                            var filenames = new List <XmlNode>();
                            filenames = simulation.SelectNodes(".//filename").Cast <XmlNode>().ToList();
                            if (factorialNode != null)
                                // Send all input files to each job
                                foreach (XmlNode n in factorialNode.SelectNodes(".//filename"))
                                    if (n.InnerText.IndexOf(",") > 0)
                                        foreach (string f in n.InnerText.Split(','))
                                            XmlNode d = n.CloneNode(false);
                                            d.InnerText = f;

                            foreach (XmlNode linkedNode in simulation.SelectNodes(".//*[string(@shortcut)]"))
                                XmlNode target = XmlHelper.Find(linkedNode,
                                if (target != null)
                                    foreach (XmlNode targetFilename in target.SelectNodes(".//filename"))

                            foreach (XmlNode node in filenames)
                                if (XmlHelper.Attribute(node, "output") != "yes" &&
                                    XmlHelper.Attribute(node.ParentNode, "enabled") != "no")
                                    string  src   = Configuration.RemoveMacros(node.InnerText);
                                    string  dest  = Path.GetFileName(src);
                                    XmlNode input = simulationNode.AppendChild(simulationNode.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("input"));

                                    if (!File.Exists(src) && !File.Exists(Path.Combine(WorkingFolder, dest)))
                                        // When this is called by web service then can't assume src is relative to working
                                        // directory. Instead see if the file is relative to where the main file file.
                                        src = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(FileName), Path.GetFileName(src));
                                        if (!File.Exists(src))
                                            throw new Exception("File '" + src + "' doesnt exist - cant send it to the cluster.");

                                    XmlHelper.SetAttribute(input, "source", src);
                                    XmlHelper.SetAttribute(input, "name", dest);
                                    node.InnerText = dest;
                                    if (!File.Exists(Path.Combine(WorkingFolder, dest)))
                                        File.Copy(src, Path.Combine(WorkingFolder, dest));
                                    XmlNode output = simulationNode.AppendChild(simulationNode.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("output"));
                                    XmlHelper.SetAttribute(output, "name", node.InnerText);
                Doc.Save(Path.Combine(WorkingFolder, Path.GetFileName(FileName)));
Пример #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Create, and add to ApsimJobs, a series of jobs to run APSIM for each simulation.
        /// </summary>
        private void CreateJobsFromAPSIM(string FileName, string[] SimulationPaths, ref List <IJob> jobs, bool doAllFactors)
            // Load all plugin (.xml) files.
            if (Types.Instance.TypeNames.Length == 0)

            ApsimFile AFile = new ApsimFile(FileName);

            // Look for factorials.
            if (FillProjectWithSpecifiedFactorialJobs(AFile, FileName, SimulationPaths, ref jobs) > 0)
            else if (doAllFactors && FillProjectWithAllFactorialJobs(AFile, FileName, ref jobs) > 0)

            // No factorials.
            if (SimulationPaths == null || SimulationPaths.Length == 0)
                // No simulation specified. Run everything.
                string  ApsimToSimExe = Path.Combine(Configuration.ApsimBinDirectory(), "ApsimToSim.exe");
                Process ApsimToSim    = new Process();
                ApsimToSim.StartInfo.FileName         = ApsimToSimExe;
                ApsimToSim.StartInfo.Arguments        = StringManip.DQuote(Path.GetFileName(FileName));
                ApsimToSim.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
                ApsimToSim.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow   = true;
                ApsimToSim.StartInfo.UseShellExecute  = false;

                List <String> AllPaths = new List <String>();
                ApsimFile.ExpandSimsToRun(AFile.RootComponent, ref AllPaths);
                for (int i = 0; i < AllPaths.Count; i++)
                    int lastSlash = AllPaths[i].LastIndexOf('/');
                    if (lastSlash != -1)
                        AllPaths[i] = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), AllPaths[i].Substring(lastSlash + 1)) + ".sim";

                // Create a series of jobs for each simulation in the .con file.
                foreach (string SimFileName in AllPaths)
                    Job J = CreateJob(SimFileName, SimFileName.Replace(".sim", ".sum"));
                    J = CleanupJob(SimFileName, J.Name);
            else if (SimulationPaths.Length == 1)
                string SumFileName  = SimulationPaths[0];
                int    PosLastSlash = SumFileName.LastIndexOf('/');
                if (PosLastSlash != -1)
                    SumFileName = SumFileName.Substring(PosLastSlash + 1);
                SumFileName += ".sum";
                SumFileName  = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(FileName), SumFileName);

                Job J = CreateJob(FileName, SumFileName, SimulationPaths[0]);
                J.IgnoreErrors = false;
            else if (SimulationPaths.Length > 1)
                // For each path, create a simfile, and a job in our target.
                foreach (string SimulationPath in SimulationPaths)
                    string simName      = SimulationPath;
                    int    PosLastSlash = simName.LastIndexOf('/');
                    if (PosLastSlash != -1)
                        simName = simName.Substring(PosLastSlash + 1);
                    string simFileName = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(FileName), simName + ".sim");
                        Job J = CreateJob(FileName,
                                          Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(FileName), simName + ".sum"),
                        J.IgnoreErrors = false;
                        J = CleanupJob(simFileName, J.Name);
                    catch (Exception err)
                        string sumFileName = Path.ChangeExtension(simFileName, ".sum");
                        WriteErrorToSummaryFile(sumFileName, err.Message);
Пример #15
    public void RunApsim(ToolStrip Strip, BaseController Controller)//ApsimFile.ApsimFile F, StringCollection SelectedPaths)
        // ----------------------------------------------------------
        // Run APSIM for the specified file and simulation paths.
        // This method will also locate and look after the various
        // run button states.
        // ----------------------------------------------------------

        // JKB 14/02/11
        // changed function call as Controller reference was needed for factorial mode
        // was - RunApsim(ToolStrip Strip, ApsimFile.ApsimFile F, StringCollection SelectedPaths)
        _F             = Controller.ApsimData;
        _SelectedPaths = Controller.SelectedPaths;
        _Strip         = Strip;
        _Strip.Visible = true;

        ToolStripButton      RunButton    = (ToolStripButton)_Strip.Items["RunButton"];
        ToolStripButton      StopButton   = (ToolStripButton)_Strip.Items["StopButton"];
        ToolStripButton      ErrorsButton = (ToolStripButton)_Strip.Items["ErrorsButton"];
        ToolStripLabel       PercentLabel = (ToolStripLabel)_Strip.Items["PercentLabel"];
        ToolStripProgressBar ProgressBar  = (ToolStripProgressBar)_Strip.Items["RunProgress"];

        RunButton.Enabled    = false;
        StopButton.Enabled   = true;
        ErrorsButton.Visible = false;
        PercentLabel.Text    = "";
        ProgressBar.Value    = 0;

        // Get a list of simulations to run.
        List <String> SimsToRun = new List <String>();
        List <String> simNames  = new List <String>();
        List <String> simList   = new List <String>();

        foreach (String SimulationPath in _SelectedPaths)
            ApsimFile.ApsimFile.ExpandSimsToRun(_F.Find(SimulationPath), ref SimsToRun);
        // JF 061211 - Added check for duplicate simulation names in different folders.
        //Create a list of sim names
        List <String> duplicates = new List <String>();

        for (int i = 0; i < simList.Count; i++)
            String[] split = simList[i].Split('/');
            simNames.Add(split[split.Length - 1]);

        //compare them
        for (int i = 0; i < simNames.Count - 1; i++)
            if (simNames[i].ToLower().Equals(simNames[i + 1].ToLower()))
                if (!duplicates.Contains(simNames[i]))

        //if duplicates are found, return with error message
        if (duplicates.Count > 0)
            foreach (String dupe in duplicates)
                foreach (String list in simList)
                    String[] name = list.Split('/');
                    if (name[name.Length - 1].Equals(dupe))
            String output = "";
            foreach (String s in simNames)
                output += s + "\n";
            MessageBox.Show("Error: The following simulations have the same name: \n" + output);

            //reset the menu bar
            RunButton.Enabled    = true;
            StopButton.Enabled   = false;
            ErrorsButton.Visible = false;
            PercentLabel.Text    = "";
        if (SimsToRun.Count >= 1)
            //See if the factorial component is "active" - whether the user wants just one or all simulations
            bool doAllFactors = true;
            if (_F.FactorComponent != null)
                XmlNode varNode = _F.FactorComponent.ContentsAsXML.SelectSingleNode("//active");
                if (varNode != null)
                    doAllFactors = XmlHelper.Value(_F.FactorComponent.ContentsAsXML, "active") == "1";
            Timer.Enabled = true;
            Apsim.Start(new List <RunApsim.apsimRunFileSims> {
                new RunApsim.apsimRunFileSims {
                    fileName = _F.FileName, simulationPaths = SimsToRun
            }, doAllFactors);
Пример #16
        private int FillProjectWithAllFactorialJobs(ApsimFile AFile, string FileName, ref List <IJob> jobs)
            int numFound = 0;

            if (AFile.FactorComponent != null)
                List <string> SimulationPaths = new List <string>();
                ApsimFile.ExpandSimsToRun(AFile.RootComponent, ref SimulationPaths);
                foreach (string simXmlPath in SimulationPaths)
                    FactorBuilder b             = new FactorBuilder(AFile.FactorComponent);
                    Component     Simulation    = AFile.Find(simXmlPath);
                    List <string> allFactorials = Factor.CalcFactorialList(AFile, simXmlPath);
                    int           totalCount    = allFactorials.Count;
                    for (int instanceCount = 1; instanceCount <= totalCount; instanceCount++)
                        string rootName = Simulation.Name;
                        if (b.SaveExtraInfoInFilename)
                            rootName += ";" + allFactorials [instanceCount - 1];
                            //write a spacer to list sims in order eg: 01 or 001 or 0001 depending on count
                            string sPad = "";
                            double tot  = Math.Floor(Math.Log10(totalCount) + 1);
                            double file = Math.Floor(Math.Log10(instanceCount) + 1);
                            for (int i = 0; i < (int)(tot - file); ++i)
                                sPad += "0";

                            rootName += "_" + sPad + instanceCount;
                        Job J = new Job();
                        J.WorkingDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(FileName);
                        string fullSimPath = simXmlPath + "@factorial=" + allFactorials [instanceCount - 1];
                        J.CommandLine += StringManip.DQuote(Path.Combine(Configuration.ApsimBinDirectory(), "ApsimToSim.exe")) +
                                         " " + StringManip.DQuote(FileName) + " " + StringManip.DQuote("Simulation=" + fullSimPath);
                        J.CommandLineUnix     = "mono " + J.CommandLine;
                        J.Name                = "ApsimToSim " + FileName + " " + fullSimPath;
                        J.DependsOn           = new List <DependsOn> ();
                        J.SendStdErrToConsole = false;

                        J = new Job();
                        J.WorkingDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(FileName);
                        J.CommandLine     += StringManip.DQuote(Path.Combine(Configuration.ApsimBinDirectory(), "ApsimModel.exe")) +
                                             " " + StringManip.DQuote(rootName + ".sim");
                        J.CommandLineUnix = J.CommandLine;
                        J.Name            = "ApsimModel " + rootName + ".sim";
                        J.DependsOn       = new List <DependsOn> ();
                        J.DependsOn.Add(new DependsOn("ApsimToSim " + FileName + " " + fullSimPath));
                        J.SendStdErrToConsole = false;
                        J.StdOutFilename      = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(FileName), rootName + ".sum");

                        J = CleanupJob(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(FileName), rootName + ".sim"),
                                       "ApsimModel " + rootName + ".sim");
Пример #17
        /// <summary>
        /// The specified ApsimFile has a factorial in it. Create a series of jobs and add to ApsimJobs.
        /// </summary>
        private int FillProjectWithSpecifiedFactorialJobs(ApsimFile AFile, string FileName, string[] SimulationPaths, ref List <IJob> jobs)
            int numFound = 0;

            if (AFile.FactorComponent != null)
                foreach (string SimulationPath in SimulationPaths)
                    string[] simPathParts          = SimulationPath.Split(new string[] { "@factorial=" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                    string   simXmlPath            = simPathParts [0];
                    string   simPathFactorInstance = "";
                    if (simPathParts.Length < 2)
                    simPathFactorInstance = simPathParts [1].Trim(new char[] { '\'', ' ' });
                    List <string> allFactorials = Factor.CalcFactorialList(AFile, simXmlPath);
                    int           totalCount    = allFactorials.Count;
                    int           instanceCount = 1 + allFactorials.IndexOf(simPathFactorInstance);
                    if (instanceCount < 1)
                        throw new Exception("Factor level " + simPathFactorInstance + "wasnt found");
                    FactorBuilder b          = new FactorBuilder(AFile.FactorComponent);
                    Component     Simulation = AFile.Find(simXmlPath);
                    string        rootName   = Simulation.Name;
                    if (b.SaveExtraInfoInFilename)
                        rootName += ";" + simPathFactorInstance;
                        //write a spacer to list sims in order eg: 01 or 001 or 0001 depending on count
                        string sPad = "";
                        double tot  = Math.Floor(Math.Log10(totalCount) + 1);
                        double file = Math.Floor(Math.Log10(instanceCount) + 1);
                        for (int i = 0; i < (int)(tot - file); ++i)
                            sPad += "0";

                        rootName += "_" + sPad + instanceCount;
                    Job J = new Job();
                    J.WorkingDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(FileName);

                    J.CommandLine += StringManip.DQuote(Path.Combine(Configuration.ApsimBinDirectory(), "ApsimToSim.exe")) +
                                     " " + StringManip.DQuote(FileName) + " " + StringManip.DQuote("Simulation=" + SimulationPath);
                    J.CommandLineUnix     = "mono " + J.CommandLine;
                    J.Name                = "ApsimToSim " + FileName + " " + SimulationPath;
                    J.DependsOn           = new List <DependsOn> ();
                    J.SendStdErrToConsole = false;

                    J = new Job();
                    J.WorkingDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(FileName);
                    J.CommandLine     += StringManip.DQuote(Path.Combine(Configuration.ApsimBinDirectory(), "ApsimModel.exe")) +
                                         " " + StringManip.DQuote(rootName + ".sim");
                    J.CommandLineUnix = J.CommandLine;
                    J.Name            = "ApsimModel " + rootName + ".sim";
                    J.DependsOn       = new List <DependsOn> ();
                    J.DependsOn.Add(new DependsOn("ApsimToSim " + FileName + " " + SimulationPath));
                    J.SendStdErrToConsole = false;
                    J.StdOutFilename      = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(FileName), rootName + ".sum");

                    J = CleanupJob(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(FileName), rootName + ".sim"),
                                   "ApsimModel " + rootName + ".sim");