/// <summary>
        /// Fills the movie listbox with a list of titles for all movies in the database.
        /// </summary>
        private void FillMovieList()
            //Variable Declarations.
            DataSet movieTitles;
            //AccessRepository repository = new AccessRepository();
            LimelightBusiness business = new LimelightBusiness(repository);

            //Get the movie titles from the database.
            //using (repositoy)
            //    movieTitles = repository.GetAllMovieTitles();
            movieTitles = business.GetAllMovieTitles();

            lstMovieList.DataSource    = movieTitles.Tables[0];
            lstMovieList.ValueMember   = "MovieID";
            lstMovieList.DisplayMember = "Title";
        /// <summary>
        /// Fills the movie listbox with a list of titles for all movies in the database.
        /// </summary>
        private void FillMovieList()
            //Variable Declarations.
            DataSet           movieTitles;
            LimelightBusiness business = new LimelightBusiness(repository);

            //Get the movie titles from the database.
                movieTitles = business.GetAllMovieTitles();
            catch (Exception ex)

            //Fill the movie listbox with the movie titles.
            lstMovieList.DataSource    = movieTitles.Tables[0];
            lstMovieList.ValueMember   = "MovieID";
            lstMovieList.DisplayMember = "Title";