Пример #1
        public static string DeleteSubscriptionCustomer(int subcustomerID)
            using (AprosysAccountingEntities db = new AprosysAccountingEntities())
                var custTransaction = (from cust in db.Customers
                                       join sub in db.Subscriptions on cust.Id equals sub.CustId
                                       join Gl in db.Acc_GL on cust.Id equals Gl.CustId
                                       where sub.Id == subcustomerID && Gl.IsActive == true
                                       select new
                    Id = sub.Id

                // var custTransaction = db.Acc_GL.Where(x => x.CustId == subcustomerID && x.IsActive == true).ToList();// && x.Quantity == x.QuantityBalance).ToList();
                if (custTransaction == null || custTransaction.Count > 0)
                    return("Transaction is Performed against this Customer, it can not be deleted ");

                var obj = db.Subscriptions.Where(x => x.Id == subcustomerID).FirstOrDefault();

                obj.ModifiedBy = 1;
                obj.ModifiedOn = BL_Common.GetDatetime();
                obj.IsActive   = false;

                //var cus = db.Customers.Where(x => x.Id == obj.CustId).FirstOrDefault();
                //cus.ModifiedBy = 1;
                //cus.ModifiedOn = BL_Common.GetDatetime();
                //cus.IsActive = false;
Пример #2
        public static string DeleteItem(int _itemId, int userID)
            using (AprosysAccountingEntities db = new AprosysAccountingEntities())
                var vendTransaction = db.Acc_GL.Where(x => x.ItemId == _itemId && x.IsActive == true).ToList();// && x.Quantity == x.QuantityBalance).ToList();
                if (vendTransaction == null || vendTransaction.Count > 0)
                    return("Transaction is Performed against Item, it can not be deleted ");

                var obj = db.Items.Where(x => x.Id == _itemId).FirstOrDefault();

                if (obj != null && obj.Id > 0)
                    obj.ModifiedBy = userID;
                    obj.ModifiedOn = BL_Common.GetDatetime();
                obj.IsActive = false;

                //        db.Items.Add(obj);
        public static string SaveSalesPerson(BO_SalesPersonManagement _salesPerson, int UserID)
            using (AprosysAccountingEntities db = new AprosysAccountingEntities())
                    var obj = _salesPerson.Id == 0 ? new ApprosysAccDB.SalesPerson() : db.SalesPersons.Where(x => x.Id == _salesPerson.Id && x.IsActive == true).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (_salesPerson.Id > 0)
                        var checkCust = db.SalesPersons.Where(x => x.LastName.ToLower() == _salesPerson.lastName.ToLower() && x.FirstName.ToLower() == _salesPerson.firstName.ToLower() && x.Id != _salesPerson.Id && x.IsActive == true).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (checkCust != null)
                            return("Sales Person Already Exists");

                    if (obj != null && obj.Id > 0)
                        obj.ModifiedBy = UserID;
                        obj.ModifiedOn = BL_Common.GetDatetime();

                        var customerList = db.Customers.Where(c => c.SalesPersonId == obj.Id && c.IsActive == true).ToList();
                        if (customerList != null)
                            foreach (var item in customerList)
                                item.SalesPersonId = null;
                    obj.Id        = _salesPerson.Id;
                    obj.LastName  = _salesPerson.lastName;
                    obj.FirstName = _salesPerson.firstName;
                    obj.Phone     = _salesPerson.phone ?? "";
                    obj.Email     = _salesPerson.email;
                    obj.CNIC      = _salesPerson.cnic;
                    obj.NTN       = _salesPerson.ntn;
                    if (_salesPerson.startDate == null)
                        _salesPerson.startDate = DateTime.Now.Date;
                    obj.StartDate = _salesPerson.startDate;

                    obj.OpeningBalance = _salesPerson.openingBalance;
                    obj.Misc           = _salesPerson.misc;
                    if (obj.Id == 0)
                        obj.CreatedBy = UserID;
                        obj.CreatedOn = BL_Common.GetDatetime();
                        var objcheck = db.SalesPersons.Where(x => x.LastName.ToLower() == _salesPerson.lastName.ToLower() && x.FirstName.ToLower() == _salesPerson.firstName.ToLower() && x.IsActive == true).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (objcheck != null)
                            return("Sales Person Already Exists");
                    obj.IsActive = true;
                    if (_salesPerson.customersIDs != null)
                        var customerList = db.Customers.Where(c => _salesPerson.customersIDs.Contains(c.Id) && c.IsActive == true).ToList();
                        foreach (var item in customerList)
                            item.SalesPersonId = obj.Id;


                    // return "Insertion Failed";
                catch { throw; }
Пример #4
        public static BO_ReceiptVoucher GetReceiptVoucherByInvoiceId(int custType, string _rvoucherInvoiceId)
            BO_ReceiptVoucher _rvoucher = new BussinessObject.BO_ReceiptVoucher();

            using (AprosysAccountingEntities db = new AprosysAccountingEntities())
                if (custType == 1)
                    var obj = db.GetReceiptVoucherListByVoucherNO(_rvoucherInvoiceId, 0).ToList();
                    if (obj != null)
                        #region voucher object
                        _rvoucher.invoiceNo     = obj[0].InvoiceNo;
                        _rvoucher.rActivityDate = obj[0].ActivityTimestamp ?? BL_Common.GetDatetime();
                        _rvoucher.TypeId        = 1;
                        _rvoucher.rCustomerId   = obj[0].CustId;
                        _rvoucher.rRecived      = obj[0].Amount ?? 0;
                        _rvoucher.rComments     = obj[0].Comments ?? "";
                        _rvoucher.rGrossAmount  = 1;
                        _rvoucher.rbalance      = BL_Customer.GetCustomerBalance(obj[0].CustId) ?? 0;

                if (custType == 2)
                    var obj = db.GetSubscriptionByVoucherNo(_rvoucherInvoiceId).ToList();
                        if (obj != null)
                            #region voucher object
                            _rvoucher.invoiceNo           = obj[0].InvoiceNo;
                            _rvoucher.rActivityDate       = obj[0].ActivityTimestamp ?? BL_Common.GetDatetime();
                            _rvoucher.TypeId              = 2;
                            _rvoucher.rCustomerId         = obj[0].CustId;
                            _rvoucher.rRecived            = obj[0].Amount ?? 0;
                            _rvoucher.rComments           = obj[0].Comments ?? "";
                            _rvoucher.rGrossAmount        = 1;
                            _rvoucher.rbalance            = BL_Customer.GetCustomerBalance(obj[0].CustId) ?? 0;
                            _rvoucher.DueDate             = BL_Customer.GetSubCustomerList(2).Where(x => x.Id == obj[0].CustId).FirstOrDefault().DueDate;
                            _rvoucher.rSubscriptionAmount = obj[0].SubscriptionAmount;
Пример #5
        public static string SaveItem(BO_Item _item, int userId)
            using (AprosysAccountingEntities db = new AprosysAccountingEntities())
                    //var objcheck = db.Items.Where(x => x.ItemCode.ToLower() == _item.itemCode.ToLower() || x.Name.ToLower() == _item.name.ToLower()).FirstOrDefault();
                    //if (objcheck != null && _item.id == 0)
                    //    if (objcheck.ItemCode == _item.itemCode)
                    //    {
                    //        return "Code Already Exists";
                    //    }
                    //    if (objcheck.Name == _item.name)
                    //    {
                    //        return "Name Already Exists";
                    //    }
                    var obj = _item.id == 0 ? new ApprosysAccDB.Item() : db.Items.Where(x => x.Id == _item.id).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (_item.id > 0)
                        var checkCust = db.Items.Where(x => x.Id != _item.id && x.IsActive == true && (x.Name.ToLower() == _item.name.ToLower() || x.ItemCode.ToLower() == _item.itemCode.ToLower())).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (checkCust != null)
                            if (checkCust.ItemCode.ToLower() == _item.itemCode.ToLower())
                                return("Code Already Exists");
                            if (checkCust.Name.ToLower() == _item.name.ToLower())
                                return("Name Already Exists");
                    if (obj != null && obj.Id > 0)
                        obj.ModifiedBy = userId;
                        obj.ModifiedOn = BL_Common.GetDatetime();
                    obj.Id               = _item.id;
                    obj.ItemTypeId       = 1;
                    obj.Name             = _item.name;
                    obj.ItemCode         = _item.itemCode ?? "";
                    obj.MinQty           = _item.minQuantity;
                    obj.Unit             = _item.unit;
                    obj.PurchasePrice    = _item.purchasePrice;
                    obj.SellPrice        = _item.sellPrice;
                    obj.TaxPercent       = _item.taxPercent;
                    obj.Description      = _item.description;
                    obj.IsActive         = true;
                    obj.IsTaxable        = _item.isTaxable;
                    obj.OilGradeId       = _item.oilGradeId;
                    obj.QuantityInCarton = _item.quantityInCarton;
                    obj.PackingInLitre   = _item.packingInLitre;

                    if (_item.id == 0)
                        obj.CreatedBy = userId;
                        obj.CreatedOn = BL_Common.GetDatetime();
                        var objcheck = db.Items.Where(x => x.Id != _item.id && x.IsActive == true && (x.Name.ToLower() == _item.name.ToLower() || x.ItemCode.ToLower() == _item.itemCode.ToLower())).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (objcheck != null)
                            if (objcheck.ItemCode.ToLower() == _item.itemCode.ToLower())
                                return("Code Already Exists");
                            if (objcheck.Name.ToLower() == _item.name.ToLower())
                                return("Name Already Exists");
                catch { throw; }
Пример #6
        public static string SaveVendor(BO_Vendor _vendor, int userId)
            using (AprosysAccountingEntities db = new AprosysAccountingEntities())
                    //var objcheck = db.Vendors.Where(x => x.LastName.ToLower() == _vendor.lastName.ToLower() && x.FirstName.ToLower() == _vendor.firstName.ToLower()).FirstOrDefault();
                    //if (objcheck != null)
                    //    return "Vendor Already Exists";


                    var obj = _vendor.id == 0 ? new ApprosysAccDB.Vendor() : db.Vendors.Where(x => x.ID == _vendor.id && x.IsActive == true).FirstOrDefault();

                    //bool isVendorModified = false;
                    //  if (obj != null && obj.ID > 0) { isVendorModified = IsVendorModified(_vendor, obj); }
                    if (_vendor.id > 0)
                        var checkCust = db.Vendors.Where(x => x.LastName.ToLower() == _vendor.lastName.ToLower() && x.FirstName.ToLower() == _vendor.firstName.ToLower() && x.ID != _vendor.id && x.IsActive == true).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (checkCust != null)
                            return("Vendor Already Exists");
                    if (obj != null && obj.ID > 0)
                        obj.ModifiedBy = userId;
                        obj.ModifiedOn = BL_Common.GetDatetime();
                    obj.ID          = _vendor.id;
                    obj.LastName    = _vendor.lastName;
                    obj.FirstName   = _vendor.firstName;
                    obj.Phone       = _vendor.phone ?? "";
                    obj.Email       = _vendor.email;
                    obj.Terms       = _vendor.terms;
                    obj.CreditLimit = _vendor.creditLimit;
                    obj.Balance     = _vendor.balance;
                    obj.Misc        = _vendor.misc;
                    obj.IsActive    = true;
                    obj.CNIC        = _vendor.cnic;
                    obj.NTN         = _vendor.ntn;
                    if (obj.ID == 0)
                        obj.CreatedBy = userId;
                        obj.CreatedOn = BL_Common.GetDatetime();
                        var objcheck = db.Vendors.Where(x => x.LastName.ToLower() == _vendor.lastName.ToLower() && x.FirstName.ToLower() == _vendor.firstName.ToLower() && x.IsActive == true).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (objcheck != null)
                            return("Vendor Already Exists");


                    // return "Insertion Failed";
                catch { throw; }
Пример #7
        public static string SaveSubscriptionCustomer(BO_SubCustomer _Subcustomer, int userid)
            using (AprosysAccountingEntities db = new AprosysAccountingEntities())
                    //var objcheck = db.Customers.Where(x => x.LastName.ToLower() == _Subcustomer.lastName.ToLower() && x.FirstName.ToLower() == _Subcustomer.firstName.ToLower()).FirstOrDefault();
                    //if (objcheck != null)
                    //    return "Customer Already Exists";

                    var objcheck = db.Subscriptions.Where(x => x.CustId == _Subcustomer.id && x.IsActive == true).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (objcheck != null)
                        return("Customer Already Exists");

                    var obj = _Subcustomer.id == 0 ? new ApprosysAccDB.Customer() : db.Customers.Where(x => x.Id == _Subcustomer.id).FirstOrDefault();

                    //if (obj != null && obj.Id > 0)
                    //    obj.ModifiedBy = _Subcustomer.modifiedBy;
                    //    obj.ModifiedOn = BL_Common.GetDatetime();

                    //obj.Id = _Subcustomer.id;
                    //obj.LastName = _Subcustomer.lastName;
                    //obj.FirstName = _Subcustomer.firstName;
                    //obj.Phone = _Subcustomer.phone ?? "";
                    //obj.Email = _Subcustomer.email;
                    //obj.StartDate = _Subcustomer.startDate;

                    //obj.OpeningBalance = _Subcustomer.openingBalance;
                    //obj.Misc = _Subcustomer.misc;
                    //obj.TypeId = 2;

                    //obj.CreatedBy = userid;
                    //obj.CreatedOn = BL_Common.GetDatetime();

                    //obj.IsActive = true;

                    var objsub = _Subcustomer.id != 0 ? new ApprosysAccDB.Subscription() : db.Subscriptions.Where(x => x.Id == _Subcustomer.subid).FirstOrDefault();
                    // objsub.Id = _Subcustomer.subid;
                    //objsub.CustId = obj.Id;
                    objsub.CustId             = _Subcustomer.id;
                    objsub.SubscriptionAmount = _Subcustomer.subscriptionAmount;
                    objsub.DueDate            = _Subcustomer.dueDate;
                    objsub.StartDate          = _Subcustomer.startDate ?? BL_Common.GetDatetime();
                    obj.CreatedOn             = BL_Common.GetDatetime();
                    obj.CreatedBy             = userid;
                    objsub.IsActive           = true;
                    obj.Misc         = _Subcustomer.misc;
                    objsub.SubStatus = _Subcustomer.subStatus;

                    if (_Subcustomer.subStatus)
                        var obj1 = new ApprosysAccDB.SubscriptionExcludingDate();
                        obj1.CustId = objsub.Id;
                        obj1.SubDisableStartDate = BL_Common.GetDatetime();
                        obj1.SubDisableEndDate   = new DateTime(2050, 12, 31);
                        obj1.IsActive            = true;

                        /*if (_Subcustomer.sed != null && _Subcustomer.sed.Count > 0)
                         * {
                         *  for (int i = 0; i < _Subcustomer.sed.Count; i++)
                         *  {
                         *      try
                         *      {
                         *          var obj1 = new ApprosysAccDB.SubscriptionExcludingDate();
                         *          obj1.CustId = objsub.Id;
                         *          obj1.SubDisableStartDate = _Subcustomer.sed[i].subDisableStartDate;
                         *          obj1.SubDisableEndDate = _Subcustomer.sed[i].subDisableEndDate;
                         *          obj1.IsActive = true;
                         *          db.SubscriptionExcludingDates.Add(obj1);
                         *          db.SaveChanges();
                         *      }
                         *      catch (Exception ex)
                         *      { }
                         *  }
                         * }

                    Func <DateTime, string> act = new Func <DateTime, string>(BL_SubscriptionManagement.ValidateDueDates);
                    act.BeginInvoke(DateTime.Now, null, null);

                    // return "Insertion Failed";
                catch (Exception ex) { throw; }
Пример #8
        public static string EditSubscriptionCustomer(BO_SubCustomer _Subcustomer, int userid)
            using (AprosysAccountingEntities db = new AprosysAccountingEntities())
                    //var objcheck = db.Customers.Where(x => x.LastName.ToLower() == _Subcustomer.lastName.ToLower() && x.FirstName.ToLower() == _Subcustomer.firstName.ToLower()).FirstOrDefault();
                    //if (objcheck != null)
                    //    return "Customer Already Exists";

                    var objsub = db.Subscriptions.Where(x => x.Id == _Subcustomer.id).FirstOrDefault();
                    objsub.CustId             = objsub.CustId;
                    objsub.SubscriptionAmount = _Subcustomer.subscriptionAmount;
                    objsub.DueDate            = _Subcustomer.dueDate;
                    objsub.StartDate          = _Subcustomer.startDate ?? BL_Common.GetDatetime();
                    objsub.ModifiedOn         = BL_Common.GetDatetime();
                    objsub.ModifiedBy         = userid;
                    objsub.IsActive           = true;

                    objsub.SubStatus = _Subcustomer.subStatus;

                    if (!_Subcustomer.subStatus)
                        var obj1 = db.SubscriptionExcludingDates.Where(x => x.CustId == _Subcustomer.id && x.SubDisableEndDate == new DateTime(2050, 12, 31)).FirstOrDefault();

                        if (obj1 != null && obj1.SubDisableEndDate.Value.Date == new DateTime(2050, 12, 31).Date)
                            obj1.SubDisableEndDate = BL_Common.GetDatetime();
                    if (_Subcustomer.subStatus)
                        var obj1 = db.SubscriptionExcludingDates.Where(x => x.CustId == _Subcustomer.id).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (obj1 != null && obj1.SubDisableEndDate.Value.Date == new DateTime(2050, 12, 31).Date)
                            obj1.SubDisableStartDate = BL_Common.GetDatetime();
                            var obj2 = new ApprosysAccDB.SubscriptionExcludingDate();
                            obj2.CustId = objsub.Id;
                            obj2.SubDisableStartDate = BL_Common.GetDatetime();
                            obj2.SubDisableEndDate   = new DateTime(2050, 12, 31);
                            obj2.IsActive            = true;

                    var obj = db.Customers.Where(x => x.Id == objsub.CustId).FirstOrDefault();
                    obj.ModifiedBy = userid;
                    obj.ModifiedOn = BL_Common.GetDatetime();
                    obj.Misc       = _Subcustomer.misc;

                    Func <DateTime, string> act = new Func <DateTime, string>(BL_SubscriptionManagement.ValidateDueDates);
                    act.BeginInvoke(DateTime.Now, null, null);


                    // return "Insertion Failed";
                catch (Exception ex) { throw; }
        public static string ValidateDueDates(DateTime actingDate)
            lock (objLck)
                using (AprosysAccountingEntities db = new AprosysAccountingEntities())
                    Appcode.Logger.Write("Subscription Routine", "ValidateDueDates", "DateTime: " + actingDate.ToString() + " ," + actingDate.ToString(), Appcode.Logger.LogType.InformationLog);
                    // var custl = db.Customers.Where(x => x.TypeId == 2 && x.IsActive == true).Select(x => x.Id).ToList();
                    var custl = (from t1 in db.Customers.Where(x => x.IsActive == true)
                                 join t2 in db.Subscriptions.Where(s => s.IsActive == true) on t1.Id equals t2.CustId
                                 select t1.Id).ToList();

                    var subsl       = db.Subscriptions.Where(x => x.IsActive == true).ToList();
                    var subexcdates = (from s in db.Subscriptions join e in db.SubscriptionExcludingDates on s.CustId equals e.CustId select new { e.CustId, e.SubDisableStartDate, e.SubDisableEndDate }).ToList();
                    int transType   = (int)Constants.TransactionTypes.SubscriptionDue;
                    var glList      = db.Acc_GL.Where(x => x.TranTypeId == transType && x.IsActive == true && x.CoaId == 10).Select(x => new { x.GlId, x.CustId, x.SubscriptionDueDate }).ToList();//.ToList().Where(x => x.ActivityTimestamp.Value.Date.Month == BL_Common.GetDatetime().Month && x.ActivityTimestamp.Value.Date.Year == BL_Common.GetDatetime().Year).Select(x => new { x.GlId, x.CustId, x.ActivityTimestamp }).ToList();
                    glList = glList.Where(x => custl.Contains(x.CustId.Value)).ToList();
                    //if (glList.Count == 0) { return "Ledger is empty"; }
                    foreach (var cust in custl)
                        var sub          = subsl.SingleOrDefault(x => x.CustId == cust);
                        var subStartDate = sub.StartDate;
                        while (subStartDate <= new DateTime(actingDate.Year, actingDate.Month, DateTime.DaysInMonth(actingDate.Year, actingDate.Month)))
                            // do something with target.Month and target.Year
                            var monthDue = subStartDate;
                            var dueDate  = new DateTime(monthDue.Year, monthDue.Month, sub.DueDate);
                            if ((/*(monthDue.Month < DateTime.Now.Month && monthDue < DateTime.Now) ||*/
                                    (dueDate <= actingDate.Date && dueDate >= sub.StartDate)) &&
                                !glList.Exists(x => x.CustId == cust && x.SubscriptionDueDate.Value.Month == dueDate.Month && x.SubscriptionDueDate.Value.Year == dueDate.Year))
                                // Need to add a check which stops Excluding Entries in Acc_GL , however theese entries is removed in Exclusion Region

                                if (sub.SubStatus == true)
                                    var subExclusionsDates = db.SubscriptionExcludingDates.Where(x => x.CustId == sub.Id && x.IsActive == true).ToList();
                                    if (subExclusionsDates != null && subExclusionsDates.Count > 0)
                                        DateTime _startdisabledate = subExclusionsDates[0].SubDisableStartDate ?? BL_Common.GetDatetime();
                                        DateTime _enddisabledate   = subExclusionsDates[0].SubDisableEndDate ?? BL_Common.GetDatetime();
                                        if (dueDate < _startdisabledate)
                                            #region Insertion into AccGL
                                            using (var transaction = db.Database.BeginTransaction())
                                                    var vNo = GetNextVoucher();
                                                    //if (!(sub.SubStatus == true && dueDate > sub.SubDisableStartDate && dueDate < sub.SubDisableEndDate))
                                                    // if (!(sub.SubStatus == true && dueDate > subexcdates.Where( x=>x.SubDisableStartDate > dueDate).FirstOrDefault() && dueDate < sub.SubDisableEndDate))
                                                        //Parent Entry
                                                        var GLParent = new Acc_GL()
                                                            CoaId = 0, CustId = cust, ActivityTimestamp = actingDate, SubscriptionDueDate = dueDate, TranTypeId = transType, Debit = sub.SubscriptionAmount, Credit = sub.SubscriptionAmount, InvoiceNo = vNo, IsActive = true, CreatedDate = actingDate, CreatedBy = 1, ModifiedBy = 1, ModifiedDate = actingDate
                                                        //Account Receivable
                                                        var GLRec = new Acc_GL()
                                                            TranId = GLParent.GlId, CoaId = 10, CustId = cust, ActivityTimestamp = actingDate, SubscriptionDueDate = dueDate, TranTypeId = transType, Debit = sub.SubscriptionAmount, InvoiceNo = vNo, IsActive = true, IsPostpaid = true, CreatedDate = actingDate, CreatedBy = 1, ModifiedBy = 1, ModifiedDate = actingDate
                                                        //Subscription Sales
                                                        var GLSubSales = new Acc_GL()
                                                            TranId = GLParent.GlId, CoaId = 100, CustId = cust, ActivityTimestamp = actingDate, SubscriptionDueDate = dueDate, TranTypeId = transType, Credit = sub.SubscriptionAmount, InvoiceNo = vNo, IsActive = true, IsPostpaid = true, CreatedDate = actingDate, CreatedBy = 1, ModifiedBy = 1, ModifiedDate = actingDate

                                                catch (Exception ex)
                                                    Appcode.Logger.Write("Subscription Routine", "Validate Due Dates", ex.ToString(), Appcode.Logger.LogType.ErrorLog);

                                    #region Insertion into AccGL
                                    using (var transaction = db.Database.BeginTransaction())
                                            var vNo = GetNextVoucher();
                                            //if (!(sub.SubStatus == true && dueDate > sub.SubDisableStartDate && dueDate < sub.SubDisableEndDate))
                                            // if (!(sub.SubStatus == true && dueDate > subexcdates.Where( x=>x.SubDisableStartDate > dueDate).FirstOrDefault() && dueDate < sub.SubDisableEndDate))
                                                //Parent Entry
                                                var GLParent = new Acc_GL()
                                                    CoaId = 0, CustId = cust, ActivityTimestamp = actingDate, SubscriptionDueDate = dueDate, TranTypeId = transType, Debit = sub.SubscriptionAmount, Credit = sub.SubscriptionAmount, InvoiceNo = vNo, IsActive = true, CreatedDate = actingDate, CreatedBy = 1, ModifiedBy = 1, ModifiedDate = actingDate
                                                //Account Receivable
                                                var GLRec = new Acc_GL()
                                                    TranId = GLParent.GlId, CoaId = 10, CustId = cust, ActivityTimestamp = actingDate, SubscriptionDueDate = dueDate, TranTypeId = transType, Debit = sub.SubscriptionAmount, InvoiceNo = vNo, IsActive = true, IsPostpaid = true, CreatedDate = actingDate, CreatedBy = 1, ModifiedBy = 1, ModifiedDate = actingDate
                                                //Subscription Sales
                                                var GLSubSales = new Acc_GL()
                                                    TranId = GLParent.GlId, CoaId = 100, CustId = cust, ActivityTimestamp = actingDate, SubscriptionDueDate = dueDate, TranTypeId = transType, Credit = sub.SubscriptionAmount, InvoiceNo = vNo, IsActive = true, IsPostpaid = true, CreatedDate = actingDate, CreatedBy = 1, ModifiedBy = 1, ModifiedDate = actingDate

                                        catch (Exception ex)
                                            Appcode.Logger.Write("Subscription Routine", "Validate Due Dates", ex.ToString(), Appcode.Logger.LogType.ErrorLog);
                            subStartDate = subStartDate.AddMonths(1);

                        // if (sub.SubStatus == true)
                            #region Exclusion work
                            var subExclusionsDates = db.SubscriptionExcludingDates.Where(x => x.CustId == sub.Id && x.IsActive == true).ToList();
                            if (subExclusionsDates != null && subExclusionsDates.Count > 0)
                                for (int i = 0; i < subExclusionsDates.Count; i++)
                                    DateTime _startdisabledate = subExclusionsDates[i].SubDisableStartDate ?? BL_Common.GetDatetime();
                                    DateTime _enddisabledate   = subExclusionsDates[i].SubDisableEndDate ?? BL_Common.GetDatetime();
                                    var      subDeactive       = db.Acc_GL.Where(x => (x.SubscriptionDueDate >= _startdisabledate) && (x.SubscriptionDueDate < _enddisabledate) && (x.IsActive == true) && (x.CustId == cust)).ToList();
                                    if (subDeactive != null && subDeactive.Count > 0)
                                        for (int j = 0; j < subDeactive.Count; j++)
                                            subDeactive[j].IsActive = false;
                                            subDeactive[j].Comments = "Disabled From Routine by Disable Feature";